Lealtà {18+}


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He opens his mouth,"Once that blade cut open my wrist,I knew that there was no coming back from it." The man... More

LEALTÀ-Chapter one
LEALTÀ-Chapter two
LEALTÀ-Chapter three
LEALTÀ-Chapter four
LEALTÀ-Chapter five
LEALTÀ-Chapter six
LEALTÀ -Chapter seven
LEALTÀ -Chapter eight
LEALTÀ-Chapter nine
LEALTÀ -Chapter ten
LEALTÀ -Chapter twelve
LEALTÀ -Chapter thirteen
LEALTÀ -Chapter fourteen
LEALTÀ -Chapter fifteen
LEALTÀ -Chapter sixteen
LEALTÀ -Chapter seventeen
LEALTÀ -Chapter eighteen
LEALTÀ -Chapter nineteen
LEALTÀ -Chapter twenty
LEALTÀ -Chapter twenty-one
LEALTÀ -Chapter twenty-two
LEALTÀ-Chapter twenty-three
LEALTÀ -Chapter twenty-four
LEALTÀ -Chapter twenty-five
LEALTÀ -Chapter twenty-six
LEALTÀ -Chapter twenty-seven
LEALTÀ -Chapter twenty-eight
LEALTÀ -Chapter twenty-nine
LEALTÀ -Chapter thirty
LEALTÀ -Chapter thirty-one
LEALTÀ -Chapter thirty-two
LEALTÀ -Chapter thirty-three
LEALTÀ -Chapter thirty-four
LEALTÀ -Chapter thirty-five
LEALTÀ- Chapter Thirty-six
LEALTÀ - Chapter thirty-seven - LAST CHAPTER PART I
LEALTÀ - Chapter thirty-nine - LAST CHAPTER PART II

LEALTÀ -Chapter eleven

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Before we big with this chapter! Having self-harm is serious. If you know someone that struggles with something like it;Starving themselfes for example,please let them know that there is help to get. Talk to someone,write to someone. Just know that there's always help. You can write to me privatly if that's something you'd like❤️

Chapter eleven. Assassin


Kimberly Casey

A hand that was around my throat was what made me quickly,wake up from my deep sleep. I tried to sit up from my position,but failed big time,as the hand only tightend around my throat,blocking every single air way. My eyes looked at the person who was chocking me. But as the room was dark I couldn't see anything. At all.

"Shh,we don't want to wake up your boyfriend,do we?" A man whispered in my ear. I couldn't breathe and I tried desperatly to push his hands away,but I was beginning to get weak by every second that passed by. The man was surely wearing black clothes to melt into the shadows more;hide his presence for everyone who passed him. He let go of my throat and normal, any normal person would scream,but I couldn't. It was like it was a dream,that you couldn't wake up from it. And I knew...it wasn't a dream. This was reality one-hundred-percent.

As he let go,he pushed something into my mouth;a small towel,and then he wrapped silver-tape around my mouth. I gagged and almost puked into my mouth;but if I did,then I would suffacate on my own puke. I can't die. Not when I'm this young.

He pushed my hands behind my back,capturing them behind my back once again and then he pulled me out of the bed. We started to walk to the door,and as we walked by the door,I looked towards the bed I slept in only minutes ago. It was empty.

Where the hell is Nicola?

He pushed me,making me almost fall but his rough grip made sure that I didn't. He opened the door and we walked down the stairs. But something's off...nobody is here? The house is too quiet.

"Keep walking!" He said a bit too harsh, making me wince at his loud command. We walked out,and then a cloth of something came around my nose. It smelled bad and my instincts made it clear;Don't breathe in. But as my mouth was taped,I had to breathe after a few seconds,my lungs screaming for help. And then it all turned black...


Cold water was thrown at me. My eyes was covered,making the whole event more scarier. I tried to move but my legs were tied and my hands. Making it impossible for me to move.

"What is this? P-please just let me go!" I cried out. The cold water made my body temprature drop quickly,and it was so cold that it felt like my heart was freezing to ice. Am I in the frozen movie?

Should I be having Elsa's superpower now?

"An Assassin doesn't complain about the temperature. An assassin doesn't scream if they're being cut with a knife or being tortured. And an assassin doesn't talk when he or she is forced to. And for the last...an assassin always has a back up plan." A dark voice that I did recognize but couldn't find the name to,spoke. Suddenly the cloth that covered my eyes was ripped off and the action begun right there;right now!

My hands were tied behind my back,my legs were tied to the chair,and the ropes cut into my skin. I winced at the light that was shining in my eyes,but my vision became more clear as seconds passed by. A man who wore black clothes and a black hood over his head stood in front of me. Probably the same man who had woken me up in the mansion.

