The Angel and Demon: Natsu x...

By Elva_Proxima19

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After the attack of Acnologia on Tenrou Island, the Fairy tail members find themselves seven years later, sur... More

Chapter 1: Seven Years Later
Chapter 2: Twilight Ogre
Chapter 3: The Magic Ball
Chapter 4: The Fallen Angel Lacrima
Chapter 5: The Lacrima Crown
Chapter 6: Natsu vs Laxus
Chapter 7: Target: Y/n
Chapter 8: Stars of the Fallen Angel
Chapter 10: Searching for The Fallen Angel Ritual Peices
Chapter 11: Defeat of a Warrior
Chpater 12: Electric Ruins: Part 1
Chapter 13: Electric Ruins: Part two
Chapter 14: Darkness Strikes
Chapter 15: The Oracion Seis
Chapter 16: Michelle Lobster
Chapter 17: The Fallen Star's beginning
Chapter 18: The Torture Process
Chapter 19: For my Daughter
Chapter 20: Tears of Those you Hold Dear
Chapter 21: Love Breaks the Spell
Chapter 22: Fairy Tail's next Guild Master
Chapter 23: The Grand Magic Games
Chapter 24: Sky Labyrinth
Chapter 25: Introducing the Eight Teams and Hidden
Chapter 26: Lucy vs Flare
Chapter 27: Y/n Vs Jura
Chapter 28: A Celebration of Drinks
Chapter 29: Chariots
Chapter 30: Elfman Vs Bacchus
Chapter 31: Mira Vs Jenny

Chapter 9: The story of The Light and Night

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By Elva_Proxima19

We soon quickly returned back to the guild to figure a way to return Natsu back to normal. As we entered Laxus had his arm draped over Mira's shoulder as they then both walked up beside us. We told them what happened as we showed them Natsu.

"Oh goodness! Can he stay like this." Mira chuckled as she raised her hand up to her mouth.
"Dumb ass." Laxus chuckled.
"I told him he's as small as a salamander now." I chuckled.
"Would you three get serious?" Cana asked looking at me, Mira, and Laxus.
"Hey, Natsu. This is kinda uncomfortable." Happy stated.
"You sit on my head all the freaking time!" Natsu complained in his squeaky voice as Gray soon walked over and picked him up. Lucy soon gave me the book as I sat down and begin reading it.

On the first page it had two little girls. One with dark hair, the other with yellow hair both had a strip of different colored hair. Which showed the two walking down a dirt path, which read:

There once was two Angel Sisters, both happy and loving. Both walked the path of good. The little girl with dark hair was the oldest, and the other was the youngest.

I flipped the page as it showed the little girls facing danger. I then read what it said.

The girls continued to lead their path until the father of the older girl took her hand. He led her away from her younger sister.

I flipped the page as it then revealed the younger sibiling being carried by her mother. I then continued reading:

That day the younger sibiling lost her father and her sister. He was put into a deep sleep as her sister had begun her walk down to darkness.

I then flipped to the next page as it showed the little girl had grown. She had tears falling down her face as she wore a white dress that went off the page as half of the page was covered in a dark blue and covered in stars as the other was a bright yellow. The page read:

The younger girl continued her path onward with the light. As night time rolled she would cry and fall asleep. She lived not knowing if her sister was alive.

I then flipped the next page as it showed the younger sibiling as an adult and she was happy. I then continued reading:

The younger sibling grew up realizing her best way to feel happy was by living for the ones she lost. She decided to smile, laugh, and help the ones that needed help. So that's what she did. She lived for her sister, her best friend.

I then flipped the page as it soon showed the little girl with dark hair, walking. The page was painted completely navy blue with a bit of black as a couple white dots lingered. I then continued reading:

The older sister now led the path of darkness. As she walked down the path of darkness she cried fearing everything as the stars guided her. Day she would rest as she would walk onward at night.

I flipped the page to see the older sister was much older. She wore a black ripped dress. As the page showed stars twinkling as the girl had black tears falling down her face. I then read the page:

As the older sister grew up, she realized that family was nothing. As the stars led her to the end. She followed darkness as her tears soon turned dark. It turned dark for each bad deed she had done.

I then flipped the next page. It showed the girls on their path. The older sibiling walking the path of darkness with the cool colored background as the the younger sibling walking the path of light with the warm colored background. I then continued reading:

As the girls led their separate lives and will, they soon got their names. The younger sibiling walking the path of good was rewarded with the name of The Lightning Angel of Light. As the older sibiling got her name by her destruction. She was rewarded with the name of The Fallen Angel of Night.

