The Art of Love

By MaritzaSolanoLazar

153K 9.3K 2.3K

Can and Sanem Two souls who meet unexpectedly and have a whirlwind romance that will stay with them wherever... More

Prologue: He and She
Birds in Flight
Falling into the Deep
"You Saved Me"
Askim, I Keep your Heart in my Heart
Shaky Ground
Hide and Seek
"Trust Me Just Once More"
Chey Chey Yildiz
"My Turkish Rose"
"I Would Trade My Life for Yours"
"Where is Fabri?"
"Just like Rick and Sam"
"Your Have Something He Wants".
"Will there be a wedding...or not?"
"Friends Forever" Sneak Peek
"I DO"
"You are mine! That is All"
Forever and Always
"She Can't Know"
Turkish Delight
"Allah help me please"
Andiamo Can Divit
"Can, I Trust You"
"She's still my Wife"
"This Can't be Happening"
The Ring
This Time
"Let the Games Begin"
"What's for Dinner?"
"You don't need to run from me"
"Did you mean it?"
"Doubt me and Find Out"
"Please Be real"
Dont Let Go of My Hand
No More Secrets
Shelter in the Woods
Debts Paid
What Our love is Capable Of
The Albatross

The Blonde

2K 151 45
By MaritzaSolanoLazar

Sanem stood watching from the front door as Can got in his Jeep and drove off. When he received the text earlier in the morning he hadn't responded much to her questions other than to kiss her until she couldn't speak anymore. He made love to her slowly, never taking his eyes off her face as he slowly moved in and out of her body. She felt consumed by his penetrating gaze and wanted nothing more than to keep him there, inside her forever. "Caaan....I love you so much". He kissed her and then flipped them over so that she was now on top. He encouraged her with his hands on her hips to ride him and once her movement took on a rhythm he moved his hands to her breasts, rubbing her nipples and squeezing them as she moaned out his name. It didn't take either of them long to reach their goal but when he lowered his hand to stroke her heat she was undone and called out his name loudly, while he bucked into to her and groaned out her name as well.  "Sanem, you will be the death of me my love but I will die a happy man buried in your heat". His hands on her bottom as he pushed into her the last time felt hot and possessive and she felt so protected and loved by this man whom she adored with all her heart. Now as he drove away she felt a sense of dread sweep over her. She shook herself out of it and rubbed her arms and closed the door, locking it securely. She moved across the room and back up the stairs. For some reason the big and beautiful living area always felt cold and she didn't enjoy being there, especially alone. She decided that she would spend the day with her parents and stop by and see Leyla. After the whirlwind of events that had taken place since their wedding, the knowledge of who her parents really were and who Can's mother was, their had been very little time to digest it all. Now they were living back in Istanbul as a married couple and trying to figure out how to get out of a situation they never wanted and not die in the process. She knew that Fabri had threatened Yosef and that Miribahn still had a controlling  interest in "the" business. This was probably the only reason why they were alive. What she didn't like at all was that Can had decided to ramp it up a notch and come up with a plan to free them of the world they had been born into. The plan didn't involve the police nor her father or his mother. Can was relying on a few close friends and ex military friends to help. She hadn't been convinced at first but she knew that they couldn't simply do nothing and running away was not the answer. They would be found at some point and neither of them could see themselves living a life on the run. She had naively proposed to simply have an open conversation with Yosef and simply walk away from it all but after listening to Metin and Can speak to her about Yosefs past and everything he did to get where he was now, she realized that her idea held no water. He would sooner kill Can than blink. To him Can represented an heir to a kingdom he thought he owned. The people he dealt with respected two things. Power and birthright. He only had one of the two and so did Can. She closed her eyes as she changed into Jeans and a t-shirt and remembered how wonderful their time in Capadoccia had been, how they had come together in Ibiza and ultimately chose each other again in Greece. Now they were married and like it or not they had to find their own way out of this mess. She trusted that Can would do anything and everything to free them and she held onto that  everyday since. He hadn't explained all his plans to her but everyday that he went to work at Yosefs offices her heart pounded in her chest with fear. He tried to keep her calm by informing her of the necessary bits but he himself had told her that some information he didn't want to share. She simply didn't need to live a life knowing it. She didn't question him further instead she chose to accept and try and live as normally as possible. Today she would visit her parents and then Leyla. She put her hair up in a pony tail and put on some mascara and lipgloss and then picked up her phone and keys. Today she would make it a good day and when Can came home he would be welcomed by a wonderful meal that she planned to prepare.