"You have maximum three minutes to get out of the rope,two minutes to gather your strenght back if you have been tortured or worse;and ten seconds to defend yourself and kill your enemies that's holding you captured."

I looked around my surroundings. I was in a basement,a small one. Not one window,only concrete everywhere.

The man that stood before me brought a watch out of his pocket. I couldn't see his face but I did recognize his standing position.

Kian Santos

"Your time starts," he clicked on the bottom making the clock do a noise,as the time had begun,"Now." He said. Just as the words left his mouth I did as I was told.

"Sometimes you need to pop your thumb,to get free," the man that now had begun to walk around me said. His voice was clear,like a teacher. Serious and clear. I tried to put my fingers in weird positions but failed countless times of escaping the deathly tight ropes.

"You put your thumbs over eachother;like they would hug,and then you just push with as much force you can muster;remember! You. Can't. Make. A. Sound." He pointed out. I took a deep breath and did as I was instructed to.

The sharp pain was so intense that I thought I would puke. But I was quiet. The ropes fell off,and my thumb were in a weird position. But I didn't care but only begun to undo the ropes on my legs. I suceed and stood up.

"Quick! You have ten seconds on your mind if you want to live or die." Kian stepped aside,as two large men barged in from nowhere. My jaw dropped and it was like I could feel my death being closer and closer...

The two men came closer and one of them brought his gun out and pointed it at me. I didn't think before my hand made contact with it,pushing it down and gripped onto the gun. I spun around and brought my back to the man's chest,as my other hand placed itself on his elbow and then I broke his arm. The gun was now in my hands. The man fell to the floor,holding his;now broken arm. I pointed the gun at the other man. It all happened too quickly.

Where the hell did I learn this?! In my sleep?

The other guy held a knife,and swung it towards me;but I quickly dodged it and then I rose from the dodge position,and shot him in the knee. He dropped to the ground with a big thump and a cry,the knife dropping out of his hands.

I stood there,in shock at what I just had done. The sound of a man clapping his hands was heard behind me. There stood now a Kian Santos. His hood withdrawed from his face,now showing his face.

"Congratulations!" He said. I furrowed my eyebrows. "Why the hell did you make me do this,where are we!" I yelled. I dropped the gun to the floor and looked up and Kian. His dark eyes were full of amusement.

" 'Cause I told him to." The man I'm sharing the same bed with's voice came from behind me. My blood froze. Completely froze at his voice. I turned around,

"So y-you did this?" I ask,shocked. He nods his head,his hands deep in his black dress,pants pockets. He walks towards me in a slow pace.

"I told Kian to train you,so if anything would ever happen to us,and you're alone... You can protect yourself until we come." He says,his voice was deep but I could hear him clearly and steady. The tears in my eyes begun to build. But I didn't let them fall. Not one single tear.

"I will take you home. We won't to this again without your permission. This was just training,alright?" Nicola states. I nod my head and walks with him.

I really do hate this man.


Two days has passed since the sick training moment I got with Kian. Nicola hasn't said one word to me;as I don't exists apperantly!

The bed has been my home since. The maid comes and drop food and new books. Sometimes;If I'm lucky,Ella comes in and gives me a good amount of commpany. She even told me that the reason why Nicola isn't here is beacuse he's working with her dad and everyone else on some bad guy,Called Adam Constatino...

She doesn't know who he is,but I do...Nothing she would know though. And that's no information she needs to know.

Right now me and Ella was watching a movie on her ipad her dad had spoiled her with. It was against a pillow in front of us as we laid on our stomachs and watched the movie called 'Luca' I've never seen it before. But it's good since they're from italy. And who doesn't love italy?

Ella was laying besides me as tears ran down her cheeks. "Honey,what's wrong!" I paniced at her crying. She turned her head to me as I sat up,drying the tears away.

"I-I didn't want Luca to go w-without his friend!" She said between sobs. I gave her a smile and kissed her on her head. "I'm sure they'll do a second one,where you see them again. Then they will maybe be together again." I say,her small hands coming around my neck as she hugs me. We sit like that for a few seconds,before she pulls away at the sound of her dad's voice.

"Ella,honey. Time to sleep." Angelo says. She looks at him and then on me. "Goodnight,I love you." She says like it's the most casual word in the whole world. My eyes widen and so does Angelo's. He looks at me with his face in shock,but it fast vanishes as Ella comes closer to him,her Ipad in her hands. She takes her dad's hand in her's and they leave the room, leaving me alone. Again.

I exhale as I lay down on the bed. It's been almost two days since I've eaten something. Of course the maid has been leaving food in the room...but I put it in the toilet and then flush it down. No one ever know,but I have been struggling with food. Ever since I was sixteen years it all begun to get rough. I counted the calories,puked after everytime I ate something...but no one ever noticed. Not once.

