A New Age of Warfare

By TOWEC_Official

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"War... War never changes. But men do, through the roads they walk" - Fallout New Vegas Warfare has evolved... More

May God take care of you in Heaven...
A New Age of Warfare: Anime Opening... i think
Character Info (Rework)
Prologue - A New Player has Joined (Chapter Rewrite)
Chapter 1 - Dropping in... Literally {Chapter Rewrite}
Chapter 2 - New Developments... like my di- {Chapter Rewrite}
Chapter 3 - The Upcoming War... i like this title {Chapter Rewrite}
Chapter 4 - Welcome to Fort Krass... i've lost a chromosome :D
Chapter 5 - Defensive Planning... next chapter is big day
Grizalan Kingdom Armed Forces Ranks and News
Chapter 6 - Going on the Defensive... like my thesis research
Chapter 8 - We are Going on the Offensive... nothing to see here.
Chapter 9 - Operation: Retake Lost Ground... sadly no epic fighting D:
Chapter 10 - Western Front... its that time bois >:D
Chapter 11 - The Auroran Army Upgrade... sadly no maus tanks D:
Chapter 12 - The Report... nope, i'm lazy to add something epic here
Chapter 13 - Outskirts of Town Krill... hehehe balls go splat
Chapter 14 - Liberation of Town Krill... and make it our own base :D
Chapter 15 - The Annihilation of Two Armies (Part 1)...
Chapter 16 - Annihilation of Two Armies (Part 2)...
Chapter 17 - Sweet Time...
Chapter 18 - Attack of Fort Valk (Part 1)...
Chapter 19 - Attack of Fort Valk (Part 2)...
New Divisions and Special Forces Groups Arriving!!!
Imperial Quan Dynasty Army Ranks
Chapter 20 - Attack of Fort Valk (Part 3)
Naming Convention #6 Winners
Chapter 21 - Planning the Invasion...
Chapter 22 - Interesting Find...
Chapter 23 - Added Plans...
Elections Closed and New Stories Added!
Chapter 24 - The Fall of Fort Padwell...
Cover Art and Description for the New Stories!
Chapter 25 - Under the Night Sky...
Naming Convention #7 Winners!
- Christmas Special -
Chapter 26 - Illuminating Threat Above...
Chapter 27 - Battle of Town Illragon (Part 1)...
Chapter 28 - Battle of Town Illragon (Part 2)
Chapter 29 - The Beginning of a Downfall...
Naming Convention #8 Winners!
Interlude - Quan Dynasty Arc (plus news)

Chapter 7 - Say what now?!... about my car's extended warranty?!

2K 73 40
By TOWEC_Official

Epiko work from @FooterHooter for fixing my cringy grammar

Quick Recap. On: A New Age of Warfare

James, his companions, and his Division is on the move. They will be doing a Defensive action to attempt to stop the Quans Army to reach Fort Krass. To stop them, James ordered his Division to create a Trench System to repel the Quans. They already stopped a Quan Infantry Division, but James noticed a series of lights in the distance. He knew that another force is coming...

For they are not joking around...

But, James isn't either...


Talking: "Hello how are you? i'm under the water... please help me"

Shouting (All CAPS!): "BRUHHHHHHH!!!"

Whispering: "i'm in danger :D"

Telepathy: 'i have come bearing gifts'

Thoughts: "it is what it is"

Background/Action: *Sheeeeeeeeeeesh*

Radio: ≈Thot spotted! Over≈


Location: Trench System, Mountain Pass, Western Region, Grizalan Kingdom

Date: November 10, 904

Time: 6:10 PM

10 minutes after the Battle of the Mountain Pass

Commander Evan's P.O.V.

Damnit all...

We thought this was easy, a seemingly long line of deepened earth with people stationed inside there. My scouts said that they are waiting for us, we thought we can defeat them easily since the scouts said they are very lacking of walls for protection, no mages and they don't even have swords. They said that they have long brown and black sticks that they use for some strange reason, scouts said that they didn't have anything to defend themselves with, they only wore cloth and a helmet, only being equipped with brown and black sticks.

