Dreader's Escape

By godofworlds

353 28 0

Having planned this trip for months, Avalon Pearson and his group of friends take a trip up to the snowy moun... More

Alternate Ending


12 1 0
By godofworlds

We all were breathing heavily, taking deep breaths and trying to recollect our thoughts about everything that had happened. "Is everyone okay?" Mason asked, looking at all of us. We nodded, except Patience who quickly sat down on the couch, resting her legs on the coffee table. "My ankles hurt," she whined, hyperventilating as tears fell down her face. I approached her and sat down on the table, removing her shoes and socks and gently rolling her semi ripped tights up, causing her to hiss a bit when my fingers brushed against her skin. "Holy shit," I whispered.

Everyone approached and let out an audible gasp at what they saw. Dark bruises and multiple, bloody scratches were all over her leg, and they were pretty deep; three in a row in different spots. "Shit, I'll get a first aid kit! Taylor, you sit down too. Your knuckles are bleeding," Mason ordered before rushing to a different room.

Taylor pulled his shirt up and took out the ouija board that was tucked halfway in his pants, as well as the planchette that was in his pocket, dropping them both on the table and sitting down next to Patience. He looked down at her legs and frowned, pushing his hair back out of his face. "What the fuck hap--"

"She was dragged, Taylor! Ripped out of my grip and dragged through the mines... By whatever was in that fucking basement," I seethed, feeling my eyes well up with tears, a few escaping and falling down my face just from looking at what that thing did to my little sister.

Mason ran back in and put the first aid kit down on the table, getting out what he needed for Taylor, while I grabbed out some stuff to treat Patience's wounds. "I don't think it's all in my head anymore," I began, shaking my head as I started to tend to Patience's cuts, my mind racing with the memories of everything that had happened.. "I don't think it was ever in my head. The things I was seeing, I... I think something wanted us down there... That was planned."

Taylor looked up at me while Mason cleaned up the cuts on his hand before wrapping it up. "What do you mean?" He inquired. I frowned, swallowing nervously. "I... I found every way that led to the place you wanted to go... If I didn't follow where the things I was seeing were showing me, we would have never made it down to the basement, if you think about it. 'Cause we were getting lost and turned around left and right," I explained. Taylor frowned, glancing away. It seemed he was starting to feel bad for doubting the things I was seeing.

I finished fixing up Patience, then reached up, running my trembling fingers through my hair, Asher immediately pulling me in and kissed my forehead in hopes to soothe me. "You're sensitive," Heidi blurted out. We all looked up at her with confusion. She hugged herself, frowning. "I can feel it... Cause I am, too. Did you... Start to notice things around you at a young age? But just never paid attention to it? Or... Things came to you... Maybe in your dreams?" She asked.

My eyes widened and I stood up, staring at her. "I never told anyone that. I-I've seen things my whole life, but... I had a traumatic fucking childhood, so I just thought it was all caused by that and... I tuned it out and the more I ignored it, the more I saw it in my dreams," I admitted. Heidi frowned and nodded, looking down. "I was the same... I've tuned things out my whole life, but still live a life in fear of what I see and hear... I think they call people like that mediums... But I'm not sure. I know there's different forms and words for it, but... All I know is that I could feel you were sensitive... T-To spirits or something, like I was. I think because you tuned it out like you did, you repressed the part of you that could communicate with them. So they stopped coming to you... Only every now and then appearing to you in a dream," she denoted, shifting nervously.

"So... I-I can see ghosts?" I asked, brows furrowed in disbelief. Heidi shrugged, still looking down. "M-More or less. Everyone can see some form of ghosts, but it's easier for some than others. There's many different types of mediums too, and everyone experiences things differently... But two people who are very sensitive to energies in the same room... Of a place a lot of death happened... I think something planned it as well... In all my life, I've never felt something so evil like I did back there... And I'm sure you saw it and felt it, too. Because you can't repress that amount of evil... It'll show itself," she revealed.

I stared at her, feeling myself tense up. "You... You saw them, too?" I asked, balling my hands up into clenched fists. Heidi frowned and nodded slightly. "Somewhat... I saw a little bit of what you were seeing, but not much... I saw a lot of other things there too," she mumbled. I let out a bitter laugh, frustration pooling up inside me. "Then why the hell didn't you say anything, Heidi!? Everyone had me thinking I was crazy! Or that I had a fucking concussion or something!" I seethed, not being able to hold my anger back which caused her to jump at my tone.

