The Lord Of The Rings:~The Lo...

By Sarah35487

362 0 0

Legolas stays for the wedding of Aragorn and Arwen before he starts feeling pain in his chest that he knows i... More

Chapter 1:~An old Dynasty~
Chapter 2:~Dreams~
Chapter 3:~Birthday~
Chapter 4:~Gondor~
Chapter 5:~Elora meets Galadriel~
Chapter 6:~The dinner~
Chapter 7:~Family reunion~
Chapter 8:~Elora and Emersion~
Chapter 9:~The Plan~
Chapter 10:~The Journey begins~
Chapter 11:~Saving~
Chapter 12:~A battle is to begin~
Chapter 13:~The Final battle~
Chapter 14:~Living nightmare~ Part 1
Chapter 15:~Living nightmare~ Part 2

Chapter 16:~Recovery and Threats~

11 0 0
By Sarah35487

Everyone was happy to see The Light elf on her feet again. "It's good to see you feel better, Elora," Eowyn smiled. Arwen smiled at her human woman friend. "Thank you," Elora surprisingly replied. Elrond requested Elora to sit down beside her brother to make her feel safer since he had noticed that Elora and Legolas already had awoken a strong sibling bound between them. Elora did not speak much. It wasn't until an elf entered the dining hall that Elora actually moved.
"My Lord, there's a man here seeking Elora," Aragorn looked up and they stood up and went out into the entrance of Gondor's castle.
The man smiled when he saw The Light elf Queen. "What brings you here?," Aragorn asked. Elora immediately faced the man. "Your Majesty, it's wonderful to see you free again," The man greeted, "But that's not my orders unfortunately," And Elora looked at him angrily, "Then what are your orders?," "To wait. For your family and friends to abandon you," "For my fall," Elora finished. "Leaving no one there to protect you," The man added, "Livia will not stop hunting you until you're dead," And Elora looked at him angrily, "I hope you're strong, you Voltaire! You will be circling for quite some time!," Elora said in an angry tone. And The man smiled wickedly, "We shall see. I shall greet my Queen that you long to meet her again!," And he gave her a slight bow and left.

Elora stood in the garden when Elladan walked up behind her. "Adar told me to tell you it's time for you to go to bed," He began, "You need at least eight hours sleep for a few days," And Elora turned to the Ellon and smiled before turning back to look at the beautiful clear night sky. "I've always loved the stars. When I was little... and no one was there for me... they were my comfort when I was in pain," Elladan smiled and went over to her. "Elora, why did you allow me to take your hand?," He asked gently. Elora swallowed, "I guess I... I don't know... It just felt right... That I could trust you... My heart knew you wouldn't do anything to me...," Elladan smiled but swallowed. Elora still did not know that they were engaged. And he thought it wasn't his thing to tell. He wanted to embrace her. To tell her he loved her with all his heart and soul. And that he would not let anything happen to her. But he knew and understood that it wasn't his thing to tell her about their engagement. That they would soon be married and he King Of The Light Kingdom and become forever immortal. Elora looked at him, "Wasn't you going to say anything?," She smiled at him confused. Elladan smiled and put his hand on hers. "It must, you must have felt, been very lonely," He said. Elora sighed, "I was. Sometimes. But I was happy that I had and knew that Emersion and Cristiana really loved me with all their hearts," And Elladan nodded and smiled as he noticed the golden lock that was hanging free at her eyes that probably had escaped her braid. "Elora, may I? Be still," Elora looked at him confused and Elladan smiled and gently put the golden lock behind left pointed ear. Elora smiled and Elladan continued to gently stroke her hair and Elora closed her eyes, feeling his gentle touch when she suddenly pulled away. "I'm sorry. That was wrong," She suttered, "You're right. I should probably go to sleep now," And she turned away from him. "Elora, wait!," Elladan interrupted, "Will I see you again? Tomorrow?," And Elora looked at him shocked and confused, "What is wrong with you!? Don't you know who I am!? I am The Light Kingdom! And I need no one to save me! Not from Livia! Not from her men! Not from The Westerns! Not from anyone! I am Elora Thranduliell, Ancestor Of Aranel The Magnificent. And I will bow to no man! I will face Livia and every threat to my reign with weapon in hand! And any who stands in my way shall fall! Anyone!," And Elladan swallowed. "So leave me alone from now on!," Elora exclaimed, realising soon what she had said. She looked up at Elladan, holding back her tears and stormed into the castle away towards her chambers. Elladan just stood still, hiding his tears. But it was not tears of pain of Elora's words. It was for pain of hers. Emersion was right. Elora was closing herself from being loved by someone else than family. She closed away the love you can have for another person.

Elora stormed into her chambers and slammed the doors behind her, taking a few shaky breaths as she held back her tears. The more she closed herself from being loved by someone. To feel love again, the more pain she felt in her heart.
She looked at herself in the mirror before letting out a painful, angry scream and hurried to take off the necklace and earrings and tore the beautiful dress of her body, holding in the pain from her healing fading scars, kicking off her slippers before throwing the dress aside to the floor and screamed out in pain once more. She grabbed the nightgown that hang ready on the chair at the dressing table and hurriedly put on before letting out her tears and crying of pain. Paining herself of what she had told Elladan. She slowly sank to the floor, crying. No one could her hear screams. Suddenly, there was a knock on the doors. Elora swallowed. Now she surely had awoken everyone. "Elora? What's going on in there?," Galadriel's soft voice asked behind the doors, "Why aren't you asleep, Ithildin?," Galadriel entered the chambers and closed the doors behind her. "Oh, my dear child," She slowly walked over to Elora and knelt down beside her, taking the crying Light elf into her arms.

Galadriel sighed softly when Elora finally laid peacefully asleep in the white four poster bed. She smiled and gently put the warm covers over the exhausted Elleth before she blew out the candles and left the chambers, closing the doors behind her. "Is she sleeping?," Elrond interrupted behind her. Galadriel smiled weakly and nodded, "Yes. Let's leave her to get her rest. She needs it. Thranduil will tell her about the engagement soon," And Elrond nodded, "Elladan talked to her. Elora has closed herself badly from being loved by another person," Galadriel nodded and sighed, "Let's talk to Emersion,"

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