I then flipped the page to see a picture of the older sister. She was furious. She pointed at a painted picture of her sister. The page read:

Once The Fallen Angel found out about her sister's achievements and how she continued leading the path of good, she grew angry. She told the darkness, she would do whatever it took to get revenge on the Angel of light.

I then flipped the next page as it showed the Angel of Darkness with six stars around her. I then continued:

The darkness told the Angel of night about 6 different peices she needed to gather.

I then flipped to the next page. It had two stars drawn on the page. I then read the words.

The first star was the plate of three gems. One from the love of a demon, one of the love of a warrior, and the gem that showed the Angel's love. The plate would be the first key that would help bring chaos to it's peak. As it would also lead a journey.
The second one was a base. The beginning of darkness that holds chaos. Which would be hidden in plain sight in a quiet place.

I flipped the page as it showed two more stars. I then read the page:

The third star was a metal circle and a metal stance that held the forth star. As it was located in a place full of metal and stone. The fourth star was a gell like sphere with water inside. It coated against the metal, keeping the gell like glass from letting the water out. It's located in two lands of water.

I then flipped the page as it showed the last two stars. I then continued reading:

The fifth star was the top of the chaos. In the darkness of all. As the sixth star was the electricity of the five other stars that powered the chaos. As it was located near a ruin full of rain.

I flipped the page once again as it showed a guy with black hair, beautiful black eyes. A knight of the Royal Kingdom. I then read the page:

As the Angel of Night went her path she soon met a man. He became the love of her life. As they went on this quest together.

I then flipped the page as I saw the worst. A vial of red liquid laid in a tube on a table. I then continued reading:

As time went forward, darkness asked a favor towards the Angel of Night. He asked for the Gems of the warrior, angel and the demon who loved. She went to find the gems, as her love stayed behind. She returned with the gems requested as she found her love hurt.

I flipped the next page as I saw the angel of night by the knight's side holding his arm. I then continued reading:

The angel of night asked for answers.
"What did you do to him!" She yelled.
"Just what any father would do for his daughter." The darkness chuckled.
"You hurt him!" She growled.
"He told me he would hu--" The Knight begin to say as darkness used his magic to silence him.
"Look he loves you and that's all that matters. He gave part of the Holy ceremony. Just like me." Darkness chuckled.
"Your part demon. You took the demon part." She questioned as her face quickly changed into shock.
"Yep by the black wizard himself. Now I need a couple favors from my darling girl " Darkness stated, menacingly.
"What?" She asked.
"The Fallen Angel lacrima and the Darkness amulet." Darkness called.
"Fine!" The Angel of Night stated as she left for the magical crystal and the necklace. It led her down the path to a Cathedral where she found the amulet. It's was turned dark due to the bad deeds other have done. So it turned dark, just like darkness.

I flipped the page as I saw the Angel of night was inside the water. I then continued reading:

The Angel of Night had fallen to the hands of Darkness. As Darkness was creating a new evil being. Falia the Fallen Angel, using all the elements Darkness had gathered created this. The lacrima implanted into her, made her go into a deep slumber until it got what it wanted.

I flipped the page as it soon showed the Angel of light and her mother entering a cave. I then read it:

As the slumber of Falia occured, the Lightning Angel and her Mother entered the cave.

I flipped the page as I saw the Angel of Light and her mother standing in front of the The Angel of Night now known as Falia. I then continued reading:

"Mom! That's Fana!" The Angel of light exclaimed.
"Huh. Yeah it is." The Mother of the Angel of light stated as Darkness came in front of the girls.

I flipped the page as it showed the Darkness. While the Angel of Light held her arm as her mother was turned sideways. I then continued reading:

"Kami! My sweet darling! Give me the Lightning Angel for the Holy Ceremony to bring forth The Fallen Star." Darkness chuckled.
"What did you do to her!" The mother of the Angel of Light yelled.
"I did what I can to end the world. I played her. Just to get my way." Darkness laugh.
"What do you want!" The Mother of Light demanded.
"I need her. The Angel of Light!" Darkness chuckled.
"No! Don't touch her!" The Mother of Light called as two shadows came behind the Angel of Light. They grabbed her arms as one of the shadows raised a sword.
"Leave me alone." The Angel of Light called.
"Electra!" The Mother of Light yelled as she faced her daughter.
"Mom!" The Angel of Light screamed as the shadow swung his sword. It hit as The Angel of Light soon fell. She grabbed her arm as the electricity surrounded her. Soon the shadows disappeared due to her light. The liquid sprung from her arm as a couple drops fell into the liquid around the Fallen Angel.