This whole time she knew! She saw things and saw some of what I was seeing, but didn't say a word! I thought I was losing my fucking mind! Everyone fucking doubted me, but I was right! It wasn't in my head, I fucking knew it!

"Babe," Asher spoke softly, standing up next to me and placing his hand on my shoulder in an attempt to calm me down. "I was gonna say something, but I didn't wanna make things worse! Anything I would have said would have just gone in one ear and out the other... 'C-Cause no one really listens to me or h-hears me. Unless I yell, which is hard, cause my voice is naturally quiet and soft; you all know that! I-I'm sorry... I didn't mean to upset you, and I should have told you," she stammered, her voice wavering a little as she started tearing up. I felt myself relax a bit, frowning at her. I can't be mad at her, I'm just really frustrated. I know Heidi is easily terrified and has a hard time getting things out when everyone in this group is a lot louder than her. It's not her fault. "I'm sorry... I didn't mean to yell... I would have been scared to say something too," I mumbled softly, looking away.

"What do we do..? What if that thing comes back??" Patience asked, tears welling up in her eyes again at the thought. "No, we're safe now. But we shouldn't go back there," Asher spoke, taking a seat and rubbing his forehead, looking a bit exhausted. I sat down next to him and looked up at Taylor, a small scowl on my face. "You shouldn't have brought that ouija board back with us," I said sternly. Taylor leaned back against the couch and shook his head. "I... Don't know why I did, to be honest... It felt like I had to and I don't know why," he admitted. I scoffed and sat up, glaring even harder at him. "That's not a good sign at all! We need to get rid of it! What if whatever was there is fucking attached to it now??" I exclaimed.

"I suggest we throw it away. I was cool with this shit at first, cause you know I'm into anything and I don't get scared easily, but... Fuck, I have to admit, I was scared shitless. And that's saying something. And I may not be sensitive or whatever, but it doesn't take you being sensitive to feel that whatever was there at the time... Was evil," Charlie addressed, crossing her arms. "Wow, the tough, butch lesbian was actually scared of ghosts? Didn't expect that. Thought you were routing for something like that to happen?" Cassidy mocked, rolling her eyes.

Charlie huffed and shook her head. "I was at first, but... When it happened, I realized I'm not as tough against anything I can't fucking see. I felt so helpless. Exploring abandoned buildings, breaking into places, doing other crazy shit-- I'm down. But after that, I don't think I wanna fuck with ghosts anymore. At least not right now. Maybe one day in the future I'd be fine with it, but... That wasn't what I had in mind when I thought of ghost hunting," she grumbled. "I don't even think it was a ghost... That was worse, and it felt demented," Heidi specified, glancing away.

"Yeah, no. Ghosts are one thing, but if that was a fucking demon... I don't even wanna know what more it could do. I get people going ghost hunting, but like... It crosses the line once you start fucking with demons. You can't come back from that," Leo added, frowning.

I stood up and grabbed the ouija board and planchette. "I'm throwing it away outside," I announced. Taylor held his hands up in surrender and nodded, not bothering to argue. "Go ahead. I'm not stopping you," he replied. Everyone watched as I marched my way towards the front door, yanking it open. Some of the others stood up and approached the entryway of the door, spotting me making my way out towards the garbage can. Once I was right in front of it, I roughly pulled off the lid and chucked the ouija board in, slamming the cover back on. I could feel a bit of the weight off my shoulders disappear as I started to make my way back inside, closing the door and letting out a relieved sigh. That felt a lot better. "Good riddance," Mollie spoke, crossing her arms. "I say we all just go to bed. Get some rest and forget this whole night happened," Mason said.

Man... I didn't even realize how much time really passed with all of that happening. I was so terrified, that I didn't even notice the sun was setting as we were making our way back here. I didn't think that much time passed as we were exploring, but it did. Going to bed was probably the for best right now. We were safe now and we deserved some rest after all that happened. I just hope that was really the end of it all. We all said goodnight to each other and parted ways, ready to just sleep this whole thing off.

