Feathers and Claws (MxMxMxMxM)

By Cecidissewolf

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-Temporary Hiatus- After his tribe gets attacked, Theo is thrown abruptly into the dangerous world. With no h... More

Chapter 1: The forest
Chapter 2: The attack
Chapter 3: Terror
Chapter 4: New captor?
Chapter 5: A Head
Chapter 6: Odd
Chapter 7: New hell
Chapter 8: Panic
Chapter 9: Rescued
Chapter 10: The plan
Chapter 11: Mistake
Chapter 12: The deal
Chapter 13: Side tracked
Chapter 14: Talking
Chapter 15: Confusion
Chapter 16: Counsel
Chapter 17: Mates
Chapter 18: The hunt
Chapter 19: The hunt. (Part 2)
Chapter 20:
Chapter 21: The morning
Chapter 22: Fraying
Chapter 23: Clear
Chapter 24: Possessive
Chapter 25: Setting out
Chapter 26: Trap. . .
Chapter 27: Home sweet home?
Chapter 28: Anger
Chapter 29:
Chapter 30: Fury
Chapter 31: Mother
Chapter 32: Territorial
Chapter 33: Furious
Chapter 34:
Chapter 35: Torn
Chapter 36: Old partner. . .
Chapter 37: Trouble
Chapter 38: Choice
Chapter 39: Regret
Chapter 40: We're on our way
Chapter 41: Interesting. . .
Chapter 42: 'Chat'
Chapter 43:
Chapter 44: Dread
Chapter 45:
Chapter 46: The hunt is on
Chapter 47: Winner
Chapter 48: Mating
Chapter 49: Lovely couple
Chapter 50:
Chapter 52: Issues
Chapter 53: Plan
Chapter 54: Concern
Chapter 55: Lost.
Chapter 56: Imprisoned
Lil' Lore break: The hunts.
Chapter 57: Confusing mess
Chapter 58: Restless
Chapter 59: Growling
Chapter 60: Chatting
Chapter 61: Consequences
Chapter 62: Sleepy discussions
Chapter 63: Fair
Chapter 64:
Chapter 65: Blank
Chapter 66: Warmth
Chapter 67: Standards.
Chapter 68: Crimson calls
Chapter 69: Warmth
Lil' Lore break: Evolution of the Homigriffs
Chapter 70: Again.
Chapter 71: Fear
Chapter 72: Assurances
Chapter 73: Tears
Chapter 74: Cries
Chapter 75: uh oh
Chapter 76: Misery
Chapter 77: Screams
Chapter 78: Walk
Chapter 79: Aggression.
Chapter 80: Annoyance
Chapter 81: Danger
Chapter 82: Threat
Chapter 83: Curious
Chapter 84: Conversation
Chapter 85: Home (Pt 1)
Chapter 86: Home (Pt 2)
Chapter 87: Reaffirming
Chapter 88: Reacquainting
Chapter 89: Teeth
Chapter 90: The hunt

Chapter 51: Chaos

3.3K 208 43
By Cecidissewolf



Stepping out of one of the back hallways and into the main palace room of Aldo's castle was a bit. . .Jarring to say the least.

Soldiers and the castle's staff were bustling about to do their tasks.

Those that got too close to the thrones Jude and Aldo were sitting on earned a quiet growl from Aldo.

He didn't seem as tense as he did when he came to visit my tribe, He seemed more. . .More like he was trying to prove he could protect his mate even from things that weren't a threat.

Sophia let out a small huffed laugh at that, Catching my attention.

''His bond with Jude is still raw, Just like his mark. . .He's trying to keep competition away from his mate'' She explained to me, Seemingly noticing my puzzled look.

''Oh boy. . .That doesn't sound too good'' I murmured back as she and I slowly and cautiously approached the thrones.

She gave me a slight smile before Aldo noticed us.

''There you are Sweetie'' He called out as soon as his eyes landed on me.

That got Jude's attention too.

Much to my surprise, He had a fresh, large bandage on the other side of his neck.

Was that always there?

That wasn't always there.