Of course, we got cocky about our enemy. As we got close to them, Major Samuel ordered a fireball bombardment to the enemy position to weaken them and cripple their forces. As the bombardment was done, Major Samuel ordered a charge to the enemy with seemingly weak enemy forces.

The whole division charge at the enemy position even we officers joined in to destroy and capture them. But when we charged we saw the enemy forces moving towards their initial position, seemingly unfazed about the bombardment that they just received. However, this didn't stop us charging at them.

Multiple explosion suddenly appeared in our ranks, killing groups of our Infantry. They fired their own fireball bombardment of some sort at us, but for some reason, we can't see their fireballs. It was like they were invisible or small, either way, we were getting massacred.

And before you knew it, we're now captured by the enemy. We thought that the Grizalans are doing this, but when we got a closer look at the enemy soldiers, they weren't Grizalans, the Grizalans wore silver armor, compared to this one they wore different clothes like blue coats, grey ones, green, and dessert colored soldiers, but they have the same patch on their shoulder.

It's a somewhat a triangular shape with a white stripe at the top and red stripe at the bottom, with a big blocky A in the middle of the patches. What does the A stand for? Why did they picked the letter A for their patches? And why are they here? Many questions that I want answers from this mysterious force.

Maybe another time.

Right now, we're being escorted to a field on their side. As we walked to their lines, we saw a long dug out positions that seems to be extended to the bases of the mountains. As we moved towards the dug outs, we saw multiple tents that has soldiers inside it, most of them were walking in for a rest I think, while some go out and moved towards the dug outs.

As we arrived at the field, we saw the rest of the surviving division sitting on the grass. For all I can count, it was close to at least 1000 of our infantry just sitting there while enemy guards looked at the large crowd of soldiers.

Me, the sergeants, corporals, soldiers and a battle-mage, that was with me in the crater where we were captured. The enemy soldiers that captured us put us in the front. While we wait for our inevitable doom of interrogation, we decided to talk since some of our troops talked to each other while the guards just looked at them.

"Commander, what's gonna happen to us?" Sergeant Andrew asked as his hands was on his head.

I sighed at that statement, "I don't know Sergeant, for all we know. We might be interrogated for information or kill us all."

"I think they'll pick the first one," Battle-mage Harry said that to me as his hands are also on his head, "They might need information first, I doubt they'll kill a force that has a lot of information. Especially you Commander Evan and Major Samuel."

I looked at Mage Harry as he was right about the last one. Me and Major Samuel are high ranking officers of this division, they definitely want information from us.

I sighed again in defeat, he's right, we might be the first one or last to be interrogated. Either way we're getting interrogated.

As we wait at the fields, we saw three men with stars on their patches. One has two golden stars at the top and two golden bars at the bottom. The other also has two golden stars at the top, but has a single golden bar on the bottom. The last one has two silver stars at the top and a singular bar at the bottom. All in all, we don't know who the high ranking officer from the three of them.

Then the two silver star and one bar moved to the front of us, he then looked around at our troops who is still sat on the grass. He then coughed to get their attention to him, this worked as the rest of our soldiers looked at him with curiosity and fear.

"Listen up!" he shouted at us, "We want answers on why you are attacking innocent civilians and this country?" he looked at us sternly as he walked back and forth, "We want real answers not fake ones, saying fake information will make you guys..." he slid his neck with his finger in a cutting manner, "...Results death to you."

This made us gulp in fear, for we might be killed if we say the wrong things.

Over to Divisional General Lutz Location 3rd P.O.V.

As General Lutz said that threat, he was tapped by his companion 2nd Major General Aubert as he was getting Lutz attention.

"Uhm, you wouldn't really kill them would you?" he whispered at General Lutz with a look of concern.

He looked at his back to see 1st Major Cale and Samantha who is looking slightly scared at him, he then looked around him to see his troops looked at him with some eyebrows raised and a shock look.

General Lutz looked at 2nd Major General Aubert for a minute, he then shrugs, "Nah, why would I? It's just an empty threat you know," he looked at Aubert with a reassuring smile.

