Denial || RavenAsh

By discontinuedfrfr

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1.9K 41 134
By discontinuedfrfr

God he looks so fucking cool
Final warning that there'll be kinky sex jokes in the book

Raven has little to no mercy towards anybody.

This includes Fire Spirit who he used to love despite the fact that Fire can be the most annoying fuck ever.

Now all those feelings are gone, there's no part of FS that Raven could bring himself to like. He has no reason to go looking for FS and he prefers if it stays like that. Cres, however, misses Sea, she doesn't care the fairy is good or evil, she just wants to meet her wife. Cres constantly nags Raven to go with her to find Sea, Raven says "no" every time. He has no interest in... maintaining their friendship, if anything he stopped caring about almost everyone.

However, today is a day that would change his motive forever.

Raven walked through the halls of the castle that the Enchantress took over and overheard the Enchantress' plan.

Of course, he would already be informed of what the plan is because... of course. However, this one was... new.

He stopped and listened.

"Those legendaries really think I need their help? Tch, they're weaklings compared to me. But... I can't just abandon them now... I still need their powers"

This made Raven's blood boil. He normally wouldn't care but THIS, THIS FUCKING TAKES THE CAKE.

"Why're you standing there?"

Raven turn around to see the Crimson Knight.

Out of all the cookies that joined Dark Enchantress (by force), Madeleine was the one that Raven wished... DIDN'T.

"None of your fucking business" Raven replied coldly before promptly walking away. He didn't want to deal with Mad, too cocky for Raven's liking, surprised he stil managed to swoon Espresso into being his boyfriend despite the fact that Espresso kinda hates him.

Raven decided to do EXACTLY what Cres wanted.

Find Sea.

And hopefully not Fire.

Anybody but Fire.

The mere present of Fire Spirit disgusts him.

He found Cres, she was... vibing by the ocean. Hoping one day her wife just walks out from the water.

"Crescent Moon" Raven said.

"Hmm? Have you changed your mind aboht trying to find Sea?" She asks, jokingly, not expecting Raven to agree.


"...Wait, are you serious!?" Cres asks, she eas quite shocked considering the other times, Raven just said no.

"Yes" Raven was dead serious.

"YEAAAAAAH, WOOOO, I'M GONNA FIND MY WI- Wait why did you change your mind?" Cres asks.

"Dark Enchantress is just using us, she's getting rid of us once she has enough power" Raven replied.

"...What!?" Cres couldn't believe her ears. "Elaborate"

Raven retold what he heard.

"...Fucking damn" Cres didn't know how to feel "Can I be the new ruler?"

"I don't fucking know" Raven replied "Negotiate with the rest if you want to be the new ruler but right now we need to find Sea before Dark Enchantress does, no doubt she's gonna send someone to spy on us"

"Hmmm... you sure? Normally she would send YOU to spy on people, I think she believes she earned your trust to let you just... roam, y'know?" Cres explained. "We can... go freely... but where do we start"

"At the bottom of the ocean" Raven replied.

They're gonna go down to the deep down dark deep down.

"Bottom of the ocean, it's already FREEZING up here, are you insane!?" Cres asks "Plus, HOW are we gonna survive swimming to the bottom?!"

"We have magic, there should be a spell to get us to the bottom" Raven replied.

"Yeah, let's hope, who the fuck are we gonna ask?" Cres asks.

"...Espresso" Admittedly, he's the only one Raven finds some what tolerable because of Essy's quietness.

"Uh huh, we ask the nerd" Cres replied. "But how are we going to persuade him?"


"What if that doesn't work"


Straight to the fucking point.

They went back to the castle, at a small section of the castle is where Espresso has his lab and stuff at.

He should be smart enough to know some spell that can make them go down to the deep down dark deep down quick enough.

When they got there, Espresso was... they couldn't tell if he was pleased or if he didn't care enough.

But they sat down and talked anyways, after talking, Espresso only asked.

"Are you telling the truth? Or is this just an excuse?"

To which Raven replied with.

"You're smart enough to know if I was lying"

Espresso looked at him and after some testing using dark magic, Espresso came to this conclusion: He's an asshole but truthful.

