Dance of song | Soukoku dance...

By Cuteplosion_Xo

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Music pulsed in the air, it wrapped around their minds, pulling them into a world of their creation. Music br... More

The Academy
Harmless Fun
The First Assignment
First Performance
Just a Thought
Dearest Mother
The Small Moments
Quarter Through
A New Transfer?
A little Party
Taking Notice
Building Trouble
And There It Goes
Help... please
Lets. It. All. Go
Dance of Song
Family Dinner
Full Circle
My Ginger Idiot
No Regrets
The Bitter End
More Soukoku

Met by Chance

5.4K 100 214
By Cuteplosion_Xo

The air strung heavily with chills brushing past in easy-going winds. The last few leaves slipped onto the ground. A brunette ran his hand over his arms with a shiver. He hated both the cold and the heat of seasons, much preferring the mid-days of spring and autumn. Those seasons were pretty, and he could get away from life for a bit. The white cloth wrapped around his arms scrunched underneath the sleeves of his jacket uncomfortably as his feet carried him to stand several feet from the car. An expressionless and unreadable face wrapped his features as he waited with patience. The next to exit the car, hopped a small girl, his half-sibling. Her hair, perfectly thick and full of elegant blond curls, complimented the blue hue of her eyes, which reflected the cloudless sky. "Osamu-Kun, hold my plushy!" her voice screeched into Dazai's ears as he pretended not to hear the eleven-year-old sibling. It wasn't that he hated her, he simply disliked being here. He'd rather be in his room or hanging out with his friend Oda, than going to a dance recital of all places. He liked music, but he prided in the words that flowed with the music. Sure dance was another expression, but Dazai could never understand the hype around the art form.

"Osamu, help your sister out, will you?" Dazai's eyes trailed to a woman, her hair the same elegant color as Elise's. The mother-daughter pair not only looked alike; but acted the same; spoiled by his father's money.

"Listen to her or when we get home-" the old man didn't get to finish his sentence. Mori's voice was interrupted by his son's hiss.

"I've got it." He latched his hands onto the items Elise stretched out for him to hold, one of them being an autograph book. The things money could get you always went over his head. He never understood why his father was so obsessed with that. Just as he didn't understand why this woman came into his life eleven years ago and gave birth to this thing. He was 19, almost twenty, and this child was only 11, quite the age difference.

"Osamu, she goes to all of your recitals. She's getting to perform against one of the top schools in the country, it's only fair." The honey-laced voice of the woman pierced his eardrums like chalk on paper.

"Isn't it mom's weekend with me? I shouldn't even be here." The drop of his father's face and sharp inhale gave Dazai a spark of joy. He loved being able to stab him where it hurts.

"Osamu, we had a chat and an agreement that you would spend this week with your real family. -Real family his ass, his mother may baby and coddle him, but at least she cared about him, even if she didn't have custody and if Mori wanted to, could remove her from his life. -Elsie wanted you to come to see her perform her solo. We can have this talk later, we're in public." As usual, all Mori thought about were opinions. What did the public think? What were they saying?

Silently, Dazai followed them into the building looking around at the fancy tiles, and the families gathered. Parents smiling down on their children and helping them with makeup. Even the boys were letting their mothers do their faces. If he'd tried to put such things on his face, he'd be scolded and grounded as a child. It was only recently that he got to see his mother again, and already the man calling himself his father talked as if she were the terrible role model. Not the cheating scum father who only let him sing for publicity. Their deal, when Dazai was 21, he'd get a degree in something useful, business or health, that didn't matter. Dazai tended to tune the world out, his headphones in as he thought up lyrics. His feet followed his supposed family, taking a seat with them as Elise's mother took her to get ready with the rest of the children from her division. The competition would be the tell to who joined the big team. At least that's what Dazai understood from Elise's rant. There were quite a few big names present in the competition, and getting in was a hassle. Elise had made the cut by half a point, whatever that meant.

"You could try to look like you're glad to be here." snapping from his thoughts and the music, Dazai glanced at Mori. "I know very well you're an excellent actor, so smile before you give us a bad wrap." Sighing, Dazai placed on his act. A cheerful smile and content expression to replace the broken and unnatural expression he usually wore.


A ginger stepped from the car, running his hands through his hair as he turned back. He loved the cooler weather, feeling his best when the air around him welcomed new beginnings. He'd been dancing since he was little, far before many of the kids he worked with. His eyes sparkled with light equivalent to the ocean on a summer day. His gloved fingers locked together as he waited for his father to step from the car. They were not rich, but that made life interesting to him, he'd always felt being less rich made you more fortunate than those in the higher class. "Come on, let's get you inside."