2nd Major General Aubert sighed in relief, "Phew, that's a relief," he said.

"Although, if they do something funny. That threat might be real," Divisional General Lutz looked at them sternly.

This made all of them deadpan at General Lutz except the Quans.

Divisional General Lutz shrugs at them. Then a voice suddenly heard from behind them, "What's with the people looking at you with deadpan looks?"

They turned around to see General of the Army James Ramos moving towards them with his hand at his back.

As they see their highest officer of the army moved towards them, in military customs, they saluted at him with respect. He of course, returned the salute, "At ease men," he then looked at me, "Is everything alright here?" General James asked Division General Lutz.

He shook his head, "Nothing much General," he looked at the POWs in the field, "Fortunately, the medics brought a major from them," he then looked at the front of the crowd, "And from the looks of it, we captured the 2nd in command of their forces," he pointed at Commander Evan.

James looked at General Lutz looking, "Ohh," he puts his hand on his chin. He then looked at the 2nd in Commander with his head looking down, "I want him and the major to the command tent for interrogation," he said.

Divisional General Lutz saluted as he acknowledges James command, "Yes General," he then looked at the two soldiers who at the front, "You two! Bring that man over here!" he shouted as he points at the person who is the 2nd in Command, Commander Evan.

The two soldiers nod as they moved towards Commander Evan. He saw the two soldiers move towards him and picked him up violently, "Come on now!" the soldier who was gripping on his arm, "General wants you! so move it!" he shouted.

Commander Evan tried to resist the grasps, but it made them grip harder which made him tired of squirming to remove himself. While that was happening, the Quans could only look at Commander Evan with worry.

Commander Evan was now moving towards General James, he was then interrupted by a Corporal who is an American with a 5"10 height, "General! Scouts reported that a division sized army is coming from the east to our position," he stopped for a bit to take a breather, "Scouts also said they are moving towards us."

James then pipped up, "Oh, are they wearing silver armor?" James asked the Corporal.

The soldier nods, "Yes General, are they friendlies?"

James also nods at the Corporal, "Yep, those our allies moving here," he then looked at his officers who is looking at him while Commander Evan was being detained by two soldiers, "1st and 2nd majors, I want you to tell the officers of the companies and brigades to tell friendly allies are moving towards here," he looked at the 1st and 2nd major which saluted him, "Divisional General Lutz, I want you to interrogate him and their major for information, before I leave that hill, I saw multiple lights indicating that there is a camp. Tell them if a follow up force in coming towards us."

Divisional General Lutz nods and salutes, "You got it General," he then looked at the two soldiers who detained Commander Evan, "You two, follow me towards the command tent."

The two nods at Lutz as, they then moved out towards the command tent, "Oh! And also General Lutz!" James shouted.

General Lutz stops and looked at James, "Please don't kill them or hurt them will you?" James said.

James heard multiple giggles and chuckles all around the field, General Lutz looked at James with a grin, "No promises General," he then turned around and continued on his marry way with the two soldiers and Commander Evan. The other major officers also left to talk with the other officers of the division.

Samantha moved up to James, "So James, what are we going to do?" she asked James.

James puts his hand on his chin as he was thinking of something to do, "Actually, I have some available manpower to fill in the rest of the division," he looked at Samantha, "Wanna come with me? After all you're stuck with me," he said with a cheeky grin.

Samantha also had a grin in her face, "It is what it is James, the king ordered me too." she then looked at me, "After all, you're stuck with me too."

He smiled at Samantha, "Well then, let us go."

Before they left, he informed his soldiers that he was going somewhere. If they have news find him in the fields. James and Samantha then moved away from the POWs to find a big space for him to fill his division up and possibly make another one.

They found a big and suitable place for him to summon the rest of the companies and the division, he then opens the console for the summoning.

Rather than picking units for him to summon, it was very time consuming. He made a template for the infantry to save time.

James P.O.V.

10 minutes later

After for 10 minutes of making a template, this way I would just pick an infantry organization and let my abilities do the rest.

