The Lord Of The Rings:~The Lo...

By Sarah35487

362 0 0

Legolas stays for the wedding of Aragorn and Arwen before he starts feeling pain in his chest that he knows i... More

Chapter 1:~An old Dynasty~
Chapter 2:~Dreams~
Chapter 3:~Birthday~
Chapter 4:~Gondor~
Chapter 5:~Elora meets Galadriel~
Chapter 6:~The dinner~
Chapter 7:~Family reunion~
Chapter 8:~Elora and Emersion~
Chapter 9:~The Plan~
Chapter 10:~The Journey begins~
Chapter 11:~Saving~
Chapter 12:~A battle is to begin~
Chapter 14:~Living nightmare~ Part 1
Chapter 15:~Living nightmare~ Part 2
Chapter 16:~Recovery and Threats~

Chapter 13:~The Final battle~

8 0 0
By Sarah35487

They rode into war. "One!," Legolas started counting his kills.
The battle was not harder than the first since Aldon's soldiers were practically already dead. Legolas stayed close to Elora who fought some soldiers with her magic.
"Agerio siva!," (Destroy her) Aldon ordered his soldiers.
Elora suddenly felt one of the soldiers throw her aside against the edge and she yelped in pain. Legolas saw his injured sister at the edge and Aldon slowly approaching her.
Aldon bended over Elora before stabbing with the knife in the stomach and Elora closed her eyes in pain. He grabbed her right arm and smiled wickedly, "Now! Now one can save you, for the poison in your body no one of your elven kind can cure. The Light Elves Dynasty will after 8000 years finally fall," And Elora held in the pain as he slowly cut with the knife in her arm, leaving a small poisoned cut.
Elora looked up at the man that had one loved her as a child with tears in her eyes of both physical and emotional pain.
Aldon smiled wickedly and used his magic and Elora heard the ground under her shake.
Legolas began run towards his sister when Thranduil stopped his son.
Elora used the last of her strength to freeze the ground underneath her into ice and send out a bright light to reach Emersion.
Suddenly, Emersion sent Aldon to the hard ground with his magic and pulled out his magical sword. "So you go to be a Demon hunter again?," Aldon smiled wickedly. And Emersion shook his head. "You know, father taught me about a certain spot. Where you can stab someone through the spine and the heart at the same time," Aldon smiled wickedly. And they started to fight. "Father loved me most. You're weak Emersion. You're love for Elora makes you weak!," "You're not going to hurt her ever again!," Emersion snapped angrily. Aldon smiled wickedly, "You care about her. You love her like she was your own daughter. That makes you weak. Don't you remember, love is weakness!,"
Aldon sent Emersion to the ground and went against Elora when Emersion quickly stood up and grabbed his brother from behind and stabbed him through the spine into his heart. Aldon quickly stilled and Elora glanced up at Emersion weakly, the poison still spreading through her body towards her heart. She could hear The Valar sing for her, telling her to let go. That her ancestors were waiting for her. But she would not let go. She was a survivor.
"You know about that certain spot!," Emersion reminded his brother, "Father taught me too!," And he pulled out his sword and Aldon fell to the ground, dead, turning into dust and disappeared.
Emersion let go and looked up. "Elora!," He exclaimed and hurried over to the dying Light Elleth.
Thranduil hurried over to his daughter and Emersion knelt down by Elora, placing his hand on hers. "You're going to be alright," He whispered softly. Elora wanted to speak when Emersion hushed her. "Shh, don't speak, save your strength, Ithildin. I'm going to heal you," Elora raised her hand and Emersion took her hand in his. "I'm not going to let you die, Elora, my daughter, My Queen," Emersion held his hand over Elora's bleeding wound in the stomach and healed her. He knew the poison was spreading in her body. He healed the cut in her arm and quickly pulled out a small bottle with some kind of magic liquid. "Drink this. It will cure you of the poison," And Elora looked up at him weakly and Emersion helped her drink a few drops of the antidote and Thranduil looked up at the wizard worriedly. Emersion prayed to The Valar he was not too late to save her. Elora smiled weakly at Emersion, but not in pain. Emersion smiled, "Rest now, Ithildin. You're going to be alright," And Thranduil exhaled in relief. Emersion gently lifted Elora into his arms and they set off against Gondor since it was closest from there location.

Emersion took Elora on his horse and he soon realised she had fallen into a deep sleep. He gently gave her a kiss on the forehead. "I will never leave you again," He whispered softly only loud enough for him to hear.

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