You Deserve Better: August Al...

Galing kay AnNeverEndingStory

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Ahmira is a 22 year old from Nola. What happens when she comes across August and this roller coaster they cal... Higit pa

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Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty One
Chapter Twenty Two
Chapter Twenty Three
Chapter Twenty Four
Chapter Twenty Five
Chapter Twenty Six
Chapter Twenty Seven
Chapter Twenty Eight
Chapter TwentyNine
Chapter Thirty
Chapter Thirty One
Chapter Thirty Two
Chapter Thirty Three
Chapter Thirty Four
Chapter Thirty Five
Chapter Thirty Six
Chapter Thirty Seven
Chapter Thirty Eight

Chapter One

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Galing kay AnNeverEndingStory

Friday, 12:00pm -Atlanta-

I groaned hearing my alarm clock go off for the second time. I had to set two alarms on my phone because I knew the first one wouldn't motivate me to get up. I was dreading on starting my day early. I swung my cover off of my body and let my feet touch the cold tiger wood floors. It felt uncontrollably good. I grabbed my phone checking all my social media accounts, my timeline was filled with Ig models, and fake ass ballers. I continued to scroll as I started my shower water.

I seen a bunch of Flyers with August Alsina on them. I looked through the comments and seen all of these thirsty broads flocking over him. I mentally rolled my eyes seeing that everybody was making a big deal since he was making an appearance back to the A after his tour. I knew the city was going to be out and ready for him. I grabbed my tooth brush and brush my teeth and washed my face. I stripped out of my pink silk pajama set and stepped into the shower. I did my hygiene routine and stepped out grabbing my towel and wrapping it around my body, and wrapping my towel around my hair.

I stared into the minor admiring my clear rich melanated skin, and decided to take a quick selfie for my Instagram.

I smiled as the comments and likes start rolling in. Trust me, it wasn't all compliments. But I expected to have haters, I mean look at me. If you ain got bitches hating on you for being your authentic self then you ain't doing something right.

I blow dried my hair and curled it. I put on little to no makeup on just because. I walked into my room and looked through my walk in closet and picked out my outfit for today. I wanted to be comfortable but sexy. I put on my stone washed mom jeans, a plaid shirt leaving it open revealing my black bra with my Dr Martin boots. I grabbed my purse and car keys, and walked down my spiral staircase. I locked up the house and got in my all black SRT charger, with red interior. Baby I was living very comfortable to be only 22 years old.

I checked my messages seeing my bestie texted me telling me to meet her at Starbucks. This girl know she can drink some Starbucks. I smiled to myself and pulled off as Party Next door blared through my speakers.

That smile on your face Makes it easy

To trust you those in those in

I sung to myself as I pulled up to Starbucks and got out, making my way towards the entrance when I noticed her sitting outside taking pictures. I smiled to myself.

"my bitch look good" I screamed as I walked towards her. A couple of heads turned giving us the stank face but we never gave a fuck. She laughed at my silliness and got up out of her sit and started posing as I took out my phone and started taking pictures of her.

I met Kenzie at work when I was 18 before she quit, a few years back. She got into a fight with one of the girls, and bounced without looking back. Roscoe was furious, but Kenzie wanted more than just that. She wanted to start a business. She became a well known stylist for big time artists like Drake, Rihanna, Usher, Nicki Minaj and even Adele. My baby went big. I always admired her for chasing after her dreams and here I was, still in the same place since  I was 18. But I try not to complain. My life was hell before I worked there.

"Omg you look so good, and you're glowing" McKenzie said as she gave me a hug and sat down.

"Girl me, look at you" I said as I admired her skin.

"You must be getting dicked down bitch, who is it? " She asked as she made this Stevie jay face. I rolled my eyes and waved her off.

"Girl I don't need a nigga to make me happy" I said.

"Mira, you haven't had any since Marcus, please. That's was..what...50 years ago" Kenzie said as she sarcastically counted on her fingers.

"Haha very funny. More like 3 years ago" I said.

Marcus was an ex of mine that I had been dealing with since I was 14. He was a bit older then me...okay maybe a lot older then me. He's 16 years older than me. He took care of me, when I had nothing to my name. But Marcus was very abusive. Verbally, mentally, and physically. I knew it was wrong, but I needed him at that time.

"Listen we are gonna get you a man girl" Kenzie said as she sipped her drink. I took her drink out of her hand and drunk it. Surprisingly that was good, I looked at the name of the drink and made a metal note to come back here.

