The Lord Of The Rings:~The Lo...

By Sarah35487

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Legolas stays for the wedding of Aragorn and Arwen before he starts feeling pain in his chest that he knows i... More

Chapter 1:~An old Dynasty~
Chapter 2:~Dreams~
Chapter 3:~Birthday~
Chapter 4:~Gondor~
Chapter 5:~Elora meets Galadriel~
Chapter 6:~The dinner~
Chapter 8:~Elora and Emersion~
Chapter 9:~The Plan~
Chapter 10:~The Journey begins~
Chapter 11:~Saving~
Chapter 12:~A battle is to begin~
Chapter 13:~The Final battle~
Chapter 14:~Living nightmare~ Part 1
Chapter 15:~Living nightmare~ Part 2
Chapter 16:~Recovery and Threats~

Chapter 7:~Family reunion~

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By Sarah35487

Next day, Elora slept peacefully in the white four poster bed with silk white covers when Elrond entered her chambers and gently stroked her golden blonde hair. "Elora, my child, it's time to wake up," He whispered softly. Elora opened her eyes and turned to face the elf Lord but quickly withdrew herself from his touch which Elrond find very concerning. "Elora, I need to look at your wounds and change the bandages. You were unconscious when we tended to you yesterday," And Elora swallowed. 'He's going to hurt you! Don't trust him! Wait! He seems kind! He's an elf! He won't hurt you! Trust him!,' A million thoughts circulated in her head. Elrond feared what was going on. Had Elora been raped before? If that is the case, how did she survive? Galadriel entered the chambers and Elora seemed to be safer with her there and Elrond was allowed to look at her wounds. "Your wounds are healing well and the bleeding has not started or become worse," Elrond declared and Galadriel smiled. "You're strong enough to get up and train today Elora. At least watch the others," Elora nodded. Galadriel helped her put on a dark green elven leather adventure clothes and Elora put on herself a pair of black boots. Her hair released, only half of her braided into two small thin braids that were braided to a little bigger one of the back of her head. The rest of her long golden blonde hair released.

After breakfast, they walked out into the training field. Elora watched her brother shoot an arrow at a target, hitting the middle. "Your brother is the finest bowman in Greenwood," Thranduil explained as he came up behind her, "You should train yourself up to become as good as him," And Elora smiled challenging, "I don't think I have to," And Gimli looked away to hide his little laugh. "Legolas!," Elora called. Aragorn looked at Arwen confused and Thranduil turned to the other high elves and shrugged.
Legolas went over to his newfound sister. "Elora, what is it?," He asked confused. Elora smiled, "I challenge you into a duel. Just you and me. The one who gets the other to the ground first wins," Legolas looked at her shocked, "Elora, you cannot challenge me. I'm the best warrior father has and you're still...," And Elora smiled, "I've survived much worse than this. Don't worry about me. But if you don't dare, it's fine with me," And Legolas looked at her and smiled challenging, "Challenge accepted," He quickly answered. Elrond swallowed and went over to Legolas. "Legolas, be careful with her and yourself. No one in our age has seen a Light elf fight a normal elf before. Especially not a Light elf half wood elf, Sindar elf," And Legolas nodded.
Aragorn handed Elora two elven daggers and Legolas took out his own.
"Begin!," Aragorn announced.
Elora and Legolas started to fight and Thranduil was surprised to see how good Elora actually was. Maybe she didn't just have magic training.
Legolas and Elora's daggers clashed together and Elora looked up at him teasingly. "Do you give up!?," She asked. "Never!," Legolas protested back. Elora smiled and made a flip aside of him and landed behind Legolas who turned to fight her again. Elora smiled teasingly and tore her daggers free only to attack him again. Legolas then took his opportunity to take her to the ground and stumbled her around. Elora landed on her back and Legolas held his blade against her neck. "I guess this means I won this fight," He smiled teasingly. Elora smiled, "You know what else I was taught?," And she used her daggers to make him stumble onto his back and held her knife against his neck, "Never let yourself be vulnerable in combat. So, on the other hand, I think I won," Gimli gasped and Elora straightened herself and helped her brother up. Thranduil went over to his daughter. "Elora, you are very skilled in battle. How did you learn all of your skills?," And Elora smiled, "Emersion taught me when I was younger," And Thranduil smiled and nodded, "Would you like to become one of the Captain's in my guard?," And Elora swallowed, "My Lord, I don't think it's such a good idea," Legolas looked at her confused, "Why not?," "Only for a time, of course," Thranduil cut in, "Elora, you're my daughter and I want to get to know you," And Elora swallowed, "My Lord, I...," "Elora, you don't have to call me that. I'm your father," Thranduil insisted. Elora swallowed, "I just... I don't want to put you in danger. I'm sorry. I can't," And she turned to leave and handed the daggers to a surprised Gimli.
Suddenly, they heard familiar screams. "Nazgûl," Aragorn stated darkly. "But what are they doing here? The ring has been destroyed!," Gimli hissed. Galadriel swallowed, "They're here for something else," And Elora swallowed. 'Aldon! Why couldn't you send something lesser distractive!?,'
The Nazgûl showed up not so far from the training field and turned their gazes against Elora. "Great!," Elora said ironically, "Why don't send an whole army next time!," And The Nazgûl slowly approached them and Elora tried to take out fire in her hand. "Oh, come on!," She muttered irritatingly. "Light, damn you!," "Your powers and magic comes from The Valar and the moon and sun. The purest and lightest things in our universe! You're the Light, be the light!,' Cristiana's voice echoes. Elora closed her eyes and took out light magic in her hands. The Nazgûl came towards them when Elora suddenly shout her light magic at them. The Nazgûl screamed and disappeared. Elora felt her strength leaving her but Legolas managed to catch her before she fell backwards and hit the ground.
Elrond went over to them. "Elora, how did you do that?," Legolas asked shocked. And Elora swallowed, "I don't know. It just came to me," And Elrond sighed, "You lost a lot of power. You need rest and you're still healing," "Can you get up?," Legolas asked gently. "I think so," Elora answered. Legolas helped her up when she almost stumbled to the ground. Legolas sighed, "You're too weak," And he took his sister gently into his arms.

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