Lealtà {18+}


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He opens his mouth,"Once that blade cut open my wrist,I knew that there was no coming back from it." The man... More

LEALTÀ-Chapter one
LEALTÀ-Chapter two
LEALTÀ-Chapter three
LEALTÀ-Chapter four
LEALTÀ-Chapter five
LEALTÀ-Chapter six
LEALTÀ -Chapter seven
LEALTÀ -Chapter eight
LEALTÀ-Chapter nine
LEALTÀ -Chapter ten
LEALTÀ -Chapter eleven
LEALTÀ -Chapter twelve
LEALTÀ -Chapter thirteen
LEALTÀ -Chapter fourteen
LEALTÀ -Chapter fifteen
LEALTÀ -Chapter sixteen
LEALTÀ -Chapter seventeen
LEALTÀ -Chapter nineteen
LEALTÀ -Chapter twenty
LEALTÀ -Chapter twenty-one
LEALTÀ -Chapter twenty-two
LEALTÀ-Chapter twenty-three
LEALTÀ -Chapter twenty-four
LEALTÀ -Chapter twenty-five
LEALTÀ -Chapter twenty-six
LEALTÀ -Chapter twenty-seven
LEALTÀ -Chapter twenty-eight
LEALTÀ -Chapter twenty-nine
LEALTÀ -Chapter thirty
LEALTÀ -Chapter thirty-one
LEALTÀ -Chapter thirty-two
LEALTÀ -Chapter thirty-three
LEALTÀ -Chapter thirty-four
LEALTÀ -Chapter thirty-five
LEALTÀ- Chapter Thirty-six
LEALTÀ - Chapter thirty-seven - LAST CHAPTER PART I
LEALTÀ - Chapter thirty-nine - LAST CHAPTER PART II

LEALTÀ -Chapter eighteen

563 11 5

Chapter eighteen. Desta


Nicola Castello

"We will be staying in miami for two days and then head back to the mansion in Los angeles." I told Kimberly,as we stood in the living-room away from Assar.

She looked tired,her bruises was all over her body. They could be easily spotted as she only wore a dress...

"Desta." that name makes me look into her eyes. She looks into mine,her arms crossed over her chest. Her make-up was smudged under her eyes as a sign she's been crying before we got here.

"Thank you." She gives me a smile as she closes her eyes for a second.

Those simple words doesn't mean much if it would come from someone else,but when it comes from her it means almost the world...I can't describe with words how relived I am that she's still alive and somewhat healty.

"Come on. Let's get you some rest." I place my hand on her lower back but she jumps at my touch and takes a step away from me. I furrow my eyebrows and gives her a questioning look.

"I'm sorry!" She says with wide eyes and a sad face. "Kimberly...look at me," she looks at me as tears begin to fall out of her eyes onto the floor.

"I'm here. Not Assar and not Adam. We will catch Adam and he will pay for everything,so will Assar." I ressure her. My hand on her cheek. She calms down at my touch and her muscles relax,but our moment is cut short as Kian's voice erupt in the apartment.

"Kian!" Kimberly walks towards him and gives him a hug,and to my suprise...he hugs her back...

A smile plays out on my lips but it fast vanishes as Kian looks up at me and shake his head.

He didn't find Adam...

17 Years ago


"Mama,I'm sorry...I will catch him. And I will kill him,for revenge. I promise you." Desta promised his mom as she laid dead on the kitchen floor. He closed her eyes with his fingers,wiped away his tears and went upstairs to get his little sister...but when Desta went into the room-no one was there. His little sister that was eleven years old,was missing.

"IVANNA!" No answered as he called out...someone had taken his little sister,all that he had left. Defeated-Desta collapsed onto the floor,with pain in his heart and the feeling of everything being impossible. The hours went by,and Desta fell asleep on the floor.

"Kiddo." Someone sat on the floor besides Desta. He flew up in panic and the first thing he did-he punched the person,straight into the face.

"Wow,easy there! I'm here to help."

He looked confused at the stranger that was sitting besides him. He was tall,black hair and brown eyes. There stood five other men around in the room and looking in it,searching for something. Or maybe someone?

"I'm Sandro Casey. I was a friend of your mothers..." he looked down on the floor around them before he looked up at the sad boy in fron of him. "I'm sorry for what has happened to her. And your sister..." Desta's eyes shot up in the mention of his sister. He looks confused up at him.

"Where is she? Did-did you find her?" Sandro shakes his head and sigh. "No,sorry kid..." Desta stays in silence before one of the other men speaks,

"Nothing boss. It's like she vanished." Desta looks up and stands up,making Sandro do the same.

"I will bring you with me boy. Your dad can't find you,or he'll do the same to you as your mother. I need to keep you safe. Da?" Desta nods and walks out with Sandro and his men. His mother's body is gone from the floor,and so is the blood.

