Hurricane - Book 2

By TaraZamir

292K 7K 22K

Portorosso has fallen, and life has changed forever for all Sea Monsters. Mercenaries rule the ocean waters... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 10.5
Chapter 11
I heard you guys
Chapter 10.75
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 19

Chapter 17

13.3K 283 1.3K
By TaraZamir

TW in the description
Thank you to rare.candykale.arts and Choo_arts for these images!

Alberto POV

Alberto woke to the sound of a shower being turned on. He groaned. Just one morning, he would like to be the one to wake up first. Alberto wanted the chance to see Luca asleep, curled into his arms. But Luca was always up bright and early. He was usually already out of bed before Alberto even noticed.

"Why is my mate such an early bird?" He thought as he rubbed his eyes awake.

He forced himself to sit up and get out of bed. He wore shorts and a plain tank top. Opening the door to the bathroom, Alberto was greeted with a wave of steam. He grinned as he saw a long green tail peeking out from behind the shower curtain.

Luca was humming to himself as he showered. Alberto stopped to listen. It was a major tune, maybe something his mother sang to him when he was young. The tip of his tail twitched back and forth.

Walking quietly so Luca wouldn't hear, Alberto snuck across the tiled floor until he was right outside the curtain. Then with both hands, he grabbed Luca's tail.

"Gotcha!" He said.

There was a loud, "AHH!" and the tail jerked from his hand as Luca stumbled around in the shower.

Alberto began laughing, then Luca's head peeked around the corner of the curtain.

"Alberto! I could have tripped!" He said with an adorably grumpy look on his face.

"Sorry, sorry," Alberto said, still laughing. Then he caught a glimpse of Luca's bare chest, the rest of him hidden behind the curtain. He raised an eyebrow.

"Mind if I join?"

"No way!" Luca said, shutting the curtain back over himself. His tail hung out for only a moment before he jerked it back in.

"Are you being shy?" Alberto said, teasing. "You know I've already seen everything, right?"

"I-I know that," Luca said, his voice small.

Alberto blinked hard through the steam. He could see Luca's outline from behind the curtain. His shoulders, the arch in his back, the way his tail sloped away from his body.

A sudden rush of yearning hit Alberto so hard he gasped. All at once, the playful teasing was gone - replaced by.... desire.

He blinked at the rapid change in his attitude.

"What is this?" Alberto wondered as his heart raced and his eyes continued to watch Luca's outline. He wanted to rip that curtain open and have his way with Luca in the shower. The knowledge that Luca was undressed only feet from him sent his mind into a frenzy.

Alberto took a deep breath. This wasn't coming from him - or was it?

"I'll see you downstairs." He quickly said and raced out of the room and to the first floor.

As soon as he put distance between him, the desire loosened its grip. He could feel the tether inside him... the Bond. It was alive with electricity and heat. Was he feeling this way because... he was sensing Luca's desires?

No. He would be able to tell if these feelings were coming from Luca. This was... something else. Then a thought hit Alberto, stopping him midstep.

Is the Bond itself - Alive? Does it think for itself, regardless of Luca's and Alberto's wishes? The thought of a separate entity controlling them scared Alberto.

"I need to talk to Mattias." He thought, skipping coffee and marching down the hall.

He was so lost in thought he ran headlong into someone coming around the corner.

"Oy!" Eshe said, stumbling a bit.

"Sorry," Alberto said, stepping back. "I'm just looking for Mattias."

"He is out with Giulia, remember? You asked to go with them last night, but they said no. Too dangerous to show yourself in town."

"It's not like I can change." He grumbled, remembering the conversation from the night before.

Then he paused, looking at Eshe. His sister. It was still weird thinking of her in that way. He was closer to Giulia than his own biological sister. But he figured that relationship would grow with time. At least, he hoped it would. Eshe was a closed book. She was, for the most part, very unapproachable. But Alberto knew she had a little brother soft spot for him - and Luca by extension.

"Hey, actually, maybe you can help me." He said. "Can I ask you some stuff about the Bond?"

Eshe nodded.

"Yes, but make me coffee first."

