Untold Stories

By HopeIsSerenity

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This is a collection of my unsaid sentiments, short stories I never got the chance to share, and the letters... More

You will be healed
May we never get tired of holding on
Lasing sa katotohanan
Pag-asang pinaanod ko
Piliin mo ang landas na pipiliin ka
Both of us will live after dying for unknown reasons
Payapa sa katahimikan
You are loved
This is what Love feels like
A broken writer
Dear Future Lover
Paradiso Ko Ang Pag-ibig Mo
Not A Happy Ending
I am not like them
Farewell, My Love.
Farewell, My Love.
Look how you killed me

Thank you for existing

41 1 0
By HopeIsSerenity

I never got the courage to say this to you, but I hope you take care of yourself. 

How have you been doing? It's been a while since we last saw each other ... I wrote a simple letter for you to let you know how thankful I am for all the moments you have proven to me that I was worthy of everything, just as how you are. I know that I've said this multiple times but I truly, and sincerely want to express my appreciation for everything that you have done for me.

For those addle and gloomy moments I've had, you were there to patiently share with me your wisdom about things that I couldn't yet fathom, which had always comforted the chaos in my head. Your patience reminded me that it's ok to have unanswered questions sometimes; to take things slow and just simply exist.

And even in the days when I was afraid, you genuinely extended your unconditional help that made me ponder and appreciate the candidness of your intention. It may always seem impossible to you, but you were able to teach me the grace of love and how it could change you into someone better.

Now, as we venture into our separate paths, let me tell you that I am certainly happy to have met you. I would not forget the good and humorous things you've done to make me forget those sad moments that hinder me from smiling.

I would not forget how I cleverly made up a bunch of names of yours, which I think would serve as an amusing sobriquet. I remember when I used to call you by that name and I would love at how adorable it was; how you would stick to my nickname that sounds like my birth month, and how you managed to still become as ebullient and cheerful as you could, despite having a really busy school schedule, which, in turn, would make me flee from taciturnity. You made me have the freedom to share my deepest and most random thoughts on the most random days.

I remember the day when I finally got to breathe, knowing that I have someone who will never get tired of listening to my rants and making me smile afterward. Having been able to experience those things is enough reason why you should be appreciated — your sweet efforts were just heartwarming.

Life is so beautiful, and it would be more beautiful if you learn to live with pure happiness. You've told me several times about how you took your life and I wouldn't want you to suffer from that again. That's what this message is all about aside from my utmost appreciation.

I want you to live your life and always choose happiness. I know that we would have more hardships, but giving up in life should never be an option. Because I know now how wonderful it is to love, live, and laugh and I want you to love yourself too.

There are so many greater things in life ahead of us and I want you to enjoy every bit of it, just as I would relish mine. I am really hoping that you would keep your promise of not taking your life again.

Enjoy life and be happy.

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