Blinded By A Star

By jojislonglostbelt

2.6K 70 258

When Avi finds a girl on the streets, he decided to take her in and care for her. But what happens when Chloe... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty-One
Chapter Twenty-Two
Chapter Twenty-Three
Chapter Twenty-Four
Chapter Twenty-Five
Chapter Twenty-Six
Chapter Twenty-Seven
Chapter Twenty-Eight
Chapter Twenty-Nine
Chapter Thirty
Chapter Thirty-One
Chapter Thirty-Two
Chapter Thirty-Three

Chapter Seventeen

62 2 6
By jojislonglostbelt

Chloe's POV

It's getting late, but no one is tired. Even after our long day of capturing a criminal, no one can sleep. So we decided to play truth or dare... Well, just dare.

"Chloe, I dare you to go and kiss Avi and Kirstie," Scott said. Did I have to go first?

I went over to Kavi and kissed each one of them. I went back to my part of the couch and blushed awkwardly.

"Ok Mitch, your turn," Kirstie said.

Mitch's POV

I'm kind of scared to receive my dare. Kirstie gives really good dares and they can be scary.

"I dare you to... Go do the nasty with Scott on the kitchen counter." She said.

I looked at Scott to her his approval. He nodded and we walked to the kitchen counter. There was no wall between the counter and the living room, so everyone was watching. I hadn't gotten much action from Scott in a while so I was kind of enjoying our current state.

A/N: I'm not describing the situation so..

Roses are red.
Violets are blue.
If you wanna know what happened next,
Let your dirty mind get the best of you!

We stopped after what seemed like 30 minutes. When I looked at the time, only a minute had passed.

Well that was fun.

"Avi, your turn," I said.

Avi's POV

I'm not really a fan of truth or dare. But if it occupies time, I'll play it.

"Avi," Mitch said.


"I dare you to prank call Esther. And put her on speaker,"Mitch said, giving a devious grin.

I turned on my phone and put it on speaker. I pressed Esther's contact and the phone started ringing. She picked up immediately.

A: Hello?

E: Hi, this is Esther Kaplan. How may I help you?

A: I need some VIP passes to the PTX concert.

E: How many?

A: Hold on...

I put Esther on hold.

"How many people are coming to our first concert on tour?" I asked Scott.

"15,500 people," Scott said, looking down at his phone.

I took Esther off of hold and continued the conversation.

A: I'm back. I need 15,500 VIP passes.

E: What is your name again?

A: Bob... Umm... Johnson. Yeah, Bobby Johnson

E: Avi, I know it's you. Are you playing truth or dare?

A: Yeah...

E: *laughing* You have to stop using Bobby Johnson as a fake name! It's getting old.

A: Ok... Bye sis, Love you.

E: Love you too. Bye

I hung up. Bobby Johnson. It's an old fake name I used when playing with Esther as a little kid.

"Who wants to sleep? I'm tired!" I said.

"Ok, well continue tomorrow night," Chloe said as she got up and started walking towards her room.

"Wait, Chloe stop!" Mitch said, running to stop Chloe.

"What?" Chloe said, turning around.

"You were about to walk into the wall," Mitch said, directing her further right.

"Oh," Chloe said as she walked to her room a second time.

Today was pretty eventful.


Just a fun game of truth or dare...


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