"I'm not that old Chuuya, I can walk on my own. Why don't you get the juniors ready? Those two that tend to cling to you must be frantic without you getting them ready. You do as stunning as usual, alright? Don't forget to call your sister though!" Chuuya nodded, hugging the bundled-up man whose body shivered despite entering the warmth of the building.

"I'll call her after and tell her that I won.'' He had all the right to be this cocky, there was nobody better than him in Japan. He was at the top of the top, and even at the top music schools. All of this was through hard work though, he practiced as much as he could in his waking hours. He ate just what he needed. He was careful about injuries and knew his body like the back of his hand. It helped his publicity that he was good looking at the top of that list.

Many of the people stared at him, some of the younger people gaping at him, shuffling for pens as two men in black came to stand at his back, keeping people from approaching him. He was up for autographs later, right now he was trying to enter the mindset for competition.

His feet carried him by memory backstage, finding the three juniors who he worked with. The frailer of the three caring to himself. Akutagawa had always been the independent type, he was their emotional dancer. Then there was the duo, Atsushi and Kyouka, both relatively kept to themselves, but open to each other. They matched in rhythm well, then again, who wouldn't be able to dance to perfection with Chuuya as their mentor?

Taking his seat, he grabbed the makeup from the box and added finishing touches to his look. His fingers parted his hair, spreading the longer locks and tucking the shorter strands in as he braided it over the side. Sticking pins where he needed to keep everything perfectly neat and placed correctly.

One by one, the dancers left to perform, he was always the last to go in these competitions. Sitting there and watching as the younger dancers stumbled and pranced along the stage. One of the girls caught his eye. She was talented, but her movements were stiff and rigid. Her hair was only tied in a bun, and as she grew closer to the end, her fingers ran up and flung her hair over her shoulders. The blonde waves bounced as she spun and landed almost perfectly on point. For a junior, she wasn't too bad, but compared to his kids, she wouldn't win tonight. After she bowed and scurried from the stage, his name was announced and the world around him changed. The music spread into his mind, and his heart picked up its pace. He loved performing for the crowd, everything lit up, and he fell into the blissful world he wished would never leave. With the applause and cheers of his name, he strode onto the stage. His body relaxed and loosened as he hung his head in his starting position. The lights dimmed and the world was silent, but his heart became soundless. In a flash, the music blared and the lights flashed on. His arms slowly spread, his feet pointing as he began to move. This performance was meant to depict a boy growing distant from the world, falling into the darkness before being brought back by the music.

His body flowed moving about the stage with feathery steps slowing his movements, while the story hit the point where the boy fell into darkness. His feet slid beneath him as he fell to his stomach, arms reaching out before he was up again, the music increasing speed and volume. His body jolted alive as the conclusion began moving quicker, breathing heavier, the world spinning with colors and music. The audience lay forgotten as his hand came up and extended to the crowd. His head tilted back, and his other hand covered his face as the lights closed and the music halted. His performance was over just as fast as it had started. Flowers crashed onto the stage, people screamed his name as applause rang out.


Dazai's eyes sat wide, his mouth unable to close as he watched the boy dance. His short and feminine frame trapped his gaze. Every other performance had bored him, but watching this ginger perform spoke to him. His chest increased with the pulse of the music. Lyrics spun around his vision, playing in his mind as he watched the world shift and change. The story displayed so easily, represented to perfection. His eyes never once left the boy, even after the closure of the dance. He found himself leaning forward and standing as his body exhaled a breath he'd been unaware he was holding.

He paid no mind to his father or the others as he committed the boy's appearance to memory and recalled the name that had been spoken, Nakahara Chuuya. Maybe he'd stick around to get to know what kind of person he was. To be able to replicate emotions and perform a story that reached his dead heart was impeccable. "I'll go greet her, you and Shige can go buy snacks and things."

"She has a pass to go for autographs, if you would also take her to that. I missed a call from work while we were watching the performances." Dazai nodded, so that's the kid Elise has been fangirling over since she started dancing? Hell, if he got to experience that feeling every time he'd go to any of the recitals, she was in to see that. He was a singer, the top of the Charts at 19 was impressive, but to have the freedom that ginger had on stage would be a dream come true.

"Dazai stood outside the door, spotting the blond pouting in a corner. When she saw him, her face scrunched up further. "I want mama!" Dazai sighed, handing Elise a bag as he grumbled.

"Your mother is busy, and the old man is on a call for work. They're getting you food, plus don't you have some autograph to go sign?" Dazai's expression, the false joy, was beginning to get heavy. It always did when he was around Elsie. She tended to steal all of his remaining fight, and to be fair she had everything he wanted. Freedom and the ability to get whatever she wanted from her parents. "I'm sure you won something."