"Fine, fine, I'll help, just because" Espresso quickly found a spell that would help them.

Later that day, after telling the Enchantress that he would be gone for a while to attend some questionable stuff in the ocean along with Cres, they dived into the ocean.

The journey down there was a cold one.

It was freezing.

The spell protected them, Espresso said they only last for a day but that's more than enough time.

Although they found themselves in a bit of a problem.


"What lovely lighting" Said Raven.

"I can't fucking see anything"





Cres' scythe glew red. It was dim, you can barely see anything ahead.

However, after swimming for a while, they felt something grabbing their legs.

And soon they were being dragged... To a castle.

It was... large, green and shiny filled with... questionable and ungodly looking sea creatures.

And then they got thrown into a throne room.

"Shitty welcome wagon" Cres mumbled.

"Her majesty Abyss will now see you" Fush person that dragged them there said.

"Who the fuck" Raven mumbled as he look towards the throne.

Sitting on the throne, walking towards them, holding a trident with flowing water hair was none other than.

Sea Fairy.

But emo.


Admittedly, Sea was shocked.

"Moon? Wind!?" She asked as she walked towards them.

"I know nothing about "Wind" that you speak of" Raven replied.

"Oh don't mind him, he just refuses to look at the past after he turned into THAT" Cres replied.

Sea focused on Crescent and walked towards her... before promptly hugging her.

"I miss you so much"

Look at them, emo wives.

"Miss you too Sea... Why'd you leave us!? You missed so much! Wait where's Fire?" Moon asked.

"Oh uhmmm... actually, follow me, this place is... unsuitable for talking"

They went to the underwater garden. It was cold for sure but they didn't mind.

"So you changed your name to Raven and Crescent?" Sea... well, Abyss asked.

"Mhmm" Cres replied. "Thought it would be fitting, you look so much better this way" Cres complimented.

"To you, I always look amazing" Abyss said.

"True, true" They're not dating YET.

"Say, Raven, do you wish to see Fire?" Abyss asked.

"No, Fire Spirit is nothing to me" Raven replied.

"Actually... you really can't call him Fire anymore since... how do you put it" Abyss said. "He uhhh... changed"

"By how much?" Raven asked.

"Oh he completely changed, he kind of despises seeing almost everyone and just stay away from everything, that's why he went down here with me, if not he would've stayed at the valley" Abyss explained as she looks up a bit.

"What're you looking at?" Raven asks.

"He's watching us" Abyss replied.

"Who?" Raven asked.

"Fire calls himself Ash now, quite fitting, he's made out of ashes now... He's watching us, I think he just hates talking to people so I sugges-" and Raven just got up and flew up to said balcony.

He was quick, so quick that Ash had no time to react and ended up getting pinned down onto the floor.

For context, Abyss' castle has a bubble around it so there's air.

Raven... Raven didn't expect his feeling to do a 180 when he saw the new "Fire Spirit"

If anything his thought process was "Damn he's hot but damn do I need to fucking act like I hate him more than I hate anything else"

"What a fucking coward you've become" Raven said.

"Is this how you greet the new me? Get off me you fucking bird" Ash replied.

"You're still annoying as always" Raven said.

"You're the one that's pinning me"

Raven got off of Ash and he properly got up.

"Look at you and your new face" Raven mocks as he grabs Ash's face with one hand.


You know the position

If you play GI then its the same way Signora held Venti's face before kicking him.

"Pathetic like always" Raven tries to insult as he turns Ash's face. Maybe if he insults Ash long enough, his feelings would go away.

Ash got annoyed and pulled Raven's arm away.

"Since when did you become such an annoying fuck!?" Ash was slightly pissed.

"I'm more curious of as to when YOU became such a coward" Raven replied.

They could stand there and bicker but

"Talking to you is useless, I need to get back to actual business" Raven said before flying back down.

This left Ash with 1 thought "Wished he grabbed my neck and choked me" which he regrets. "He's not that hot, god what's wrong with me" before going back into his room.

End of first chapter.

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