Total Heartthrob || Chris McL...

By SeptiplierOnFire

27.7K 842 674

**I only own Lilia** **Still in works, just momentarily on hold!** If there was one thing Lilia loved more... More

Season 1: Not So Happy Campers: Part 1
Season 1: Not So Happy Campers: Part 2
Season 1: The Big Sleep
Season 1: Dodgebrawl
Season 1: Not Quite Famous
Season 1: The Sucky Outdoors
Season 1: Phobia Factor
Season 1: Up The Creek
Season 1: Paintball Deer Hunt
Season 1: Who Can You Trust?
Season 1: The In-Between
Season 1: No Pain, No Gain
Season 1: Search And Do Not Destroy
Season 1: Prepare For More
Season 2: Monster Cash
Season 2: Alien Resur-eggtion
Season 2: Riot on Set
Season 2: Master of Disaster
Season 2: Full Metal Drama
Season 2: Ocean's Eight - or Nine
Season 2: One Million Bucks B.C.
Season 3: Walk Like an Egyptian
Season 3: Anything Yukon Do, I Can Do Better
Season 3: Broadway, Baby!

Season 1: If You Can't Take The Heat

1.4K 41 58
By SeptiplierOnFire

"Last time on Total Drama Island: our competitors became hunters and the hunted. Owen's game was way off and when he finally caught wind of his prey, he totally blew it. And Cody made a new friend, who quickly beat the snot out of him. Can anyone say Medevac? In a weird and strangely watchable twist, LeShawna, Lindsay, Beth and Heather turned their paintball guns on each other. It was a full on wrestle for dominance within the females of the gopher squad, and the Gophers were sent to the bonfire. In the end, however, it was Cody who got the shot. The Gophers are still the underdogs. Can they bounce back, or is their goose finally cooked? Find out tonight on Total Drama Island!"


After a lovely nights sleep, despite it being on the ground in a sleeping bag, I woke up eager for the days challenge. Well, actually, ready to see Chris, but with that eagerness I also felt ready to tackle the day. We were called down to the beach after about an hour of everyone being awake and we headed down the stairs. Chris was already standing there as we arrived, arms on his sides as he observed us. I waved at him, keeping my hand low enough to avoid other people seeing it, and he smiled back at me. Ah, what a man. My heart smiled. "Todays challenge will test your minds, your teamwork, and your skills in the kitchen!" he said after everyone stood in front of him. "You'll be cooking a three-course meal and serving it to me for tasting. The winner gets a reward; the losers will be sending someone home. Each team will appoint a head chef to create the theme of the meal and to oversee the cooking.

"To cook, you need ingredients," he said, slightly switching the topic. He turned to point out an old, rusty and wet truck with a faded fruit photo was slapped on the side that appeared out of no where. "Every morning, a truck brings up food. Better get to picking!"

Geoff and the rest of the guys headed towards the truck and declared we would do an Italian themed meal. I didn't mind; I didn't know even know how to cook. Everyone agreed to Geoff being head chef of our team for the challenge. He was already handing everyone what ingredients we needed and explaining why, so it just made sense. I felt bad for the other team, as I heard that bitch Heather declaring herself head chef. Gross. Her ego was way to big that I'm surprised it even fit in her head.

Our ingredients were acquired and my team headed off towards the kitchen, the Gophers following in suit. We separated into pairs and I joined Bridgette and DJ in making the sauce for our pasta. As we began grabbing our cutlery and equipment, I caught on to the prank the guys were playing on Harold. Not sure what the prank was, but it was definitely happening. On the other side of the kitchen, Heather was being her typical bitchy self and bossing her team around. In one way or another, this challenge was going to end poorly for both is us. I just wished I could sit back and watch instead of have to be a part of it.

Dj ended up dragging me away from Bridgette as we were dicing tomatoes to give her alone time with Geoff. With nothing to do until the tomatoes were finished, I headed off for a bathroom break. As I stepped out of the cramped kitchen and outside, I faced the most horrible sight I had ever seen: Harold in his underwear. Skinny, pale body with fiery red hair and bright red underwear — not boxers, not boxer briefs, but undies. He walked past me like it was nothing but I had to stop, blink, shake my head, clear my throat, and sigh before I kept walking. Definitely going to need to bleach my eyes after seeing that.

Having the bathroom to myself was nice. I didn't mind sharing them, but when I very rarely have a chance of free time, I appreciated it. I quickly went fu the restroom and washed my hands, wishing I didn't have to return to the hell that awaited me in the kitchen. Stepping outside, I was about to start my tread back to the kitchen when I was gripped by the wrist and pulled around the bathroom walls.

Chris stood in front of me after pressing me against the wall, a smile on his face. "I missed you." I rolled my eyes and he leaned in to kiss me, and I happily accepted it.