I flipped the page as it showed the Fallen Angel breaking the tension of the water as she walked through. I then continued reading:

The Fallen Angel walked out as the water sprung out with her. The Fallen Angel looked at her mother and her little sister. Her mother tried stopping her as she was soon hit. She grabbed her side as she fell to the ground. The Fallen Angel soon begin to leave as the Mother of the Angel of Light used a spell to stop her daughter.

I then flipped the page as I saw the Fallen Angel Lacrima Crown sitting on the ground. I then continued reading:

The spell casted stopped the Fallen Angel as it forced the evil inside the crystal of the Fallen Angel Lacrima crown. Darkness was at bay as the Mother of Light used her last bit of energy to send the darkness to a deep slumber.

I then flipped the page to see the Angel of Light by her mother's side. Holding her in her arms as she cried. The Mother of Light had scales appearing on her. I then read what was happening next:

The Angel of Light quickly raced to her mother's side, as she notice the scales appearing on her mother.
"Mom what's happening?!" The Angel of Light asked in fear.
"Don't-Worry. I-I need you to do me a favor." The mother cried.
"What?" Her daughter asked.
"Destroy the machine and hide the parts away from each other." The mother begged.
"What! And leave you here!" The daughter cried.
"Do it for my last wishes. Please. Cause, whether I live or perish, I would turn back to my original form. The Queen of Lightning. The Lightning Dragon, Kaminari." The mother cried.
"Okay." The daughter cried as she then kissed her mother's forehead.

I flipped the page as It showed the Angel of light standing behind the machine by the wires. She had her hand on the generator. I then read the words:

The Angel of Light got up and walked over to the machine. She places her hand on the machine power source. She closed her eyes as she redirected the magic towards herself. Soon the machine broke. It's parts dismembered, shattering apart.

I then flipped the page to the Angel of Light leaving a grave. I then continued reading it:

The Angel of Light buried her mother. She then left fulfilling her final wish. Getting the Fallen Angel peices far away from each other, as she possibly could. She recorded her findings in the place, she put it and recorded a warning.

I then flipped to the last page. It had the Angel of Light walking her path alone. I then read it:

In the end I walked alone, hoping I would find true love and a new family. Hoping the peices will never be put back together again. And for my descendants or my baby girl. I wish you to fall in love for they can save you.

~~Electra Storm

I closed the book as I finish it. The book was full of twist and turns. Love and sadness and other emotions. I then stood up as I faced everyone.

"Guys, I've figured somethings out." I stated getting everyone's attention.
"So Sparks, what are they?" Laxus asked.
"This book for one was written based on the life of mine and Laxus's mom and aunt." I explained.
"What, how?" Erza questioned.
"I'm saying this story was purely written on Mom's and her sister's life. The Stars of The Fallen Angel is about two little girls both following the path of light. As they were force to split up. The older little girl grew up and followed darkness. She soon followed six stars that helped her get revenge on her little sister." I explained as I pointed at the girl on the cover.
"Revenge for what?" Gray asked.
"Revenge for her helping others while not trying to find her older sister. But, the thing is, her sister didn't know she was alive and that she was the one who brought darkness upon others." I stated as I opened the book.
"That's no good. That's quiet selfish!" Happy criticized.
"Criticism isn't important right now, Tom Cat! It won't even help us solve this." Carla yelled.
"Sorry." Happy sighed.
"The Fallen Angel had fallen in love during her time of revenge, in fact. He helped her find the peices as they both returned to her home, where her father is referred as darkness. In which he asked her to fetch four more things. The gem of the lightning angel, the warrior, and the demon who was in love. As well as the Fallen Angel Lacrima. They had it implanted into the Fallen Angel as she returned into a deep slumber. It ended with her sister shedding from light, her mother's death, and both of her fathers dead. She then continued the path of light as she hoped one day she would have a family again." I stated as I flipped to the first page. I then looked at the pictures and turn each page to see if I missed something.
"How does it start exactly." Erza asked.
"Well according to the book, it starts with two loving sisters. As one day the sisters where pulled apart by the Darkness. The girls' mother grabbed the youngest as it was too late for her to grab the oldest as she was taken by her father. But, other than that it says the first star went on a journey." I stated.
"Yeah right! We all know stars don't take journeys. They either twinkle or fall." Natsu complained.
"Dude, it's a metaphor. Understand what it means." Gray sighed.
"See what did I say. Idiot." Laxus chuckled.
"Oh dear. I guess your right, Laxus." Mira giggled.
"Alright then where the Hell did it go?!" Natsu demanded.
"Do I have to spell it out for, yah? Where did the Legion Platoon come after first?" Gray stated as Natsu quickly realized the answer.
"Wait that means--" Natsu begin to say when Lucy interrupted him, "Yeah. Michelle carried the Gem peice all the way to Fairy Tail. So that means it went on a journey." Lucy stated.
"And everything that happened, is a direct result of it." I explained as the room went silent a bit. I then continued, "Which she was soon requested by darkness to find the Amulet and the Lacrima. Which led her into a Cathedral where she found the amulet and the Lacrima."

