A Musician Reincarnated Into...

By Re_pecT

180K 7.1K 2.6K

A famous musician Transmitted into his favorite Novel. A pitiful villain but has a psychotic mental problem... More

☁️Chapter 0☁️
☁ Chapter 1 ☁
🌧 chapter 2 🌧
🌨 chapter 3 🌨
☁ Chapter 4 ☁
🌩 Chapter 5 🌩
🌪 Chapter 6 🌪
🌫 Chapter 7 🌫
Chapter 9
chapter 10
chapter 11
chapter 12
Chapter 13
> ? <
> ? 2 <
> DONT GO! <
> who..are you? <
Friendly Reminder

🌌 Chapter 8 🌌

8.9K 398 69
By Re_pecT

~°• Eirwen POV •°'


I just silently sit inside the carriage that kate brought for me. It was quite surprising about Kurt's sudden request.

" Can you..stay with me forever"

My eyebrows twitch as I frowned deeply, while thinking of the expression he has, as will as his words that just came out from that kid's mouth. We just met like In the morning, Why is he so-- attached?

It was both made Questionable and Confusion inside my head, And I just ignored it, I don't want to think about it anymore, it just brings some headaches inside my head, which I don't want to happened..

I looked at the clear window outside and the view was rather beautiful as always, The villagers are happily chattering outside as they walk with their loved ones and the people dance happily to their fellow partners around the fancy fountain in the center of the lively town.

It was completely different from the people in my world, it was rather complete opposite... People in the new era, rather have a serious faces nor expression that can't be read, faces like those people I've seen just now is rather Rare to see..

Well, i sometimes seen those, but rather they were just faking it, I can't get it out from my head that i was one of their victim as well, i thought i have a friend that are sweet, delicate and kind not only kind but has a cherry like personality.

But after you turn your back behind them, they started gossiping and make fun of you, thinking of those things, just makes me laugh. 

Wondered why I'm friends with her in a first place.

Kate was in front of me, I gaze at her. She looks very worried, What's up with her?

" Are you alright your royal highness? Why is there a bandage on your face?? " she asked worriedly as she keeps looking straight at my face without breaking a sweat, those Worriedly eyes.. how long was i last seen those?

It's like a mother worried about her child tripping off the ground, makes me remember my sweet mama, i suddenly missed my mama which was my nanny in the past life i have, when i was at the daycare.

I can't even remember, whose person was the last that look at me with those pure and innocent eyes that only stare at me with pure worried. Thinking about it.. i almost forgot who i was from my past life.

What do i even look like in my past life? It's rather now blurry. That i can't picture it to myself..

I Responded softly while I smile at her, " I am fine, It's just a simple accident nothing more." It's rather important not to worry her too much or else, i don't know what will turn out if she happened to know what happened. That this wasn't an mare accident.. 

I shake my head off from those useless thought of mine, of course nothing happened, because kate is just kate, she wouldn't do that.

She than said " There's no simple injury when your Royal Highness had a bandage in your face! what's more, everyone would be worried about you! "

Yeah, I can see that---" sweat dropped fell from my chin, the workers would be worried just as Kate said...

Mostly I just received a letter that Vincent would be coming this upcoming weekend, Since he was homeschooled, And I was also confused why he keeps saying bugs there and that. I just laughed at his Ways of describing his People.

How i wished i can help him, to change the way he describing the people.

I let out a soft chuckled as i closed my eyes, waiting for the carriage to arrive back at the mansion.


°•Arriving at the De Lora's mansion•°

When we finally arrived at the De Lora's household, which is my home now

There's something keeps bothering me nonstop, I went down from the carriage and looked at the front door, many servants was waiting to welcome me in front, which is super uncomfortable, Kate didn't even said anything about this, that's why i came down unprepared for this occasion...

Kate only explained that My family was Busy at this hour and Also says that my Brother Draven can't come to play with me, Well that is fine at least I have my time alone, which is i always want that to happened.

Because today is very... Very tiring! That i wanted to rest my entire body or lay on the soft bed i have and sleep all day... If possible a week.

I walk passed at the workers as they stared at me with those worried eyes they have, And murmuring.

I silently go back to my room while kate was following me at my back, she just continue walking without telling me anything at all, which is very unpleasant!

but i know she always followed me always, she opened the door, as i came inside, and sat down on my warm and comfortable chair, than Kate already well prepared some desserts and Warm milk in my coffee table.

she doesnt need to hear me saying those words, " i need some dessert kate, or Some nice tea".  for my consent since she already know what i like or what i dislike as she keeps observing me further in the past time we spent with each other

I smiled and said thank you while I drink some warm milk she made, It was sweet and Delicious. Everything Kate made is awesome as always, no one can really dislike this warm milk or everything she makes.

