Two Lost Souls (BNHA Fanficti...

By CuteAsACupcake_

172K 8.5K 1K

"Hey kid.. you like my PJs?" These were the first words Keira Shane uttered when she saw a young Tenko Shimur... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24

Chapter 3

13.1K 519 95
By CuteAsACupcake_

It had been two months since Keira found herself in the world of My Hero Academia. Not only did she have to reel in her feelings considering little Tenko was there with her, but also she had to figure out how to go home and take care of a child at the same time. She had been thrown into the worst conundrum of her life. A lot of times, she tried thinking about why she was brought here or why she was so behind the timeline of the show. No answers came to mind. No answers except one, She thought looking at the little boy coloring an All might picture, Shimura Tenko. 

Keira turned her gaze to her little leather journal. It was an exact replica of the one in her world but blank. She had written every single detail she could find about world transporting and the facts that happened to her till now.

1- I have a quirk that allows me to conjure up anything I can imagine.

2- I am taking care of Shimura Tenko.

3- I am about fifteen to twenty years behind the timeline.

4- I should probably try to find a hero or All might to help me.

She had thought about them all over and over and over. Especially the fourth one.. She flipped another page that had snippets of articles about All might. After another hour, Tenko came to her tugging on her sleeve. "I'm hungry,"

All this time, he was so quiet. He had broke a bit out of his shell but she still had no idea how to help him with his trauma. She smiled at him, "Dinner coming right up!" She stood up gesturing for him to follow her. They were living in an apartment in Musutafu. During these two months, Keira had conjured up as much stuff as needed and all her papers and then got a job that allowed Tenko to stay with her. It wasn't smooth sailing but they had made it into a nice two-bedroom apartment.

"Do you want to help me, Tencchan?" He looked at her for a second silent before nodding. She gave him a bowl and told him to stir the batter inside it. These days, Keira was thinking seriously about finding All might. 

The problem was: All might was in Tokyo. 

She could go there but what about Tenko. She could take him with her.. All these thoughts plagued her. She knew All might would be helpful but she didn't know, if he would believe her. She ruffled her hair making the boy look at her weirdly.

After a while, they had finished lunch and Keira finally decided to talk with him about his family. "Tencchan" He looked at her. "Don't you think it's time to tell me what happened before we met?" 

He looked down his eyes wide, his gloved hands coming to scratch his neck and face. 

She gently pulled his hands down, "Look Tenko, I just want to help you. Whatever you tell me, it's okay." He looked at her with tears welling up before starting to sob. 

"I.. ngh.. kil..led.. the..m!" He sobbed harder and she couldn't do anything except look sympathetically, "I.. ki..lled.. Hana..cha..n .. and.. mo..m!" She carried him over to her. "All of.. them.. m..y faul..t..!" She rocked him back and forth.

"No it's not." She said and held him firmly. "Tenko, look at me. Look at me Tencchan." He kept sobbing and each time he went to scratch his face she gently pulled his hands down, "You didn't. It was an accident." He shook his head and she looked at him firmly, "Tenko, you didn't. You are the sweetest kid ever and you killed nobody. Sometimes bad things happen and we're caught in it. You didn't know, you couldn't control it. Tencchan look at me." He kept looking at her but then looking down and crying. She repeated so many times during that night rocking him back and forth.

"Everything will be okay."

Things were better afterwards for a while. Tenko had opened up afterwards and she could start seeing the little black haired boy that was there before his quirk. He would talk more and sometimes ask her questions. She could see that moment had been good for him. For the next two weeks, Keira kept on getting information on All might and planning her words. The biggest obstacle was how to get to him. He was the number one hero, so getting to him would be near impossible. Nope, think positive! You're gonna get him even if you have to cling on to him midflight!!

And so afterwards, she had rented a car, and went with Tenko to Tokyo. "Why are we going to Tokyo?" He asked making her laugh nervously,

"Uh.. because.. I've always wanted to see Tokyo!" 