They walked to the kitchen, and Eshe sat at the bar while Alberto began working with the coffee beans. Soon the room was filled with the rich scent. He poured her a mug, but when he offered her cream or sugar, she turned it down.

"I drink it black."

"Ugh, gross," Alberto said, pouring himself a healthy serving of creamer.

She took a long sip before talking.

"What were your questions about the Bond?" She asked.

"Well... it's hard to explain." He realized as he leaned against the counter, drinking out of his mug.

"Do your best."

"This is going to sound stupid but, is the Bond - alive? Like does it think for itself?"

Eshe smiled.

"That is not a stupid question. I've heard it asked before. The answer to that is yes and no."

Alberto tensed.

"It's alive through your connection with Luca. But it can't implant thoughts into your head, so don't worry about that." She said, watching his eyes grow wide.

"Oh, thank God." Alberto breathed out.

"But it will push its own agenda."

"And what would that be?"

She grinned at him. It was the sort of teasing grin Giulia gave him right when he was about to fall into a prank of hers.

"What is the purpose of a Bond? Obviously, you and Luca are a special case." Eshe asked rather than answer the question.

She liked to do that, making Alberto think instead of giving him a straight answer.

"I don't know. I guess to bring a couple closer together?" He said, shrugging his shoulders.

"And?" She pressed.

"And... I guess - OH!" He suddenly realized the answer to his question.


The purpose of a bond in Sireni is to make sure compatible partners produce healthy offspring. It finally made sense in Alberto's mind. Even though he and Luca were incapable of having kids, the desire to reproduce wouldn't stop. The Bond would push them to... well. Do things.

But the feeling was becoming overwhelming. Even now, all Alberto could think about was when Luca would come down the stairs, what he would be wearing. Alberto's thoughts were running away with him. He worried Luca would feel them if he kept it up. But how did he prevent Luca from sensing his desires?

"Is there a way I can block Luca out?" He asked.

Eshe lifted a brow.

"Why do you want to do that?" She asked.

"Well, sometimes I want to keep my thoughts private. And I worry Luca will get a snapshot of what I'm thinking. Is there a way to turn it off?" He scratched the back of his head awkwardly.

"You can't turn off a Bond, Alberto." She said, rolling her eyes. "But you can put up a barrier."


"Imagine the Bond as a road. Then imagine a block on that road, preventing anything from passing through. Do it over and over until you feel the steady stream of each other's thoughts come to a stop."

Alberto closed his eyes and tried to picture it. But the idea of cars on a road didn't suit the way the Bond connected them. It was different. It was light.

He felt the tether between them. It was hollow, allowing for small bursts of light to pass back and forth. Every thought, emotion, memory, and desire was a ball of light making its way down the tether. Sometimes the lights shot so fast it was like a bullet from a gun. Sometimes they moved slowly, moving from one end to another in lazy motions. Some were dim, some bright. Some even were different colors. But they all had one thing in common. They connected him to Luca.

Alberto attempted his first barrier to stop the light. It didn't work, but a thin film appeared in the middle of the tether. It felt like a piece of cloth. The light passed through it easily. He tried again, and a second layer appeared. Then another and another. Pretty soon, the light couldn't penetrate through its thickness. A bright ball of thought approached, but only a faint wisp of light made it through, a fraction of the thought.

He felt a part of himself... disappear. It wasn't gone but muffled, like trying to hear someone from far away. It wasn't a pleasant feeling, but it was a sign that his block had worked. Luca couldn't feel the desires building inside him anymore.

"I think I got it." He said, finally opening his eyes.

Then hurried footsteps could be heard coming down the stairs. Luca rounded the corner wearing shorts and with a shirt, only half pulled over himself. Blue fings stuck out from his brown hair where it was still wet from the shower.

"Are you ok?" He asked, looking for some kind of commotion.

"Uh... yeah?" Alberto said, giving him a weird look. "Are you?" He pointed to Luca's disheveled state.

"I just... I just thought something happened." He said, still looking around.

"Nope. Everything is good. Want some coffee?" Alberto offered.

Luca looked around one more time before nodding.