Can looked down at his phone and touched the app that tracked Sanem. She had left the house earlier and when she had finally gotten onto the freeway he knew she was headed to her parents. Although he didn't believe any harm would come to her he had agreed with Fabri to have her followed everywhere to insure that she was safe. When he had informed her of it she balked at the idea at first. Once he had convinced her he knew that she had finally come to realize just what kind of world they really lived in. He did his best to keep the true ugliness of that world away from her but there were somethings she needed to know. They had agreed to be honest and not take any undo risks without the other knowing about it. Up until now he had not deviated from the agreement. Once the private jet landed in Bursa he texted her and she quickly responded with a smiley face and kisses. He wanted to call her but Jasmin was at his elbow the entire time. That was a detail he didn't know about until he got on the plane and found the blonde sitting in the back. He smiled and greeted her but inwardly he groaned at having to deal with her less than discreet advances. He needed to bide his time and use her to gain information and to do that he had to tolerate some of her behavior. Telling Sanem that she was on the plane would only make her angry and jealous and while he might find it funny he couldn't help but become angry himself at the thought of the shoe being on the other foot. Once they had gotten underway Jasmin had suggested they have some champagne to kick off the project. He agreed. He knew how to hold his liquor and champagne wasn't much of anything. They wouldn't be on the plane for long and once they wrapped up their introductions and meetings with their business associates there might be time for a dinner with Yosef and then a flight back home. He could tolerate the blonde and her babble for a while. When she leaned over to pass him the drink, she made every effort to rub herself on him. Once that might have been amusing and even gotten his interest up but not now.  All it did now was make him cringe inwardly. The woman didn't have much shame. She wasn't wearing a bra and he could feel her nipples through the thin fabric. She smiled and laughed and he simply smirked in return. When she returned the bottle to the table and walked back to him she stumbled and managed to fall into his lap. There was nothing to do but catch her and she took advantage by wrapping her arms around his neck and before he could stop it she kissed him. His reaction was to gather her by her shoulders and push her away but then he remembered he was supposed to be allowing some of this and so while he did move her away he said. "Jasmin. You do realize I'm a married man. A newlywed. There is nothing I can offer you". His words were all true but the tone of his voice could allow for that sentence to be interpreted in a variety of ways. "Can Bay, I understand completely and I'm willing to take whatever I can get as long as it's with you." He knew that Sanem would somehow be made aware of this by the blonde so he measured his words carefully. "You know well who I am, and who you work for therefor I will only say this once. When and if I decide to enjoy what you are so willing to give, my wife will never know. If for some reason anyone should happen to share details with her then I'm afraid that your job will be terminated on the spot. Now if you don't mind I would like to read the files you brought and I won't be able to do that while you remain seated on my lap". The blond seemed to understand and immediately got up and did as he asked . For the remainder of the flight he was left alone.