"No I don't, I am perfectly fine. I have my rose toy " I said quietly.

"Bitch that rose really. That ain shit like the real thing love" McKenzie said. Truth was I wanted somebody but I couldn't trust anybody. I knew I was bad bitch but others might think other wise. Hey, I am a dark skin female. It's hard out here for us, always receiving backlash for our deep melanin that we couldn't control. I never knew why the media or others hated us so much.

"Kenzie drop it" I said becoming annoyed with the conversation. We sat in silence for what seemed like forever. Until my phone went off in my purse signaling I had a text message.

Text messages
Roscoe😴 : Aye I need you to come in tonight, special occasions cause for special performances.

I rolled my eyes as I read the message.

"What's wrong? " she asked

"Roscoe wants me to come in tonight" I said

"I thought you didn't work on Friday's " she said

"I don't, I guess he had somebody coming in with a big name" I said as I looked at the time on my phone. It was now 3:00pm

"You know you are his best now Mira. I don't know why you won't quit and come do this shit with me orrr sing" she said as she picked up her coffee and tried to drink it. But it was empty.

"Listen I'm not like you Kenzie, this is all I know. Plus singing is just a hobby. Nobody would take me serious" I said.

"You wouldn't know unless you tried" she said. I just shrugged and texted Roscoe back and said I'll be there.

"I don't know why you left me there with those crazy bitches" I sighed and she laughed.

"That wasn't my first encounter with little miss Kermit the frog, I was bound to get fired. Plus I was going to quit anyway when I touched enough money to branch off" she said. I laughed at her and shook my head.

"You knew he wasn't gonna fire you, you were the main attraction" I said. She shrugged but It was true. Kenzie was the best of the best. Until she left and the crown got passed on down to me. I thought about something.

"Heyyyy" I said smirking at her. She side eyed me.

"What do you want Ahmira" she said, knowing that I was up to something.

"Come with me to work, tonight" I said.  She looked at me like I was crazy.

" no no no, I hate that place" she said shaking her head like she got a freshly bob done.

"Please.." I said with a puppy dog face.

"Why should I? " she asked.

"If he wants me there tonight then it has to be something big going on. So that means more clientele for you" I said as I sat back and waited for her answer. Kenzie never turns done extra money in her pocket or free promo. She hesitated looking at me.

"Fine" she said rolling her eyes. "Come on I have to go home and change" she said getting up.

I smiled at her and got up. "And bitch you owe me another coffee, thirsty ass" she said as she walked towards her car. I laughed and got into my car following her. I waited in my car, for her to change her outfit. She walked out. 2 hours later, for what seems like forever. I admired her outfit.

"Bitch come take my pictures" she shouted from her door. I shook my head and headed towards her. I grabbed her phone snapping picture after picture. She is so picky I swear, she never likes any of the pictures I take but insist I take them every time. I snapped the last picture and showed it to her.

She scrolled through all 50 pictures I took of her as I scrolled through my phone.

"Ugh, could've been better" she said as she posted some pictures on Instagram. I liked and commented on them hyping her up as usual. I rolled my eyes and shook my head at her.

"Are you driving?" she asked as she walked towards my car.

"I guess I am" I said. I got in and started up my car and drove towards our destination.

I sighed and parked in the back and got out. I walked towards the guard and he let us in.

"Lil bit, long time no see" Carter said to Kenzie.

"Hi Carter" Kenzie said.

We walked through the back entrance and made our way down this long hallway towards Roscoe office. Old Liquor, cheap perfume, and throw up reeked throughout this lengthy hallway. Sometimes I couldn't believe this place had the best business. Or that I even worked here. I knocked on the door And waited patiently.

"Come in" he said as he sat behind his desk. Roscoe was a older guy but you couldn't notice unless you really knew him. He occasionally dyes his grey hair black and had a gold tooth, he dressed like an old pimp with a cane. He smelled of weed and axe cologne.

"Wassup Roscoe" I said as I took a seat on the table in the corner and Kenzie sat down.

"Well well well, looks who's running back" he said looking at Kenzie as he stroked his beard.

"In your dreams, I'm never coming back to this hell hole Roscoe" Kenzie smirked.

"What's going on tonight that I had to come in" I asked getting straight to the point. Kenzie got up and started talking pictures of me.

Roscoe rummaged through the piles of papers on his desk and handed me a flyer. I looked over it and rolled my eyes.

"Really August Alsina" I asked nonchalantly. Don't get me wrong he is fine but I don't get the hype of wanting to be with him or the obsession girls had over him.