(For all that was interested for the infantry organization, here it is. Ignore the corps, field army, and the army group. Just focus on the division and below since the top part would not be available today for some time. And tell me if you can see the words. And also some of the organization is a bit different from the IRL ones, I did some little tweaks and implement mo own stuff)

As I nod in satisfaction with the template, I will spawn 6 more companies to finally fill the remaining brigade and summon 3 more brigades to fill the division completely.

"What are you doing James?" she looked at me with interest, "Summoning more soldiers?"

"Mhm," I hummed with a nod, "I can finally fill in the gaps in my division," as I moved my fingers in some buttons

"Just asking, how many soldiers are there in your division?" she asked with a questioned look.

I stopped for a second to do the maths, "If my calculations are correct, it should be at least 13000 soldiers per division."

She looked at me with amazement, "Wow, that's a lot of soldiers."

"I'll say."

Before I pressed the button to summon all of the soldiers, a cavalry soldier came to my view. He then stopped right in front of me, "General! A person named 'Captain Will' has been looking for you."

Ah, so they are finally here, "Excellent, they are here now," I clapped my hands, "Could you please get him here. I was in the middle of doing something."

The cavalry soldier nods in understanding as he bows, "As you wish General," he then turned around to leave me and Samantha on the field.

I then pressed the button to summon the rest of the soldiers to fill the division, a bright light suddenly erupted in the field as it blinds me and Samantha, which made us cover our eyes to shield from the bright light.

After a minute of the bright light which is slowly melting my eyes, the light was slowly losing its brightness and fades away. I then let go of my arm that is blocking my view, I saw a very large group of soldiers in front of me and 9 new brigade officers as they saluted at me. And with their equipment, vehicles, and even artilleries coming with them.

Okay that's a lot of soldiers at my disposal, "ALRIGHT! AT EASE MEN!" I shouted.

This made the soldiers let their arms fall to their side, I then walked back and forth with my hands at the back, "Alright! You guys!" I pointed at the 6 companies, "I appoint you to the rest of the Sol Infantry Brigade to fill in the missing companies, you got it?"

"Yes General!" they shouted, I nod in confirmation as they understood, "The rest of the companies are the 3 new brigades for the division, I have created 3 different brigades for all of you to be assigned," I then looked at the 9 new officers, "Are you the new officers for the brigades?"

They nod at me, confirming my question, "Alright, I want you guys to move towards your respective brigades and I'll talk you guys later, okay?"

"Yes General!"

"Good," I then looked at rest 3 new brigades, I then opened my arms in a welcome manner, "Welcome to the division men!"

I heard multiple shouts of happiness and whistles in the crowd of soldiers, I smiled at my men as they are happy to be here, "Alright that's enough!" Then the noises stopped, "Now, I designate you men into 3 new brigades! Your names would be!"

I pointed at the first 10 groups of soldiers and officers, "You are the Luna Infantry Brigade!" which is mixed in between German, American, British and French.

I pointed at the second group of soldiers and their officers. This group is quite special since I introduced the new nation, which is... "You would be designated as the Terran Infantry Brigade!" then a loud shout of, "Ura!" was heard all across the group. Yeah, all Russian power!!!!!!!!!

The Russians are coming.

I pointed at the last group of soldiers and their officers, "Lastly, you are the Exercitus Infantry Brigade!" an up roar of "Gyerünk!" was heard all across the group. This was is also a new nation to be added, the Austrian-Hungarian forces.

"Any questions at the names that I gave you?"

"No General!"

I nod, "Good, now get to the trench line and wait for my orders, dismissed!" I shouted as they are now moving towards the trench line in an organized fashion.

I then heard a cough at my back to see Captain George and his fellow companions at his back. Captain George seemingly looked unfazed by the amount of soldiers that suddenly appeared out of thin air, but he is still surprised. His companions however, looked at him with disbelief and shock that I can do that.

"Captain George! When you said he can do that, I didn't actually expect him to do that!" his companion shouted at him.

