Love You, Yearn For You

By HacruLeian

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The chairman to one of the renown group in the business world, who can have anyone he wanted should he said... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 51

Chapter 50

227 9 0
By HacruLeian

Qing Yao was remanded for few days, she was not able to get bail out and nobody came to visit her at all until the third day, an officer came to her cell and brought her to the investigation room. In the investigation room, she was interrogated with another two cases, which she vehemently denied that she has anything to do with it. The officers told her there were proof that she is the person who instigated it, she got too emotional that she screamed and shouted that she wanted to meet her lawyer. She tried to appeal for bail but got rejected and due to the nature of her case.

Qi Hua was at the hospital, feeding Rui Yue who had woke up two days after his operation when he received a call that he was waiting for. He put down the bowl on the overbed table and excused himself to answer the call. He picked up the call and listened a while before he gave out a statement.

"Made sure she got a lifetime in prison and can never appeal to get out from prison forever"

The other person on the call said something before they ended the call. A week later, Qing Yao was pressed with criminal conspiracy and hit and run charges as well as two attempted murder charges. The proof of her criminal conspiracy was proven by the two men whom she hired to assault Rui Yue.

As for the hit and run and first attempted murder charges, the proof was submitted by Qi Hua. He managed to obtain the CCTV footage on the day of his accident. He also submitted the footage of their wedding ceremony, where she stabbed Rui Yue. The judges had passed the sentence that she was to be imprisoned for lifetime. During that few days, most of the news in the newspaper and TV, were about Qing Yao's court case.

When Qi Hua saw the result of the case in the news, he gave a malicious grin. "Serve her right..."

Rui Yue who used his thigh as a pillow, frowned and emitted a soft whimper. Qi Hua looked at his beloved whom had just discharged from hospital few days ago with affection and he patted Rui Yue gently to soothe Rui Yue. Rui Yue adjusted his posture again before continued to sleep.

Few months had passed by and once again, Qi Hua and Rui Yue were wearing the wedding robe, that Qi Hua had ordered the tailor to custom made based on the wedding robe that they had worn, in one of his past lives as the Fourth Prince of Quanyang kingdom. They're currently performing the nuptial in an exquisitely designed ancient Chinese architecture mansion, which Qi Hua had bought recently. There were no guests, only both of them in their own private world. The entire mansion was decorated exquisitely in red lanterns, red banner was hung across the front door and the double happiness symbols were pasted at the appropriate places.

Once they done the wedding nuptial, Qi Hua bridal carried Rui Yue into the bridal chamber, and they exchanged the cup of wine. Once done exchanging the cup of wine, Qi Hua kissed Rui Yue passionately, before carried him to the bed. He dumped Rui Yue to the red coloured bed gently and trapped Rui Yue beneath him, he licked his lips in a lecherous manner.

"Be prepared, my wife... Today, I won't be holding back... And I'm going to drown you with my love..." Qi Hua whispered in a deep sexy voice beside Rui Yue's red ear before give it a kiss.

Rui Yue shivered at the contact, he was embarrassed by the teasing and tried to hide away. Looking at Rui Yue who reacted in that manner, Qi Hua couldn't help but imagine the faces that Rui Yue will display to him during their love making later, it made his desire to be one with Rui Yue gone up to another level and at the same time, the feeling of wanting to bully Rui Yue into a crying mess emerged, that Qi Hua wasted no time to peel off Rui Yue's robe and toss it away. Soon, the entire room was filled with erotic lewd sounds.

Two weeks later, Qi Hua and Rui Yue once again appeared before the middle age priest in that famous old church in X City, to complete their western style wedding ceremony.

"I, Yan Qi Hua, take you to be my spouse, to have and to hold from this day forward, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish, from this day forward, not even death, can do us part..."

When Qi Hua recited the vow, he was looking at Rui Yue with full of affection, that it made Rui Yue moved to tears. Qi Hua quickly wiped off Rui Yue's tears before it could slide down to Rui Yue cheek. Seeing Rui Yue like that, Qi Hua couldn't help but to tease him.

"Don't cry... It's your turn now, to express how much you love me."