I let out a frustrated groan when I walked into my room, immediately flopping down onto the bed, and hearing Asher close our bedroom door behind him once he entered. "Get out of those clothes and into something comfy. I'm ready to cuddle," Asher spoke, stripping his shirt off. I sighed and grabbed a pillow, putting it over my face as I grumbled to myself.

I heard Asher laugh a little, approaching me and pulling the pillow away from me. "If you don't change, I'll do it for you," he teased, smiling at me in hopes he lightened up the mood for a bit. I just frowned and sat up, reaching out and wrapping my arms around his torso, hugging him tightly as I buried my face against his stomach. Asher stroked my hair and leaned down, pressing a soft kiss to the top of my head as he hugged me back. "I can't get the things I saw out of my head... And after what Heidi said... I'm terrified. I saw a lot of shit when I was a kid and I just thought it was caused by what my biological parents did to me. Trauma, you know? I repressed it and pushed it away for years and now it just feels like it's all coming back... Except what I'm seeing is real, and not based on repressed trauma. And it hurt my sister, Asher," I confided in him, frowning.

Asher let go of me and sat down on the bed next to me, grabbing my hands. "Hey... It's okay, it's gone, alright? And we're never going back there. We got out and everyone is okay. Patience is fine, she's safe with Mollie and you know Mollie won't let anything touch her. Okay? It's alright, babe, come here," he reassured me, pulling me into his arms and hugging me once again. I sighed against him and hugged back, nuzzling my face into the crook of his neck.

As always, Asher was able to ease all my worries just by being around me and talking to me. I still couldn't get that stuff out of my head, especially with what that thing did to Patience... But I felt safer now, and I'm sure everyone else did, too. There's absolutely no way it could have followed us here-- It doesn't feel like it did at least. We were going to be fine, we had to be.

After a few minutes of relishing in the warmth of Asher's embrace, I pulled away and pushed my hair out of my face, smiling up at him. "I'm okay now. I'm just glad to be out of that place. A-And I haven't seen anything since coming back... Haven't felt anything either, so I think we're safe," I told him. Asher cupped my face in his hands and smiled back. "Of course we are. I won't let anything hurt you, Avi," he replied softly.

I felt my face heat up at the nickname, and the way Asher said it. It always had my heart fluttering. "We never told the others we were dating," I said to him, frowning a bit. Asher chuckled a little and played with my hair. "Yeah, shit got a little too crazy. We'll announce it tomorrow morning. You ready to get some sleep?" He asked me.

I stood up and walked over to my dresser, getting out some pajamas. "Didn't you want to, uh... Continue things?" I mumbled, closing the dresser drawers. I mean, it was the wrong time to do anything like that together, but I still had to ask since he had said he wanted to back at the hospital. I could tell though, that Asher was a little shocked and I heard him shift on the bed, chuckling a bit before shaking his head. "Avi, we don't have to. Not after all we just went through," he stated. I sighed with relief, relaxing a bit. I agreed-- As much as I wouldn't mind continuing where we left off, it just didn't feel right to. Like I said, it was the wrong time.

"I'm glad you think the same. I didn't want to have to feel bad for not wanting to do it right now," I admitted with a little laugh as I changed into my pajamas, Asher doing the same before heading back towards the bed and taking a seat. I turned to him and got on the bed as well, hearing him laugh slightly as he then pulled me down on top of him. "Nah, don't feel bad. Doesn't seem right to do freaky stuff after what just happened. I say we just sleep and have a better, non-freaky day tomorrow," he told me. I smiled, snuggling into him. "I can fucking agree on that... Goodnight, Asher. Oh, and... Thank you for running back and getting Patience. I would have hated myself for the rest of my life for not being fast enough to catch up with that... Thing... If I lost Patience today--"

"Shhh... You don't have to thank me. You know I care about the both of you more than anything. Everything's fine now... Just go to sleep," Asher assured me, stroking the back of my head soothingly.

If Asher wasn't there, I would have lost Patience for sure, as everyone else was already too far ahead to try and catch up with that thing dragging her. I'm so glad he was there... I adore this man way too much.

. . .


Asher and I immediately woke up after hearing Taylor yell from downstairs, the two of us sitting up quickly and staring at each other. Without even bothering to question it, we jumped out of bed and rushed out of the room, meeting up with everyone else who were already dashing down the stairs and into the living room. When we all surrounded Taylor, we looked at what he was staring at and... There it was.