I continue eating my dessert that she prepared until I was full that i can't even eat anymore.

I pat my stomaches as I burp lowly that no one can hear, it's like a Silent Burping Digestion of my dessert

I gaze at the ceiling, Still having some thoughts, I met two people that involves in the novel...
Richardo and Kurt...

Richardo is a Man that possessed great Fire, He is also the man that the people will want to become the best wizard man in the magic tower and not only that Richardo came from the high-level Aristocrats not only that but the best wizard besides Kurt.

they will eventually became buddies after being partnered with each other.

I suddenly thought They meet each other today, and it looks like it was really a bad timing... I suddenly wipe my imaginary sweats on my forehead, It wouldn't affect the story plot right???

I hope it wouldn't affect me very much, I just wanted to avoid getting a bad ending and live my life to my own fullest.

And lastly in the nearest future, Someday I'll soon got kicked out because it was the agreement between my family and real biological mother.

That I will live in a mountain filled with nothing but snow. With someone... And Who would that be?

Because that part was skipped completely to 7 years. Which I'll be turning Sixteen...

When I turned 9 next year I'll be kicked out.

I sighed out completely. That was completely spoiled out.


Kate already prepared a warm bath and clothes as soon I'm finished my relaxing bath by myself.

She is always attentive as always.

Thinking about it, my alone routine are always inside the bathroom, because no one would dare to distract or disturbed my relaxing bathing because if they did.. - :)

Nah, no one would dare to disturb me.

I stripped off my clothing and hang them to the side and soak my entire body inside the warm water that kate prepared, the fragrance of the petal mixed with this water is rather relaxing to my nose that brought my stressful mind, like it wasn't even there in the first place.

I sighed out, avoiding those things and push all of them from aside, Thinking that i shall than try to avoid them. Especially that boy who keeps bothering my mind for a while...


When I got done with the warm bath, I change into my comfortable attire. which is the light blue soft pajama, Kate prepared it for me.

It has a soft design of roses with it's plain silver colored. That if it hits the light it will glitter lively, if i can wear this all day. I can even sleep maybe a year or so. ( Nope) 

I was confused, yes Eirwen does resemble it because the author wrote that. The thorns resemble his bad-tempered side, no one can get close to him, or else he would have hurt them.
The blooming white rose resembles his beauty despite his blooming beautiful figure. They ignored his bad side because of his face.
But now? Why do I resemble the white roses am I still hated?

I looked at Kate and asked because I want to know who hated me, " Kate why do I resemble the rose? "

Kate just responded with a smile and Dry my hair with a warm towel.
Did she just ignore my question???

I won't force her anyhow... I blinked and feel her light massage on my head, it was both gentle and good, That can make you fall asleep fast.

I blinked tiredly, " Does Your royal highness feel tired? This would be done in any second now, don't worry. " she responded as she giggled, she must have seen my face very hilarious...

" ...mhm"

°•¶ Third Person POV ¶•°

Eirwen who was silently sleeping on the bed, while Kate covered her young master with some warm blanket gently, Afraid if he would wake up.

She then closes the window curtains and clean all the plates and cups that were used and unused, She went out and closes the door gently.

The room was now empty as only the soft breathing of the young beautiful youth can only heard.

A soft blue light came out from Eirwen's neck as it flies beside him.

The blue light slowly begins to get bigger and Bigger as it forms a Young boy...

When the light disappeared, A young boy with blue like sea hair was flowing in the air despite that there wasn't a soft breeze coming in, his hair still softly been float like waves

His beautiful blue eyes that are like clear sky stared at the young boy who was sleeping...

His fair hand softly touches Eirwen's cheek gently, he was there the whole time, and every time, He wanted to meet him face to face, He froze his hand movement.

As he gently touched the bandage of his cheek, As he let out a tsk noise.

He kind of blamed himself for that thing, when he wasn't in a use, he can only just watched his master being beaten by some bastard and he just Hates it... He hates it that he can't do anything.

But at least he can still Comfort his master with the instruments he formed. And heal his hurting heart...

He was a sad because it's been a month and he thought, he won't remember him. Because he didnt sing, or play some instruments...

He thought he won't use his talent, but he sigh out of relief... " I thought you have forgotten about me, master," he murmured out as he lay down beside Eirwen, Jing then leaning his head as he patted Eirwen snow like hair.

He then continued, " but thank goodness, you didn't... "

He quickly sits up remembering those stupid lines that Kurt just said toward his master, " never leave him alone hmph! I'm the only Jing Jing! Master can rely on, Mostly he had no idea about my master, he favors me instead all of you, You all just want his Beauty! " he angrily said in his mind... He pouted as he crossed his both arms together.