"Ms. Please check again. I can't believe that there is not another room available for the night. This is my personal assistant and it would be innapropriate for us to share a room". He fumed as he stood there at the reception. It was bad enough that he had to call Sanem and explain that they had to stay overnight because they would need to wrap up the deal tomorrow morning. Part of Yosef's business was legitimate and that was the part he was involved in. He could hear the disappointment and anxiety in Sanems voice even though she tried to cover it up. When he ended the call with her and was told that there was only one room available he wanted to scream. Things had gone from bad to worse. There was no way he was going to stay in a room with that woman. Once he calmed down he accepted the keys and handed them to Jasmin. "Please take the keys and make yourself comfortable. I will be in the gym for a while. This isn't your fault so don't worry". Jasmin had the presence of mind to act chagrined at least. "Can Bay, please. I won't say anything if you won't." When she smiled and batted her eyelashes he simply wanted to puke. He walked away from her then and down to the gym. He needed to think and he couldn't do it with her standing over him like a sentry. He needed to tell Sanem before somehow Jasmin let it slip and he knew she would if she had the chance. He walked into the gift shop and bought himself some toiletries and a t-shirt, shorts, socks and some sneakers. They were all twice the amount that they would have been at a normal department store. But he simply didn't care. Next he walked to the gym and put his items in a locker and sat down to call Sanem. He wasn't looking forward to it so he decided to FaceTime her so she could see exactly where he was. When she picked up she smiled and although it looked like she was sad he knew she was trying to keep it light. Then he noticed where she was and what lay before her. "Bebek? Did you prepare dinner for the neighborhood?" The table was filled with what looked like a four course meal. His words served to only make her break down and cry. Behind her, captured in the mirror was a reflection of the dining table laid out with all the crystal and china for an elegant meal. The table was laden with food and a bottle of wine was chilling on ice. She hadn't realized that when she turned slightly away from the table the mirror picked up the image. "Awe.... Sanem baby don't cry. I'm so sorry. If I was there I would be licking my fingers off having eaten all the food you so lovingly prepared. I swear if there was a way I'd be home with you right now. Baby please". He felt bad and yet he was  still prepared to tell her that the blonde was with him and that there was only one room. He closed his eyes and thought. He didn't want to lie to her, he already had one secret that he still hadn't told her about and everyday that passed by it weighed on him. He didn't want to have another that was for sure  untrue. "Can..... I'm sorry. It's ok. I didn't want you to know". She gulped and drank some wine. It would have been comical if it were a different situation. "Sanem....  ah, there is something else I wanted to let you know. Please be calm and listen to me. Ah.... I promise I didn't know about it until I got on the plane". Sanem looked at him and then looked away as she swallowed another big gulp of wine. "Oh you mean that Barbie is with you. Yeah, I already know that. She was kind enough to send me your itinerary and room number in case I needed to reach you. Now there's a wonderful PA for ya". Can was speechless and gaped at her. She had known and hadn't said a word or called him to rant at him. "Baby I swear I didn't know". She nodded her head back and forth as she took another drink "Can don't swear it makes you sound guilty of something". Again his mouth opened and then snapped shut. She was angry and now she was getting drunk. "Sanem, Askim please you shouldn't be drinking...." And her reply came back just as quick "and you shouldn't be with that blonde bimbo who only wants to get in your pants. I told you she was trouble. I wouldn't be surprised if she managed to book up all the rooms and force you to stay in a room with her to share". She had been looking away when she said it but when he didn't answer she quickly looked back and her beautiful pink lips parted in a gasp. His face must have given him away because she cursed out loud calling the Barbie every name in the book. "Sanem.... bebek look" and he panned his phone around and showed her where he was. He explained he bought himself some clothes and toiletries and he was in the gym that was open 24 hours and that he planned on staying there all night. After a few seconds she began crying and telling him how much she loved him and trusted him and that when she saw that bitch again she would kick her out of his office and then make sure they made love right there on his desk and she was would be loud enough to be heard down the street. He had to laugh at the whole absurd situation. She was walking around the dining room and the phone shook and  bounced up and down as she spoke and drank. "Sanem baby I love you so much". His eye caught a glint off the glass of one of the paintings and he frowned wondering if the mat they used for the artwork was damaged but then Sanem moved around again before he could pay closer attention. She was out of the frame and when he spoke to her she didn't reply. "Sanem.... bebek? Sanem?" He saw the phone move around the room and then back to her beautiful face. "I love you Can, so much". Her eyes were blinking slowly and he knew she would be passed out on the couch soon. "Bebek. Please stop drinking and lay down. Go to sleep. I'll arm the security system from my phone. I love you Askim, so much". His reply was soft snoring as he smiled and hung up the phone. He switched on the security camera and saw her crashed on the couch. She was wearing his grey shirt which she sometimes slept in along with a pair of his boxers.  She never looked more beautiful to him than now. This was her way of being close to him, even now when she was disappointed, angry and jealous, not to mention drunk. He panned back to the artwork but the angle didn't do much. He made a mental note to check it out when he got back. He switched to the security system and smiled seeing that's she had already armed it. Next he looked at the security cameras outside his home and was pleased to see the grey car parked out in his driveway where it was supposed to be. At least he could rest knowing she would be safe. He wasnt sure if he would get any sleep but one thing was certain the blonde upstairs wouldn't either. She could wait for him all night long and stew for all he cared. She was in for a rude awakening tomorrow.

Yosef slammed the phone down after speaking with the blonde. His plan hadn't worked. It would seem that Can Divit wouldn't be played so easily. He needed something to tie him up and he wasn't above using all means necessary. He made a few calls and then satisfied he sat down in his own suite across the city. He played the recording that the blonde had made of her and Cans's conversation on the plane. That would come in handy. Can Divit would have to be dealt with that one way or another and there was no time to waste.

