I Saw It Coming.

By WinterBearz

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Do you know what makes a product rushed? -It's Availability. It's the same with a human being, if you're so e... More

I Saw It Coming.
2: Nice To Meet You.
3: Analysis
4: Be Mine.
5: Taken For Granted.
6: The Heart Is Fickle.
8: Yes!
9: The Plot.
10: Parties.
11: We're Over This.
12: You're Mine Now.
13: Just You and I.
14: Complications And Resolutions.
15: Confrontations.
16: Ruined Plans.
17: What's Yours Is Mine Too.
18: Denial.
19: Raptured.
20: Indescribable Feelings.
21: A Shoulder To Cry On.
22: A Mess.
23: Decisions.

7: Love Doesn't Need Time.

466 79 4
By WinterBearz

No, not really. Just had a hectic day at work.

Did you have an argument with Abdayn again?

He's angry so he doesn't talk to me but at this point that doesn't matter.

At least try and fix the issue. What made you two fight anyway?

Nothing important, babe.

If it's not then why is he mad at you?

He just needs to realize somethings aren't just meant for you and that I always get what I want but enough of him for one night. How's my wife doing?

She starts laughing.
Wife? Who? Me?

Yes you, who else?

Thabit, We've only been dating for a month now.

That doesn't matter. Some men make up their minds the moment they see a woman they can spend the rest of their lives with.

So for you I'm that woman?

And no one else. So? Will you marry me?

Babe, let's give it more time. Please?

Of course, I'll wait till eternity if you want me to.

I miss you though.

I'll come see you if I get the time to tomorrow inshallah.

Can't wait. You were telling me about your dad's lawyer earlier.

Ah hahhe was talking about how


I decided to drop by and see Miruna immediately after work. I've been busy and we haven't seen each other in a while, I'll admit I kinda miss her. My brother is tagging along, I want him to meet her. It's a step closer to making her my wife.

"What are you thinking about?" I ask him. He's never the type to stay silent.

"Nothing" he huffs "Well—I've been thinking—"
"What?" I ask turning to look at him.

"You do remember you're driving, right?"
I ignore his question and turn back around "What is it you've been thinking about?"

"What about her?" I ask curiously.
"Do you really love her or is this still about your ego?"

"You mean?"
"I know you, you never go for something you know you can get, you always go for something challenging because it excites you and you don't stop until you get it. Is it the same with her?"

"Why do you think so?"
"I know you. The sudden marriage proposal, it's just cynical. Don't hurt this girl, her feelings isn't some kind of challenge to boost your ego and don't try to justify it with excuses".

I smile "You always worry"
"This time I'm worried about her and I won't deny I'm worried about you too. You can't expect things to always go the way you want them to, I hope you know that"
"I'm not going to hurt her, I love her"

"I hope so, I really do".


I hug her, tightly.
I know Tahir is just worried but hearing him say all that makes me feel doubtful about my real feelings for her.

Could it just be my ego?

"Okayy" she says awkwardly but hugs back anyway. She pulls back and looks at me worriedly "You okay?"

I nod "Yeah. I haven't seen you in a while and it felt like torture"
"So that's why you swore you had to see me today?"

I nod "And introduce you to my baby brother"
Tahir glares at me but walks forward smiling.
"You must be the wife, I'm Tahir, his YOUNGER brother".

She smiles "Wife?" She giggles "You can just call me Miruna and I'm just his girlfriend at the moment"
He nods smiling.

"But there's no doubt you're brothers, you really look a lot alike"
"Almost identical".

He smiles "I've heard that a lot"
"I'm sure"

They chatted while I just leaned on the car watching them.

Do I really want to marry her because I love her?


Miruna's  POV.

I love it when Abba returns from his travels. We sit and talk about everything that happened.

"—Overall it was a great experience"
I smile "No matter how much you travel you still talk about it with so much enthusiasm".

"You can never say you experience it all, something out of the ordinary always happens and you make new memories".
I smile "Yeah I guess so".

Sometimes I imagine how it'd be like going on a retreat with Thabit, at the moment I'd really like nothing more.
"You're smiling, who are you thinking about?"

I blush,embarrassed, it's not like I want to think about a man infront of my dad but it just happened.
"I've been meaning to discuss something with you".

"What is it?"
"I've been dating this guy for a few months now but he's already taking about making me his wife. He has made his intentions known but I think it's too early, I also don't want him to get tired of waiting".

He nods "If he really loves you he won't, he also understands that you might need time to think about it, make sure he's the one but at the same time love doesn't need time. Sometimes you can tell if you're willing to spend the rest of your life with someone. So are you?"

I nod shyly.
"Well that depends on his research"
I raise my eyebrows "What research?"

"Well, it's not like I'm going to let him marry my daughter without a full background check. Before you respond to his proposal let's wait and see what happens with our sweep".

I nod "I'd like nothing more".


"What else do we need?" Sophie asks collecting the basket from me.

Abba sent us to get him a few things, he's going to Enugu for a reason still unknown to me.
"I think that's all" I say going through the list.
"I can't believe we came all the way to a supermarket when we can get this even in a shop".

"You know Abba and his OCD. If it's not from this place then he'll never use it peacefully".

She nods.
I honestly just can't wait to get back home. Abba's informant is already at home with him and I can't wait to hear what he says, hopefully only good things.

"Okayyy—what aren't you telling me?" She asks with a smile.

"Promise you won't get angry"
"Just tell me"

"Thabit and I have been dating"
She freezes, taking in what I said "What?"

"Since when?"
"It's been four months now"

"Oh wow"
"I'm sorry I didn't tell you. I didn't want Abdayn to know and end up telling people".
"My boyfriend isn't a snitch but I understand".

"And he wants me to marry him"
With that her mouth drops in shock.

After a few seconds she finally unfroze "And you said yes?"
"It depends on the investigation report"

"So you will?"
"If everything with him is good, I will".




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