Truth or Dare (First Love H.S...

By JBradlee

5.3K 367 38

Justin 'Golden Boy' McCoy has it all. Popularity, good looks, and a shiny new red truck. He should be walking... More

Chapter 1- Justin
Chapter 2- Justin
Chapter 3- Rayne
Chapter 4- Rayne
Chapter 5- Justin
Chapter 6- Justin
Chapter 7- Justin
Chapter 8- Rayne
Chapter 9- Rayne
Chapter 11- Justin
Chapter 12- Rayne
Chapter 13- Justin
Chapter 14- Rayne
Chapter 15- Rayne
Chapter 16- Justin
Chaper 17- Justin
Chapter 18- Rayne

Chapter 10- Rayne

238 21 4
By JBradlee

"Get a look at you, geek boy. You've gone from Steve Urkle to Stephan." Candis walks around the new and approved Eli, nodding her head in approval.

I remain silent, stunned by the sight before me.

Gone are his geeky glasses and khakis. In its place are a pair of black jeans, a buffalo plaid shirt over a black tee and wool pea coat. His chestnut hair is slicked back and when I inhale I catch a whiff of woodsy cologne.

"Thanks." He says with a shy smile.

I smoother the shock evident on my face. "Who's the lucky girl?"

"What do you mean?"

"You're all dressed up." I motion down his body. "Do you have a hot date planned after this?"

He shakes his head and a sheepish looks comes over his face. "No, no date, just thought I'd try something new."

Candis lightly slaps him on the back. "Keep this up and it won't be long." She slides a conspiratorially glance my way.

Ignoring her, I bring my brother forward and make the introductions. When I tell him Eli is playing the same popular X-box game Cedric is currently obsessed with, my brother waste no time grilling him for tips.

A loud huff comes from Candis. "Maybe I wasn't clear earlier but I'm starving here people. Can we please take the nerd convo inside?"

"We better do as she says. She gets cranky when she's hungry." I urge them along as she stomps off.

Eli's brows quirk. "She must be hungry all the time, then."

"I heard that!"

When we get inside, most of the seats are taken but Candis and Ced find a table near the back leaving me with Eli to grab our orders. Once his back is turned, she puckers her lips making kissing noises and I roll my eyes at her childish antics.

She's hell bent on this crush madness especially after Eli hugged me when I showed him my passing Trig score yesterday.

I'm still not sure how I feel about it and since he hasn't brought it up, I'm fine living in the dark and continuing on with our easy, drama-free friendship.

"How was the game?"

We're standing in line as the familiar smell of grilled meat teases my appetite. I should be sick of burgers since I serve them up at the diner but the low grumble in my stomach says differently.

"Awesome, we won thirty-eight to thirty-five. I'm not sure but I think Coach Miller was crying."

"Probably so." He chuckles. "He's retiring this year. Best to go out with a bang."

While the line moves as slow as cold molasses, he tells me about dinner with his parents and their family trip to Texas for Spring Break next month. I'm about to tell him my grand, exciting plans of picking up extra shifts at the diner when we hear commotion behind us.

"Crestfield champs in the house!"

A round of applause and cheers follows the booming announcement. Some of the players strut in with their chest puffed out and big grins on their faces. They're all large and in charge eating up the town's adoration.

Following behind them are few guys from school who aren't on the team. I spot Marcus, stocky build with smooth dark skin and a fresh fade, Corbin with sleepy gray eyes and rosy cheeks, then Ian who looks aloof as ever, and lastly, him.

Justin strolls in with a casual bravado like he owns the place and no one is going to tell him differently. He's wearing a letterman jacket over a navy Polo, dark denim jeans, and a fresh pair of J's on his feet.

Why does the universe always make the jackasses of the world so damn fine?

The better question is, why are stupid butterflies bumbling around in my stomach from the mere sight of him?

With a mental smack, I quickly remind myself that I hate cocky pretty boys, mainly ones with honey wheat curls and broad shoulders. Just as the flutter in my stomach eases, my breathing stalls when his eyes cuts through the crowd landing right on me.

While his gaze holds firm, I instantly look away and notice the agitation on Eli's face.

"They're sure are full of themselves." Comes his coarse comment.

"Yeah, more than usual but they earned it." I defend, giving the rowdy boys the benefit of the doubt. They played a good game and still hyped up on adrenaline.

With one last scrutinizing glare, he turns to me and his features soften. "So, do you have any plans tomorrow afternoon?"

"Just work at one."

He nods, rocking back on his heels. "Well, if you're not too beat when you get off, I was wondering if you want to catch a movie or something."

The slight tremor in voice causes me to tense, scared of where this conversation is heading. It's not like we haven't hung out plenty of times before but thinking about what Candis said gives me pause.

