Chapter 3: The First Task

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I woke up in the middle of the night. It's been about two weeks since Harry's name came out of the Goblet of Fire. Ron hasn't been the same since. He won't even talk to Harry anymore. Hermione and I were apprehensive about him and Harry.

I slipped out of bed and slid on some slippers. I tied on my dressing-gown and grabbed a book from my shelf. Careful not to wake anyone, I crept down the stairs and out of the common room.

After glancing around the corridor for Filch, I tip-toed out to the lake. I sat on a stone bench under a tree and started reading.


In a little while, the creaking of a lantern startled me, causing me to jerk my head up to see Draco, illuminated by the light of the lantern.

"What are you doing out here, Kiara?~" He crooned with his usual smirk.

"Just reading. I couldn't fall back asleep." I replied with a straight face.

Draco grabbed my arm. "Well, you should go back to the Gryffindor tower. Filch is doing his rounds, making sure all the kids are in bed." I nodded and followed him back into the castle.


We turned a corner and heard a "meow" from behind us. We knew instantly that this was Mrs. Norris. We ran away from her and up the stairs in the other direction.

I spotted the Fat Lady and dashed up to the portrait. "Dilligrout." The door opened, and I quickly waved to Draco before walking in. He smiled and ran down to his common room.

I climbed the girls' stairs and quietly entered the fourth-year room. I slipped under the covers and tried to fall back into the dark depths of sleep.


The following day was the first task! Everyone tried to eat breakfast as fast as possible to get good seats.

Draco wandered close to the Gryffindor table while exiting.

Harry stood up as he leaned forward to whisper in my ear. "What the bloody hell are you gonna whisper?!?"

Draco shrugged it off and whispered in my ear anyway. "I practically saved you from detention. However, I have to deal with detention. Somehow you can repay me. How about you befriend me?"

I blushed pink and whispered back. "S-Sure Draco."

He smirked and walked out with his cronies. Harry slammed his fist on the table, demanding to know what Draco said, but was waved down by Hermione as she told him what he ought to do for the task.


Each champion had taken their turn. Finally, it was Harry's. My mouth gaped as the dragon came out. "A Hungarian Horntail?! Hermione, it's too dangerous!" I grabbed onto Hermione's arm and shook in fear. "Will he be alright? Will he?"

Hermione patted my hair and smiled. "We have a plan, don't worry, Kiara."

Harry stepped out and yelled, "Accio Firebolt!!" I stared at him in surprise. His broom? Is he choosing to fly for the task? How brilliant!

For a few seconds, nothing happened. Then, a broom flew through the air right to Harry's arms. He climbed up on it and swooped down to the egg. He cast one spell at the dragon and grabbed the egg, followed by a yell of victory. Everyone clapped and cheered.

Harry stumbled out of the infirmary from a few minor burns and cuts he got during the event. I ran into his arms, embracing him. "I was so worried! A dragon that dangerous! Oh my goodness, it was so scary!" I hugged him tighter, and he blushed redder.

Draco walked past our group. "Hey, Potter. Good job. Too bad the dragon hadn't killed you. Now I've lost a bet."

My face turned pink with anger as I turned to face Draco. "You ask if I could be your friend, but how can I if you're rude to mine!?! Stop bullying us. I wish I were friends with the kind Draco I met at 11 years old in Madam Malkins."

That did it. Draco's face went scarlet as he spoke again. "I will give that kind Draco, alright, princess? Good-bye, Kiara~." He and the rest of the Slytherins left.

Harry hugged me tighter and smiled. "Happy that I survived that. I saw you clinging to Hermione. I'm happy you didn't have to see me hurt."

I smiled at him, hoping the other tasks weren't as dangerous. (Honey, you got a big storm comin')


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