"Okay, who the fuck went and grabbed that ouija board from the trash!?" Leo snapped, eyes immediately landing on Taylor with an accusing glare. Taylor held his hands up in defense, glaring back. "Don't look at me!" He defended. "Well you're the one who ran back to get the ouija board in the first place! Who else could have brought it back in from the trash??" Cassidy snapped, glaring at her brother as well, hands on her hips. Taylor groaned and shook his head, grabbing the ouija board and turning towards us with it raised angrily in the air. "I didn't go and fucking grab it, I swear on my life!" He exclaimed. We all looked at each other, hesitant at first to believe it, but slowly accepting that he was telling the truth. I could see in his eyes that he was just as freaked out as we were.

"Do you think... It followed us here?" Mollie asked, trembling with fear and glancing at each one of us. We all stayed silent, but Asher immediately snatched the ouija board from Taylor, grumbling angrily to himself. "Fuck this fucking ouija board," he seethed, breaking the board over his knee and opening up the gate to the fireplace, throwing the two broken pieces into the flames then slamming the little gate shut with his foot right after.

"What do we do? Should we leave?" Patience asked, hugging herself. "No... No, hell no! We're not gonna let some piece of wood ruin our vacation, okay? Maybe someone from the party we threw stopped by, saw it in the trash, and got in somehow to put it on the table, just to freak us out-- I-I don't know! But whatever it is, we came here to have fun and that's what we're going to do, okay?" Taylor protested, crossing his arms. "Well... One of the girls from our previous party invited us to her cabin to party. If I remember correctly, she said it was today. Remember Kathy? The girl who came with her boyfriend, Stitch?" Charlie spoke, humming a bit.

"Oh yeah, yeah! They were hella cool! I definitely wouldn't mind getting out of the cabin and partying at someone else's place," Leo chimed in, smiling. I sighed and nodded, agreeing. "Yeah, a party with some cool people sounds really good right now. I could go for that," I mumbled, glancing away. Everyone else was hesitant at first, but agreed. Getting out of this cabin was a pretty good idea. We needed a bit of a break from this place.

"Cool, cool. Let me text her real quick," Charlie said, pulling out her phone and sending a text to Kathy. After a few seconds, she texted back, Charlie flashing us a smile. "Alright. She said we can head over there now if we want. The party will start in a few hours, but we're allowed to go there and hang out," she said. "Great! Let's get our asses dressed and go. Get out of this cabin for the day," Taylor replied, shooing us away.

After we had all gotten dressed, we all squeezed into one jeep, since we didn't see the point in taking the other, meaning a few of us had to sit on each other's laps, while some of the others sat in the back where Taylor had removed the trunk lid. I was going to be the designated driver, since I didn't really feel like getting drunk. I just wanted to party a bit. Even though getting drunk was probably a good idea, given what's happened. I just couldn't drink my problems away though; my birth dad had a really bad issue with that.

Kathy's cabin was further down the mountain, but it wasn't that much of a drive. Our cabin was still pretty secluded from all the others, but at least it didn't take us hours to drive to the other side. Kathy was one of the people we got to know pretty well at our party, and her boyfriend Stitch was pretty cool too. I mean, with a name like Stitch, you couldn't help but think he was a cool guy. Once he had gotten to Kathy's place, she immediately greeted us at the door, giving us friendly smiles and leading us inside, where we all then gathered around in her living room.

"I'm glad you guys are here! Stitch and I thought your party was awesome! I'm happy Charlie texted me about you guys coming to the party later tonight... but... Are you guys are okay?" Kathy asked after she had sat down, smiling slightly, a concerned look in her eyes. We all froze and looked at her. "Why do you ask?" Taylor replied, chuckling nervously. Kathy just shook her head. "I don't know, you guys just look worn out and... Kinda scared. You're all as pale as the moon-- you have been eating properly, right?" She questioned and looked at us, wide eyed at the thought of us not eating good.

She was a sweet girl, even when we met her at the party. She was the type that would probably be the mom of a friend group.

