My Rant Book

By Violet_Sky_29

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When the struggle is too real and I need to rant this is where you will find me. Come join the conversation i... More

Germanwings Flight 9525 Crash
Respect My Beliefs, and I'll Respect Yours
Be The Solution. NOT The Problem.
Let's Talk About Racism
Punk Rock and Outcasts
Lack of POC Representation and White Washing in Fanfiction
#BlackLivesMatter vs. #AllLivesMatter

Wtf is up with Ashton

278 10 8
By Violet_Sky_29


So if you were on twitter last night, you already know what I'm about to say. If not, let me enlighten you. 

Apparently something is going on with Ashton as like every update acc and all the people that are insiders and crap know what's up and decided it would be a good idea to rub it in everyone's face that they know something we don't about Ash, then have the audacity to get mad when we ask what it is. Um excuse me? You're talking about people's favs. Wtf did you think was gonna happen when you said something personal is going on with Ashton???? You shouldn't have said anything, because you look like you just want attention.

If you're so respectful of Ashton's privacy, don't you think he wouldn't even want you telling people you know anything??? I feel like the people in this fandom who are update accs, insiders, or just plain stalkers feel like they are better than everyone else because of all the info they know about 5sos and how many times they have met them. You are not better than the rest of us. And if you say "oh we have the same opportunities we just utilize them." Um no we don't??????? Most of us are in school (something you should probably be in too but that's none of my business). Most of us don't have parents who will just let their child roam around the country looking for band members. Most of us don't have the money to afford the means to get to meet 5sos. Most of us don't drive, and those of us that do, again, have parents who would never let us do that. We DO NOT have the same opportunies. Just admit you are privileged and spoiled. You look less delusional that way.

And in any event why would I wanna spend my entire life stalking band members?? You say you respect their privacy yet you brag to everyone how you know something about Ash that we dont and you meet them 9000 times and know their address. That's not respect, you're INVADING their privacy. Just because 5sos don't say that it's not ok to follow them as much as some of you do, doens't mean they mean it. What do you expect them to say? "You're all weird creepy stalkers please leave"?? They won't say that. And even so ask yourself this: if someone treated you the way you treat 5sos and followed you around the way you follow 5sos, would you be ok with it and not call the cops?? You would. Because it's not normal. Just because 5sos are famous doesn't mean crap. They are still humans with feelings and a need for privacy. But you treat them different because they're famous and think it's ok when if someone stalked you like that you'd taze them.

And stop saying you know all this info about 5sos. It's your own fault that you're a stalker and found all that stuff out. If you didn't wanna know, don't go out of your way to stalk them and therefore stumble upon it. And don't get mad when people ask what you know and say "why do people keep asking me this as if i know everything about them?" Wanna know why? BECAUSE YOU ACT LIKE YOU DO!! If you just stfu no one would know to ask you. 

That being said, apart from wanting to know what's up with Ash, I found out a few things last night. One being that one of these stalkers said Ashton has a past with cheating and did in fact cheat on Biannca and has "trouble keeping it in his pants." Now idk if it's true but with the amount of peope that say this I'm having less and less faith in Ashton on this. Idk about you but I HATE cheaters. That is not a mistake. It is a choice. Just because it's Ashton does not mean it's an exception when yall know DAMN well if someone cheated on you you'd be done with them. You're only saying it's ok because it's Ashton. He is still a human. And he screws up too. Royally. It's OK to not condone your fav's actions. It's OK! It doesn't mean you hate them, it means you're disappointed. Idc how young Ashton is he is only a year older than me and I don't do half the crap he does and cheating is unacceptable.

Trust me I am not a person who easily believes rumors but now I don't know what to believe with Ashton.

That brings me to my final topic: Ashton and Bryanna. I thought that freeze dried rice cracker had left but she came back and everyone is saying they're dating and before I didn't believe it because none of the pics we saw you could see their faces. But now everyone is confirming it and apparently she was at the KCAs and Ash got her flowers or whatever idk. Hopefully he doesn't cheat on her too. 

However, I CANNOT stand Bryanna. And it's not because she's with Ash. I know they won't last. He isn't gonna marry her. They probably won't last long just like him and Biannca bc idk if yall noticed but Ashton def has a type and has the worst taste in girls in all of 5sos. Luke and Calum have the best taste. I know all that, and no matter who Ash dated I'd be sad, but that isn't my problem. My problem is WHO he's dating. Everyone by now probably knows about that video of Bryanna and her ex being racist and fat shaming. Idc if it was 5 years ago I am black fat and have extremely bad body issues that are not average or normal so that crap hurt a lot. And maybe she changed but even one of the insiders said she still likes stuff on Insta about Muslims and terrorism. And if you are white and skinny maybe that crap doesn't bother you because it doesn't affect you, but to minorities and bigger people it should. And if it doesn't, don't let the fact that Ashton is with her blind you. You ARE allowed to be upset. Preserve your self esteem and self respect and don't let Ashton and the racist fat shamer take that away from you.

And Ashton dating her makes me question what kind of person he is that makes him ok with this?? He is like her, or is he so blindly by her model body that he can't see how terrible she is? Either way it's unacceptable and Ashton is a close second to Luke in my book (I'm a Luke girl) and it hurts so much to think that he is ok with someone like that. People apparently are saying the problem isnt with Ashton but with Bryanna because people are telling her to feel better and while I don't wish bad on her and hope she is ok, I don't like her. At all. Now I'm so conflicted because I love 5sos but with all of that and the countless fat shaming stories I hear about them that make them all about to be cruel except for Luke who in every story I have ever heard was actually nice no matter your size and made the boys stay to take selfies with bigger girls even when they tried to cop out. 

And I feel like that's what keeps me going. Knowing Luke isn't like that. Maybe I don't know everything, but he is the realest to me, and maybe Michael as well. It just conflicts me with Ash and idk what to do because I don't wanna not support 5sos because I love them and their music and when Ash is nice he is SO nice but when he screws up he SCREWS up. And I don't know how much more I can take. It makes me scared to see them live in September or to ever meet them because if all of that is true then they're gonna treat me differently and make fun of me and ignore me when I meet them (hopefully not Luke since he hasnt based on the stories) and idk how I would handle that. I already have a lot going on mentally and emotionally and that could actually send me over the edge or close to it and it terrifies me. 

That's what it comes down to. Not just being mad at Ashton or the others. Scared. Scared that they would treat me differently if I met them because I'm black and fat. And that's why I have a desire to lose weight, at least half my goal weight, before I meet them. So I can calm down and worry less. I wanted to lose weight anyway because of other stuff and yes I know it should be just for me not others but I can't promise anything. I just don't wanna keep crying over a band that probably would hate me because I'm not white or skinny.

Luke is what keeps me coming back for more. I always say "as long as it isn't Luke I will survive" because he is my fav and I couldn't handle it if he was anything like Ash rn. He is just a really dorky sadly insecure breadstick and the fact that he followed me over 7 months ago is so surreal. He made me so happy that day and something horrible happened a few days later. It was the last ray of hope I had before life came crashing down, and it was so nice. I love Luke and he holds my heart and that is probably a bad idea but he is the least problematic with the least "groupie" issues and he looks annoyed and uncomfortable when clubbing he just chills. I stay for him. But rn idk how I feel about the other 3, especially Ash. Calum and Michael didn't do anything the fat shaming thing is just bothering me. Idk.

But yea. Ashton get your crap together and stop dating a racist fat shamer since oh idk half your fans are minorities and half have some form of mental illness and/or body issues (myself included in both) and if it weren't for those same people you wouldn't have a job and would have no chance with a model??? Just saying. Ok I'm done. 


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