Falling for the Order

By RadioMitty2

934 12 0

You remember burning. Orange flames growing wild as it devours the temple. Your peers and friends laying lif... More

Quick lil Hello
The Map
The Masked
The General
The Deal
The Assistant
The Captain
The Meeting
The Traced
The Crawler
The Lieutenant
The Stalker
The Staffs
The Supreme Leader
The Homocide
The Cruel
The Touch
The Moment
The Attempt
The Departure
The City
The Balosar

The Dispatcher

28 0 0
By RadioMitty2

You try to keep up with Kylo, but his strides are argent and so fucking long.

You walk through the halls of the ship. Taking copious amounts of turns, passing large control rooms and windows that look out over different hangars.

You pass people in the corridors, not one person giving you a backward glance. You're with Kylo so you expect as much.

"Can you fucking slow down?" You call out to Kylo, starting to fall behind. "Hello?! Can you not hear me under that stupid mask—"

You're cut off from hitting the solid wall of a man in front of you. Kylo stopped abruptly and you, practically running after him, crash into his back.

You take a step back and roll your eyes. Huffing as you realise why he stopped. You cast your gaze to him where he stands in front of opening elevator doors.

The few people that were already occupying it scurry out before you and Kylo enter. Doesn't matter where they were going, they left giving him the entirety of the elevator.

You stand beside each other. He reaches down and presses the button located lowest on then panel. Then the door shuts.

You stand there silently for a moment before looking up at him, biting the inside of your cheek.

"Wanna tell me where we're going?"


You release a loud sigh, trying to catch his attention. "Hello?"

He slowly turns his face toward you. He stills for a moment. You know he's doing that stupid eye thing. Scanning every part of your face.

You shift beneath his gaze and face forward. You hear him heave a short breath.

"I told you there is a way to track the message," He faces forward. "So that's what we're going to do. We're going to the electrical room. "

"Right, and do you have anyone in mind that your planning to ask to do this for you?" You raise your brows in questioning. Knows the answer will probably you. But, the image of him forcing one of his own men to track the message is not a surprising thought. Why didn't he bring anyone else down here with you? Why didn't he mention anything to Hux or Vi?

His answer is simple. "No."


"We will do it."

You give him a confused look.

"Okaaaaay, not to underestimate your capabilities or anything but how exactly are we..." you point between the two of you. "...supposed to do that? Shouldn't you be asking someone that's actually been trained in the area to do it?"

He doesn't skip a beat. "You trained in the area for a year, yes?"

How the hell does he know this? Was he in your mind just now? You didn't feel anything.

"Yeah one year." You nod. "To do this sort of thing you'd need at least three years training."

"Can you bypass a locked door?"

Yes. "Why?"

"Can you?"

Yes. You start to get antsy with him.

"Why the hell would we need to do that? Can't you just ask one of your other stupid minions to do it? Force compel them to clean your helmet while they're at it?"

He snaps his gaze toward you, pointing a gloved finger in your face. Your breath catches in your throat.

Too far?

He takes steps toward you causing you to walk backward until your back is practically pressed against the elevator wall.

"Watch. Your. Tone."

You feel your heart pick up it's speed. A tremble flowing through you. You hear the elevator door open and as soon as it does, Kylo turns and walks out. Prick.

You follow him down another corridor. This one only lit by a few single lights spaced out on the ceiling. Wiring and tubing sticking out of the walls like vines, joining together then running along the walls toward a white door at the end of the corridor.

You suppose that's the electrical room. You can hear faint voices coming from inside, but that's not where you go. Kylo grabs hold of your arm and pulls you into a little door located on the left of the corridor. Slipping through you find yourself on a metal railed platform. Practically in the wall of the ship.

There is no lighting in the passageway except for glowing red lights positioned along the walls. A wave of shock runs through your when you look down through the grated surface of the platform and see nothing but a three-hundred foot drop.

You grip onto the railing tight, your knuckles going white within seconds. You hear Kylo stop ahead of you. He turns around.

"Scared of heights?" You can practically hear the smile in his voice. Don't let him see you weak.

You shake your head, drawing your eyes up to look at him. Focusing on anything but the literal fall to your death that you're casually just walking over.

You stand straight and take in a shaky breath.

You watch as he holds out his hand toward you, offering you to take. "Come on, we don't have all day."

