The Lord Of The Rings:~The Lo...

By Sarah35487

362 0 0

Legolas stays for the wedding of Aragorn and Arwen before he starts feeling pain in his chest that he knows i... More

Chapter 1:~An old Dynasty~
Chapter 2:~Dreams~
Chapter 3:~Birthday~
Chapter 4:~Gondor~
Chapter 6:~The dinner~
Chapter 7:~Family reunion~
Chapter 8:~Elora and Emersion~
Chapter 9:~The Plan~
Chapter 10:~The Journey begins~
Chapter 11:~Saving~
Chapter 12:~A battle is to begin~
Chapter 13:~The Final battle~
Chapter 14:~Living nightmare~ Part 1
Chapter 15:~Living nightmare~ Part 2
Chapter 16:~Recovery and Threats~

Chapter 5:~Elora meets Galadriel~

30 0 0
By Sarah35487

Elora fallowed The King Of Gondor into the great hall. Galadriel stood up wonderingly, but smiled as she saw Elora. "Ithildin, you're alive," She spoke softly. Legolas then understood, the Elleth was his lost sister.
Elrond smiled and Galadriel gently stroked Elora's long golden blonde hair. Elora looked away. "You do not have to fear me. We're going to help you," Galadriel declared to the young Elleth.
Elora was along with the others served lunch. Many thought it strange that Elora did not show hatred against Gimli since elves hadn't had a good past with the dwarves. But to their surprise, Elora showed no hatred against the dwarf.
It was during the dinner, Legolas noticed that Elora's hand were shaking. "My Lady, are you alright?," He asked worriedly. Elora stood up and went away from the others.
She took a deep breath before she suddenly fell backwards and Legolas hurried to catch her before she collapsed to the floor.
Elrond hurried over to Elora and put a gentle hand on her forehead. "She has fever. Let's get her to the healing halls now,"

Legolas gently laid down Elora in a bed in a infirmary room. Elrond sat down at her bed. Elora's eyes were closed which wasn't a good sign. Aragorn went over to his father and Legolas left the room and closed the door behind him.
Elrond placed a cold towel over Elora's forehead. In just that moment, Thranduil came storming into the room. "Who is she? Is it really...," Elrond stood up, "Yes, mellon nín. It is your daughter. Though she does not know and neither does Legolas. We've only told him about why you were in pain a few days ago," And Thranduil nodded. "Go with your son. I'll take care of her," Thranduil nodded and left.
Elrond went back over to Elora. "Elrond, the sheets," Aragorn pointed out. Elrond looked down and saw signs of fresh blood. "She's bleeding," He stated hurriedly. "Aragorn, I need your help to lift her up a little," Aragorn nodded and lifted Elora's upper body a little. The Elleth let out a small moan in pain.
Elrond swallowed as he saw the back of Elora's beautiful white dress. The back was covered almost completely a signs of blood. "Aragorn, I need you hold her in that place. We need to take down her dress," Aragorn nodded and Elrond pushed down the dress a little to reveal her upper body. He swallowed. Elora's back was covered in bleeding wounds, so was her stomach up to her chest. "These aren't battle wounds," Aragorn declared worriedly, "These are...," Elrond sighed, "I know. These are wounds from whipping and violent torture. And they're bleeding heavily and are badly inflected. Some of them are even containing poison. If she wasn't a Light elf, she would have died by now. I need you to hold her in place while I clean the wounds to stop the bleeding," "Of course, Elrond. She doesn't deserve to suffer like this," Aragorn declared. Elrond took a wet clean towel and started cleaning the wounds on Elora's back. Elora whimpered in pain as tears slowly started streaming down her cheeks. "Shh, it's alright, penneth," Elrond whispered calmly, "We're going to help you," Aragorn carefully laid down Elora on the clean sheets that became bloody almost immediately. Elrond cleaned the wounds on Elora's stomach while Aragorn left to get bandages and the antidote for the poison in the wounds.
Aragorn gave Elora the antidote before lifting her up carefully so Elrond could wrap the bandages around Elora's upper body.
Aragorn laid down Elora gently on the pillow and Elrond stroked The Elleth's golden blonde hair that had signs of her own dried blood here and there. "She will need to bath later when she has awakened," He declared. "She doesn't have any other injuries," Aragorn explained. Elrond gently put the warm covers over the young Elleth. "She will probably wake up soon. We have to take turns watching her," Elrond explained. Aragorn nodded.

Some hours later, Elora woke up and Elrond went over to her. "How are you feeling, penneth?," Not sure if she understood elvish. "Weak, tired, but alright," Elora answered. Elrond smiled and nodded, "I understand. You will feel better after you've been cleaned up and gotten some new clothes. My female assistant healer will help you with that and put on some new bandages for your wounds," Elora nodded, but did not reply.

The female healer Aelinor helped Elora bath. "You're not used being around with other elves, aren't you?," Aelinor asked. Elora shook her head, "I didn't grow up with elves. I grew up with two wizards and a Leclitra," And Aelinor nodded, "You grow up with a fairy. Interesting," And she noticed the bracelet. "What's this?," And Elora swallowed, "Just something from home," And Aelinor smiled, "Well, you're not bathing with this. It even hurts your skin what it seems," And Elora felt a slight shock as Aelinor managed to remove the magic blocking bracelet. "Dark magic doesn't work here. At least not of The Darkness line," Elora swallowed in relief.  She closed her eyes and let the Elleth care for her and her wounds. "So, let's get you dry and put on those new bandages," Aelinor smiled.
Aelinor put on new fresh bandages on Elora's upper body before taking out a light dark blue long elven dress with long sleeves and silvery details out of the wardrobe. "What do you think of this, My Lady?," She asked Elora.
(That's the dress)

Elora swallowed. "It's beautiful," She said. "Let's see how it looks on you," Aelinor smiled.
Elora put on the dress. "It's perfect on you," Aelinor smiled, "Let's fix your hair," She braided a part of Elora's hair into a braid before putting on her a silvery necklace with a diamond. "Now you look like the real Queen you are," And she gave Elora a pair of silver slippers to put on. "Now, let's get you to the dinner," Elora swallowed nervously but smiled.

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