Rui Yue blushed and he was nervous, worried that he will recite wrong things during the vow, but Qi Hua clasped on his hand, squeezing it gently, silently gave him some encouragement. With the encouragement from Qi Hua, Rui Yue was able to recite the vow smoothly as he looked at Qi Hua shyly.

Like Qi Hua, Rui Yue changed the 'Till death do us part' to 'Not even death, can do us part'. He doesn't want to get separated from Qi Hua after death. If there is next life, he hopes that they will still be together again.

"I, Xie Rui Yue, take you to be my spouse, to have and to hold from this day forward, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish, from this day forward, not even death, can do us part..."

Qi Hua smiled proudly upon hearing Rui Yue's vow and he happily put the custom-made wedding band that was embedded with dark blue and red diamond onto Rui Yue's ring finger while whispering. "You're mine forever, and not allowed to leans over the wall*, understand?"

Rui Yue smiled and whispered back. "Then I will be like a leech and stuck to you forever."

The priest cleared his throat and he then declared in a joking manner. "I now pronounce you husband and husband, you may now continue your flirtation."

Without wasting time, Qi Hua kissed Rui Yue passionately. One of Qi Hua's friend stood up and cheered. "Nice!!!" And he gave them a round of loud applause.

The guests whom present too, cheered as they stood up and gave them applauses after witnessing the exchange between the pair. Their wedding was broadcasted in the news and was viewed by the entire nation. Qing Yao, who was currently in prison too, get to watch the news. It happened to be the leisure time in the prison, and she was hogging the TV and sofa as usual. The other inmates who want to watch TV could only sit on the chair to watch, as the best place was monopolized by the newcomer.

When she saw the short footage of the wedding ceremony, she become agitated that she screamed in anger and hurled the remote control to the TV as hard as she could, instantly damaged the TV. Other inmates who already dissatisfied with this newcomer that just came in few months ago, who hogged the TV and sofa, now damaged their only TV, instantly got angry with her manner that they started to surround her, one of the inmates slapped her hard and she begun to scream hysterically.

"You slapped me?! How dare you!"

"Slapped you so what?! Who asked you to damage the TV?! Now what are we going to watch? You bitch!" One of the inmates said.

"Newcomer like you dare to act like a bossy here! Who do you think you are, to monopolize the TV and sofa huh?! It's not yours!"

"Why can't I?! It's not yours either!" Qing Yao argued back.

What Qing Yao had just said, had angered the inmates who surrounded her that they start to hit and scratched her. "You think you are pretty, that's why you can do whatever you want? Dream on!"

Originally the fight was just between the inmates who watched the TV and Qing Yao, but soon, it got escalated to group who was playing the pool nearby. Qing Yao who wanted to protect herself, blindly pushed one of her attackers away, that attacker lost her footing and crashed to the pool table, instantly messed up the current game. That caused the inmates who were playing the pool got angry, that they too, joined in to beat Qing Yao and Qing Yao no longer had any chance to fend for herself. She can only let herself get beaten until they are satisfied.

Once they satisfied, they left Qing Yao alone. She was bruised and littered with scratches, and her hair was in a mess. She slowly stood up and her gaze was cold, but suddenly she gave out a malicious smile.

"Qi Hua is mine... He is mine! He is mine! No one can have him!!!" She kept repeating the same sentence over and over again.

The next day, she got cornered again and was beaten at the outdoor recreational area, because of the ruckus she caused in the middle of the night on the previous day, causing the other inmates unable to get a good sleep. The inmates who couldn't get a good sleep, all vent their anger on her. She tried to fend the off and she screamed loudly trying to attract the attention of the warden. At the same time, she took out the rock of the palm size which she had hidden earlier.

The inmates were smart, they did not hit her face. Instead, they hit other part of her body. Just as the warden was about to walk over from far, Qing Yao took the rock and smashed it against her head. Blood was dripping from the injuries, and the inmates that who surrounded her earlier, immediately pretended to be anxious for her injuries as the warden came before them. They're afraid that they will get punished for hitting another inmate.

When the warden saw Qing Yao's condition, the inmates quickly told the warden that Qing Yao hit herself with the rock. The warden screamed at Qing Yao for being insane and hit her a few times, Qing Yao screamed in pain, but she secretly rejoiced, imagining that her plan will be successful. But due to the beating and the pain from her head, she quickly lost her consciousness.