He lays down again as he gazes at his Master's beautiful sleeping appearance and looks away, " ugh---" he does like his appearance who wouldn't not like his face?? But he like master both appearance and Heart he also has favor with music that's why he was drowned with his compassion for melodies he made.

He closes his eyes, laying beside his master is the best...


The young white youth woke up from his deep slumber, He sat up as he felt his head lighter than usual.

He suddenly saw something beside him as he accidentally touched it.

He sighed out with a helpless smile form on his cherry lip. His white lashes flutters as he looked beside him, It was a blue furry cat.

He softly said and gently put his hand on his head, " Jing..."

His furry tail moves slowly, and his pointed ears turn and the tired Jing's gaze at his master still squinting.

Eirwen can't help but helplessly says, " take a rest, you seem more tired than me "

" Meow... "
He chuckled in response.


The maids came at the same time as Always, and help him prepare a bath and ready his snacks and lunch...

He was now sitting in the carriage, silently as Jing was now resting on his lap, While Eirwen gently patting his blue furry hair. Eirwen gaze at the window, the town is the same as it was yesterday, so lively and beautiful as always.

Everything just sparkles within them.

He can't help but be led with warmth in his chest as he stared at their happy face, He wanted to feel those things, being himself;... I wonder when will it be.

He keeps thinking about it, maybe it's the day he will get kicked out. He smiled while keep thinking about it.

°•Arriving at the academy•°

The whole academy is still the same, Busy and crowded, kate left since she has more to do at the mansion, even though she keeps insisting Eirwen to guide him back to the Class safely.

But Eirwen just helplessly says, " I am fine, there's no need to worry... " Kate doesn't want to stress her master, so she just bowed and left after that.

Eirwen who just silently heading at his class, while the students keep whispering behind his back, it's annoying but still, he's glad it's just all mouth, not actions.

While he was walking in the hallway, he saw a familiar black hair boy, talking with someone, and seeing his frown and furious face it seems he was angry at the one his talking.

The hallways were crowded, if Kurt make some trouble it would be very bad... Eirwen quickly went in his direction as he halt his movement when someone grabbed his arms.

Eirwen gaze who it was... His eyes widen in surprise... His figure trembles at his sight

He then suddenly thought" this day never get to be so peaceful, of all humans why is it to be him? "

" ... "

Eirwen quickly pulls his hand away from the young boy's palm, but it was not even barging even a little bit... He can't help but purse his lips and stand firmly like a boy that doesn't afraid of anything, he then opened his cherry lips and asked him, " do you need anything? "

He didn't respond, and Eirwen look at Kurt's direction with a worried expression" if you don't need anything, can you please let go? "

He suddenly gripped tightly Eirwen's arm suddenly brought discomfort at the poor white boy, It feels like the bones in his arm were breaking pieces by pieces if he didn't let go, This will surely turn into none but powder!

The young boy felt Eirwen was trembling in pain, He immediately loosen his grip and gently pulls him away from the crowd, this brings the two boys' attention which was Richardo and Kurt.


In the empty classroom, Where two boys were all alone, " I- I'm sorry... I didn't mean to, N-no I mean I did! But It was an accident! " one boy who was filled with a lot of excuses while Eirwen who was trying to console his sore arm that was tightly gripped by this boy in front of him...

His information was a bit of mystery in the novel, but one thing is for sure... this boy has a huge crush on this original host, why? He stalked him almost every day, Watch him eat, watches him around the academy, which was creepy...

Speaking of his appearance, I like his hair, it looks like a newly born diamond while the ends are like fresh grass color, even though it covered his half-face, I can barely see he will be a lady killer in the future.

Eirwen forgot about the little boy in front of him who had a very huge crush on him. he doesn't care about gender, but Eirwen met all the Ideal types of his dreams...

Eirwen gazes at him, As he was looking away, twirling his fingers, He was nervous he never gets to see Eirwen that very close... He only stalks him from afar, He loves him... Even through the bullies in the past... but seeing his changes, It hit his both mind and heart...

Eirwen just let out a soft sigh and asked the young lad his name.

But after he was told.
Eirwen was left both speechless and confusion...

Wait wait wait... Dont tell me...

" Oh hell no... " Eirwen suddenly said in his mind with a huge shock in his face ...

The person in front of him, a stalker but... Never he thought his one...

" I am Timothy Zye || Romanesque"

Crown prince?!!!

2916 ✨

Timothy Zye || Romanesque
The crown prince

" Let your word be at peace "

Jing Jing
The music fairy as a human form

Ill be your comforter master

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