"You just saw me, like, thirty minutes ago," I laughed out after he parted.

He hummed, hands dropping to my hips and pulling them against his own. "It was thirty minutes too long. Haven't you realized I want to be near you all the time, Lilia?" A laugh escaped my lips and he smiled wider, eyes leaving mine to look at my lips. Man, I'd never get tired of his lips on mine. I closed my eyes and sunk into the kiss, wanting it to grow into more but he pulled away. "Did you mean it when you said you'd try to get voted off, baby?"

I liked the nickname. I shrugged and nodded, saying, "Yeah. The money'd be nice, but I'd rather spend my time with you." His eyes flickered down to my lips a few times as I spoke, a small but distracting gesture that made my stomach feel full of butterflies. "Did you mean it when you said I could stay in your cabin?"

He nodded and I felt giddy, the butterflies swarming. "I wouldn't let you off of this island unless it's with me." Leaving with him. He said it like it was such a simple thing and yet it meant everything to me. I wanted everything with Chris, more now than ever, but I didn't know what he wanted with me. How far did he want this relationship to go? Whether it was just a fling for him or more, I was going to savor every single second I had with him. "Try to come over tonight. You better head back before your team starts to worry." He kissed me goodbye and I didn't want to leave, but we parted with our intertwined fingers falling away from each other and I returned to the kitchen.

I passed Harold again as I was entering the kitchen and, come on, I did not want to see that again. Wincing at the sight, I stepped inside to an organized chaos. Duncan was strategically placing food into a sandwich while my team watched, and then an explosion came from the other side. We all jumped in fear and stared at the Gophers team. What was that? Bridgette started snickering beside me and used her elbow to nudge me, her head cocking towards Heather. Oh, sweet sweet karma. Heather stood in shock, eyebrows burnt off and hair frizzled.

"Now, I'm not saying she deserved it," I breathed, waving my wrist, "But the bitch totally deserved it. That's funny as hell."

Presentation time rolled around after another hour of cooking and relentless pranks from both teams. Out in the dining hall, now converted to only hold one clothed table, Chris awaited the food to be served. Geoff stepped out to light two candles before Harold and Sadie brought our our antipasto. I watched worriedly as Chris took a few bites, relief washing over me after he smiled. "Your antipasto passed the test-o!" Sadie and Harold both smiled proudly as they walked back into the kitchen, sending me, DJ and Bridgette out.

Our pasta looked phenomenal, but I might've added a little too much salt for... reasons. Did I think it'd get me voted off? No, but I could still try. Chris took a bite and I couldn't stop the smile from spreading on my face as he chewed, winced, and swallowed. "Not bad, a little salty." His eyes looked up and met mine, my smile giving away my joke. A flash of humor spread across his eyes and he had to look away from me to stop himself from smiling. "Go less on the salt next time, but in a scale of one to ten, I give a fifteen!" DJ high-fived us and we retreated back into the kitchen. It felt nice receiving such a high score but it also felt upsetting to not get the chance to get voted off.

Our dessert gave us a score of six, giving us yet another win after the Gophers dessert managed to disintegrate into a pile of dust. As long as I was still on the island, I enjoyed the feeling of winning. "For your reward: a five-star dinner under the stars!" Finally, some actually decent food. Duncan began hugging Courtney and she actually accepted it, hugging him back. My eyes went over to Chris, both of us smiling. I winked at him and his smiled widened, him winking back at me. Ugh, I'm in love.

Dinner went well and my stomach felt amazing after the delicious food, leaving me tired. The rest of my team practically passed out after we returned to the cabin and I wanted to do the same, as tiredness was calling my name, but Chris was heavy on my mind. After a few minutes of everyone sleeping, I climbed out of my bed and exited the cabin.

I skipped down the stairs and ended up running into Geoff and Duncan, the pair about to head up the stairs. Geoff waved at me before taking the steps two at a time to to the cabin. Duncan smiled at me, asking, "And where are you going at this time of night, doll?"

I smiled, knowing something he didn't. "None of your business. What are you doing at this time of night?" I already knew he was up to no good, especially with Geoff helping him, but I didn't pry on what.

"None of your business," he mocked and we shared a smile. His blue eyes were tired under the dim light and his piercings glistened. I completely understood why Courtney found him attractive, he's just not my type. "You'll find out in the morning. Have fun, doll." I rolled my eyes, realizing he did know. He laughed before we headed off in separate ways.

Chris was the one who told me to come over, but I think he assumed I had fallen asleep with the rest of my team since the lights were off in his cabin. He took a little bit to answer the door after I knocked, understandably. When the door swung open, he was wearing nothing but plaid pajama pants and his hair was messy with sleep. Fuck, he looked amazing even when he was tired. "Lilia?" he said tiredly, rubbing one of his eyes as a small smile came upon his lips. "I thought you weren't coming."