''Where were you?'' Aldo questioned warmly, Stepping down from his raised throne area to stand in front of me.

Jude quickly followed him.

The other man looked oddly. . .Tense.

Like he was scared.

''I was hanging out with the kitchen staff. . .'' I muttered wearily as Aldo gently cupped my face with his hands.

The grey winged man seemed calmer now with me here.

''You weren't getting in their way were you?'' Aldo questioned as he ushered me up towards the thrones set up for him and his mates.

Which, Included me. . .Something I was still coming to terms with.

''. . .I hope not'' I muttered, Hesitantly sitting down in the overly large throne Aldo had gently guided me to.

''Well. . .It's good to see you fitting in around here'' Aldo said happily, Seeming pleased that I was making a place for myself within his tribe.

''They're all really nice and didn't question letting me join them'' I added on, Feeling like I should make it clear that me fitting in wasn't due to any skills of mine but instead the kindness of this staff.

Much to my surprise, Aldo seemed to preen a bit at my words, Holding his head high and his wings out to the side to display how much of prime mate material he was.

''That's very good to hear, I tend to hand pick the staff that work here that way I can try and ensure that they're not-'' Aldo started to say fondly before a soldier running quickly into the hall caught his attention.

''S-Sir! The leaders of the tribe of Conn are here!'' The soldier sputtered out, Sending everyone into even further chaos.

A bitter note seemed to take root in everyone's scents.

Nervousness. . .Why are they all nervous?

Aldo moved away from me, His attention turning to managing his people instead of trying to socialize with me.

That allowed Jude and I to turn our slightly distracted attentions to each other.

He looked down right terrified now.

''You. . .You okay?'' I asked quietly gesturing to his neck as I spoke, Assuming the reason why he was distressed was because of whatever was under the bandage.

He swallowed harshly before his expression and scent changed on a dime to a more calm composure.

''Yeah, I'm alright'' He muttered, His voice still raspy sounding.

That. . .Didn't seem honest. . .What's wrong?

I didn't feel close enough to him or confident enough for me to be able to call him out on that clear lie without it seeming like I was challenging him.

So. . .I shut up.

Instead I hunched in on myself, My wings arching up in the chair that still managed to dwarf me, Making me seem smaller then I was.

I had a strong feeling I looked a lot like a mere kid sitting in his father's chair.

Ill fitted. . .Out of place.

Aldo was no longer on the raised dais that the thrones sat on, Instead he now stood in front of the long wooden table that filled the center of the large palace hall.

''He's lowering himself from the dais so he doesn't end up threatening the other tribe's Head, This is supposed to be a peaceful meeting. . .Leaders tend to be overly sensitive to pointless stuff like this'' Sophia informed me quietly as she moved to stand behind the throne I was sitting in.

She was now wearing a dress made of a sheer material that didn't leave too much to the imagination.

Looking towards the edges of the large hall, I could see the other concubines wearing similar attire.

''Should I go join him too?'' I asked nervously.

Getting attacked or starting a war weren't exactly on my list of things I wanted to do today.

She smiled slightly at me, Her hands folded politely in front of her.

''You don't have to, But it will present a more unified front if the still unclaimed mate is standing beside his mate when new comers arrived. . .The guests might not question Aldo's strength so much then'' Sophia explained further.

''Why would they question his strength otherwise?'' I asked quietly as I got up, Heading to join Aldo.

''It reflects poorly on a leader if one can't even control their own mate'' Sophia quietly whispered before falling silent, Standing behind me as I moved to stand beside Aldo.

The other man looked surprised by my moving here before slowly, He lowered a wing to cover mine.

What a. . .Degrading system. . .A leader is seen as less then if they don't control their mate? That's not right. . .Their mate is a person and should be regarded as such. . .Not as something to control. . .

 A small frown was on my face by the time Jude joined Aldo and I down here.

Before anything could be said between the three of us.

The large doors at the end of the hall slowly swung open.

Revealing a group of nineteen people.

Here we go. . .


Time for Quinn to rejoin the picture. . .

Anyways! Like always, Have a good day/night and find a better book! - fallen

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