Boss Lady's Stripper

By tripple-xAvery

482K 10.9K 3K

"What did I tell you about taking your top off during dances?" I flinch at her tone but still answer immedia... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Author note
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12

Chapter 7

31K 767 98
By tripple-xAvery

Isabella's POV-

"Unfortunately I can't change your schedule but, I will allow you to stay off the floor when she's in the club. In order for you to do that tho your gonna have to do privates." Vinny says leaning forward in his office chair.

"Vinny i- ok fine. It's better than nothing. I really appreciate it VV." I tell him.

"Of course. It's the least I can do." With a small smile I leave his office.

As I make make my way to the dressing rooms a voice stops me.

"Elle? Omg your back. We missed you hun." I look over to see Angie wiping her hands off on a towel before setting it on the bar and coming towards me.

"Hey Ang." I say.

"Girl your hair is not it right now." She says with a grimace and i chuckle.

"I know."

"Are you working right now?" She asks.

"Oh no technically not on payroll but Im bored and VV said I'm welcome to go ahead and come out if I want." I reply.

"Yes finally. Please go take these dancer's client's tips with your ravishingly sinful beauty while there on stage. And fix your hair." She adds the last part returning back to her grimace.

"Ok I gotchu girl." I giggle.

"Oh and go see Jane. Shes missed you the most I think."

I walk towards the dressing room but stop and i lean against the wall  watching the floor when I see Jane. She's giving a lap dance to a Middle aged man. I whistle at her.

"Get it sexy lady. Make sure you save some for me." I say.

She looks up from the mans lap and loud scream leaves her lips, " You're back!"

"And your scaring the men away." I giggle slightly for the first time in a week.

She hops off his lap, despite his arguments, and runs towards me. I'm surprised she can run that fast considering her very tall heels. When she gets to me she throws her arms around my neck. My arms go around her.

"I missed you Mamas." She says.

"I missed you too babe." I say back ignoring that catcalls to take the hug even further.

When she pulls away she locks arms with me and pulls me towards the dressing rooms.

"Are you starting now. Why do I ask that? Of course you are. Oooo let me fix that mess on your head." She says rambling.

"Alrighty down girl," I chuckle and she follows, " and yes you can."

"Yay!" She claps her hands and pushes me down into the chair at my station.

"I'm gonna make you look hot. Well hotter." I just shake my head at her words and she begins.


"2 shots of tequila and a gin and tonic" I tell Angie at the bar.

"Hitting back hard?" She asks.

"I need it ok and also one of those shots, are for you." I say.

"I working I can't." She sets the shots down and fills them up before beginning the Gin and Tonic.

Before I can complain Jane joins us and I notice the sex on the beach that's a quarter the way gone as she sets it on the bar.

"I'll take it." She grabs up the shot and I take it from her hands.

"Yeah no." I state.

"Are you for real? I just gave you goddess hair and you won't even repay with a shot?" She asks.

"My hair looks amazing I will give you that but your not getting the shot." Angie just nods her head in agreement.

"Uh fine. So which side of the floor do you want?" Jane asks.

"What do you mean?" Confused I ask.

"Oh ya I forgot to tell you. I'm covering 2 shifts plus a lot of girls aren't here yet considering it's really early. So that means I'm on the floor with you." She does a little dance of excitement and grabs her drink.

"Oh ok cool. It doesn't matter. You chose." I say.

"Yes! I want VIP!" Jane says.

"Ok that's cool with me."

"Either way someone was getting VIP. Even if there's one dancer in the floor they would be priority according to club rules." Angie rolls her eyes as she talks.

"I'm not complaining.  I see an absolute god of a man over there. Plus if he's there then that means he's got money." She groans and sucks more of her drink down.

"Alright that's enough of that." I grab the half full drink from her hands.

"Really I paid for that." She complains.

"Your lucky I let them you get that much out of it. Your underage. Besides all your drinks are on my tab already hun." I say with a smirk.

"Ok I'm 20. Only one more year and are you kidding me? Where does all my money go then?" She questions.

"It's slipped into all your tips delivered to you nightly." My smirk turns into a grin and Angie chuckles.

"This is ridiculous! I'm going to the floor." She stomps off.

"Oh hey uh do you want me to add that man to uh my tab for you too?" I yell to her and she throws back her middle finger never looking back at me.

Me and Angie spill with laughter and then I give her the look.

"Fine I'll take the shot with you." She says rolling her eyes.

"Yes!" I slide the shot to her and pick up mine.

We down the shots and i grab my gin. I sip it down quickly.

"Alright go get that bag girl." She says and I nod doing a little dance as I walk away backwards.

I turn around and start walking towards a group of older looking men. I remember there faces as regulars. I look over to VIP and see Jane on a mans lap. I chuckle and shake my head before turning to Angie and pointing towards them. She smiles and shakes her head.

I get to the men and put on a seductive smile.

"Welcome back to Club Gold gentlemen." I say.

"Same to you Sweet lady Blue. Where ya been?" One of them asks.

"Off on, shall we say, recovery? I suppose Mr. masons. Have you boys missed me?" I ask flagging a waitress.

"Oh come on you know we have babe." They say as the waitress, Pearl, stops next to me.

"3 whiskey on the rocks, an old fashion, and a Godfather for these gentlemen please Pearl. Oh and 5 Cubans." I tell her and she writes it down walking towards the bar.

"Damn babe you got some good ass memory." Mr. Jones speaks this time as I plop down in Mr. Taylor's lap.

"And good ass." Mr. Taylor's says.

"That she does." Mr. masons agrees and the other men follow.

"This is why you men scare off the girls." I chuckle.

"Well women weren't built like y'all back in our day. I mean there was a couple but they didn't come by the dozens at the time." Mr. Wilson cuts in.

"Mr. Wilson! That's so rude." I giggle.

"Oh well the truth would come out eventually." He shrugs.

"Speaking of coming out you got a girl yet?" Mr. Garcia finally decides to cut in.

"Oh so now you decide to talk. Does your wife know your here right now mr. Garcia?" I smirk.

Mr.Jones beats him to the punch.

"No she doesn't. None of ours do girl. Don't be spouting about all our secrets." He says.

"Calm down men your secrets are safe with me." I act as though I'm zipping my lips.

"Good. Now answer the damn question Elle and don't avoid it." Mr. Wilsons says.

"Nope. No woman yet." I sigh.

"Don't you worry your pretty little self. Someone will pick you up. I don't see why they wouldn't. The women are winning in this situation." He says.

"Your drinks gentlemen." Pearl says returning with the tray and sliding them onto the small table next to the round seating.

"Thank you Pearl." I say and she nods walking to take a new order.

I get off Mr.Taylor's lap and walk over to the drinks. I pass them each their drink and a Cuban which Mr.Garcia passes a lighter around to light.

Once they're situated I speak, "So are we in need of a dancer or y'all watching the stage today?"

"Oh no honey we're just hanging out and watching the stage." Mr. Jones says.

"Alrighty we'll just flag a waitress or get your old asses up to the bar if you need anything," they all chuckle, "it was good seeing y'all."

"You too babe. See you later." They all wave.

I stop next to Mr. Garcia and press a kiss to his cheek.

"Get out your mood mr. Grump." I say before blowing a kiss to all of them and walking away.

Thought we could use a happy chapter. Don't worry drama comes with the next. We ain't done with thy club yet. ;)

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