The Cursed Relic

By AvaFics

155K 7.4K 1.2K

Since when did I start hating him? Since when did I start falling unto darkness? When they showed him their l... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Author's Note
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40

Chapter 30

2.6K 138 32
By AvaFics


Hugo was ordered by the duke to watch the first young master daily once again since they believed he had recovered from the incident.

He was a bit doubtful by the duke's behavior in the morning but didn't bother to ask.

Walking towards the young master's room at the west wing, Hugo, with his sharp senses, felt two other presences inside.

Although Hugo wasn't the type to eavesdrop, his curiousity took over him. He listened to the conversation inside.

''—Fools! Truly fools!''

He was internally surprised. He was sure that it was Rosh's voice, but with a different air. Hugo couldn't began to ponder.

The shy Rosh Razon acting like a completely sarcastic and confident person? It was like the so-called impossible became true.

''Ain't this satisfying, Amros? Knowing that they don't even know what's truly happening. Pfft!''

Hugo listened again and heard another musculine and mature voice.

''Correct, Master. It is.'' Hugo assumed that it was the 'Amros' person Rosh was referring to.

Hugo continued to listen to their conversation. It was all about insulting and berating the ducal family, it felt preposterous to Hugo. Is the first young master really like this behind closed doors?

Instantly, the voices from the room stopped, and the halls became strangely eery. Hugo turned to the surroundings and became alerted.

What's going on? My mana didn't detect anything? Hugo thought as he looked around.

It became unusually dimmed and the end of the hallways became lengthened and endless.

Suddenly, multiple groups of snake creatures entered the place and tried to attack him. Hugo, who panicked, took out his sword and tried to kill them.

Slash! Clash! Hiss! Slash!

Blood trickled and splashed on the clean walls but the snakes seemed to not mind their wounds.

All of them continued to attack him and more snakes came inside like a river.

Hugo felt himself sweat and tired. He is a trained knight, how could he not stop something like this?

Where the fvck are they all coming from!?

Exhausted, his body started to slow down making it easier for the snakes to overpower him. They started to slither around his body, trapping him like vines.

The snakes have cuffed his limbs, unabling him to move because when he did, their grips becomes tighter.

He didn't move anymore, he didn't want to risk having his arms cut after all.

A man with light skin, reddish brown hair and lifeless dull eyes exited the room and dragged Hugo inside with one hand.

Hugo felt himself on the floor, infront of the first young master Rosh, the man who dragged him and another man with long black hair and violet eyes.

Then Rosh tilted his head and smiled at him.

''Hello, Hugo.''

Hugo felt chills shiver down his spine, he gulped but remained the calmness in his expression.

Rosh signaled something to the black haired man, the man then snapped his fingers and the snakes suddenly turned into ash.

''Y-young master.'' He spoke.

''You must've been quite surprised, Hugo. Oh no, don't just stay there, stand up. You should protect your dignity as a knight. Mine at that.'' Rosh said.

Hands from his shadows got a hold of Hugo's body and forcefully put him on his feet. Hugo felt absolutely confused and shocked, his stern attitude faded in a gust.

''What is all of this, young master? Just how!?'' Hugo felt a hand grip on his shoulders.

Amros surrounded himself with a chilly and threatening aura that completely contrasted his smiling face.

''Mind your tone. You're talking to my master and your master. I think it's just proper to be respectful, hmm?''

Feeling himself shuddering, Hugo nodded his head in fear. How could that guy be so strong? He could feel all his senses tingling, screaming at him for the danger that could threaten his life. Even Hugo's mana started distorting because of the pressure Amros was emitting.

''I-I...I apologize for my discourtesy, young master...and guests.'' Hugo stuttered, he put his fist on his chest and bowed.

Rosh waved his hand as if it was such a trivial thing. Luar didn't move and Amros' pressure disappeared.

''Now, now, that's enough. We're gonna have a small talk, Hugo. Sit down.'' Rosh pointed at the seat infront of him.

''Y-young master..I——''

Of course, Hugo will decline. It is a very rude action. It is against the general etiquette and nobility rule for a person of his status to be able to sit at the same level as the duke's son.

Rosh, on the other hand, doesn't give a fvck about etiquette or the rules.


''...yes.'' Hugo had no choice but to follow as he heard Rosh's hard tone.

They are now face to face with a tense air breezing from the open window.

''Now. Let me answer your questions.''

''Pardon? Young master.''

''You know what I mean. Your suspicions are correct too. I am only pretending, Hugo. I am not innocent, weak and worthless. And if you're thinking, how come I have servants so powerful like Amros and Luar? Luck's on my side. I'm the one who destroyed one of my father's business? Yes. Why would I do that? It doesn't concern you. How come I'm so strong? It also doesn't concern you.''

Hugo felt his brows furrowed as he heard the situation. His young master was the very puzzle himself.

He was pretending from the start, he had servants like the two powerful gentlemen in the room, and even destroyed his own father's business. The story was holed, and pieces are missing.


''But why did I do such things? Because of hatred? Jealousy? That doesn't concern you either.''

Amros snickered at the back.

''This is only the beginning, Hugo. You may not know why I'm doing this or why I'm telling you this, but it doesn't matter.''

Rosh secretly started gathering energy from the Siltheur's emblem, it has been awhile since he used the ring's power that it excites him.

''Why? Because you...shall be gone.''

''What do you?——!!''

A demonic energy appeared on Rosh's palms and he pounced on Hugo. Amros and Luar got the signal and held him down. Hugo tried to struggle away from their grasp but because of their overwhelming strength, he can't.

Rosh put his hand on his neck and witha smile on his face started sucking the life force out of Hugo's soul.