He stepped aside to let me enter, shutting the door behind us. "I'm sorry it's late. Dinner lasted longer than I thought and we all got to talking... I missed you and couldn't sleep." Chris smiled and lazily grabbed my hand, guiding me to the bedroom. The bed was unmade on one side and I felt guilty for waking him. "I wanted to be with you."

"Is that so?" he inquired, closing the bedroom door behind us. My feet shuffled closer to the bed before I turned to face him, planning to sit down but was quickly interrupted by him pushing me down onto the bed. A yelp escaped my lips as I landed and Chris stepped up, towering over me. A smile spread across my face. "I missed you, baby. Do you know what I see?" His voice was now much more livelier, as if I hadn't just woken him up.

"A bed?"

He exhaled a laugh. "Mhm, a bed." He pushed my legs open and stood between them, leaning down to get closer to me. "And the prettiest girl I've ever seen laying on it, ready for me to fuck her." I shivered at his words, my body immediately heating up. He leaned down to kiss me, his hands running up from my thighs to my hips to the hem of my shirt. Fingers scraped my stomach as he pulled my shirt up, and he pulled away from the kiss long enough to remove my shirt. Guess it's a good thing I took my bra off earlier. His eyes raked over my chest as if it was his first time seeing it, though he had already in the bathroom, and I began to blush. "So fucking pretty."

His hands came back down after removing my shirt to grip my pants, pulling my pants and underwear off with ease. Once again, he had already seen me naked, but he looked at me as if I was a golden medal. The way his eyes admired me made me feel like the prettiest girl alive. Fingertips gripped my hips roughly and I moaned at the feeling. He could make me moan so easily and he enjoyed it, because he somehow managed to grip me harder and pull my body down until my hips were flesh with his.

My back arched as he kissed me, my bare chest touching his perfectly toned one. Of course it would be, considering the way he presented himself. Perfect hair, straight and bright white teeth, always smelling amazing, and, can't forget, that beautiful hair of his. It's not shocking he worked out and stayed fit. I was surprised I hadn't noticed it sooner, considering there were parts in movies he had played in where he was shirtless. Perhaps it was my heightened senses that made me realize.

Distracted by his lips and our chests touching, I failed to realize his hand had left my hip to dive between my inner thighs and was now pushing into my hole. I take back everything I said in the shower; this was better, so achingly better. I moaned into his mouth as his finger curled inside me, a second finger joining and sending me spiraling. My hips pushed back to meet his hands, desperate for more, and he frowned. "So needy," he said in a voice strained with want, lifting his head back enough to look at me. "You're always so desperate for me, aren't you, Lilia?"

I nodded, but he cocked his head over. Please, don't make me talk. My brain was overheating and my heart had flatlined. My body was running off pure want and pleasure. Words couldn't be fathomed. Instead, to my relief and dismay, he let it slide as he removed his fingers from me. His hands were now at his waistband, pulling his own pants down. Right, he wasn't wrong when he said he might not be able to fit in me. My body yearned as I finally took in the sight of Chris fully naked and turned on because of me. Fuck, looking at him alone was enough to nearly send me over the edge into an orgasm.

"Are you on birth control?" he asked me, using the fingers that were once inside me to lube himself up. "Or, do you want me to wear a condom?"

"Birth control," was all I could manage to croak out, lungs burning from panting. A satisfied smile spread across his face and he leaned down to kiss me. If he was trying to use his lips as a distraction from feeling himself push into me, it wasn't working. My arms immediately wrapped under his arms and onto his back, my eyes clenching shut and rolling back as I let out a short gasp. Despite the fact I was drenched, he was stretching me a way I had never been stretched before. His hand gripped my thigh, either trying to hold me in place or hold himself back. Truth was, even not being used to his size, I didn't want him to hold back; I wanted him to fuck me until I couldn't walk.

"Fuck, baby, you're so tight," he groaned out, indicating he was holding back. Our foreheads rested on each other as he finally pushed his entire length into me, stopping to let me adjust. "I don't want to hurt you."

He was worried about hurting me? Did he not realize that I found pleasure in the pain? I mean, I fell in love with him, after all; no sane person could simply fall in love with him. He loved causing pain as much as I liked taking it. "I don't mind." He exhaled a laugh, lifting his head off mine to look at me. A smirk was plastered across his face as his pretty brown eyes looked into mine, searching for reaffirmation. "Please, Chris."

