Chapter 1: 4th year

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I loved everything about Hogwarts, and now that I was returning for my fourth year, I couldn't wait for the school year to start.

I watched the hills go by on the train as I thought about the past years. Draco was always rude to us, but at least Hermione and I gave him what he had coming last year by punching him.

Reliving that memory made me giggle. I was disrupted by Ron shaking me out of my daydreaming. "Kiara! Pay attention! We're talking about that World Cup incident!"

"O-Oh, right. Sorry.."

Harry frowned, "Ron, you didn't have to do that." He made sure I regained my composure before he continued talking. "I'd like to know who cast the Dark Mark."

Hermione patted his head. "But don't go looking for trouble!"


In the Great Hall, everyone was busy munching their food. Soon, the food disappeared, and Ron groaned.

Dumbledore came up to the podium. "Welcome and welcome back! A few announcements... one, the Quidditch House Cup will not take place this year."

"WHAT?!" Harry gasped. He loves Quidditch. Why was it not occurring this year? I got my answer immediately. "This is because the Triwizard Tournament will take place at Hogwarts." Everyone cheered, but Hermione looked increasingly concerned. "Anyway, I hope we are all fed and watered, so you all should head up to bed."


Once we reached the common room, Hermione and I quickly retreated to the girls' dorm. I noticed she still held a worried expression. "Are you alright, 'Mione?"

"Huh?" She looked up from her hands in surprise, "Sorry... It's just that the Triwizard Tournament is extremely dangerous. I wonder why Dumbledore is bringing it back."


The first day of classes wasn't that different. First Class: Care of Magical Creatures.

The class was with Hagrid and the Slytherins. Hagrid took us into the forest, where we found many cages full of strange animals. "Ther' Blast-Ended Skrewts. This year, you help me raise them."

Draco grimaced. A skrewt broke loose and started to charge at me. Draco stepped forward to move closer and protect me, but I quickly moved out of the creature's way.

Hermione and I cast a Full-Body Bind Curse on it. "Petrificus Totalus."

"Good work, girls. Better make sure he's locked up better. Fifty points to Gryffindor."

I noticed that Draco continued to stand by me as we worked with the skrewts. He looked over my shoulder at one of them. I looked at him and paused before bringing my skrewt over to Hermione so I wouldn't be bothered.

Draco started staring at me with a sense of longing in his eyes, but I hadn't noticed. However, Harry glared from a distance, seeing his attention on me.


Potions class was next.

Snape sneered as our little Gryffindor "posse" passed him. "Today, I will split the Gryffindors with a few Slytherins." He put Harry with Goyle, Ron with Pansy, and Hermione with Crabbe. That left me with Malfoy.

I hovered over our potion, not making eye contact. I would quickly glance up at the instructions before looking back down. Why, just why, were we making a love potion today?

I finished stirring, and Snape told them to each sample, but one at a time. He had an antidote ready for the potion taker. Draco drained his flask of love potion and stared at me with his misty gray eyes. "Oh, Kiara, you're so beautiful."

I blushed and reached for the flask of antidote, but he grabbed my arm. "Come on, gimme a little kiss."

I tugged a bit before he let got and I slipped the counter-potion down his throat.

He shook back into normal Malfoy. "Okay. It's your turn, Kiara." I drank from the flask, and my eyes closed. They quivered a little before they fluttered open to reveal my brown eyes shimmering with a sunny daze.

"D-Draco? You l-look very h-handsome today...." Draco smirked and twirled a lock of my dark brown hair in his fingers.

Soon enough, the bell rang, and Draco started packing up to leave. Harry came to our table, noticing I was still staring at Draco in a trace. "Draco, aren't you gonna give her the antidote?"

"I'm not doing anything of the sort." He left with his friends.

Harry picked up the flask and poured it carefully down my throat. My eyes fluttered, and I coughed a bit. "Harry? Oh, thank goodness I didn't have to kiss him. Love potions suck."

"Yep. Sucks for me because now I'll be shipped with Goyle for life." I giggled, and we walked out with the others.

Oh no, this is weird. But what would have happened if I kissed Draco? Does he like me? Or was it only the potion? I don't even know.


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