When Qing Yao woke up, she found out that she was lying on the bed. She sat up and looked around. She laughed when she realized that she was in a hospital, her plan going to be successful.

"I'm free... I'm free at last... Hahaha!! I've escaped... Escaped! Now I can go and look for Qi Hua..." Qing Yao said and her gaze suddenly turned vicious. "And get rid of that slut...."

She tried to open the door, but it was locked, she then noticed that it was digitally locked door. Without the smart card or password, she couldn't get out, she screamed in frustration. But she calmed down after a while. "It's okay, it's okay... A chance will appear later... Definitely..."

She then planned the next steps and suddenly the door to her room was opened from outside and a doctor came in with a small tray of medicines and there was a syringe in it. Qing Yao saw it and waited for the best time to snatch on the syringe, and to her luck. The doctor had just placed down the tray and was about to prepare the medicine for Qing Yao and Qing Yao immediately snatched the syringe over.

The moment she got hold on the syringe, she pulled the doctor over and threatened. "Don't move! And don't shout... Otherwise..."

The doctor frantically nodded in fear. Reason being Qing Yao had pointed the syringe needle against his carotid artery, one wrong move, he would lose his life there and then. So, he can only agree to whatever Qing Yao requested.

"Open the door!" And the doctor did as she ordered.

He used the smart card and placed on the digital lock, the door then unlocked and Qing Yao made the doctor to open the door. The moment they got out from the room, Qing Yao pushed the doctor away and she begun to run away searching for the entrance. Her body was screaming in pain, but she can't care much about it now, her plan to escape is more important. The doctor immediately made a call to the receptionist to get the guards and reported that the prisoner is on the run.

Qing Yao was happy that her plan was successful, she saw the entrance in front of her and she directly ran out, but upon seeing the scenery outside, she instantly had a breakdown.

"No...No...It can't be... Why? Why..."

Apparently, she was brought to a small-scale hospital, and that hospital was built inside the prison, even if she managed to escape from the hospital, she still has to escape from the prison in order to count her plan as a success.

At the same time, the guards and the doctor that she threatened earlier, saw her and the doctor shouted. "It's her! The one who threatened me earlier. Don't let her run away!"

Hearing the commotion behind her, Qing Yao wanted to run away, but too late, the guards had her surrounded. One of the guards gave her a slap and pushed her to the ground. Qing Yao screamed in pain and the guards begun to beat her. Qing Yao screamed in pain as she got beaten, her eyes dimmed just like her hope to escape. Slowly, she lost her consciousness again.

The leader of the guard hollered. "How daring! Dare to escape! Drag her back to the room!"

Qing Yao was once again dumped into the room and this time, she was tied up on the bed. Once her injuries got better, she was escorted back to her prison cell. She didn't give up on escaping at all, and constantly come up with new plan occasionally, but it all ended up in failure. Not only that, her relationship with other inmates were bad, that she constantly got cornered up and got bullied.

The bad environment in the prison, coupled up with constantly getting bullied and her obsession to escape as well as the obsession toward Qi Hua drove her to insanity. She strangled one of the inmates to death during the meal time, just because the inmate accidentally pushed her when they were lining up to get the meal. After strangled the inmate to death, she laughed hysterically at the dead body, imagining that dead body was Rui Yue, and constantly murmured. "I killed that slut! I killed that slut! HAHAHAHA!!! He's dead! Qi Hua is mine! Finally, he is mine!"

At the end, she was transferred into the psychiatric ward. At there, she become even more unkempt and every day, she will repeat the same thing over and over again.

"Why can't I escape? Why? I want to meet my Qi Hua... My Qi Hua... He is mine... Mine! That Rui Yue is a slut! Slut!"

Suddenly her expression changed into anger, she pointed at the air and screamed. "You slut! Don't steal my Qi Hua away from me!" And she begun to punches and scratches at the air.

After she got tired, she just looked at the space in dazed, occasionally laughed for no reason.

When Qi Hua got the news that Qing Yao went mad, he laughed in satisfaction. Rui Yue and him can now forever living in peace, the annoyance was gone and will not pose any threat to them anymore.


leans over the wall - The red apricot tree leans over the garden wall, is a Chinese idiom. It means a wife having an illicit lover.

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