My Love For You

By starsxbeanie

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~Rewritten from my Quotev Story~ Kia... More

Prologue: First Year
Chapter 1: 4th year
Chapter 3: The First Task
Chapter 4: The Yule Ball
Chapter 5: The Second Task
Chapter 6: Rita Skeeter's a Fucking Bitch
Chapter 7: The Third Task
Chapter 8: Sirius and Fifth Year
Chapter 9: Class With Umbridge and a Fight
Chapter 10: A Wizard Duel
Chapter 11: Arthur Weasley and Christmas
Chapter 12: O.W.L.s
Chapter 13: The Department of Mysteries
Chapter 14: O.W.L. Results and a Letter
Chapter 15: N.E.W.T. Classes
Chapter 16: Draco is sus
Chapter 17: Operation: Save Dumbledore
Chapter 18: The Seven Potters
Chapter 19: Bill and Fleur's Wedding
Chapter 20: Godric's Hollow
Chapter 21: Malfoy Manor
Chapter 22: The Battle of Hogwarts

Chapter 2: The Goblet of Fire

214 3 0
By starsxbeanie

I walked down the hall with the other Gryffindors to the dinner feast. We all sat down and waited for the food to appear.

Dumbledore rose to his podium and spoke. "Wonderful students, we have guests for our feast. They are the two schools we will be competing against in the Tournament."

Filch shuffling across the Great Hall up to the podium cut Dumbledore off. He whispered something to Dumbledore and rushed back to the doors.

"As I was saying, please welcome, Beauxbatons Academy of Magic!"At these words, the doors opened, and a group of beautiful girls and handsome boys entered the Great Hall. A massive woman who reminded me vaguely of Hagrid followed them inside.

Dumbledore kissed the top of her hand and went on. "And next I present, Durmstrang Institute!" Then, a large group of boys came rushing into the hall doing backflips and somersaults. At the end of the line, Viktor Krum was there. He walked with purpose up the aisle with a bearded teacher. "And now, let the feast begin!"


The following day, Hermione woke me up by shaking me. I fumbled for my robes as I fell out of the sheets. We met Harry and Ron in the common room. They were reading the notice board. Ron burst out of the crowd, yelling, "That's SO unfair! Why 17?! UGH!" Hemione and I peered at the board.

~Students under 17 are not permitted to enter the Tournament. We are deciding contestants by the Goblet of Fire, located in the entrance hall. Professor Dumbledore has drawn an Age Line around it for no underage student can pass.~

Hermione shook her head. "It makes sense, Ron. People have DIED in this tournament. They want to keep us all safe." I nodded in silent agreement.

Harry nodded, too. "It is unfair, mate. But can't argue with rules, amirite?"

Ron lowered his head in disappointment. "Whatever. Let's head to breakfast."


Just outside the Great Hall, Malfoy was standing there with his cronies. "Hey, Potter. Bet you can't walk straight on that Age Line even if you had an Aging Potion." Crabbe and Goyle laughed behind him.

Ron grabbed Harry's arm, and they left into the hall. "Eat slugs, Malfoy!"

Draco rolled his eyes at them, and soon his eyes fell on me. "Nice robes today, Kiara! Very pretty. I'd say prettier than Pansy, but she'd be mad."

Hermione stepped in front of me. "Are you trying to make fun of her?!"

Draco rolled his eyes, "No, Mudblood. Just a compliment to a beautiful pureblood like herself."

Hermione blinked away the tears in her eyes angrily. "Come on, Kiara. Let's go."

"Yeah, let's." I agreed. What a dick. Why did he have to be like this?

I turned back to Draco for a brief moment. He blew a kiss to me and motioned with his hands to meet him outside by the lake for lunch. I rolled my eyes but agreed to go, just to see what he wanted.


Later, at DADA, Ron tugged me, Harry, and Hermione to the front row. Moody was sitting at his desk, observing every student.

Once everyone was seated, he stood up and spoke. "Professor Lupin has written to me about this class. You have covered a lot with him, but you are very behind curses. Can any of you name an Unforgivable Curse?"

Ron slowly raised his hand. "Well, my dad said there was one tricky one, the Imperius curse."

"Ah, yes, your dad would know about that one." Ron slowly sunk into his chair as he pulled out a spider from his desk. "Imperio!"

The spider leaped from desk to desk, window to window, dancing like a tap dancer. The class laughed, but Moody dropped the spider back on his desk and eyed them thoughtfully. "Severe curse, the Imperius curse. Anyone else got another?"

Neville raised his hand. Considering he only did this in Herbology, we all looked to him in surprise. "Um, there's one, the Cruciatis curse."

"Yes." Moody grinned and pointed his wand at the spider again. "Engorgio." The spider grew to about the size of a baseball. "Crucio." One of the spider's legs twisted upon itself, and it began to quiver.

When I turned to look at Neville, he was pale with wide eyes. He looked like he was fighting a year's worth of tears.

Hermione wailed, "Stop it! It's bothering him; stop it!"

Moody stopped and shrunk the spider, "Reducto," before striding over to Hermione, placing the weak spider on her books. "Can you give us the last one, Miss Granger?"

She shook her head in fear, knowing what it was; she did not need to say it. Moody hummed and pointed at the spider. "Avada Kedavra."

The spider died in a flash of green light. I watched as now Harry's face went pale with shock, as Neville's did. I knew what was going through his mind.


At lunch, when the bell rang, I quickly grabbed a sandwich and some pumpkin juice. I went to sit under a small tree in the courtyard.

I munched on my sandwich and saw Draco come up, alone.

"Hey, Kiara." He said kindly.

"Um, hey, Draco." I thought for a moment about potions class the previous day. "Why didn't you want to give me that antidote?"

Draco's pale cheeks twinged pink. "U-Um, well, no reason...." I turned away from him.

"I should probably go back to my friends now...."

Draco grabbed my arm as I stood up. "Wait, please! Just stay with me...."

I looked into his deep gray eyes and yanked my arm away. "I said that I would meet them so we could watch the 7th years enter the Tournament."

Draco smiled, "I'll join you if that's alright."

I shrugged, "Whatever. Do what you want." I heard him mutter something after that with a smirk, but I rolled my eyes, ignoring it.


It was time. Time to find out who the champions are. Dumbledore grabbed a piece of parchment as he called each name.

"Fleur Delacour." Polite snapping ensued from the Beauxbatons students.

"Viktor Krum." Manly chants and grunts of affirmation followed.

"Cedric Diggory." Hufflepuff cheered happily.

Dumbledore smiled, "And those are our champions! Prepare yourselves for the challenges to come, all of you." As everyone started to head out, the Goblet of Fire released another parchment.

Dumbledore looked towards our group in confusion. "Harry Potter."

Everyone looked around at the Gryffindor table. Harry shyly stood up and began to walk towards the back room. I watched as he looked back at me, scared and confused. Draco was watching him, too, mouth hanging open and eyes bulging. What the heck is going on? How? Why?


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