oh, shit // bnha

By elisimone_

149K 6.8K 2.9K

imagine how embarrassing it would be to fall into a classroom full of 16 year-olds in your pajamas ? eli is j... More



4.7K 246 124
By elisimone_




When Shouta woke up, he told Eli that she could dress however she liked today, and from here on out. He backed it up by saying she was hurt, and that he brought a sleeping bag to school so it's not like anyone would say anything to her since she wasn't even a student. 

She listened to him, and Shouta chose not to comment on how tired she looked because of the subtle shake of his husbands head he'd seen when he told her this, 

So, after a difficult shower, and somehow an even more difficult time drying her feathers, Eli dressed in a pair of baggy ripped blue jeans, a fitted chocolate brown zip-up jacket, and her sage green converse (she would've worn crocs but she thought that was pushing it). Her hair was difficult to do with her creaky (still healing) hand so Hizashi offered to help her. 

She reluctantly let him and instructed him of how to do it, to which he hummed One Night Only from Dreamgirls while he did so. It was a bit easier since her hair was still wet so he raked the conditioner through her head almost expertly and oiled her scalp along with raked some oils through her hair as well. 

After that he used a clean hair clip from his husband and clipped it up in a curly back bun, the curls sprayed around so messily that it look beautiful.

After that, Hizashi went off to make breakfast. 

For some reason (it was definitely because he overheard Hitoshi and Eli's conversation), Hizashi made waffles, bacon, and eggs, all of which Eli consumed with a goofy grin on her face with a cup of hot chocolate instead of coffee because of course Shouta woke up and made another pot, and drank half. 

On the way to UA, to which Eli didn't really understand why Shouta was going since he was still hurt even though she didn't question it because she was too, Hizashi instructed Eli to sit in the passenger seat and excitedly told her to pick the music. 

This, of course, put her in a state of silent (violently obvious) panic, but with a deep breath and the feeling of the morning breeze on her neck, she took on the task with a determined nod. 

It was quickly discovered that Hizashi was in love with Beyonce, Adele, Bruno Mars, and surprisingly enough Keyshia Cole. 

Eli could only giggle wildly as she watched Hizashi bounce around in his seat excitedly at the music, diligently telling the young girl to send him all the music she was playing along with any others she thought he might like and she could only smile and nod. 

Shouta, comfy in the backseat with Hitoshi watched with a small smile on his face which his son teased him about. 

The real icing on the cake was when they got to UA and walked part of the way to class 1A, Hizashi placed happily kissed the new siblings' foreheads before humming all the way to the teacher's lounge before his first class.

Hitoshi could swear he physically saw Eli contemplate passing out but said nothing of it as he covered his own red cheeks at the affection from his father. 

He'd only been adopted for 4, almost 5 months, so this was all still kind of new to him. 

Now, Eli and Shouta were on their way to the classroom, until Shouta's phone went off, releasing a sigh as he looked at it. Eli could only stare at him curiously. 

"Nezu would like to see you," he told her, and she nodded at him. 

"...Are you alright to go alone?" he asked, and with a quirked eyebrow, she nodded again. 

"Yea, I know my way," she said, but he only sighed. 

"No, I'm asking can you walk without feeling too much pain, I know your ribs aren't healed yet," he said, Eli wearing a small smirk as she crossed her arms as she adjusted the tote bag on her shoulder. 

"Neither are yours," she said, and to her surprise, Shouta let out a light chuckle as he stared fondly. 

"Thank you again, Eli," he told her with a small nod of appreciation. 

"Agh, it would be pretty bad if my new Daaa-" Eli cut herself off with a flustered cough, one that very much hurt her ribs, but she'd ignore it for now. She cleared her throat before she continued. 

"If my new uhm, parental being died before he signed the papers," she said, blinking her eyes in mild shock. 

'There is no way in hell I almost referred to this motherfucker as Dad, somebody please beat my ass,' her mind raged and panicked. 

"Welp, can't keep the rat waiting, bye Mr.Shouta," she said with a quick salute before she proceeded to speed walk away to Nezu's office. 

Shouta stood there for all of 15 seconds, almost forgetting that he had class in roughly 5 minutes. Weighing his rationality between his excitement, Shouta made the 'rational' decision and bolted to the teacher's lounge to tell his husband who'd he have to use his Quirk on before he deafened the fucking block. 


After standing outside of Nezu's office for a minute or two trying to work off her embarrassment, Eli knocked on the door, hearing a small 'come in' before she walked in to find the small Principle sitting behind his desk with a smile on his face. 