"I get off at six but my dad is working so I have to be home for Cedric." I explain, which isn't a lie.

My brother is my responsibility and part of the reason I don't spend my weekends party hoping in a drunken haze.

"Oh, right, I understand." He visibly deflates. "Maybe another time."

I give him a weak smile, hating that I poked a hole in his confidence.

Was he even asking me out on a date? Maybe he just wanted to hang out as friends.

I nibble on the inside of my cheek wondering what would happen if I took him up on his offer.

Would one date at the movies magically transform us to a couple that walks around school holding hands and talks on the phone all night until we fall asleep?

How long will it last and once it reaches its inevitable end, do we go back to being friends or scorned ex's that hate each other?

My head starts to throb thinking about all the ways one date can have disastrous effects.

Then again, we have known each other for years and out of all the boys at school to take a chance on, Eli would be at the top of my list if I was interested in a relationship.

As the line draws down, I start to rethink my earlier convictions.

I'm seventeen, for goodness sake, not seventy. I should be living my best teenage life, dating or at least doing something more on a Saturday night than curled up on the couch living vicariously through reality TV.

Stop being an old maid and live a little, a voice urges.

Mind made up, I turn to Eli. "Actually, I can see Mrs. Payne will watch Cedric if the offer still stands."

"Of course." His face breaks out into a wide smile. "Just, uh, just text me and let me know."

"I will." I say with assurance and, surprisingly, I'm feeling good about my decision.

He didn't specify it was a date but if I'm going to step a toe outside of my safe little box, better to do it with Eli. He's sweet, a good listener, and I won't have to worry about him turning into a handsy predator at the end of the night.

Most importantly, he's low key and safe.

As we inch our way closer to the front, another employee dressed in an orange and brown uniform opens a register at the end of the row.

"Hey, Justin," The girl with a long blonde ponytail hanging out the back of her cap waves. "I'm open over here."

The Golden Boy of Crestfield comes forward with a confident gait that announces he's used to getting special treatment. Never mind the people ahead of him that's been waiting to place their order.


He suddenly stops in his tracks and turns towards us. "You coming?"

I peek behind me assuming he's speaking to someone else until I hear his amused chuckle.

"Yes, Rayne, I'm talking to you."

My brows dip in confusion because my name shouldn't roll off his tongue so easily. And, why would he be talking to me of all people?

Caught off guard, seconds tick by before my brain gets with the program. "I'm fine right here."

Instead of accepting my answer and walking off, he studies me and then Eli. A wry smirk appears on his face and I bristle wondering what he finds so amusing.

"You sure?"

"Positive." I reply, curtly.

Long, tapered fingers rub his jaw and his shoulders bounce in an, 'it's your loss' gesture. "Suite yourself." Dismissing me, he waltzes up to the counter.

My eyes turn to slits as heat fumes up my neck. I absolutely hate to be put on the spot and more so being the butt of someone's joke. This would make the third time Justin has managed to get under my skin in less than forty-eight hours.

While I'm grinding my teeth, the cashier is grinning like an fool and practically beaming as if serving him a tray of grilled meat and fries will make him fall in love with her.

And here I thought boys were the problem. My own sex is just as shameless and pathetic.

"I didn't know you two were friends." The accusatory tone of Eli's voice grabs my attention.

"What!? No," I shake my head at the absurdity of his assumption.

Me and Justin friends? Not now and not ever. Guys like him don't have female friends just ditsy fans that feed their ego and warm their beds.

"Good." He glares in Justin's direction. "You're too nice of a person to be friends with someone like him."

When he finally looks down at me, his ire is replaced by an emotion I'm not in the mood to dwell on right now.

"I just pretend to be nice. Deep down I'm a raging bitch." I joke to lighten the mood.

"I think you're confusing yourself with Candis."

"Hey," I playfully smack him on the arm. "That's my best friend you're talking about."

Instead of apologizing, he reaches out to brush my braid off my shoulder; his hand lingers before dropping to his side. I then realize that the simple act is Eli's subtle way of flirting.

I wait to be weirded out but it doesn't come.

"Geez Louis." Candis grumbles when we get back to our table. "What did they have to do, go out back and shoot the cow?"

We start to divvy up our food when the skin on the back of my neck prickles. With all the people milling about, I didn't notice Justin sitting a couple of tables over to the right. I ignore him and start eating but when I glance up, he is once again staring. Agitated, I don't look away. He just winks and the urge to pull a Candis by giving him a one finger salute is strong.

For three years I've been invisible to him and would prefer to keep it that way. This sudden, unwarranted attention, his dumbass comment, and that crap he pulled in line is messing with the normal order of things.

If Justin thinks he can throw me a little crumb of attention and I'd fall to his feet, he is sorely mistaken.

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