Abroad Liberty: In the Eye of...

By Storylaland

84 46 21

A massive explosion will derail everything, a high profile client could get him on the map, will he be able t... More

Wall of Fire
This is Chaotic
You are making a big mistake
This is the only way trust me
She will get worst before she gets better
Wether she lives or dies is on me now
Trust that I know what I'm doing
I did this for them not you
You got to blow off some steam
I don't remember what I did last night
You run into fires and I into hot waters
I miss the rush and the heat of the moment
We have to work together that is all
I want more, I just don't know what that is yet
All is fair in love and war
An end marks a beginning
Special announcement

This is not what I wanted

3 2 0
By Storylaland

Two days after the explosion and all the hard work he put into helping the injured, Kyle returns to work eager to see his tiny humans and how they're doing. As he steps into the NICU, he approaches NICU number 1 "So what do we have here, let's see, he seems responsive to his reflexes, his breathing sounds good, heart rate and pulse are good" he says to himself.

Afterward, he turns to the anxious father "I want to run a couple more tests just to be sure, but, if all comes accordingly, this little guy may get to go home after all" the father brings his hands down and sights "Oh thank God, thank you so much, you don't know what this means for my wife and me, for a minute there we thought he might not make it" Kyle gives him a comforting nod "Well, that's what we are here for, now if you excuse me, I will leave you with him, one of the nurses will come soon to take the samples"

He walks away and leaves the parents with their baby boy, as he approaches to see how the other baby is doing he finds out that Doctor Serranim discharged her the day before. With nothing else to do after getting on time with his work, Kyle sits and waits for something to happen as he stares at the clock. 


After a few rough and busy months he has very little to do, the NICU is pretty much empty, and he rarely runs the peds floor or the PICU, so there is nothing he can do there, every area has its team, the only way for him to help is if they need it, and right now, they do not. 


After two more hours, he clears the baby to leave, and after that, he heads down to the Surgical Floor to see what Samantha is up to. As he spots her he clears his throat "What's my favorite OR nurse up to these days" she turns and looks at him "HAHAHA SANDOVAAAAL, what are you doing down here? Aren't you like supper important and busy nowadays?" He scoffs at her "That's exactly why I'm here, I barely have time to see how my friends are doing?" She gives him a knowing glare "Ohhhhh, you, visiting, uh uh, no I don't buy it"

One of the Surgeons pads him on his back "Heeeyyy, I hear the NICU is slow today, don't tell me you're planning a change to a busier life and plan to join us down here at the GATES OF HEAVEN or like everyone else calls it Operation Room" Samantha's jaw drops in disbelief  "I knew you weren't here to say hello, YOU ARE BORED AS HELL AREN'T YOU? GOD, YOU ARE A PREDICTABLE MOTHER FUCKER" Kyle start laughing "FIIINEEEE I'M BORED, can you believe it, MEEEE? BOREEEED? I literally ran into a fire, made possible what every other physician in this country thought impossible, created an exterior ER at a run-down hospital and now I don't have anything to do" he makes a dramatic pause "I had one patient, and we cleared it today. UGH, remind me again why I decided to move to lazy boring upstate New York?"

Samantha stands next to him and throws her left arm over his shoulder "Seem to me like that's exactly what is going on, you had a taste of something more, exhausting, but thrilling, something that kept you on your toes, and now that it's gone you're lost, I told you not to take that case, once Ramney returned, you wouldn't be doing them anymore"  he growls at her "UGHHHH, I know, I know, but hey, can I watch one of the surgeries, PLEEEEAAAASSSEEEEE, no one will even know I'm there"

Samantha starts turning him towards the exit "And that right there is why you can't, HIPAA prohibits it, so, as lovely as it is to see you here visiting" she air quotes at the visiting part "you better get back to your turf, oh and Kyle, you will get that NICU filled with dying babies in no time, you just got to pray for it hard enough"

Kyle's eyes widen "People pray for them to be safe not die you sadistic bitch" she pushes him out "Get out of here, GOOOO SHUUU"


Lost, and with nothing to do, Kyle heads for the elevators, as he steps in he runs into the Director of the Hospital "Sandoval, I'm glad to see you, just so you know, I've already gotten the plan in motion for your research facility" Kyle looks at him "That's great, but, it's not my research facility you know, it's the Pediatric Department of Research and Investigation"

The Director starts laughing at his modesty "Well, I thought that maybe once it was done you would like to take every once in a while a case to solve as you did with that little girl?."

At that very moment, his eyes light up and with a bright smile he looks at the director "OH MY GOSH, that's it, that's what I need" the Director looks at him confused "What is" Kyle claps both his shoulders "Sir, I will get you the proper proposal, but what if, just hear me out, what if we create a subdivision of the Diagnostics team focused on children, I can oversee it, Ramney would be the boss obviously but I do my job and exactly what you just proposed, it is a win-win for everyone"

The Director gives him an interesting glance "Humm, you know what, I will think about it and talk it through with the board and Ramney to see what they think, I won't make any promises but I think it could be good for everyone" at that moment the elevator doors open and Kyle steps out on the peds floor, where one of the nurses shouts at him "Sandoval, they just called from the Fire Station, you're registered on a safe haven for babies right?" He looks at the nurse "I'm registered in the app yes, why?"

The Nurse looks at him "Well, they just left a baby at Station 323, you need to go pick him up"

Kyle takes a deep breath, gets his jacket, and his glasses and heads to the station.


Once he arrives, he enters through the garage, the beaming red trucks are polished, he keeps looking around "HEYYY, NO CIVILIANS IN THE GARAGE" says a voice aout loud he stops on his track "Oh, my bad, I'm here to pic a baby" someone calls his name "Kyle?" He turns around "Adriana? Wait, you work here?" She gives him a friendly hugs "Uh, daaaaa you idiot, I'm here, where else would I work if not?"

He laughs a little embarrassed "How the hell should I know" he makes a brief paise "wait if you work here that means thaaaat" He pinches his eyes close and shuts his mouth tight "Kyle Sandoval, what brings you to this side of town" says a knowing voice.

Kyle turns around slowly "Hello Mr. Ryan Rossi" other firefighters look from their different positions on whats going down...


"Surprises come in many forms, some are great, some are not so great, but hey, rumor has it, when a baby is involved, nothing bad can come from it?"


To find out what happens next in this unexpected reunion.

Continue reading the next chapter of
⛈️Abroad Liberty: In the Eye of the Storm⛈️
to find out

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