"Indeed Captain George, I was skeptical about your description about him," one of his companions pointed at me, "But with the display that he put in, it looks like your right."

I looked at Captain Will who is walking towards me with his companions, "Hello again sir James," he said with a smile.

I returned the smile with a wave, "Nice to meet you again Captain George," I put my hand on his shoulder, "You are finally here."

He smiled at me, "Indeed we are James, and I see that you took care of them quite well," he said as he looked at the large blob of soldiers in the field, "And by the looks of it, you captured a regiment sized force."

"Actually, it was a division sized enemy force that we encountered," I said.

This made them look at him with shock, "Really!" Captain George shouted, "I thought it was a regiment sized force," he then shrug, "Then again, scouts have said that it was at least 20000 soldiers they found before coming here."

Then his companion came to my view, he was wearing silver armor like his fellow captains with a sleek epic looking purple cape with golden rims. He was at least 30 or 40 years old judging from his face. He was also sporting an epic looking beard.

"You must be the so called, 'General of the Army James Ramos' right?" he asked me with a deep voice.

I of course nod at him, "Yep, the name was indeed, General of the Army James Ramos," I hugged Samantha close to me which made her squeaked, "This is my companion Samantha," she looked at them with a nervous smile and blushing slightly.

The bearded person laughed, "Hhaha! Nice to meet you General James, I'm Captain Lorence of the 95th Light Infantry Regiment," Captain Lorence introduced himself.

"It would be rude to not introduce myself," the relatively young person with a formal look and clean silver armor, "The names Captain Clyde of the 53rd Light Infantry Regiment," he introduced himself with a formal stance while bowing. Looks like this person is acting like a butler or something.

"Captain Luis of the 19th Heavy Regiment!" The energetic person shouted.

"Sergeant Ivan of the 10th Mage-battle group," the gruff looking person with a wizard hat and a wooden staff said.

"Sergeant Troy also a Mage-battle group, 85th," the really old looking person who looked like a 50 or 60 year old man. Also sporting a wizard hat and wooden staff.

"Squadron Leader Brady, Commanding Officer of 41st and 42nd Griffon Scouts!" he saluted, this person must be strict or is following the customs.

Something is wrong here, why are they looking like they're missing a large group, "Uhm, pardon to ask, but I was suspecting more?"

Captain George for some reason sighed, "Well, the other 7000 soldiers are moving towards the middle region."

This news shocked me, "But why!"

"Believe me or not, they said that they would not like to help a 'small sized army defending from a large enemy force'."

Okay that's a bullshit excuse, "Ugh, do they not know the importance of this strategic position!" I shouted in frustration.

Captain Lorence sighed to at this revelation, "Indeed, we said that they can be reported for 'Ignoring Commands from a High Officer', but with them is a commander which has a higher rank then the garrison commander. He told them to ignore the initial command and move towards the middle region to help the forces there."

"Why didn't you go with them?"

Captain Clyde then said, "Even when the commander said the new command, we stuck to the initial command to assist you from the mountain pass, we know the importance of this position so we made our way towards you."

I sighed at his revelation, "Well then, this force should be okay with me," I then looked at the time to see it was 7:00PM, "Oh my, looks like it's getting close to night time. We should hunker down and rest, that march must have made you guys tired."

They nod in agreement, they are after all pretty tired from that long march.

"I'll let my guys do the guarding and patrolling for the day, you guys make your men rest from that march."

Captain George opened his mouth, but then he was interrupted by High Mage Lukas running at me while holding the communication crystal, "General James!" he then stopped in front of me, "Garrison Commander Paul wants to talk to you!" he said as he gave me the crystal.

"Commander Paul?"

"General James, I have a new command from the higher ups."

"And that is?" I asked with an eyebrow raised.

"Don't be to shock okay?"


"Well, the new orders is... 'Subjugate the Quans and make it your own country'."

This made the people all around me look at me with shock and disbelief, this also made me look at the crystal with a blank look.

I then shook my head and said, "Say what now?!"


A relatively short chapter, but it works

Hope you enjoy, Cya next time gamers :D

Another editor input :D

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