"Well, since you asked so nicely." Maybe I shouldn't of asked. Maybe I shouldn't of said his name. I'm not sure, but I knew one thing: Chris was relentless. He didn't give me any warning before he started to thrust in and out of me at an intense speed and force. My body became on fire, soaring and burning at the way Chris made me feel. I knew Chris would make me feel good, but not this good. It hurt so good. Every inch of me was high in ecstasy. One hand removed itself from my hip and came up to my throat, effectively cutting of my airflow to where all I could think of was the way he was ramming into me. Hell, I was going to cum to embarrassingly fast. "So pretty as I'm fucking you, so fucking pretty. Look at you, being a good girl and taking all of this dick."

I loved the way he spoke down to me, leaving my eyes rolling back and a moaning mess. Under his hand, however, I was struggling to make any sound as I was unable to breath, the world around me turning fuzzy. All my body was aware of was Chris; him ramming into me, his words, the bed frame thumping from the movement, and the build up of my orgasm. Everything was turning back right before he loosened his grip, and I gasped gently for air. His hand left my throat and came up to my jaw, gripping it to make me look at him. "Open you're eyes and look at me, Lilia." It was more of a struggle than I thought it would be, as my eyes just wanted to continuously close from the amount of pleasure my body was enduring. But I caught myself anytime I began to slip into the sweet feeling. "Good girl."

He leaned down to capture my lips with his, his hips picking up speed. "Chris," I moaned out between the kiss, and he pulled up to look at me. His eyes were intense as they admired me, looking into my own. "Please, don't stop. I'm close." He smiled at my words and proceeded to lift one of my legs up to sit on his shoulder, his dick now hitting me at a new angle. My hands gripped the bedsheets as my orgasm came over me, back arching up and a moan spilling out of my mouth. Chris continued to thrust into me through my orgasm, chasing his own.

My body was becoming overstimulated as I rode through the floating feeling, my body feeling tingly. Chris came a few seconds after I did, his hips stilling as he came in me. Don't judge me for letting him; it's a kink. Moving on. He leaned down to kiss me as we both savored that sweet feeling of release.

Moments passed as we stilled, laying against one another's sweaty body's. My heart was racing and struggling to slow, thumping aggressively against my chest. She was all tuckered out after that; couldn't say I blamed her. Against my chest, I could feel Chris's own heart racing. My body sighed sadly when Chris removed himself, walking to the bathroom. As I tried getting up to follow, he was already back with a towel. "Come here, baby," he cooed and held his hand out to help me up. He walked me to the bathroom and turned the shower on, the water steaming almost immediately.

He helped me inside and I furrowed my brows in confusion. Why was he helping me into the shower? "What are you doing?" I asked, confused about the extra niceness.

He looked taken aback, confused on why I was confused. "I'm helping clean you up. Has no one ever done this for you?" I shiny shook my head, feeling slightly embarrassed by the truth. All the times I've had sex, the guy would at most wipe himself off and get redressed, leaving me to clean myself up. Chris didn't look happy about how I hadn't experienced aftercare, his hand coming up to tilt my head up. "I'm sorry no one has taken care of you after. I'll make sure to do my best." I smiled with him and kissed him softly before I grabbed his body wash.

He grabbed it out of my hand and didn't give me time to protest before he began to wash my body. I didn't put up a refusal, though, and practically leaned into every one of his touches as my body was growing tired. Feeling this much care was somehow tiring and, as much as I loved it, I felt worried. "Chris," I called, interrupting the sweet silence we had created. He hummed and I looked away from him and at the shower drain. "What... what do you want from me?"

"What do you mean?"

I bit at my lip, peeling a section of dry skin off. "You know that I like you a lot, and I want to keep doing what we're doing. More, even. I just want to make sure that's what you want, too." His hand came up to tilt my head back up, causing me to look at him.

A soft smile was on his lips and he pulled me against him, my soapy body getting suds against his chest. "Lilia, if I didn't want to be with you after this show, I wouldn't be with you right now. I wouldn't be here in the shower with you and I wouldn't of had sex with you. I wouldn't do the things I've been doing. I want to continue what we have after this show and for as long as I can. Like you said, you're drawn to me and I'm drawn to you. I've been wrapped around your finger ever since I saw your audition tape."

I could stop smiling as he rinsed me off and, after a little longer, turned the water off and helped dry me off. The feeling of being loved was radiation off of myself as he did all of that, feeling so cared for. He stopped out to bring me a pair of his boxers and a shirt that I happily put on, laughing at the way I looked. "You look lovely."

I rolled my eyes, using the shirt to wipe some water off my glasses. "Yeah, right." I followed him like a puppy out of the bathroom and we climbed into bed together. Once the lights were off and covers were pulled over us, he let me be little spoon and I sunk into the feeling.

"Stop pushing my compliments off, Lilia. You're beautiful inside and out." I hummed and let my eyes closed. The tiredness had only seemed to grow and I could feel myself dozing. "I'll wake you up before everyone else. Goodnight, Lilia," he said gently before kissing the back of my head, and I was already falling asleep as he did so.

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