Yes. One of the greatest aspect why the Siltheur's emblem is very dangerous is because of its ability to steal life force from any life form.

Amros put on a barrier around the room as Hugo's screams shrieked through every corner.

His eyes rolled back and his body started to let out dusts of light, which is his life force. The dusts of light entered Rosh's body, giving him more lifespan unless he is killed.

A few moments later, Rosh stood up and licked his lips and said metaphorically. ''A good dish. Hugo's life was delicious.''

He rubbed his ring preciously as he tried to adjust the new euphoria he felt since it was his first time taking someone's life force.

Hugo's body layed on the ground, as if his blood was drained, his skin was now paper white, his lips having a greyish purple tint with his eyes wide open without its pupil.

Rosh used the shadows and it slowly made its way to the corpse, with the purpise of devouring the whole thing. The corpse was enveloped by the shadows, and slowly, it was rolled into a ball that continues to get smaller every moment.

The three could hear bones breaking and flesh crushed inside the ball of shadows, but Rosh, Amros and Luar's faces only held nothing but calmness and smirks.

Soon enough, Rosh held the small yarn-sized ball of shadow on his hand. He continuously threw it up the air then catched it, playing with the compressed body inside as if it was a regular ball.

''Now that Hugo is gone, we can use this as a way to permanently make Luar stay with me without anyone suspecting.''

For Rosh, it was a good opportunity and also another success. Hugo was the one who protected or practically will protect Josh against him in the future, so it was just right to kill him atleast.

''Amros, use your power and change Luar's appearance into Hugo's.''

''But, Master, how come Luar gets to act like Hugo? I want to do so too! I want to be Hugo!'' Amros said.

''You shouldn't talk that way to our Master.'' Luar said sternly with a cold gaze.

''Shut it, mongrel. I'm the senior here, I'm older, more experienced and have been in this world thousands of years more than you so back off. It's just a request!'' Amros spat back and returned a glare.

Amros didn't like being ordered around except by Rosh. And why not him? He could do better acting as Hugo, not the newbie Luar, he thought.

''Enough. Amros, I expect Luar to act as Hugo because of that very reason. You are more powerful and more experienced. If someone happens to find out, they will have enough time to prepare a counter. In a battle, do you think people immediately attacks with their most powerful skill?''

It wasn't wrong. Rosh isn't stupid enough to show them his most valuable card incase he was caught.

Amros realized that it was very reasonable. ''I apologize, Master.''

''Should be. You are my most effective piece. My secret weapon. Be aware of your worth, Amros.''

''I am honored, Master.''

Amros agreed to make Luar become Hugo. Using his magic, he made a transformation circle on Luar using Hugo's dna from inside the dark ball.

He put his hand on Luar's chest and chanted.


Luar's body changed. His hair color changed, his voice changed, his skin tone changed, and even his build changed. He completely turned into an absolute clone of Hugo.

Rosh smiled in satisfaction.

After the transformation process, Amros took out the barrier and the illusion that covered the west wing. He erasedthe traces of magic along the way.

Rosh brushed away the imaginary dust from his clothes. He puts his hands on his pockets and looked back.

Amros have turned back into his shadow, and only Luar was left standing firmly.

''Guard outside..Hugo.''


1 week later...


Rosh turned to see Josh and his servants walking from the hallway. Yves and 'Hugo' stood behind him silently. When Josh was near, the two bowed and greeted him.

''Hello, Josh, what's the matter?'' He said smiling.

''I went to a party like you told me to, brother. And I made friends!'' Josh boasted proudly.

''That's great, brother! You're so cool!'' Rosh childishly gave him a thumbs up.

''Right, brother. I wanted you to meet my friends. They're here to visit and I though I should introduce them to you.''

Rosh showed a suprise and excited expression but with shyness.

''Is that so? I want to meet them too. But I don't know if they'll like me.'' Hesitation is plastered on his face.

''Don't worry, brother! They'll like you!'' Josh said then stepped aside.

It was only the time where Rosh noticed two other children behind Josh. And he also saw another unfamiliar maid and two knights in golden armor.

With a single glance, he immediately recognized them.

Rosh, Yves and his knight curtsied with respect.

''Greetings to the small sun of the empire, crown prince Arthur Deitz Guillherme Ainchleim. May the blessings of Parvati flourish upon your lands, your royal highness.''

''You don't have to be so formal, young lord Rosh. You are my friend's brother.'' The crown prince said.

''How could I dare, your highness?''

''Well, why don't we stop now? Raise your head, young lord.''

''Yes, your highness.'' Rosh followed. His smile was innocent but his mind is thinking how he could prick every pore of Arthur's body with needles.

'The strongest ally of Josh. My greatest obstacle.' Rosh thought.

''He seemed like a normal prince, Master.'' He heard Amros said in his head.

'Don't be deceived, Amros. Among all of Josh's allies, he's the worst. A wolf on a sheep's clothing. A fool but is smart enough to know what's good for him. Except the fact that he executed Eveia without evidence.'

''I met his highness at the tea party, brother.''

''You are lucky to gain such an honor, brother.'' Rosh jokingly acted jealous. But he was actually laughing inside. Because the 'honor' Josh gained from the prince will push them down together.

Rosh then looked at the other child, a girl, behind Josh and the prince. She noticed him looking and went infront.

The girl smiled and held the hem of her skirt, she bowed.

His eye twitched and his smile strained in recognition.

A petite body, shoulder length brown hair, peach skin and a pair of healthy carnation eyes. The very same grace that captured his heart.

''Greetings to the young master, I am Selina Apolline Vesta, from the Vesta Barony.''

The wench of his past.


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