"Sure." He said, rubbing his chest.

Alberto realized that Luca was feeling the block too. Only he didn't know that Alberto had done it on purpose. He was feeling that same muffled hollowness inside him.

Alberto felt bad for doing it without talking to Luca first. But even now, as he watched Luca pull his shirt entirely over himself, all he could think about was tearing it off again. His eyes caught on Luca's pale legs. Mostly uncovered in those shorts. A hunger rose in his chest, nearly driving him to press Luca against the counter.

"I want to do things to him. With him. I want him so damn bad."

If he didn't put a block in their Bond, Luca would have felt every feeling passing through his mind. Every lewd thought would be thrown in the open. Alberto was a little embarrassed as he imagined taking Luca over every piece of furniture in the house... but he was also excited by it.

But more than anything, he didn't want to scare Luca with his wild desires.

"Alberto?" Luca said, eyeing him. "Did you hear me?"

"W-what?" Alberto said, blinking, taking his eyes off Luca's legs.

"I asked if you wanted to go for a walk to the Lake."

"Oh, yeah, for sure. We can go."

They finished their coffee and began walking up the stairs to change into warmer clothing. Luca was a little ahead of Alberto as they climbed up the steps. His eyes fell on Luca's rear. His hand was halfway to grab it before he stopped himself.

"Hold yourself together, Alberto." He thought.

The block he built over their Bond was holding, but he could feel his desires piling against one side, desperate to breakthrough. The Bond was working on him - hard. He was going to go crazy.

When they reached their bedroom door, Alberto stopped. If Luca changed in front of him now, the dam he built would explode.

"You go change first. I'll wait out here." He said casually.

Luca looked at him, confused. Then, his expression became sad.

"Ok." He said and disappeared through the door.


Giulia POV

The market was packed despite the cold. Giulia could barely see over the scarf she wrapped around her neck and half her face. The locals here were accustomed to the cold and stood at their stalls, selling their wares.

Mattias had taken her to the nearby town. Al and Luca wanted to come too, but it was still too dangerous to show themselves. If any Visconti members saw them, they would be in serious trouble.

"See anything else you want to get?" Mattias asked Giulia as he paid for two hot coffees.

"Grazie," Giulia said, taking her coffee, letting the cup warm her hands. "And you don't need to buy me stuff." She added.

"What if I like buying you stuff?" Mattias said.

"Then buy me some patience. Because I have to deal with you." She said.

Mattias laughed, a deep sound coming from his chest. Giulia noticed a change in him. He was lighter, more energetic, and his relentless teasing had hit an all-time high.

She credited this less tense Mattias to the conversation they had a few days prior. Mattias had finally opened up to her. Of course a lot of that was due to her own snooping, but she didn't regret the outcome. As they spoke, he would drop random bits about himself, his childhood, his likes and dislikes. Before, all those things had been under lock and key. Giulia knew that somehow, their conversation made Mattias feel like he was forgiven. Even though the loss in his past wasn't his fault, she could see the burden of it finally release its grip on him.

The outdoor market was alive and bustling with people. Holiday shopping had started, and everyone was bustling to get the best deals and trades. Hot drinks and food were sold at every turn, the smell warming the crisp air. The snow was so densely packed from hundreds of feet that it was slick. Giulia already watched half a dozen people slip.

"Let's get something for the others," Giulia suggested.

She walked to a stall selling homemade sweaters, hats, and pants. She picked out a long-sleeved sweater she thought Al would look good in when she saw...

"I have to buy this," Giulia said, eyes on a particular product.

Mattias followed her gaze.

"Oh, that's low," Mattias said as he grinned evilly. "They're going to be so mad at you."

"I'll take two!" Giulia said, buying them as fast as she could. She turned to Mattias with a brown paper bag. "One for Eshe too. She might as well join in on the fun."

Mattias shook his head, laughing.

"I can't wait to see their reaction."

They walked down the path leading away from the town and to their secluded lake house. It was a nearly two-hour walk, but Giulia never complained. It was stunning.