Tenko nodded before saying, "Is it because All might is there?" Shit, the kid is on to me!

"Whaaaaaaaat? No way I mean why would you.. uh.. why would you say that?" Her voice had cracked, her smile twitching every single second.

"Because you're an All might fan right? You were wearing his Pajamas.." He trailed off. She nodded suddenly, "YES. Yes yes yes you caught me hahaha that's true! We're going to see All might in action!" She thought she imagined it but for a minute there, she almost saw his eyes sparkle. He smiled and looked towards the window as they kept driving. 

"Hey Tencchan, how about we play a game hmm?" He thought for a second before nodding. "It's called two truths and a lie! Do you know it?" he nodded again. "Okay I'll start. You tell me which one is a lie." She smiled excitedly at him still looking at the road.

"My favorite food is Pizza, I like All might the most, and I am secretly a unicorn!"

"The last one." He said looking at her.

"Ehh. No way! I am a unicorn, horaa." She imagined a horn coming out of her head and suddenly it did bumping onto the ceiling. The boy looked with wide eyes, "You are?!" 

She started laughing at his shocked expression before sticking out her tongue and imagining the horn gone. "Nope just messing Tencchan. You're turn!"

And that went on for the whole car ride. When they arrived to Tokyo, Tenko was asleep and Keira was happy. She had made him have fun and it was the most smiling and laughing till now. Soon they were parked and going into the hotel room. She set Tenko down before taking a shower. Tomorrow is gonna be a long day. She went out of the shower, the towel around her shoulders. All might here I come!

"What do you mean I can't see him?!"

"I'm sorry ma'am but he's not available at the moment and the Might gates have already closed." The receptionist tried to explain but Keira was having none of it.

"Do you know how many times I've come here asking to meet him?! This is important!" Tenko sat a few feet away watching. 

The receptionist looked apologetically at her. "How about you leave your contact information and once he's available I'll inform him." 

She huffed before angrily scribbling down her contact details. She gave them before smiling sarcastically, "I'll be back for the hundredth time, maybe the might gates will actually open for a change!" She went back stomping.

"Let's go Tencchan." They went down the elevators and into a coffeeshop overlooking the street. She ordered ice cream for herself and a cake for Tenko.

"Are you okay?" The tentative voice snapped her out of her thoughts and she looked at the boy in front of her while trying to relax her features.

"Yeah." She smiled although it didn't reach her eyes. 

"Is it because you couldn't see All might?" she nodded pouting. 

The waitress put the ice cream and cake in front of them. "Nothing Ice cream can't solve Tencchan." She took a spoon and smiled immediately. The sugar upping her mood a bit.

She noticed the kid was kinda upset by her mood, "Hey but the All might statue was really cool huh?" 

He nodded smiling before excitedly saying, "And the might gates too! They were so cool." She nodded before sighing. 

Stupid might gates.. She took another spoon. 

That night, she decided to go down while Tenko was sleeping. Although the hotel was very expensive, she had chosen one in front of Might towers. After a week of waiting around for All might, she had decided to use.. less than legal ways to meet him. She stopped in front of it before closing her eyes. She had a mask on to hide her face as she imagined two wings from her back. 

Okay Keira, flying. Easy peasy! 

She slowly flapped them and yelped when she actually went off the ground. The tower was more than fifty floors up and All might's penthouse was at the very top. She just needed to reach the roof and all will be okay. She focused on taking deep breaths and repeating 

"Don't look down, don't look down, don't look down!" 

After what felt like an eternity, she finally landed. Her legs wobbled and she hugged the ground tears pricking her eyes. 

"Oh thank goodness! I love you so much ground! That was terrifying." She took a deep breath calming herself.

"Are you done?" she looked up and found she had to crane her neck past the muscles, past the crossed arms, passed the giant smile, and onto blue steely eyes that looked glowing against the darkness of the night and the shadows around them.

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