"Ahh, good morning Eli-san," he said with a smile on his face, and Eli waved a bit as she returned his smile. 

"Good morning Principal Nezu," said as she closed the door behind her before making her way over to the seat in front of Nezu's desk. 

"I don't believe there are no longer any needs for formalities, that is, if I'm correct in assuming that the Yamada-Aizawa's are planning to adopt a 2nd child," he said with a grin on his face. 

"Aha ha, you're right actually. They asked me the other night, I said yes," she told him as she sat down and sat her bag on the floor. Nezu could only chuckle. 

"What did you want me to call you then?" she asked, watching as he smiled at her. 

"Uncle Nezu, of course," he said with a grin. 

'A rat for a fucking Uncle... this is kind of a flex,' she pondered. 

"Alas, I asked Hitoshi-kun the same, but he's only called me that once you see," Nezu said with a fond chuckle, and Eli let out a snicker as well. 

"Alright then, Uncle Nezu, just call me Eli then since we're uhm... family now," she eased her way into it. 

Not that she didn't think Nezu was a cool little dude, but she was still hesitant to call the other's family. It all still felt sort of unreal. 

Also, plus, despite all the things she'd gone through upon her arrival to such a world, the rat for a Principal thing still felt like a fever dream. 

"Wonderful! Would you like some tea?" he asked, and she nodded, allowing him to pour two cups of tea, Eli standing to pick it up, eyeing the expensive teacup for a minute before she took a sip. 

She wasn't too familiar with tea, but it was good and warm, so she was happy.

"Now on to what I'd wanted to discuss with you," he said after he took a sip from his own cup. 

"As you can see Eli, I am an animal, an animal with a Quirk that is. So, because of this, I was subject to many experiments to get to the bottom of where exactly my Quirk came from. To put it simply, despite me having the intelligence Quirk, I do not understand humans, on an emotional level that is. Of course, I still feel emotions just as you do, though mine are not nearly as complex as humans, so I try my hardest to implement protocols and such in order to make up for my shortcomings," Nezu began to explain, Eli nodding along as she tried to listen and understand all of which he was saying. 

"That is where you come in Eli, I'd like your help in deciphering and understanding complex emotions here at UA. Despite this being a hero academy, it is still filled with teenagers, and from my understanding, these are some of the most emotional years of a human's life," Nezu went on. 

Eli nodded, understanding the last part at least. 

High school is in fact shitty. 

"So, what exactly is it that you want me to do," she asked, watching as Nezu's grin grew even more. 

"I want you to become somewhat of a counselor. Not in name of course, for I do not believe you have the official credentials, but I would like you to somewhat bridge the gap between teachers and students," he said, making her quirk an eyebrow, not fully understanding what it is exactly that he wanted her to do. 

"You have said it yourself Eli, you are only 18,  but you were already in college so in your time you were not only a legal adult but acting as one as well. Am I to understand you were maybe living in a dormitory of some sort?" he asked, and she shook her head. 

"Nah, the spots filled up too fast. I didn't exactly know what I was doing when I was applying, but I'd been working since I was 15, so I was saving the entire time. So when I got to college I was able to get an apartment near campus, I did have to pick up another job though," she said thoughtlessly as she scratched her head. 

Nezu's eyes lit up at that. 

"Ahh such a hard worker! So you were living on your own then, at such a young age, fascinating," he said earnestly as he sipped his tea. 

Eli's eyes widened as she stared at him bashfully, before chuckling lightly as she sipped her tea. 

"Y-yeah, had to be," she said with a nod. 

'Not like I had anywhere to go,' Eli huffed in her mind. 

"For this assignment, you will be working closely with Hound Dog, he's a Pro-Hero that patrols the UA perimeter, he also happens to be the school counselor/therapist," Nezu explained. 

"We can meet him now if you would like, that is if you are interested in my offer," he says, Eli pondering a bit as she thought it over. 

"Well, I think it could be fun. I'm not too great in uhm... anxiety-heavy situations, but you're right. People tend to trust people closer to their age group, almost like an unsaid mutual understanding, so I can see your thought process. I can't exactly promise anything, but I'll try my best," she said. 

"Excellent, let us walk, shall we? We can discuss the issues of payment when we return," he said flashing her yet another grin before finishing off his tea and jumping from his taller chair, his ears just barely peeking over the desk as he walked around it. 

"P-payment!?" she semi-screeched. 

"Of course, you didn't think you would be doing all this for nothing at all, did you? Even as a TA you are being issued a payment. I may have not trusted you at first, but I like to think I am above unpaid labor," 

'If he'd have led with that I would have just asked Mr.Shouta to text him a yes,' she thought. 

