Can't Be Afraid Anymore

By k_dugan

988 28 30

This girl gets kidnapped, moves away from her kidnapper, but she's not used to help from other people at her... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty-One
Chapter Twenty-two

Chapter Nine

74 1 0
By k_dugan

Anna's P.O.V. 

I wake up and stretch feeling my limbs are slightly numb. I rolled over and fall right onto the floor. What the heck? Where am I? I look around an unfamiliar room and they land on some guy I don't know. 

"Hey." He says sitting at a small table with a bowl of something that he's eating.

"Who are you, and where am I?" I question getting up feeling nervous. How did I get here? What the hell happened yesterday that I'm missing?

"I'm your boyfriend's roommate." He says with a smile taking another bite of his food.

"He's not my boyfriend. Where is he?" I ask looking around the house feeling more at easy. It's Matt's house and it was a nice place.

"Right," Zach mumbles and points to a room. I just roll my eyes at his sarcasm. Before I can knock on the door my chest gets tight and I start coughing. "You ok?" Zach asks as I tried to get my breath back.

"I'm fine just a little cold," I say coughing again. My luck I would get sick on winter break. It's always one or the other. Even both sometimes. 

"Hey, you ok?" Matt questions coming from his room. He runs his hands through his messy hair with a concerned look.

"Ya, fine just got a little cold." Oh, no, maybe not. "Where's your bathroom?" I rush feeling like I was going to throw up.

"Right there," Matt points to a door right beside me. I run into the bathroom and make it just in time to hurl into the toilet. Great, just great, I just meet one of Matts friends and I throw up in their bathroom. "Can I come in?" Matt asks, but before I could respond he came in.

"I'm fin-" No I start throwing up again. Matt grabs my hair and pulls it back for me. Once I stop I mumble a, "Thanks." I don't understand what this sudden sickness is. I've never had something come on this quickly. 

"No problem, you feeling any better?" He asks letting go of my hair.

"Not really," I put up my hair just in case I have another fit of vomit.

"What can I do?" He asks twitiling with his hands. He looks slightly uncomfortable. I would be to though, I mean what's he supposed to do?

"Can you take me home?" I walk out of the bathroom slowly hoping not to disturb my stomach.

"Sure, is there someone to help you there?" He asks grabbing his keys before opening the door for me.

"No, I'll be fine," I say walking out the door.

"Are you sure?" He concernedly asks. Why did he care so much?

"Ya," I say hoping to have him drop it. I don't really feel like talking. He just nodded his head and we get into his truck. 

"Just around there," I state giving him directions.


"Ya, this is it," I say as he pulls into the parking lot. "Thanks," I say again and get out of his truck. He nods and waits for me to get inside before he leaves. That brings a small smile to my face. Cough, cough, cough, cough, sneeze. "Oww." I hate being sick. My head hurts, my throat hurts, and my stomach is killing me. I grab my garbage can, a box of tissues, laptop, phone, water bottle, the remote, and laid on the couch. I was not moving for the rest of the day. My phone buzzes.

It's from Rosie. "Hey, what's up girl?"

Me: "I got sick."

Rosie: "Oh do you want me to come over?"

Me: "No, I'm good."

Rosie: "Ok, well I'm coming over to check up on you."

Me: "Ok."

Rosie: "What's your address?"

Me: "Pinewood apartments, apartment 2, door D."

Rosie: "K, coming."

In about 10mins she's at my door. "It's open," I yell hearing her knock. She walks right in as if she does all the time.

"Wow, you look horrible." She says and walking over to me.

"Thanks," I grumble and take a drink of water. Yelling for her to come in didn't help my throat in any way. 

"Is that a boys sweatshirt?" She questions raising her eyebrows.

"Yes, but it's not what you think. Matt and I went for a drive and I left my jacket at work so he let me use his sweatshirt." I explain totally forgetting to give it back to him.

"Ok, if you say so. Did you eat anything?"

"No, I threw up twice at Matts house," I say and watched her look for food in my kitchen.

"You went to his house?" She asks still looking for food.

"Ya, I fell asleep in his truck and he didn't know where I lived so he just put me on the couch at his place," I say assuming that's how it went, and then start coughing again.

"That sounds bad. Do you have chicken noodle soup here?" She asks looking at me like I had some deadly decease. What's deadly is every time I cough my stomach muscles tighten making me want to vomit. 

"Ya, it's in the top cupboard," I explain after I stopped sneezing and coughing. After five minutes she comes back with the soup.

"Here eat this." I just nod and start eating. Then I heard a knock. I start to panic because what if John found me. He couldn't have I was careful. No one else knows where I live though. The place isn't even under my real name, how could he find me. Before I can stop her Rosie opens the door. I'm ready to try and run, but the person that walks in is a friend. Matt, thank gosh. Wait why is he here?

"Oh, hi, Rosie." He says a little confused.

"I was just about to leave, bye Anna, text me." She says and walks out the door. I'm going to get her for this. She's always trying to set up her other friends. 

"Hey, what are you doing here?" I ask and take another spoon of the soup.

"I forgot to give you your backpack back." He says and sets down my bag.

"Oh, thanks, I would have totally forgotten," I say forgetting about it already. I don't plan on working on it right ow.  "Can I ask you a question?" I ask hoping he would say yes.