"Bitch august Alsina" Kenzie said snatching the poster out of my head

"You are the best and the best is in the building tonight, so go get ready and get the girls prepared" he said as his heavy accent rolled off his tongue.

Since Kenzie left club Blue Diamond, I became the HBIC, and the girls hated it. They hated the fact that a amateur came and took over with no experience what so ever and got the crown.  I brought the bags in and Roscoe ate it up, he loved me when Kenzie left. I became the main attraction and brought in big ballers. Even though nobody knew it was me, I felt powerful, confident and sexy every time I danced. Plus this job gave me the luxury life I always wanted.

"Okay whatever" I said grabbing the poster out of Kenzie hand while she was kissing it.

I walked out of his office towards the back while Kenzie went to the bar. I walked to the room and all the girls were sitting around.

"Y'all gotta get up and get ready, orders from Roscoe" I said as I unlocked my private dressing room that was connected to the girls locker room that read "sensation".

A couple of girls kissed their teeth and rolled they eyes but I didn't give a fuck. I sat down at my vanity and brushed out my curls to straighten my hair. I looked through the selection of heels and outfits and decided to go with black. I freshen up and put on my outfit and admired myself in the mirror.

I couldn't believe I was a stripper, I knew the events of my life would lead to bad but I didn't expect to be here. I looked up at the corner of my mirror towards the picture of my mom and I. I wanted to cry but it felt like I've been crying all my life. I was tired of crying, I felt weak  and vulnerable and I didn't want to feel like that anymore. I quickly got myself together and reapplied eye liner before grabbing my mask. I grabbed my trench coat before walking out to the girls.

"Is everybody ready?" I asked as I looked around.

"Ion know why Roscoe put this black bitch in charge" Valetina said under her breathe. She was Latina, she wasn't ugly but she wasn't the prettiest out of the crop either.

I stopped in my tracks and turned around. Did this bitch just say what I think she said

"What did you just say" I said walking towards her

"You heard me" She said with a smirk on her face zipping up her boots and standing up.

"Damn you got balls for someone that got they ass dragged by somebody that's 10 times smaller than them" I said as I sized her up. Hey, I was so called bougie but don't let this pretty face fool you I would fuck somebody up real quick. I hated talking, I was all about action but I couldn't do that tonight.

"This black bitch is in charge because I bring in money unlike yo plastic lopsided ass shots and bitch watch yo mouth because we all know I would beat them fucked up lip injections off yo face" I said

I walked away, leaving her there to contemplate whether them ass shots and lip injections was worth it. And bitch they wasn't.

"Don't even let her get to you, she mad her ass been fucking Roscoe all these years and got nothing to show for it" this stripper Barbie said. She was nice and so sweet I couldn't believe she worked here. That girl could dance her ass off.

"It's cool I'm not sweatin it. Just make sure they on set after my performance, okay ?" I said as she nodded her head and went towards the back. I put on my mask and stood behind the curtain. I did a silent prayer in my head and waited for the dj.

"We got a special performance from the best of the best, please give it up for the sexy Sensation" he said as he played my song.

Colombian drugs, but she's straight from Decatur

Thought you were Colombian

Are we turning up?

Or are we wasting time?

Girl, please don't waste my time

You know I'm Jacquees

I don't just wanna chill, with you

I walked towards the pole as I looked around the crowd. It was packed tonight, I knew I was going to get paid good. I swiftly untied my coat and let it fall to the floor. I heard whistles and cheers here and there as I twirled my body around the pole. I slowly climbed to the top slowly making my way back down into a perfect split.

I seen nothing but hundreds and fifties being thrown. I smiled to my self as I did more tricks. I climbed up the pole half way, holding on to it as I raised my legs up clacking my heels and spreader my legs coming down. I crawled to the end of the stage as I made eyes contact with him. He was even more gorgeous in person.

My eyes went towards his curly half blonde half brown fro to his strong jaw line, to his A tattoo. I smirked watching him watch me. I went towards him as he sat back in his seat pulling his jeans down a little for comfort.

I bit my lip as I sat in his lap and rolled my hips. He licked his lips as I made eye contact with him. His eyes were red and he smelled of henny and weed. A fine ass combination. I grind against him as I rolled back into a split on the ground and twerked a little. He rained hundreds all over me. I smiled and walked back on stage, ending the song with one more trick. The crowds favorite, the helicopter. I let Barbie come out to help me end it off right.