Lake Como had finally frozen over, the ice reflecting the white sky above. The entire landscape was covered in a blanket of snow, with only a few evergreens showing their color.

"I'll never get used to this view," Giulia said, her pink nose the only thing showing above the scarf.

"Well, watch where you're going, or you'll slip- Ah!"

The word had barely left his mouth before Mattias's feet came out from under him. He hit the ground hard, landing on his back. The fall knocked the air out of him, and he groaned slightly on the ground.

But Giulia wasn't worried. She broke into a fit of laughter, bending at the waist.

"Karma!" She howled as more laughs broke from her chest.

Quickly before she could skip away, Mattias reached up, grabbing her by the waist, pulling her into the snow with him.

"Hey!" She screeched as she fell beside him, her butt falling a few inches in the snow.

"I was just enjoying the view, and I thought I'd share it with you." He said with a wink.

"Yeah, right. You tripped, admit it." She said, laying her head down in the snow.

"Never." He breathed.

Giulia didn't know how long they lay in the snow. All she could think about was the man beside her.

What was he thinking at this moment? Was he thinking about the cold? The town? Was he thinking about.... her?

She threw the thought from her mind. It wasn't the time to get her emotions stirring. Right now, Mattias was back to teasing and talking to her, and that was enough.

He groaned as he sat up, the snow sticking to the back of his jacket. He stood brushing the snow from his pants, then offered her a gloved hand.

"Let's go before we get as sick as your brothers were."

She took his hand, and he pulled her up with surprising speed. It was so quick she lost her footing and fell forward into him.

"Hey, easy." He said, catching her.

"You pulled me too fast!" She said, trying to step away, but... his arms were around her, pulling her back into his chest.

She looked up, confused.


Giulia looked into his dark brown eyes, his long hair caked with snow.

"Mattias, what are you—"

And he kissed her.

(Credit to: on Instagram)

It was so fast, so sudden. A slight sound of surprise escaped her throat. His lips were hot in the frigid air.

And just like that, he pulled away.

"Sorry." He breathed. "I've wanted to do that for a long time."

Giulia stood in stunned silence.

"C'mon, let's get back before everyone worries." He said, picking up the brown bags.

Mattias offered her his arm. She took it, and they walked the rest of the way in silence.

The scenery passed by, but Giulia was in a sort of trance. Her brain had done a factory reset, and she was still trying to process what just happened. Before she knew it, they were back at the house.

"You coming?" Mattias said, holding open the door for her.

But she held her ground.

"What was that?" She exclaimed.

He grinned.

"What, you didn't like it?"

"I never said that." She said, her tone strong. "But what was it?"

Giulia had no idea where this man's head was. What did that kiss mean? And did he realize.... that was her first kiss?

He let the door swing closed as he walked up to her.

"I would like to think of it as a beginning." He whispered.

"Beginning of what?" She asked, her face red from more than just the cold.

Mattias reached down and took her gloved hand in his.

"Of this. Of us. If that is what you'd like, of course."

Giulia's heart skipped in her chest. Did he really just say that? He wanted to date her?

She nodded a little too eagerly.

"Yes. I'd like that." She said, her voice shaky.

"Then expect a lot more of that in the future."

And with that, he led her into the house, her heart doing cartwheels in her chest.


Alberto POV

When Alberto and Luca returned from their walk to the lake, the house was empty. Eshe left a note saying she was going to read in the garden, and it looked like Mattias and Giulia hadn't returned from their trip into town.

"Wanna watch a movie?" Luca suggested, but his voice was timid.

"I'd love that," Alberto said.

Luca stared at him a moment longer before finding the remote to the TV and turning it on. He sat on the couch, his back to Alberto.

"Is something wrong?" Alberto asked, putting his coat away and settling himself next to Luca.

"No," Luca replied sharply.

"That's a lie," Alberto said. When Luca didn't reply, he grabbed Luca's legs, twisting him to the side, so they were facing each other.

"Talk to me." He said.

Luca's eyes lingered on his a moment.

"I don't feel you." He said, his voice downhearted. "You feel far away, and I hate it."

Alberto looked away guiltily.

"That's probably my fault." He said.