"Of course I did! That is what I'd say if the other girl wasn't here! Did you see her? She's from Nakahara's studio! She's not even as cute as me, but everybody kept saying she did the best out of the juniors!" Elise whined crossing her arms with a heavy pout, her eyes threatening to tear up in her frustration.

"Maybe you could ask that guy for some pointers?"

"It's not that simple! You can't just ask a star for pointers like that." Dazai raised his brow, staring down at the girl who stuck her tongue out.

"You don't count"

"Ouch! How does that not count!" Dazai fanned his arm over his forehead, aware a teenage girl was gawking at him. Elise glared, grabbing and tugging him away. Many of the people here probably knew his music, given he heard his name from a few people already.

The line was long, Dazai hated waiting and was about ready to leave when they got to the front. Elise showed her pass and Dazai flashed his Id, considering they look almost nothing alike. He was used to people not believing he could be her guardian. Entering the room, the girl looked about, like a sniper. She found her target and rushed to the line, pulling the older brother along with her. Dazai rolled his eyes, getting a good look at the ginger in his usual clothes. He wore dark colors, a hat sitting on his head as he stood signing off and making small conversations with the people, mostly girls. A few were older, though it was made up mostly of young female children. Dazai stood in line, holding Elise's autograph book in his hands. His name got whispered here and there, but he paid no mind turning to Elise, who was slowly becoming less and less patient.

When they finally reached the ginger, Dazai almost snorted... he was... so short. Then again, many could consider Dazai on the taller side of the population, but this ginger was definitely short. Dazai stared down, his coffee-colored hues scanning the boy. Trying to get a hand on the kind of person he was. "It's really nice to meet you!" Elise hummed trying to shove Dazai away from the ginger's view, they were staring at each other with mutual understanding.


Chuuya had his eyes on the brunette male the moment he walked in alongside the blonde. He was familiar, but he couldn't recall the male's face too well. He was sure he'd been somewhere and seen him before. The blonde had just performed and they were walking alongside each other, probably siblings. As they approached him, he tried to recall where he'd seen the brunette before, but his mind failed him. When the brunette stood in front of him, his attention was mostly on him while the blonde passed him her autograph book. "Osamu-Kun! I want the other one too, the disc from the ballet he starred in! I want to get that signed too." The blonde was a brat, and the little moment was ruined. His eyes snapped in the direction of the blonde as the brunette huffed.

Shuffling around the bag as he shrugged. "Your mom probably left it home."

"What! You probably dropped it! Dad always says you're forgetful and lazy! I know it was in there." the child stomped her foot glaring as Dazai ran his hand over his face.

"You really want to act like this in front of your idol Elise? Our old man can buy you another." Dazai glanced at the ginger with an apologetic expression, forced but passable as true sympathy. "Didn't you want to ask him about something?"

"Nothing I can't bother you about, you're in the same industry." Was she trying to make a scene in front of these people?

"Alright, let's go before you get security called."

"You're the junior from the other company right?" The blonde, as if remembering who she stood in front of, nodded happily as he remembered her. "You should take into consideration your body language. If you want to be the best you have to connect to the music." Dazai snickered, gaining a glare from the petite male. "Oi? The f- heck are you laughing at bandages?" Elise shot Dazai a glare when he opened his mouth to speak.

"Oh-ho, the ginger has a not-so-family-friendly mouth." Dazai leaned down to mock his height, finally being shoved away by Elise. Sitting on a seat as her parents walked in with bags of presents to spoil her with.

"We're going to be here for a while, there are a few other things we got in the VIP package. You're free to wander off as long as you stay in the building." Mori always acted this way in front of people, it made Dazai sick to observe the false kindness.

"I reserved a little studio for you to sing. I noticed while you were watching the last performance how you seemed to enter that headspace!" Shigi smiled, holding out keys to him. "It's down the hall to the left, second door."

"Wait, Osamu-Kun actually watched?"

"He even smiled, trapped by the ginger's performance dear!" Dazai flew from that conversation before his sister could question him and embarrass him in front of people.

Dazai paced the halls until he found the room with ease. Unlocking the door, he slid into the room, pulling out his phone. He grabbed the chords he needed and put them on the stereo. There was probably a catch to that woman doing something nice for him, but at the moment he was full of emotions and wanting nothing but to sing the lyrics that swam around his brain from that song. Finding the music was easy, but he wanted that exact performance. As expected and predicted, it didn't exist online yet. Sighing, he figured he'd just deal with the music alone.

