The Original Sister

By artwolf1235

7K 129 6

Alice Mikaelson is a hybrid like her big brother, Klaus, but she wasn't adopted. Her mother is Esther. What h... More

Chapter One: Mystic Falls
Chapter Three: The Sacrifice
Chapter Four:The Ripper
Chapter 5:into the woods we go
Chapter Six:Going back to the devil
Chapter 7: prank night gone wrong
Chapter 8:Family History
Chapter 9:Daddy day care

Chapter Two: Klaus Happens

1.6K 31 4
By artwolf1235

Elena called a meeting to talk about what we're going to do tonight about Klaus.

"Is every one here?" I asked.

"No, we're just missing Rick," said Elena.

"Okay," I replied.

"Why do you have sunglasses on? We're inside," Bonnie said.

"Just having hybrid issues," I said.

"What kind of issues?" asked Bonnie.

I took off my glasses and showed her that my eyes were blue.

"Whoa, they look weird," Jeremy said.

"Thanks," I replied, putting my sunglasses back on.

"Hey Rick," I said.

"Hey," He said.

"Just the guy we're looking for," said Damon.

"So, what are we doing tonight?" Rick asked.

"We're going to kill my big brother, Klaus," I said.

"How? He is the baddest vampire around," Rick stated.

"Uh, sure he is," I said, walking to my car and drove to the dance.

We went to the dance and I went to get punch. It was fruit punch, yum. I took a sip of the punch then the music stopped.

"Thank you everyone for coming tonight! This song is dedicated to Elena from Klaus," Dana said.

"My brother has bad taste," I said, scaring Elena.

"Don't sneak up on me! I don't have vampire senses like you do," said Elena.

"Sorry," I said.

Elena and Stefan started to dance so I went to talk to Bonnie and Jeremy.

"Hey," I said.

"Hey," they said.

Then I saw Rick grab Elena and they went to the hallway.

"Tell Damon I found Klaus," I said, following them.

"Klaus put Elena down," I said.

"Come and get me!" He said.

I super sped and grabbed him.

"Elena get out of here! Tell Damon and Stefan that I found him!" I said as she ran off.

"Now, you can't get your precious doppelganger," I said.

He chargeed at me but I threw him into the trophy case, not like they had any right?

"How are you stronger than me?" he asked, getting up.

"I'm a hybrid, Klaus," I said.

"You're one too? Why didn't you tell me?" He asked

"Well, let's just say my wolf side has taken over," I said.

"What?" He asked.

I took off my sun glasses and my eyes where blue.

"Whoa," He said.

"Yea," I replied, putting my sunglasses on.

"How long has this been happening?" He asked.

"Ever since I was five," I said.

"Mother knew?" He asked.

"Yea," I said. "But she didn't care. She just thought it was unique. But..."

"But what?" He asked.

"I come from a blood line of wolves. Esther is my mom and Mikael is my father but your grandpa wasn't. He was a wolf but he wasn't a regular wolf. His wolf side stuck out like mine. I'm stronger and faster," I said, "And I can turn into a wolf without it even hurting."

"So, are you going to let me go?" He asked.

"No, I'm not. If your going to kill my friend, you're going to have to go through me first," I said.

"I'm sorry little sister but no can do," He replied, lunging at me and throwing me into the lockers.

The last thing I saw was Elena running over to me and Bonnie taking care of Klaus until everything went black.

I woke up with Elena holding an ice pack on my bed and Jeremy sitting on the other side of my bed.

"That hurt," I said, sitting up.

"Here, drink this," said Damon, handing me a cup of blood.

When I drank it, my headache went away.

"What was in the cup?" Jeremy asked.

"Blood," I replied, laughing.

"We should probably head to bed, it's twelve," said Elena.

"Yea, okay," I said and fell back onto my pillow as they laughed.

"One more thing," I said, "Are my eyes blue?"

"No, their not," said Jeremy.

"Okay," I said, "Now get out." 

I put shorts on then a sweatshirt and but my hair up in a messy bun. I slipped under the covers and sighed. I clapped and the light went off.

The next morning, I went downstairs and saw Damon and Stefan.

"Hey," I said.

"Elena is missing," said Stefan.

"What?" I asked.

"She undaggered Elijah too," said Stefan.

"What! I said, superspeeding to him and held him up by his neck.

"You're telling me that you daggered Elijah and kept him in the basement? He is a loyal brother and he keeps his word!" I said.

"We thought he was a threat," said Damon.

I put Stefan down.

"Whatever, did you make coffee?" I asked.

"Yea, here," He said, and giving me coffee.

There was a burning sensation in my throat then I started to cough.

"Are you okay?" asked Stefan.

Damon was just laughing.

"I put vermin in her drink," said Damon.

Then I coughed again. "I'm good." I said.

I went upstairs and took a shower then blow dried my hair. I put a red leather jacket on and black skinny jeans on with combat boots. Then I went in my car and went to Mystic Grill. I walk in and sat down at a table.

"What can I get you?" asked Matt.

"Can I have a cheeseburger and fries?" I asked.

"Is that all?" He asked.

"Yes it is," I said and smiled.

I look at my phone and got a text from Stefan.

Stefan: Going to Jenna's. Klaus is there but I can handle him. 

Me: Okay. 

My food came and I ate it, putting down 20 dollars after then I played pool with Tyler.

"I win," I said.

"How are you good at this?" He asked.

"Well, when you live 1,000 years you learn something!" I said, then my phone went off.

"Hello," I said.

"Hey Alice. Jenna is staying over tonight and she knows about us. Bye," He said.

"Bye," I replied.

"What happened?" asked Tyler.

"They know," I said then I drove back to the house.

When I walk through the door Stefan and Damon was standing there and so was Elena.

"Hey," I said.

"Hi," she replied.

"How is she?" I asked.

"She's shocked," said Elena.

"I feel bad," I said.

"I should be going back to Elijah," said Elena.

"No, I don't want you going back to him. I don't trust him," said Stefan.

"Well, I trust him," I said.

"That's because he's your brother," said Damon.

Then Elena drove back to Elijah and I went to bed.

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