"Sure." He shrugs and takes a seat on the chair that's from my room. It's a desk chair that seems to go everywhere because I don't have a desk. 

"About last night, with my dream. Thanks for helping me and not freaking out." I say a little embarrassed. I remembered waking up to him, he'd looked so worried, but I was so tired. I remember falling right back to sleep as if I never woke up.

"No problem. Would you tell me what it was about?" He asks leaning his elbows on his legs. He was pushing for information again. 

"No." I state with no budge in my voice. I couldn't tell him, I just couldn't. I didn't want to think about it, let alone try and talk about it. 

"That's what I thought you were going to say." He says and turns on the tv.

"What are you doing? " I ask finishing my soup and putting it on the ground next to the couch. 

"I'm gonna stay here, to make sure you get better." He says and tries to get comfortable in the chair.

"That might take a few days," I say looking at him, but he just shrugs his shoulders.

"I brought my backpack." He says going through the few channels. I only have an antenna so I get like six to eight channels and most of the time they don't have anything good on.

"Here, give me the remote." He hands me the remote. I pull up Netflix. "There find something on there," I say giving him the remote back.

"You like action movies?" He asks smiling, but not looking at me. Most of my movies that were in my recently watched were action movies. 

"Ya, so what?" I ask blowing my nose again.

"I just thought you were more into romance movies." He says shaking his head a little.

"I like those movies too, but action movies are more of my favorite. Except for the movie October Baby. I love that movie." I say confessing for liking a chick flick, but I loved it. I could watch it every day. 

"I knew it." He says looking at me.

"Ya, Ya shut up and put a movie on," I say throwing a pillow at him.

"Hey." He says catching the pillow. He looks mad. I think he's mad. He looks like he going to hurt me. He throws the pillow back at me and I flinch out of habit. It lands lightly on my legs, nothing like something hard to hurt me, but I didn't know. He looked upset, but now he puts the remote down and comes to me.

"Don't don't-" I start but he interrupts me.

"I won't ever hurt you ok." He says sitting right in front of me an expression I don't understand on his face.

"I'm just used to ge-, never mind ok, I'm sorry." I say pulling away because I start coughing.

After I stop coughing he says, "You have no reason to be sorry, kay." I just nod my head before I start coughing again.

"Do you have cough medicine in your bathroom?" I shake my head no, still coughing. After a few more coughs I stop, but it gets hard to breath.

"Do you have a lung problem?" He asks getting up.

"Ya, asthma. It makes when I get sick 10 times worse." I say trying to catch my breath as I hear my wheezing.

"Where is your inhaler?" He asks looking around the room.

"It's in my room," I say and point in the direction of my room.

"Wow." He says as he enters. he comes back out with the little blue thing in hand.

"What?" I question after he hands me my inhaler.

"Your room is very neat and organized." He says like he was surprised.

After I use my inhaler I say "Ya, I have a little OCD. It runs in the family apparently." He just laughs a little. "How did you know about having inhalers?"

"My ma has asthma and would start breathing like you do." I just nod at what he says. "I'll be back." He says.

"Where are you going?" I question and turn towards him.

"Getting you cough medicine." He says going to the door.

"No, don't," I say and he stops and looks at me confused.

"Why?" He says and starts walking to me.

"I won't take it," I say looking down.

"Why not?" He asks and sits right in front of me again.

"I refuse to take medicine in the first four days of being sick," I say and keep looking at the floor. Most people don't understand why. Most people just start taking medicine right away.  

"Why?" He asks and lifts my chin.

"Because I want my body to fight first before I start putting pills in me," I say and move away from his hand feel uncomfortable.

"If you say so," he says and turns back to the TV. "So, you want to watch October Baby."

"Yes." He sits against the couch and plays the movie. Within the first 5 minutes, I fall asleep.

Matts P.O.V.

"I can see why you like the move, it has a little action and romance, still a little girly for me though," I say a turn to her. She's passed out. She looks so peaceful. I put my arm to her forehead. She's really hot. I get up and find a rag. I get it wet and put it on her head. It's around 12:00 and I haven't eaten anything so I make a sandwich and finish the movie. Her phone buzzes. I glance at the screen, it's Rosie. I copy Rosie's number from her text to Anna and tell her that Anna's asleep.
Rosie: "Is she looking any better than when I left."

Matt: "Not really, she's running a fever."

Rosie: "Thanks for helping her."

Matt: "It's nothing, do you know if she works tonight?"

Rosie: "No, she was going to be with me today so I don't think she works tonight."

Matt: "K thanks."

Rosie: "Hey."

Matt: "What?"

Rosie: "I know you like her."

Matt: "I don't know what you're talking about." I send back even though I know it's a lie.

Rosie: "You can't hide it, I see it the way you look at her."

Matt: "Don't say anything, ok."

Rosie: "I won't but it's funny because she has no clue."

Matt: "And I want to keep it that way, she's not ready for anything like that."

Rosie: "I know. "

Rosie: "Do you know who hurt her?"

Matt: "No, but I'm going to try to get her to open up to me."

Rosie: "Good luck with that, she seems to be a very stubborn person."

Matt: "Thanks and Ya I see that, but I will keep trying."

Rosie: "I don't doubt it."

I set my phone down and start on some homework.

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