"Though I guess I can understand your confusion, paychecks are issued every other week, and it only been a little over a week since you have been here," Nezu explained briefly, standing in front of sitting Eli who only looked at him with wide eyes. 

Suddenly her eyes brightened up tremendously as she stared down at him, half-tempted to hug him. 

"Thanks, Pri- Uncle Nezu!" she said with a quick correction, the rat god grinning as he nodded. 

"Now, let us go, you still have a class to TA for, I wouldn't want to keep you from your job," he said with a smile. 

That's all it took for Eli to down her tea, and padded after the mouse, dog, whatever creature that was her apparent boss and somehow now her Uncle. 


When Nezu mentioned Hound Dog she didn't honestly think that he was a literal Hound Dog. The only physical difference maybe was that he could walk on two legs. 

Not to mention Eli had to wonder was the muzzle he wore even comfortable. 

"So, you want her to work under me?" he asked, and Nezu nodded with a smile as he sat on Eli's shoulder. 

'What I would fucking give to have a Nezu plushy, he's so fucking soft!' Eli cheered  

"Precisely, Eli, I understand you are a rather creative person. When I asked for you to bridge the gap between students and teacher, did you have any ideas in particular?" Nezu asked, staring at her deeply, almost as if he was predicting what she would say next. 

"Well, I was thinking, ya know maybe if you had like an old or unused classroom, maybe a basement or something. I- well we could turn it into like a safe space for students. Like during lunches and breaks, they could go there and ya know talk, and maybe watch a movie, listen to music, even take a nap? I mean, school is hard, that much I know, and there are too many factors when it comes to their personal lives, and for first-timers, counseling can be pretty scary, so maybe don't make it feel like that? It could be like a nice living room, make school feel a bit more cozy?" she said, most of her statements sounding like questions due to her nervousness. 

Mostly because she was making all this up on the spot. 

Nezu although grinned, and pat her head with his paw. 

"That idea is wonderous!" Nezu said with a wide smile. 

"I have to say, that's a good idea. Do you happen to have any experience with counseling or therapy?" Hound Dog asked making Eli laugh nervously as she scratched the back of her head. 

"Well I've been in it," she said with a convincing grin. Not that she was lying about the therapy, but she realized that when you talked about things like that, it made people somewhat uncomfortable so she tried her best to make it sound as normal as possible, which it was. 

"Hm, well, then it makes sense for you to have such insight. I wouldn't mind having a helper such as yourself, so your answer is yes Nezu," Hound Dog said with a nod.

"Excellent, we shall discuss the details in further depth later, I don't want to keep you from your patrol, and Eli, you must get to class before the next starts. I shall call upon you both at our next available time-slots," Nezu said. 

"O-oh! Thank you Hound Dog," she said, bowing her head a bit, not being able to bow her body since Nezu was still perched on her shoulder. With a raised hand, the tall hero shook his head.

"Please, just call me Inui," he requested, Eli, nodding with a small on her face. 

With that, their conversation ended, and Nezu made due on his promise of their discussion on Eli's payment before she was off to class.

She was kind of in a daze honestly. In the past week of going to stores and such, Eli had coped a slight understanding of Japanese currency so when they discussed how much she was getting paid she honestly almost shit on herself.

With being a TA, and with now being a counselor, she was getting paid a substantial amount, along with the fact that the things for the 'cozy area' as Nezu had called it, would be paid for by UA. 

"Oh, and Eli," Nezu called, right before she was about to leave the office.

"Yes?" she asked, watching with curious eyes as he rummaged through his desk to pull out a small container, one that made her eyes widen as she saw that it was her's, well the one she had in her hands when she fell into Mr.Shouta's classroom. 

"Dealing with children can be stressful, so I think you'll be needing this back," he said with a wide smile as he held the container in his hands, scurrying out of his chair to place the little box in her hands.

Eli's eyes widened, looking back and forth between the container and Nezu could only smile before he went back to his desk, leaving Eli to simply giggle before walking out the room.

'That little dude is righteous, I can't believe he gave me my shit back!' Eli thought. 

She unknowingly had a bit of a skip in her step, and could only grin towards the ceiling as she thought about it, looking around the school as she walked the halls. 

'This really is quite the prestigious school isn't it?' Eli pondered, giggling a bit to herself before scampering off to the class, leaving the weed in her bag to the back of her mind. 

With a hum and an adjustment of her tote, she slid open the door, almost instantly being the center of attention as she walked in. 

"Eli-senpai?" she heard Uraraka mumble before a red glare was trained on the class. 