Turns out it wasn't the same, at all. Listening to the plain music, he groaned, staring at the screen of his phone before giving up. Deciding to find the music he had composed with Oda's help. Who knew a man in the works of getting a degree in literature could write music to fit Dazai's needs. Playing the music, Dazai let his mind submerge itself in the sound.

Dazai tilted back his head, letting his voice unravel. He'd performed this one recently, but it struck him every time with peace. His eyes shut to the world, and ears closed off to everything but the sound of his voice and the beats of the music.


Finally able to slip from the younger kids thanks to a friend of his, the ginger slid down the halls. The playing of a familiar song caught his ears. Tachihara had dragged him to the concert because he'd accidentally bought two tickets. He usually disliked listening to music that had lyrics, finding it too easy to dance to or the words didn't match the envisioned story, but this piece was unmistakable. He'd sat in the crowd memorized by the softness of the voice and how it fit the music with the precision he didn't know a singer could achieve. His voice alone was beautiful, but his body swayed with the tempo of the music, each song leaving his lips told a story, and that story fit the tempo and variation of notes, the speed, and varying rhythmic patterns. He'd wanted to dance right then and there, to let his natural movements reach out. He pulled his keys out, only to find the room already unlocked. He normally used this room to practice, given how it didn't dull the music and was the largest of all the rooms. Seems like this kid had reserved it. Did he watch his performance?

Stepping inside to get a better look he took in the brunette with little shock. So that's where he recognized him from. Then the reason he snickered must have been the irony of Chuuya's words. He wondered how many times the brunette spoke the advice Chuuya had given to the brunette's sibling. Clearing his throat, Chuuya tapped his foot against the ground.

Dazai was struck from his world, dropping the mic he'd connected to the speakers as his eyes jolted to his phone. "What happened to being long? If you're here just to scold me, can't you wait until we're home?"

Chuuya tilted his head as he clicked his tongue. "Were you expecting somebody?" Dazai spun around with a groan.

"It's the Chibi."

Chuuya narrowed his eyes as he glanced at the brunette, a smirk crossing his lips. "Oh I'm sorry, I thought I heard somebody above the national height average speak. -glancing around Chuuya shrugged. -oh well, perhaps if they shrank to normal, we could have a decent conversation."

Dazai narrowed his eyes, plugging his phone back into the speakers and turning his mic back on. "You know this room was reserved right?"

"Eh, these rooms are not solo occupant guaranteed, and I need to practice too, suck it up Mr. Child Star."

"You're a kid too, a short kid."

"I'm still growing mummy man"

"Ouch, such mean insults from a hatrack"

"Don't you dare insult my hat! This is a stunning piece of elegant craftsmanship!"

"It's a tacky hat"

"Says the man strutting around in bandages!"

"Oh yeah, well at least I'm not short!"

"Is that the only insult you can come up with?"

The two fell silent as Dazai glared, clicking his tongue as he huffed and turned his head. "Geez, is everybody in your family spoiled?" Dazai's expression numbed for a second before he pressed himself

"Nope! Just Elsie, she's the petty princess and I'm-"

"The kid who doesn't listen to his parents and wants to sing for a career." Chuuya finished Dazai's sentence by taking a seat on the wooden floor to stretch his legs out.

"I listen to my mother actually, so I'm the kid who doesn't listen to their father."

"Same shit."

"Ah, there Chibi goes again with his obnoxious mouth!" Dazai snickered, earning a heaving glare from the petite ginger who leaned over, stretching his legs out.

"Shouldn't you be leaving anyway?" Chuuya hissed, face pressed against the floor, and arms outstretched in front of him.

"Nope, the guardians and the small blond child are still doing stuff, so I got sent to be here. Probably so I don't embarrass the bastard." Dazai hummed, sitting down in a chair with a sheet of half-done music on his lap. Scribbling melodies and things. He kinda wished he had a guitar, but going off by memory would have to do.

"I can see why." Chuuya sat up, twisting his waist and leaning over while pressing his leg in the other direction.

Dazai rolled his eyes. "So mean, I bet you have no friends because you're Mr. Grumpy!"

Chuuya furrowed his brows with a glare. "I am not... I do have friends probably more than you do!"

To be fair, that was probably true. Dazai had one good friend, and the other wasn't exactly a friend. He was somebody he met and sometimes played chess with when he was absolutely bored or on a music block.

Before he could respond, the door opened to Mori, who sighed. "Time to go Osamu."

Dazai shot him a glare before packing his things into his bag and stepping out. "Till we meet again, Chibi!" Chuuya narrowed his eyes, flipping him off.

"I'm not that small, damn it!" Chuuya called after Dazai, his ears not missing the obnoxious snickers from the brunette.

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