And since I've been captured three years back it all went down hill,since they didn't give me food for sometimes two weeks. Only water-if we were lucky,that is then.


I looked quickly up at the door where the voice came from. I lifted myself up at my elbows,looking at the big man that stood in front of me. I furrowed my eyebrows in a confused manner.

"You asked me what my middle name was. My real name is Desta Nicola Castello. But I changed it to Nicola as first." He confess. I look at him as he comes closer and sits down on the bed besides me. His weight making the bed make a sound under his weight.

None of us looks or talk. We just sit there in silence. Not that kind that is uncomfortable,just a nice silence.

"I'm sorry for doing that to you before." My eyes widen a little at hearing those words coming from his mouth. Wow the boss man can apologies. I look down at my feet. I turn towards him;seeing that he's looking at me with a slight emotion on his face that I really can't tell.

"It's fine..." I say. I don't really know what else to reply with? How do I answer that.

"I mean it,and I guess that I've been so caught up in getting my hands on Adam,that I haven't been thinking about how you feel. You were with him for three years...that's a lot when you're twenty-two." Nicola says and looks in my eyes. I give him a nod and a smile but I failed with a big one. I look back down.

"Why did you change your name? Desta is a really cool name actually..." I change the subject and look up again. His black hair rests on his head,his brown eyes on me. Inspecting me.

"My wife died." I freeze,at his words. I could see his muscles tense under his suit. His leg began to shake a little as he told me more about it,"Adam killed her. She was pregnant with our...our first child. He made her crash with a car. And when I was at the scene he had stabbed her in the stomach,he didn't only kill my wife. But my child too..." Nicola's voice was hoarse. His jaw clenched and I could feel all the tension and anger from him. The sadness too.

"I-I didn't know,Oh my god I'm so sorry!" I say and I really am. I can't imagine how hard that must've been. He suddenly chuckles and closes his eyes as he angels his head towards the ceiling. His eyes opens.

"Yeah...me too. But he will pay for it. I'll make sure of it," he turns his head towards me now,"and he will pay for killing your parents,and after everything he has done to you." He didn't have to say the words 'I promise'. His eyes said it all.

I nod,feeling the tears on the edge of my eyes. I close my eyes and inhale the air. Getting the smell of Nicola's cologne.

"After her death I became a diffrent man. I changed my name,I continued working to find Adam. And then I needed to find you,for Sandro."

"I know...and I'm so thankful for your help." I say and a tear slide down my cheek. His eyes traces the tear down my cheek.

"My uncle...that I told you about back in the US...he used to touch me in places when I was very young," I weten my lips with my salavia as Nicola looks at me,worry in his eyes.

"I remember once when I was eight. My parents were in the kitchen and me and Assar in the living-room. He placed his hand on my thigh,and then-then he went further up. I told him to stop,but when I said it was wrong and I would tell my parents,he only said that it was my fault and that I would get yelled at. And I belived him...and when Kian touched my thigh yesterday it brought back so many memories." By this time tears ran down my cheeks,my throat hurt and my head begun to pound.

I felt a hand on my lower back. Nicola did small circles,trying to calm me down a little. I sniffled and then kept going.

"H-He did that a few times through a few months,until he really did things. He used to lick me on my neck,kissing my breasts...sometimes even pushing his finger inside of me..." I felt the nausea come but I still kept on,

"The years went by and by the time I was ten years he had fingered me,licked me and he forced me to give him blowjobs...It didn't matter how much I would puke,bleed or cry. He liked it. And when I was ten I just got into my puberty. My breasts grew,and my body got curves. Which only turned him on more. And one night,I woke up with him being in my bed besides me;naked." I took a deep breath,

"I tried to scream for help as he forced himself in me. He pounded so hard,so roughly that the pain was still there for days. I told my mother that my period had started when she found my sheets covered in blood,when in reality it was Assar who had raped me. They never knew...you're the first one I've ever told this to." Nicola's eyes were glossy. The walls that he has been building were now down,and so mine. He stared at me,and I just sobbed.

His action made me shocked at first but I didn't really care after a few seconds.

He pulled me into a hug

His arms came around my body,making us chest-to-chest. His chest was hard but it was nice to be in someones embrace...I snuggled into his chest as my hands pulled him even closer. I closed my eyes and just let the moment be...

"I'm here for you,okay? I will protect you Kimberly. Whatever the cost." He lowers his voice and rest his head on top of my head as his arms is around me keeping me close.

Maybe not all monsters are evil...


What do you think of their little moment?

This is so horrible.

Thoughts on this chapter?

Thanks for reading ❤️

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