Clearing her throat a little, she gave a small bow before she went and sat at the desk she typically did. The seating chart was in front of her, along with a sticky note she'd placed on the board the other day that read 'attendance'. 

Eli took this as a cue to start attendance, the class slowly drifting back to Shouta's lecture about public misconduct. 

After she did that, she pulled a notebook from her bag, opening it to find that it was her fantasy notebook. 

She grinned a little, and unknowingly fluttered her feathers before she began to write. It took her a second to come up with a name for whatever character she wanted to write about, but after a minute or two, she chose Nala and gave her the nickname 'Ghost' after deciding she wanted the girl's hair to be white. 

She wrote a forest in the middle of a made-up country that housed a tribe of supernatural beings. She wrote about the nearby empire discovering the forest and its rich properties, about the meeting of the two people as well. 

She didn't know if she was serious about it or if she was just writing a short story, but as the class period went by she wrote different AU ideas down about how she thought the meeting between the two groups would go, about the powers that their tribe had, and jotted down some reminders to come up with names for the Empire and the tribe. 

Not to mention coming up with all the other characters. 

The bell rang, and Eli jumped, snapping out of her dazed state as she came back to reality, almost squeaking as she saw Mezo right in front of her. 

"Oh, hey Mezo," Eli said, giving him a sheepish smile. 

"Are you sure you should be at school like this?" he asked first, leaving Eli kind of stunned at the worry in his tone as she rolled her shoulders back. 

"Good morning to you too?" she said closing her notebook before her hands flew down to fidget with her fingers. 

Mezo sighed, and apologized a little but Eli just shook her head before he could finish. 

"No, no, it's okay. I'm fine, I just have to uh, watch my temper," she said cooly. 

Mezo's eyes widened a little before he fell into a small chuckle, nodding at the smaller girl. 

"Eli-senpai!" Uraraka and Midoriya said at once, leaving them turning to each other with blushy cheeks before they turned back to me. 

"T-that was really cool what you did at the USJ, you know your Quirk is really versatile when you think about it. Especially with that trick, you did with the wind. I mean, if you were to harness that ability instead of commanding it, your limits would be sky-high. You even seem to have enhanced strength on top of that, and your wings seem to do wonders for your speed, not to mention it shouldn't be hard for you to advance since you handle them very well. Ah! Not to say that you wouldn't be able to, it's just you said you were a late bloomer so I mean, of course, it'd be harder to manage such a power. Of course, I think you're really cool and if you're aiming to be a hero like the rest of us, I think you could even surpass Hawks if you wanted to, I mean your Quirks are a little similar, except that you have horns. Not that there is anything wrong with having horns!" Midoriya rambled on and on about what he thought about her Quirk.

The class kind of wilted at his rambling, and you'd think they were dizzy with the way all the words coming out of Midoriya's mouth was flying around the room. 

Bakugo grew irritated quickly, and was going to yell out a quick shut up, but was stopped himself once he saw how normal their new 'TA' looked, almost as if she understood every word the green-haired boy was saying. 

"Ack, sorry, I tend to-" Midoriya cut himself off from his rant to apologize, only for Eli to interrupt him during said apology. 

"Woah, you really think I could control the winds myself?" she asked. 

Midoriya beamed a blinding smile. 

"Yeah, I-I mean, it's not too much of a stretch is it? And if you can't yourself, maybe your wings could. I've always wondered how big actual wings would have to be in order to lift the weight of a person and with those calculations in mind, and with how we saw your wingspan during the USJ incident I've come to the conclusion that your wingspan would from 15-20ft long, which is huge! That would mean the muscles that connect them all would have to be super strong right, in order to keep themselves up like that and that would make you pretty strong since you have to lift said weight to fly. With that being said if anything you would probably have to flap your wings with about twice as much force while staying in place but if I'm right that would mean you'd be able to generate such a wind force that you'd literally be able to blow people away!" Izuku rambled, slapping his hands against his freckled cheeks. 


Eli stared at the boy with wide eyes, actually really stunned by his mind. 

"Uh, did you understand any of that Eli-senpai?" Kirishima asked, rubbing the back of his neck softly, looking between the two curly-haired pair with a sweatdrop falling from his forehead. 

"Ah, sorry, I guess I got too into it-" Izuku tried to apologize. 

"Dude..." Eli spoke, leaning back in the chair she was in with an astonished look on her face. 

"Are you a fucking genius or something?" 

Then Bakugo fucking exploded. 




3888 words. 

can't wait to write bakugo like the little asshole he is (srs, i love (kinda hate) the guy but he's such a dick lmao)

same thing goes for hitoshi fr. 

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