We both climbed up the pole, positioning ourself the opposite way as we spun around the pole fast ending it in a split on the ground hard while bouncing up and down. When I tell you they made it rain, I couldn't see anything but money. I smiled as I grabbed my coat and walked off stage towards the dressing room.

"Barbie, bitch you were amazing. I couldn't end it right without you" I said as I sat down in front of my mirror taking out the money in my thong and bra.

"Girl me, you are so sexy when you dance. No wonder you are the main attraction " she said as she playfully pushed my shoulder and made her way towards her locker. Kenzie ran towards me all happy.

"Bicthhhh you did yo shit tonight" she said as she twerked on me. I laughed at her and thanked her before Mother Teresa came in. She was our mom, she helped us with our issues , clothes , hygiene, and food. She was a sweet old lady. She used to work here when she was very young, she said she wanted to help us because nobody helped or guided her.

"Mira, Carter said someone is asking for a private session from you" she said. I looked at Kenzie and she shrugged her shoulders.

"Okay, I'll be out in 5. I have to change" I said. She nodded her head and went back out.

"Bitch guess who number I got" Kenzie said as she sat down on my vanity.

"Bitch who's" I said as I stripped down putting on my red set.

"Chris brown fine ass" she squealed. Cheesing ear to ear.

"That's good Kenzie. Does he want you to style him" I asked as I fixed my makeup and hair.

"Girl more than Style. He said he wanted to take me out on a date" she said like it was fairytale come true.

"A date?" I scrunched up my face.

"Yes bitch, what's wrong with your face" she asked crossing her arms.

"Nothing, nothing, I'm happy for you" I said hugging her.

"Mhmm" she said walking out.

"Kenzie" I called out for her. She was so sensitive, I need to apologize later. I looked at myself in the mirror one last time before walking out to find carter.

"I'm ready" I said. He nodded and led the way, behind the Curtain. He stopped in front of the door and opened it.

"How long" I asked.

" he payed for 2 hours" he said.

"2 hours?" I said. "What tf am I suppose to do for 2 hours" I asked confused

"I don't know" he shrugged.

"Does he know i don't know..those type of services?" I asked. Whoever this is better not be on bullshit.

"He knows, I told him the rules" he said. I sighed and walked in the room. He had a hood over his head with shades on.

"About time" he said taking off his hood and shades. August Alsina, I was getting nervous. I never got nervous doing these private dances. I press play on the speaker in the corner and took off my Sheer robe. I sat on his lap and moved my hips back and fourth. The red lights reflected off of my chocolate skin as his hands began to roam my body.

"Aht aht hands off" I said removing his hands. I looked into his eyes and there were even more red.

"Hands off?" He said as he licked his lips and grabbed my ass.

"No touching" I said as I tried to pry his ass off.

"So you a strippa but don't give out pussy huh" august said letting me go. Is he crazy?

"It's a difference between a stripper and prostitute" I said getting up, and putting on my robe. He got up closing the door back. I backed up looking at him.

"Are you crazy ?" I asked him reaching for the door knob again.

"I ain't pay to watch you dance for 2 hours. Put that long ass neck to use" he said.

"I don't know if you had too many drinks or what but I don't do that shit. Right idea wrong bitch. CARTER!" I yelled. The door swung open as he clutched his gun.

August smirked while moving to the side letting me by. I rushed out looking around for Kenzie but couldn't find her. I went to the back and threw on my clothes. I grabbed my stuff and walked to my car. I checked my phone and she told me Chris took her home.

I texted her and told her to call me in the morning to guarantee her safety. We had rules going out together. We come together we leave together. We are just over protective of each other.

I drove back to my house thinking. He really thought I was a prostitute. I shook my head at the thought and walked in my home. I went upstairs and took a shower and pined my hair up. I noticed I didn't have anything but coffee today so I went downstairs and warmed up leftovers form yesterday. Bow tie shrimp pasta. I ate at the island really thinking about my life. Did I really want to do this for the rest of my life?

I shook my head and headed upstairs. I laid down and drifted off to sleep


This was very hard to end

I know it's kind of boring in some way but I really wanted yall to get a feel of their personalities especially Ahmira's

This chapter you really have to pay attention to every little thing because there's a reason for everything, LITERALLY!

I know there's a lot of pictures but I am a very visual person. I want y'all to feel and know how I see things and what I want y'all to picture things clear. Sometimes I'm not as good as explaining alot of things so that's where the pictures take place.

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