You take a step forward and push straight past him, brushing his shoulder as you do.

Not looking down you continue to walk the platform. It's like a passage way that goes around the electrical room.

"So why exactly are we sneaking around?" You ask giving him a quick glance over your shoulder. "Wasn't that the room back there?"

"It was."

You stop in the platform abruptly, turning around. He nearly crashes into you but fixes his footing before he has the chance to even touch you.

"So why are me taking this secret route?" You ask, looking up into his mask.

He tilts his head to the side, not giving you an answer. You simply just raise your brows at him, placing your hands on your hips to take up as much of the platform space as you can incase he decides to just walk past you.

The questioning look soon rids from your face. You gulp. "You're not bring me down here to kill me are you? Throw me over the railing."

His silence scares you for a moment. You know he's thinking about it.

"Don't tempt me. If you keep asking questions then maybe I will." He says.

You narrow your eyes at him, convincing yourself he's joking. You turn and continue to walk.

You here him sigh under his mask. "We're going this way because the moment I'm seen down here people will start to question. It'll be the main topic at our next meeting."

You stop again, this time his chest does hit your back for a brief moment before he takes a step back.

A smirk crawls onto your mouth. "I'm sorry. We're being discrete because you're scared someone's going to see you down here?"

You laugh in his face. "Why, because being seen with all these computer brainiacs will ruin your intimidating reputation?"

He folds his arms across his chest. "No, not at all. It's because as of twenty minutes ago, I further cannot trust anyone on this ship. That message was received by our private transmitter."

"So?" You say lifting a brow.

"So, the only people that have access to that transmitter is myself, the generals, captains and lieutenants of the First Order."


You look away from him, thinking. "You think one of your own men sent the threat." But how would any of them know Sith?

His helmet nods. "Hence the reason we're being discrete. No one knowing what we're doing the better. So we can find whoever sent it and kill them."

You look at his masked face, wordlessly wishing he didn't have it on his head. So you could read his expression.

You purse your lips. "It still could have just been someone that hacked into it."

He shrugs his broad shoulders, taking a step forward beckoning you to do the same.

"Well we're here to find out."

You stop at door on the right. Kylo pushes past you and walks through. It leads out into a short corridor. You see a door the same as the other at the end of the previous corridor. It must be the back door to that room you heard the voices in.

But that's not where you go. Kylo goes the opposite way to where another door is positioned at the other end.

He walks toward it and eyes the little control panel along side the sliding door. His gaze shifts to you.

"So what's the plan?" You ask him, automatically softening your voice. He draws toward you and starts toward the other door that leads into the electrical room.

"You stay here and bypass the door. I'll get someone to come retrieve the message details for us."

You look down at the panel beside the door. This'll be a piece of cake. You turn to the sound of a light hissing noise and you watch as Kylo pulls his helmet up over his head.

You look toward him for a moment, then cast your gaze to the ground. Not wanting to look for too long. He tosses you a little plastic box before going to open the door to the electrical room.

"I'll be back in a moment."

As you see him disappear through the door you eye the plastic box Kylo threw to you. Opening it, you realise it's a basic tech toolkit. Little equipment best used to do this sort of thing.

Not understanding why you half agreed to do this, you crouch down alongside the door and start the process.

Indiscreetly you pull off the panel's cover and drop it on the ground. You fidget through the already visible wiring until you find a smaller box shape. You grab a screwdriver and go to loosen the screws on each corner of the box.

Underneath, four wires sit criss crossed between each other. Wrapping your fingers around the black wire, you take the small scapula tool.

You still for a moment eyeing the tool. You run your fingers along the sharp edge, hating the small hope that rises in you.

Just a stab to the neck. Just a slice of the skin.

"Don't even think about it."

You jump to the return of Kylo. He drags a man dressed in an all grey jumpsuit behind him. The man is young and looking a little dazed. Kylo must have compelled him already.

You roll your eyes in his direction. "I wasn't thinking anything." You lie.

You grab the black wire and cut it in half. Grabbing then the red wire you do the same. Drawing the two ends of each wire together a small spark flickers then the sliding door opens.

You hiss and pull your hand away, the small spark having zapped your finger.

"Should've worn the gloves." Kylo says. You scrunch your nose at him.

It was still a piece of cake.

You each walk into the little room. And shut the door behind you.

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