When Jasmin heard the telltale signs of the plastic key entering the lock outside she was pleasantly surprised. She perked up and opened up her robe a little. She had nearly fallen asleep waiting for him. It took him longer than expected to come through the hallway but when he did her smile turned into a frightened grimace of fear. There stood a man she had never seen before. "Hello Jazmin. Yosef Bay has sent me to take care of a small matter for him. For that I will need your help". She backed up and turned to run to her room but he leapt forward grabbing her by her hair and slamming her against the wall knocking the breath out of her lungs. "Quiet, you don't want to wake the neighbors do you". He had his hand over her mouth as he walked her to the sliding glass doors of the balcony of the suite she was in. He could feel her begin to shake and try and pull away but he tightened his hold on her and as he pulled the robe off her, yanking it down her arms as she tried fighting him. "Shhhhh" his voice was low and with his hand over her mouth there wasn't much she could do. He pushed her up against the glass and then groped below her black nightie that she wore as his hand slipped along the band of her panties and ripped them down her legs scratching her as he did. She began to kick at him but then he grabbed her around the waist and let go of her mouth. The moment she opened it to scream he slapped her hard enough to knock her back against the glass. He quickly opened the sliding glass door and grabbed her again manhandling her all the way to the balcony railing. She pushed and slapped at him but remained trapped between him and the railing. "Please" she said while he was forced to release her mouth as he looked upon her face covered in her mascara and tears as she begged him to stop but it mattered little. Her end was moments away and no amount of begging would change it. When he pushed her over she managed to claw at his face angering him enough to curse her as she fell sixteen stories to her death. He walked back into the room, wiped the glass doors and left as quickly as he had come. As he walked down the aisle leading to the stairs he pressed the button in a transmitter in his pocket that released the loop on the security cameras. When they were played back, which they would be by the police later on; there would be no trace of him. A single drop of blood dripped onto his windbreaker as he swiped at his cheek. He needed to get to his car quickly without being observed. He would take care of his injury and leave town quickly. This wasn't something Yosef needed to know about. He did the job and she was dead. There would be questions for Mr. Can Divit and that would bring a lot of trouble for the man that Yosef was planning on destroying. He was told to wait for further instructions as there might be another package for him to collect in a few days. He would be sent the information when ready. He reached the parking level and walked a few feet to his car and waited. After five minutes he turned on the engine and left.

Can laid back on the bench in the gyms locker room  and managed to get in a few hours of sleep before his alarm rang. He showered and dressed and walked to the small cafe in the hotel. He noticed a few police men checking guests ID's as they entered or exited the hotel. When the sever came back to refresh his coffee he asked what was going on "it seems a young woman fell to her death from one of our suites. It's terrible. They have a police barricade and they think it was foul play". Can furrowed his brows at the news. "Ah.... Were there any witnesses? When did this happen?" The young man didn't know "apparently she was staying on the sixteenth floor with her associate. I don't think they were married. The receptionists said that the man had made a great fuss about not wanting to share a room with her and he is no where to be found now". Can blinked a few times before the words the server spoke sunk in. Was it possible that it was Jazmin and that somehow he was now a suspect?. His mind raced and all he could think of was that somehow Yosef was involved. He paid the bill and used the men's room in the cafe and called Sanem. When she didn't answer, perhaps still drunk from the night before; he called Metin. Without taking  too much time he explained it all to Metin. The attorney who was a lifelong friend told him immediately to present himself to the authorities and that he was taking the first flight out there to join him. He would call in a few favors if needed but he told Can to remain helpful but refrain from offering details that couldn't be confirmed. Can asked Metin to call on Emre and get Leyla to their home to talk to Sanem. He needed her to be calm and safe above all else. "Metin, You should know... I had nothing to do with that woman in any way, nothing. I'm sorry she's dead"
Metin responded without missing a beat that he had no reason to believe otherwise and that they would figure this out. He closed the call and he washed his face before leaving. He walked out and headed to the front desk. When he was asked his name he provided it. From then on it was all questions from the police and then one of the detectives. They led him to the managers office and reminded him of his rights. All the while he thought about Sanem, Yosef and Jasmin. "Mr. Can Divit I must inform you that it would be in your best interest to retain an attorney. You will come with us to the police station where we will have further questions for you. You were the last person seen with the deceased and therefor a suspect. Please stand and place your hands behind your back. You are under arrest."

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