"What do you mean?"

"I asked Eshe how to put up a barrier in our Bond. She helped me figure it out. The reason I seem far away is because I'm blocking my thoughts from reaching you."

Luca's eyes widened. Then to Alberto's surprise, he pushed off the couch. His chest rose and fell as he stared down angrily at Alberto.

"Why would you do something like that?" He said, his voice rising.

"I... I didn't think it was a big deal." Alberto said, holding out a hand to Luca. "It's ok; I'm not mad at you or anything."

Luca pushed his hand away.

"Well, I am!" He shouted. "I've been worried sick all day; something was wrong with me. With us. And now you're telling me you did it on purpose? Do you not want to be connected with me anymore?" Luca's voice was shaking with a mix of anger and sadness.

"No, Luca, it's not like that!" Alberto said, jumping to his feet.

"That what is it?" Luca said, staring up angrily at him.

Then Alberto saw the tears forming in the corners of his eyes.

"Luca..." He said, reaching out. This time Luca didn't push him away.

Alberto pulled him into a deep hug.

"I was worried my thoughts would... upset you. I didn't want to scare you. So I blocked it out."

Luca shook his head.

"I never want you to block me out." He said.

"It's just-" Alberto sighed. "I haven't been able to control my thoughts with you today. Eshe said the Bond could do that to us sometimes. I didn't want to scare you."

"How would you scare me?" Luca asked his eyes on Alberto's face.

"I... I've been thinking a lot of things today, Luca. Even right now - I'm having a hard time holding back. I just... want you."

Alberto let his voice trail off at the last words.

"Did you ever think that I might want you too?" Luca asked. "But when you blocked me out, I thought that you didn't want... to do those things with me."

Alberto's heart dropped at the words.

"Luca, I would never-"

The door opened, letting in a blast of cold air.

Mattias walked in with Giulia. Instantly Alberto's eyes fell to their clasped hands.

"Oh, are we interrupting something?" Mattias asked.

"No," Alberto said, taking a step back from Luca. "We were just watching a movie."

Luca sat back down on the couch, looking even more miserable than before.

"Hopefully, this cheers you up!" Giulia said, letting go of Mattias's hand and reaching inside a brown paper bag.

"You got us gifts?" Alberto asked, taking a seat beside his mate. Luca turned away from him. Alberto tried putting an arm around his shoulders, but Luca shrugged him off.

Giulia didn't seem to notice because she continued as though nothing happened.

"I don't need an excuse to get my brothers gifts." She reached into the bag, pulling out a long-sleeved shirt. "This is for you, Al."

She threw it at him. He caught it, examining the details.

It was all black. The fabric was warm yet light. He turned it over and noticed a small design on the left side of the chest. It was a light blue fish silouhette.

"Thanks, sis." He said, throwing it over his shirt. It fit him perfectly.

"Luca, you might want to go to another room to change into yours," Giulia said, offering him the bag.

"Thank you." He said, forcing a smile as he took it.

"Yours is the navy one. Leave the other for Eshe."

Luca took the bag and disappeared down the hall. When he was gone, Mattias turned to Alberto.

"So, what are you two fighting about?"

Alberto stiffened.

"None of your business." He said, crossing his arms.

Mattias blew out a long whistle.

"That bad, huh? Well, this gift might cheer you both up."

Just then, Luca's voice called from the hall.

"Giulia!" He sounded equally surprised and angry.

"Coming!" She said, skipping down the hall after him.

When she left, it was Alberto's turn to interrogate Mattias.

"You two seemed awfully close just now."

"I'm sure I don't know what you're talking about," Mattias said casually.

"Like hell you do. What's going on?"

"Well, to use your words, that is none of your business." He said with a smirk.

Alberto opened his mouth to let out a few choice words in the doctor's direction when Luca and Giulia returned.

"Giulia, this isn't funny." Alberto heard Luca's voice say.

"Oh, stop being shy; you look amazing!" Giulia said.

She coaxed him into the living room and...

All the anger in Alberto's chest fell away. His mouth fell open, and his heart did about thirty summersaults.

