A Little Secret.

By Creativity_Twins

7.7K 160 86

Would you ever guess that the dad would be a child? But the sides would never guess that Patton is an little... More

Your what!
How logan and deceit found out
The day of shoping
It To Early For Life.
Vivi tries it
The playdate
Sick day
Christmas special
Sick day part 2
Bad thoughts
A/N Please Read
Sibling Bonding


103 3 0
By Creativity_Twins

Tw: crying, yelling, bad words, possible bad human.

Remus pov

Remus woke up in a panic, face wet with tears and sweat. He quickly looked next to him to see if anything was there. He took a sigh of relief as he saw no one. "God, why are they fucking with me lately..." he said, getting up to get some fresh air. He saw Logan awake at 3 am and was very confused. "Hey Lo?" He asked, face still wet. "Yeah, I'm fin- better question what happened?" Logan said. "Nothing, just couldn't sleep." Remus lied. "That's a falsehood, tell me what's up." "I remembered them, again. Their voice ringing in my ears, once calming now just crumbling. Their face, so pretty and dazzling, now turned to pain ever time I see it." He explained. "I'm so sorry remus" Logan said. "This hasn't happened before I haven't heard their voice in so so long. Why did it have to happen today, it seems so random to have happened today don't you think?" Remus sighed. "Not really, it hurts more often than others" Logan said. "I need some form of closure but I can't contact them." Remus said. "You can use all the resources I have to do it" Logan said. "Thanks lo, really appreciate it." Remus gave a sad smile to him. Logan went to his room, leaving Remus alone with his thoughts. He took Logan's use of usernames and searched threw all the names under the name 'Logan' thst wasn't Logan sanders. As he find the one for the only place he couldn't be blocked he put it in the app on his phone and texted this Logan. 'Hey long time no see. Whatcha been up to?' He pressed sent and put his phone down to wait for a reply. They texted back instantly.. 'what the hell?! Remus why are you texting me?!' They replied. 'I need some closer Damn it, why did you do all that to me? Why did you tell me you were gonna marry me and then say I was like a brother to you? Why did when I was going threw hell you block me and leave me forever?' He said, starting to cry again. As he did so everyone came out of their rooms, even Thomas and Nico, to see what was going on. Thomases brain was filled with sadness no intrusive thoughts around. "Remus?" Nico said stepping close to the green side. Remus was still sobbing, trapped in his own world as he read this: you are the worst human in the planet I don't know why I ever dated you just leave me alone you don't deserve closure. He curled up into a ball and sobbed. Soon Thomas sat down as every side tried to help. Soon remus was calmed by Patton and all the other sides had went back to there rooms. "No more phone, you need calm" Patton said taking Remus's phone and dragging him to cuddle room, aka patrons room. "I'm fine, I want my phone back" Remus said trying to snatch it back. Patton hid it and began trying to help. Remus pushed him away and left the room, deciding to try again tomorrow. He went to his room and laid on his bed, wrapping the blanket around himself, soon falling asleep.

When Remus had woken up he grabbed his blanket and started crying, he remembered something that hurt him so badly that wasn't even towards him. The curtains were open and Remus turned to hide from the light, seeing Patton was cuddling him. He sobbed into Pattons' chest and hugged him tightly. "M-make it go away babe please" Remus whispered. Patton held Remus as he couldn't sleep until Remus was ok. "It's ok rem, I'm here." Patton said, trying to comfort his boyfriend. "H-homophobe." Remus whispered as he held on tightly. "No one else is here rem I promise." Patton reassured him. Remus soon calmed down and sighed. "What happened to me?" Remus said. "You were crying and said something about a homophobe." Patton said, holding Remus closer. Remus snuggles closer. "Can we eat breakfast?" Remus asked, not wanting to think about it anymore. "Of course, Wanna help me make it?" Patton asked, sitting up and grabbing his phone and checking the time. "I'd like that" Remus said. Patton got up, picked Remus up, and went downstairs to make breakfast, hoping no one was awake. Remus snuggles into pattons chest as they headed to the kitchen. Patton stoped Walking and hide Remus as he saw roman sitting in the kitchen. "Roman what are you doing awake?" Patton asked. "Couldn't sleep. What are you hiding?" Roman asked. Remus tried to keep quiet. "Nothing. You gonna head to your room?" Patton asked. "Not until Remus comes out." Roman said, getting up and grabbing himself some water. "Can't you just leave? I'd like to have the kitchen to myself?" Patton sighed. "But what if Remus isn't ok?" Roman asked. "You can wait outside his room then." Patton said. Roman sighed. "If you want me out so badly I'll wait for him to leave his room" Roman said going to remus's room as Patton hid remus more. Once roman was gone Patton set Remus on the counter and began to make chocolate chip pancakes. Remus smiled as he watched Patton cook. Soon the pancakes were done and Remus was eating them happily, getting chocolate all over his face. Patton smiled at him "babe you're such a messy eater" Patton said, whipping his face off. "I know" Remus said. Soon the pancakes were done and Remus had himself some juice, Patton had taken him to the couch for some cartoons while no one was gonna be awake.

A few hours later patton and remus returned to Remus's room, Remus needing some more sleep before he started his day. "Remus, are you sure you want to go back to bed? It hurt you the last two times." Patton asked. "I'm ok, I need it before I work." Remus replied, getting into his bed. "Alright rem." Patton got into the bed with Remus and they cuddled as Remus fell asleep.  Soon patton was needed and he left the asleep Remus for what he thought would be a short issue easily fixed. It turned into hours of issues and helping and then working on dinner as he forgot about Remus for a bit. When Patton was done it was six pm and it was dinner time for the sides. Everyone sat down at the table for hamburgers and fries, remus and Patton sitting next to eachother. "Remus, what happened today?" Janus asked, fixing his plate. "Nothing happened, I'm fine." Remus replied. Janus knew he was lying, he knew when everyone was lying but couldn't point it out yet for the sake of Remus. Roman looked over to remus, "Remus you arnt fine, what happened.?" "Nothing. I'm fine I'm perfectly fine." Remus said. "No you're not. We all know you arnt so why won't you tell the truth?" Everyone looked at him. "I don't care. I'm ok I'm fine I don't need to tell anyone anything nothing happened." "You are not!" Roman yelled. Remus got up and went to his room, slamming his door behind him. "Kiddo why'd you do that? He's not ok and you yelling at him won't solve anything." Patton said. "Because he's my brother. He needs to tell the truth." Romans replied, a bit pissed off remus left. "He won't tell anyone if you're gonna yell at him." Patton said, "everyone finish dinner then I'll go check on him." Everyone ate in silence and Patton went to check on Remus while Janus and Logan cleaned up, being all lovey dovey and stuff.  Patton comforted Remus and the two just laid there for hours, waiting for Remus to be ready.

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