"You don't think it's the--" Erza begin to say when I interrupted her, "No. It's not Kardia Cathedral."
"In fact it's not even near Magnolia." Lucy stated.
"How do you know that?" Erza asked.
"As a little girl it was my favorite book. I use to read it over and over again. As one day I realized it belonged to someone else. After I realized the places the girl traveled where real." Lucy explained.
"My mom definitely knew the best place to hide the Fallen Angel peices. I bet once she found out about the book she wanted to add that last section to the book, and give it to me. But, once she realized it never came, she probably tried contacting Will Neville and it might have went to the wrong address. Which could've been Lucy's home. Mom could have been trying to bring the book home to me, but she died before she could." I sighed.
"Don't worry, Y/n. I bet your mom did her best." Natsu stated in a high pitched voice.
"Thanks." I giggled.
"Hey Michelle. Did Dad every mention any of this to you?" Lucy asked as Michelle jumped a bit.
"No sorry. Mr. Jude was really quiet before he passed away." Michelle cried as Lucy nodded.
"I guess we should go to the location the book says to go." Lucy suggested as I got an uneasy feeling.
"Lucy something is telling me we shouldn't gather the peices." I stated.
"Well we shouldn't just let them get the peices either!" Lucy stated.
"My mom spent her life keeping everything at bay. Why are people destroying her legacy?Her last momento." I questioned as tears begged to push through.
"Well don't worry. In order to protect her legacy we have to be able to protect the peices." Lucy stated with a smile.
"Fine. Well protect them. Let's just leave in the morning, I need a shower." I stated as I begin to leave.
"Y/n, you want some company?" Natsu asked.
"Yeah. Come on you two." I stated with a sad smile as I begin to leave with the book. Natsu and Happy flew behind me as I stopped in my tracks to hear Gramps.
"This mission requires so much thought into it we have no idea what the piece will do. We must do whatever it takes to keep this chaos at bay including the momento of Y/n and Laxus's mother in tact." Gramps stated which made me smile. Erza soon assigned teams as I was in a group with Natsu, Lucy, Happy, Michelle, and Romeo. I then left to change into new clothes and get a shower. I walked inside and place the book on my bed and grabbed my clothes. I took my shower rinsing off the dirt, dust and smell. I then changed into the outfit Natsu gave me before we left on Tenrou Island and some white boots. I walked out of the bathroom as I saw tiny Natsu reading the book.

"Hey what you reading?" I asked.
"The book based on your mom." Natsu stated in his squeaky voice.
"I just couldn't believe mom had a sister." I sighed.
"Did she not tell anyone about her?" Natsu questioned as I begin to walk towards the hall way connecting my bedroom.
"I don't know. Dad was the only person who knew anything about her, and he left!" I growled as I then swung my arms to the side and knocked off the painting of mom and dad. Glass shattered every where as the frame shattered as well. A piercing noise of silver dropping on wood caught my attention. I looked down to see a star charm. Natsu quickly brought me my lightning charm over and I connected the two. They perfectly fit together. I flipped them on their back to see it engraved. The star read:

Fana Storm
November 22, X734

I then looked at the back of the lightning charm engraved. It read:

Electra Storm
January 22, X739.

They were five years apart just like me and Laxus. They also had different father's just like me and Laxus. I took the charms and placed them on my dresser. I then turned around to see the glass being cleaned by Happy and Natsu.
"I'm sorry you guys." I sighed.
"Don't stress yourself. You found a momento, right?" Happy asked.
"Yeah, and some information. A peice of momento to show that Mom did have a sister." I sighed.
"So it's true. Anything about your grandma?" Natsu asked.
"Yeah in fact. In the story they referred the mother as Kami. That's a short name for the Lightning Dragon, Kaminari. I think my grandma was the Lightning Dragon herself." I stated.
"Woah! Your the granddaughter of a dragon! That's so cool!" Natsu exclaimed with hearts in his eyes.
"Yeah, but I haven't told Laxus either." I sighrd.

"Let's go tell him! Then we can go!" Natsu stated as we quickly ran back to the guild.

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