"Oh, yeah we have! We all eat our own little dinners and stuff; some lunch and whatever we're hungry for. It's... It's just been a rough few days, I guess," Taylor answered, scratching the back of his head with a frown. "You guys said you were going to explore that abandoned hospital or something, right?" Stitch asked, tilting his head at us. We all went quiet and looked at each other, then looked away in thought, thinking about the experience we had. "Did... Something happen? We heard that place is really freaky, but we've never gone into it. A few of our friends have, though," Kathy pointed out, frowning at us. "Did they ever tell you about what they experienced?" I inquired, sitting up in my seat and looking at her seriously, brows furrowed. Kathy hummed in thought and looked up, trying to remember if they told her anything. "Well... I know they told me about it, but I honestly can't remember. Oh! But they are coming over to party later today! I'm sure they'd be cool telling you guys about it! Did you guys have a not so pleasant experience?" She replied, bringing her attention back to us.

"I remember them telling us they experienced some freaky shit when they went. Like, rocks were thrown, they heard screaming-- Stuff like that. But they'll be able to tell you more about it when they come over. Want me to text them and tell them to come on over now? So we can all chill and tell scary shit before the party?" Stitch added with a smile, wondering about what we thought. "Yes! Please, if you don't mind... It's just... We experienced some shit and I know we'd all like to know if they had similar experiences, 'cause that place... Jesus fuck, I've never been so scared in my entire life," I told them. Stitch nodded and pulled out his phone, sending his friends a quick message and glancing back up at us. "So what happened--"

"No, no, wait! Don't tell us yet," Kathy interjected, smiling. "If the others agree to come here early, then let's wait until they get here so we can hear everyone's story at the same time! Make it more spooky!"

I just chuckled lightly and nodded, agreeing. "Okay, that's fine."

So that's what we did. Eventually, their friends texted that they were on their way, so all we had to do was wait. It was little nerve-racking wondering exactly what they went through. Was it just as bad as what we experienced? If so, what would that mean? What would we do?

After a short while of all of us just casually talking about other things, Kathy and Stitch's friends arrived, knocking at the door. Kathy was up instantly, rushing over towards the door and smiling big when her eyes met the others. "Hey, hey! It's good to see you again!" She beamed, leading them all over to us, where we each greeted them and introduced ourselves. After all the introductions were out of the way, the group gathered around the living room with the rest of us.

"So Stitch texted me and said you guys went into the abandoned hospital, right?? How was it?" Asked Brody, smirking at us. This group of friends consisted of Brody, which I'm assuming was the group leader in their little exploring shenanigans, and his sister Lacy, as well her best friend Cammie; Brody's best friend and girlfriend, Louis and Alice were also apart of the group. Last one in their group was their other closest friend, Samuel.

"Dude, the creepiest shit we've ever experienced. And that's saying something coming from me," Charlie replied, laughing a bit nervously and shaking her head. "We were really curious to know what you guys went through... See if the experience is similar, because... God, a lot of bad shit happened," Asher told them, shifting awkwardly.

"Well, we've only been once, but we plan to go back again!" Lacy beamed, giggling. "Yeah, yeah. We actually have a YouTube channel dedicated to doing paranormal investigating in haunted locations. When we went to the hospital, we filmed all of our experiences, so instead of just telling you about it, we can actually show you some of what we caught! Which I think is very fucking freaky," Cammie added, pushing some of her blonde hair behind her ear. "Oh shit, man. Bluetooth your phone to the TV and let's check this shit out," Stitch said excitedly, grinning at them.

Brody immediately got pumped up and nodded, getting his phone out and hooking it up to Kathy's tv. "So we actually used equipment, like EVPs and EMF readers. To help either catch the spirit speaking or pick up whatever energy is around us. We caught a lot of stuff, like talking, screaming, some rocks flew at us, and one of us was even shoved! This video right here that I'm about to show you, we did a reading in the main lobby, just sitting around and trying to see if something would talk to us. It didn't take long with all of us just sitting there when we caught whispering, and multiple voices trying to speak through the spirit box," Brody spoke, scrolling through his gallery and clicking on one of the folders full of all of his paranormal investigation videos. He clicked on one and it pulled up on the screen, showing everyone in the lobby, where a camera was sitting on a chair, pointing at all of them.

We all leaned in and watched the tv closely, ready to hopefully see if they experienced something similar to us.