Luca stood, his face embarrassed, wearing a delicate navy dress.

"Can I take this off already?" Luca protested. Then his eyes locked with Alberto's.

"Stop staring like that, Alberto," Luca said shyly. He gripped at the sides of the falling fabric.

(Credit to: Choo_arts on Instagram)

The dress was navy blue. Its sleeves stoped at Luca's elbows. It came in tight around his slim waist and fell to his shins. There were delicate red flowers embroidered on the fabric with white lace hanging from the ends.

Alberto didn't say anything.

He took three strides across the room, taking Luca's hand.

"Luca and I are going to watch a movie in our room." He said, half dragging a stunned Luca down the hall and up the stairs.

"Alberto!" He protested as he followed him.

Alberto didn't stop until they had reached their bedroom. He shut the door quickly behind them. He stared openly at Luca again.

"You look beautiful." He breathed.

Luca turned away.

"You didn't have to drag me across the house to say that." He complained.

"Yes, I did." He stepped closer, the feeling in his chest ready to burst.

"He looks... irresistible."

"I don't want anyone else to see you wearing that," Alberto said.


"Because I want this side of you all to myself." He said selfishly.

Luca blushed hard, his ears going bright pink.

"Okay. I'll only wear it for you then."

They stood silently for a moment.  Alberto couldn't take his eyes off Luca. The monster inside him was ravenous. It wanted to devour Luca. The hunger was only growing with each passing moment. And with the way Luca looked now... Alberto couldn't hold back much longer. His body was losing control.

"Luca, do you want to know why I blocked you out today?"

At this, Luca finally met his eyes.


"Are you sure?" Alberto said, his voice a low rumble.

"Yes," Luca said, turning so the fabric swayed around his legs.

Then like a predator pouncing on its prey, Alberto was on him. He grabbed both of Luca's wrists in his hand, pinning them high above his head as he pushed them into a wall. Luca let out a startled gasp.

"This is why I tried to put a barrier between us," Alberto growled.

He kissed him passionately—one hand pinning Luca's arms above his head, the other gripping his slim waist.

All at once, he tore down the barrier inside him. It burst, sending all the desire he felt down the Bond. Alberto felt Luca's body jolt with shock as the flood of physical desire reached him.

Alberto released him from the kiss but kept his arms pinned.

"See. I told you. I've been craving you all day."

Luca's eyes were wide, his chest heaved.

"And now you know I've wanted you too."

Alberto began to feel something stirring through the Bond. It was true. Not only did his longing flow to Luca, but Luca's had come to him as well. He felt how badly Luca yearned for his body.

The exchange of thoughts and feelings sent him into a frenzy.

He kissed Luca again, opening and closing his mouth over him. Luca's tongue reached out. Alberto had been dying for his taste so badly that he let out a whimper as his tongue met Luca's.

They broke apart, their hot breaths filling each other's mouths.

"You have no idea how badly I've wanted to taste you," Alberto said, his voice almost a moan.

"Then taste me," Luca whispered back.

But Alberto paused, shaking his head.

"I don't want to hurt you."

"Alberto," Luca took him by the chin, "You won't hurt me."

"I did last time, and you hid it from me. You have to promise if it's too much that you'll tell me."

Luca nodded.

"I promise, Alberto."

Alberto nodded then reached for the remote on the nightstand. He clicked a few buttons, sending the lamps around them to life. He hit a final button, turning them all to.... Red.

He reached behind his head, pulling his shirt off, exposing his toned body.

"Then get ready."

Authors Note:

Hello everyone! Just a quick reminder that Chapter 18 is a Patreon exclusive Chapter. Again I have double and triple checked to ensure that nothing in this chapter will affect the plot.

Another annoucment - this Sunday December 5th will when I post Chapter 19. This is FINAL chapter for "Hurricane"! Book 2 will officialy be over. Book 3, "Sanguine Tides" will release it's first two chapters on Wattpad on January 12th. Follow my Instagram for the cover reveal! (I might decide to reveal it on a "Live" on tic tok so go ahead and follow that too just in case)

Thank you all for your support!

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