I'm happier with YOU

By MiaBlackwell379

62.4K 1.3K 600

Naruto was able to bring Sasuke back to the village from going to Orochimaru after defeating him in the Valle... More

Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Author-san's note
Valentine's Special

Chapter 1

6.6K 151 57
By MiaBlackwell379

That meme above is SO me, even though I don't get called like that-

And I don't own Naruto, it belongs to Masashi Kishimoto. And if I don't write who's POV it is, it means you're in Naruto's POV. If the POV changes, I'll be mentioning it.

Anyways, here's the first chapter in 'I'm happier with YOU'. Hope you guys enjoy the chapter! (I'm seriously bad at writing things like these. And my grammar and spellings can be bad, so if I'm wrong please correct me.)

And I feel like this chapter is kind rushed (probably because of the excitement)  so, yeah. I'll try to make my other chapters better.



Right now, the only thing I saw was Sasuke, with his chidori being aimed at my chest. I was also somewhat aiming my rasengan at the same place. I knew that if our jutsus collided, one of us would be down, and it would probably be me, because I could obviously say that Sasuke was much more powerful that me right now. So I did the dumbest thing this knuckle-head ninja can do.

I cancelled my rasengan.

I could see Sasuke's eyes turning wide from shock. Not a second passed, when I started feeling a hand, right next to my heart.

"N-Naruto..." Sasuke was able to stutter out. He then took his hand out of my chest, and I stumbled back. I weakly chuckled. 

"Teme...since when did you start stuttering? Keep your pride in place."

I could obviously see that Sasuke was still shocked. Just then, I saw an opportunity. I quickly chopped my hand behind his neck, his pressure point. He then passed out, and I carried him back to Konoha, still with a huge hole in my chest. I couldn't wait to see everyone's expressions when I come back. They'll praise me for bringing Sasuke back!

But I was wrong.

I was only greeted my Sakura-chan's punch, right in the hole in my chest. 

"Naruto, you baka!" She screamed. "I told you to bring back Sasuke SAFELY. Not HALF-DEAD. My parents were right. You're a monster!" (I don't exactly remember what Sakura said to Naruto when they went to bring back Sasuke, but this is my book so I can do whatever the shit I want so yeah 😃)

My eyes widened in horror. "B-but Sakura-chan-"

"Don't even talk to me, you monster!" She screamed as she started carrying away Sasuke, when Baa-chan appeared. Instead of going to Sasuke, she came to me.

"Gaki!" She said. "You okay?"

I smiled. At least baa-chan cared. I nodded. "Yeah, don't worry about me baa-chan! I think you should...see Sasuke first..."

Just then I started feeling dizzy. And then, I passed out.


I woke up in a hospital bed. Of course I would. I looked at myself to see covered in bandages. I sighed after remembering what happened before I passed out. 

Wait...how long has it been since I passed out?!

"Uzumaki Naruto."

I yelped to see an ANBU right beside me. Was he here all this time?

"E-erm, yes?"

"You have been summoned to the Hokage tower by the council." He stated. 

"Oh, ok. I'll be right there-"

Before I could say anything, he out his hand on my shoulder. I suddenly felt dizzy and nauseated. (the spellings are correct right?) Then I appeared in front a few people sitting around a table. (I couldn't exactly find, like, how the council was held. I'm just doing this from my own imagination so please bear with me)

Right infront of me in the table, was baa-chan. I mean, of course she'd be there. Then next, in the left and right sides, we had Homura Mitokado and Koharu Utatane. And then, behind jiji, was Danzo Shimura. I know their names because I've been here from time to time after pranking the villagers and vandalizing the Hokage mountain.

I slightly bowed infront of the old people, even though my chest hurt along with it. I mean, you gotta pay at least a little respect right?

I hesitated a little before speaking, "W-why am I here?"

The hags glared at me, except for baa-chan of course. But I could tell something bad was going to happen because baa-chan looked kinda...sad?

"Uzumaki Naruto." Homura said. "We're here to discuss your punishment for hurting Uchiha Sasuke."

My eyes widened. "W-what?"

"You have hurt out last Uchiha, Uzumaki." Danzo said. 

"And you are going to be responsible for that." Koharu said. 

"Naruto Uzumaki." Komura stated. "Herby, you are banished from Konoha, for hurting Uchiha Sasuke, the last Uchiha."

"And do not ever show up here. Again." Koharu said. 

I felt my crumbling just by listening to those words. I looked at baa-chan. She was just staring at the floor, with no words of rejection coming from her mouth.

I clenched my fists. 

"Fine." I spat. "I'll leave this stupid village."

Danzo glared at me. "Watch your attitude, Uzumaki."

I was already outside the room when he said that. I ran to my run down apartment, and I could feel the villagers whispering things about me. Guess they already knew about the punishment. I could feel ANBU watching me as I started packing in my room. I ignored it. I only stuffed two bags, one with my personal belongings, and the other bag with scrolls and books and things. (Naruto isn't exactly OP in this but he's kind of a genius) I covered my waist and legs with pouches filled with kunai and shuriken. I looked around the place. It's small, but it's been my home ever since I was little. So it's normal to feel at least a little sad right?

I was about to go to the gates when I remembered Sasuke. I hesitated for a second. I know he was my rival, but he was my best friend too. (I know that actually Shikamaru is Naruto's best friend, but let's just ignore that) I quickly wrote a note and finally bought a flower, which was a lily, after paying more than enough for the mad shopkeeper. 

Then I quickly started sprinting to the hospital. After I kept the note and the flower in his hospital room, I turned to glance at Sasuke. He seemed peaceful, unlike when he's around us. 

'This teme...'

It took me a second to realize that I was staring at him. I quickly snapped out of it, and headed towards the gate before ANBU started attacking me or something.

I came to the gates only to see baa-chan standing. There wasn't any other people there. Not even Shikamaru or anyone. 

'Wow. Some great friends they are.'

There was some awkward silence between me and baa-chan. Then I broke the silence.

"Well...I guess this is the last time we'll be seeing each other?"

Just then baa-chan enveloped me in a hug. I could feel her tears landing on my hair. 

"You better at least send me letters gaki!" She cried. " I'm so sorry. I had no other choice but to agree with them. And another thing," She then gave me a scroll. "I know you don't know any healing jutsus. This scroll contains all my knowledge on healing jutsus. Keep this with you. It might help you after...leaving,"

I smiled sadly. "It's ok baa-chan. I understand." I then glanced at the scroll as I took it. "Arigatho, baa-chan. This means a lot to me." Then I started seeing the ANBU appearing behind us. "Well...I better get going baa-chan." I then gave her one of my famous grins as she wiped her tears off.

"Please be safe Naruto." She said. 

I nodded. And then, for the first time, I turned my back on the village, and started my new journey.


And done! What do you think guys? Was it good? Bad? Was it short? (I'm just nervous) Please vote and comment lovelies! Cya!


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