"You guys ready?" Brody asked in the video, his girlfriend sitting close to him. They all nodded and turned on the spirit box. "Okay... If there are any spirits here... Please communicate with us. We mean you no harm, we simply would love to talk with you and maybe help you if we can. If you're trapped here... Or you're lonely and want someone to speak to, we are here to listen. Is there anyone there?" Brody spoke loudly. They all waited patiently and then turned their heads to Samuel holding the spirit box as it began to crackle through the static. Suddenly, they heard whispering from it, then a small, sweet voice say "hi". Almost sounded like a little girl.

Alice smiled in the video after hearing a little girl. "Hey, sweetie. What's your name?"




Multiple voices overlapped, saying their greetings, causing them all to look at each other, then turn back to the spirit box Samuel was holding. "How many of you are here with us right now?" Cammie asked.





"Oh shit, that's a lot of spirits around us right now. What are some of your names?" Louis, Brody's best friend inquired.

Asher looked at me, watching me just stare at the screen, a frown on my face. I can just feel my heart sinking because of this. He must have noticed, because he reached over and held my hand, knowing that this whole situation terrified me. I don't think I'll ever forget what we went through. It's hard to just brush it off as something that just happens when you go exploring a possibly haunted place.

I squeezed Asher's hand tight and continued to watch the video.

"Shhh... Quiet." A little girl voice spoke through the spirit box.



"Make him stop."

"Make who stop?" Louis asked, all of them looking at each other with furrowed brows.






There were multiple voices coming through the spirit box, one after the other. A lot of them sounded like they were in pain. Suddenly they all froze in place the minute they heard footsteps from one of the other rooms. It was loud enough that it was caught on camera. "Did you guys hear that?" Lacy gasped, staring at her brother. Brody looked over his shoulder, then looked back at his friends. "I did. Is there anybody here? What's your name?" He called out.

Next thing they know, a loud, high pitched scream sounded through the whole room, causing them all to immediately jump up, Louis running to grab the camera and pointing it at the others. "What the fuck was that!?" He yelled.

"Holy fuck!" Brody shouted, laughing a bit.

"Duuude... Jesus christ," Samuel chuckled, shaking his head as he held the spirit box in his hand. "S-Someone's probably in here fucking with us!" Lacy pointed out, brows furrowed as she glanced around. "Ow, fuck! Dude, something legit hit me in the back of the head!" Cammie grumbled, putting her hand on the back of her head and turning around to see what hit her. She picked up a small rock as Louis approached her with the camera, filming it. "Did that hit you in the back of the head?" He asked. "Yeah, I think so. That fucking hurt-- It felt like it was thrown from far away with a lot of force," Cammie replied.

"Who's here with us right now?" Brody asked, all of them turning back towards the spirit box Samuel was holding. "Simone... Leave, please," a little girl voice spoke through the EVP.

My eyes widened and I immediately stood up, everyone turning to me. I felt like I was about to throw up, and my whole body began to tremble. Brody paused the video and gave me a concerned look. "What's wrong?" He asked. I started to breathe a bit heavy as the anxiety bubbled up in the pit of my stomach. Everyone's eyes were on me, so I cleared my throat and sat down back down next to Asher, knowing I was probably freaking them out. Hell, I was freaked out myself.

"I know that little girl. I-I found her file at the hospital and... She helped us get out," I admitted. Taylor looked at me in shock. "What? You didn't tell us about that--"

"I-I told you I basically found everywhere we needed to go by the things I was seeing! B-But what led us out wasn't like the others and... I just didn't mention that what led us to the exit was a little girl I saw on a file. Simone. R-Remember the file, Asher? And the necklace you gave me that I said was hers? It's still at the cabin in one of my other pants pockets. I totally forgot about it, but... She helped us," I explained to them. "Maybe because you took her necklace, she wanted to help you get out?" Mollie suggested, shrugging.

Maybe she's right.

"What was Simone's story?" Louis asked me. I frowned and looked down. "She was twelve years old and she killed her abusive parents, which is why she was sent to that mental hospital. She claimed her head was telling her to do it, so that she could be set free and be safe. But... I saw her. We probably would have died if she didn't lead me to the way out of the basement mines," I mumbled.