"Where is my mom?"

"She will get a real funeral. Don't you worry. But now you need to listen to me kiddo." Sandro takes his hands on Desta's cheeks,making him look up in Sandro's eyes.

"You have to be strong in order to find your sister. And no matter how hard this is and will be:you can't show any emotion to anyone who knows about this. It's all about self-control. I will find your dad,and he will pay for all of this. But we need to know what happened to Ivanna and where she is first." Desta nods and earns a pat on his back from Sandro.

"Why are you doing this?"

"'Cause I promised your mother that no matter what happenes I will protect you and your sister."

End of flashback

Nicola Castello

"Nicola?" My name brings me back to the presence and I look down to see Kimberly in front of me. She looks worried but I am the one who should look worried,not her. "He didn't find Adam. But we will. We might maybe not have much time but we will find him...one way or another,you'll see." She nods and walks over to Assar who's still sitting in the chair but now unconscious,with blood in his face and on his torso. She punched him right into his jaw but he doesn't wake up,he's still unconscious. She smiles and turn her back on him,leaving the apartment.


We checked in on a exclusive hotel as I thought that Kimberly deserves some care and to relax after these past days...we're now in one single room with one big sized bed,couch and a big bathroom.

"I'm going to fucking kill them! How could they not have one more room? It all can't be fully booked?!" I say as I close the door to the room.

"It's okay! You can sleep in the bed with me,no worries." Kimberly assure me and lie down on the bed,tired and exhuasted. "It's just...do you still want me to sleep in the same bed?" I ask. I'm still unsure,I mean god knows what they did to her...I can feel my blood boil at the thought and my chest aches.

She gives me a faint smile and sit up,she pats the bed for me to sit besides her on. I sit down,looking at her. She looks deep in thought and down on the floor before she opens her mouth.

"I'm not ready yet to share what happened. B-but I'm fine." She looks at me now and gives me a smile,but I can see right through it. She isn't fine and she won't be in a long time...

"It's okay for you not to be. I'm here and...if you're not ready,I'm here when you will be and if you will." I give her a smile and then I stand up,thinking if I should share my thoughts...but she beats me first with her own.

"What will happen to Assar? Will you bring him to the mansion in LA?" I stand still.

"Yes I will."

"Good. 'Cause I want to be the one to kill him." I turn at her words. Tears in her eyes and she's already looking up at me. "Kimberly...are you sure? Your parents-"

"Don't bring up my parents! T-they're dead,thanks to Adam Constatino and Assar Casey. They both made my life a hell-even from the start,and I won't just watch them do it again! Even if it means I'll kill them by my own hands. You can try to stop me how much you want,but get one thing clear Castello,"

She stands up from the bed and walks over to me,her index finger pointing towards me,"I will not let you rule over me. I will not give myself up to you just because you promised my dad to protect me." She looks angry as she walks over to the bathroom,but before she closes the door I put my foot between the door.

"I was sixteen."

She stops in her tracks but keep her back turned towards me. "I was sixteen when my father killed my mother,and left me. My sister was kidnapped by Adam's old boss or his father,John. And your dad took me under his wing at that age. He taught me many things,he was the boss over me until I could take over as the king. You aren't the only one who misses your dad. He was like my father too,and I will forever be grateful for that!"

Kimberly looked at me with wide eyes. She opens the door fully,and letting us see eachother completely.

"The scars?" She asks.

Here goes nothing...

"Once that blade cut open my wrist,I knew that there was no coming back from it." She let out a big sigh and her shoulders fall a little. Her eyes grow more glossy and her face falls into a sad one.

"Nicola...I'm sorry."

"No. Don't bother. Listen...if it wasn't for that neighbor we would never have found you. You were gone for almost four days,Kimberly! Four days of hell. Ella was so scared and she's still sad and heartbroken of you not being there. Watching disney movies with her,hugging her-fuck! Even dancing with her." I looked at her intensively. Her brown eyes were on the edge of dropping tears,her chin quivered.

"Why did you hurt yourself?" She walked towards me and put her hand on my arm. My white buttom up covering my arms. I clenched my jaw and my muscles tensed at her touch.

"Kimberly...it isn't easy to answer that when I even doesn't know myself. You do things to yourself that sometimes doesn't make any sense when you're depressed. And I do really hope that you've never experienced that. And never will!" I make it clear to her,and gently put her hand down from my arm.

It isn't easy to do this...and more so,to talk about it. It was a very dark period of my life,and my heart breaks everytime I talk about it. And I hate that fucking reaction...pitty.

"You should take a shower,change clothes and then go to sleep. Adam is still out there,and we need to transport Assar back to LA before we get there." She gave me a nod and I backed away from the door so she could close it. I heard that she locked the door and the shower being turned on.

I'm trying my best...


Thanks for reading!!❤️

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