"Died..? What exactly fucking happened to you guys in that hospital?" Brody asked, staring in disbelief. We all looked at each other, then looked at Taylor who frowned. "If we told you... Would you believe us..? I mean... We don't have any proof, but... I think we can all swear on our lives that what we experienced was one hundred percent real..." He told them, shaking his head. "Dude, with all that we experienced there, I'm sure that whatever happened to you was real as fuck. So tell us," Samuel responded.

It was weird now that I wasn't the only one who had witnessed what was really going on in that hospital, but at the same time, it felt good. I wasn't crazy, and nobody doubted me anymore. With what they had witnessed, they had no choice but to believe that the other shit I was seeing beforehand was real.

"So... At first it was all fine. At least for the rest of us. Apparently Lonnie and Heidi saw a lot more shit than we did, but it didn't all go wrong until we got to the basement to do a séance and play with the ouija board. Legit, the planchette started moving all on it's own and there was this horrible, loud growling. Shit started to go flying; we were all screaming and rushing to get out through this blocked up part of the mines down in the basement. Um... Patience," Taylor began, pausing and looking at Patience. Patience frowned and stood up, walking towards me and squeezing in beside me on the couch. I started reaching down towards Patience's tights as I began to speak, finishing for Taylor, "when we were running through the mines to get out of the basement, Patience was yanked from my grasp and dragged down the mines back towards the basement. Luckily, Asher grabbed her faster than I could and we made it out safely, but..." I paused and rolled up Patience's leggings, pulling her socks down a bit to show the bruises and scratches on her lower legs, close to her ankles.

Everyone leaned in and gasped, staring at the markings. "Holy fuck... You're fucking playing with us, right?" Brody asked in disbelief, looking up at me. I shook my head. "I wish I was... I thought I was honestly going crazy in that hospital, because I was seeing a bunch of shit. I was playing it off as a head injury since I fell, and that's what everyone told me it was, but... Heidi was seeing things too and everything that happened in the basement proved that I wasn't crazy," I answered. Taylor sighed and leaned back. "I actually ran back to the basement to grab the ouija board like a fucking idiot right before Patience was grabbed. It really was stupid of me to run back and grab it, 'cause when we took it back to the cabin and decided to the throw it away, we woke up this morning to it on our living room coffee table... All of us swear up and down that we didn't go back out and grab it from the trash. So Asher broke it and threw it into the fireplace," he added.

"Holy fuck," Kathy whispered in shock, covering her mouth. "Apparently our girl Heidi here is actually really spirit sensitive and can see things that some people can't. And it turns out Avalon might be one too. Since they both have seen spirits since they were little and they saw some at the hospital. It's fucking crazy, man. All of it is. Like, I love this ghost stuff, but that was fucking terrifying," Charlie told them.

"Dude, you might have some shit attached to you. Like, that's fucking terrifying. We didn't experience shit like that, but I kinda wish we did. That'd make for an excellent YouTube video, but... If you've got something attached to you, maybe try talking with it? I mean... If you guys are up for it... We can go back there with you; bring OUR equipment and actually hear whatever it is they want. And that way you guys won't be so scared, cause you'll have more people with you and you know, we can just try and figure something out. Film some shit and review it later to see what we catch. We've been planning to go back there sometime soon, so if you guys want to join together and figure out if something is attached to you or not, we can," Brody suggested, giving us a small smile.

We all looked at each other and I just shook my head, not really thinking it was a good idea. "I... I don't know--"

"Oh! We also have a psychic friend! If it helps, we can call her as well and all go there. She'll know what the fuck is up, that's for sure," Alice informed us, smiling. Taylor got ready to speak, but Brody put his hand up and stopped him. "You don't have to answer now! I know you guys are probably still freaked out and don't want to revisit the place, but... Just think about it? I'll have Kathy text you my number and just hit us up whenever and let us know. Take your time, okay? There's no pressure or anything," he assured us.

Of course, revisiting with a larger group of people who didn't have as much of a terrifying experience as we did sounds like a better deal then just us revisiting by ourselves. We all looked at each other, probably all thinking the same thing that maybe it isn't such a bad idea to go with them. I mean, they're practically offering to help us out and they barely know us. They seem like really good people, and I think we all could appreciate the help. We'll talk about it after the party though.

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