NathMarc November 2021

By ArtzyChic

10K 174 60

It's that time again! More

Mythology AU
Pirate AU
Soulmate AU
Wizard AU
Future AU
Fairytale AU
Love Language


432 10 6
By ArtzyChic

"ALIX, DON'T!" Nathaniel yelled as he tried to restrain the shorter girl from committing one of the three, murder, arson, or both.

"I'm gonna kill them," she seethed, trying to writhe out of his grip.

Alya took a few steps away. "Um, maybe you should take her home," she suggested. "To cool down?"

"Alix's is not going to kill anyone, because she doesn't even know where Take-A-Look lives!

"I'LL FIND THEM! I WILL!" Alix bites one of Nathaniel's fingers, making him yell in pain and release her as he gripped the finger she bit. She made a run for the door but was quickly tackled to the floor by Rose. "DAMNIT!"

Nino groaned as he took a long sip of his water. He began to rub his temples. "God, I can't believe they're back! I thought the asshole stopped."

"They can't be stopped," Max whispered ominously as he rocked back and forth in the corner of the classroom. "They're notorious. Do you have any idea how many times I've tried to track down the God-awful IP address?!"

"Who's back?" Adrien finally asked. Alya nodded along, just as confused as the blonde. "Who's Take-A-Look? What's going on, you guys?"

"What are you losers talking about?" Chloe asked as she and Sabrina walked into the room with frappes in their hands.

"Take-A-Look is back," Marinette whispered.

Chloe spits out her drink onto the floor and Sabrina drops hers'. "WHAT?!"

Sabrina gripped at the ends of her hair and began to pace around. "No, no, no, no! You're lying, Marinette! Very funny!"

"I'm not!" She screamed. Everyone flinched at her outburst. "Did you not see how everyone was freaking out when you walked into today?"

The heiress furrowed her brow in thought. Looking back, everyone did seem a little on edge, the students and teachers. "... Fuck," she whispered. "We are so screwed."

"WHO THE HELL ARE YOU ALL TALKING ABOUT!" Yelled Alya. "Come on! Who's Take-A-Look, or whatever their name is, huh?"

Adrien added, "You guys are being a little ominous right now."

Seeing that she finally calmed down, Rose got off of Alix. The pinkette stood and took a few breaths. "I'm good," she sighed. "So, Take-A-Look is this little prick on Twitter who somehow has access to everyone's personal information, namely DuPont's."

"They go around tagging every student here who's on Twitter to their announcements. They post once a day for a week every month," Juleka explained. "Bunch of rumors and secrets that ruin lives."


Nathaniel counted on his fingers, "Outing students, spreading information about teachers' lives out of school to get them fired, telling people I'm not a natural redhead."

Nino rested a hand on his shoulder. "Let it go, dude."

"I will not!" He yelled. "Do you have any idea how many times people have pulled on my hair to see if it's a wig?"

"Who would do something like this?" Adrien questioned. "That's awful!"

Everyone around the room glanced at each other with a bit of suspicion. Ivan spoke, "No one knows. But's someone who knows everything about everyone here. Most likely a student. Max has tried dozens of times to track them down."

"But I never could," Max muttered. He fished his phone out of his pocket. "When they stopped about two years ago, I let it go. But now I'll do whatever I can to track this bastard down." He hands Adrien his phone. "Look. It's their latest post on the page."

The profile picture was of a hacker's mask with black and white static behind it, there was no bio, and the account was created five years ago.

Dear students of Francoise DuPont, don't bother trying to track me down, especially you, Maxwell Kante. I know everything about everyone, the things you do when you believe no one watches, medical records. I have it all. I would suggest hiding out for a bit if I reveal anything about you. My first announcement begins at lunch. Sincerely, Take-A-Look.

"Holy shit!" Alya screamed. "That's awful!"

"Tell me about it," Marinette whispered under her breath. Why did they have to show up right when she's Ladybug?! A superhero who needs to keep her identity a secret!

"We've got a few hours, guys," Mylene said grimly. "Let's just take a few breaths, try to calm our-ourselves d-down," she stammered.

Ivan rushed to his girlfriend's side. "Mylene? Are you alright?"

"... No," she squeaked. Mylene buried her face into his shirt as she burst out into tears. The burly boy wrapped his arms around her in a loving embrace, whispering sweet nothings to her. "I'm so scared!"

Adrien and Alya exchanged concerned looks, both having no idea what they're in for.

"WHAT THE HELL?!" A familiar voice screeched just a minute after everyone in the cafeteria received the notifications on their phones. "I WOULD NEVER!"

"'DuPont algebra teacher and total knockout, Allegra Quantic is secretly sleeping with the male students in exchange for better grades,'" Kim read. "'Below, you'll find a few suspicious photos of her escorting her students into her home.'"

"Those are study groups I put together," Allegra sobbed as she stormed out of the cafeteria, not able to handle the looks everyone was giving her. "I would never do such a thing!"

Rose poked at her lunch and whispered, "It's begun."

"Here's what I suggest," Alix piped up. "We interrogate everyone here, then that's when Nath busts out the chalk sock!"

Juleka sinisterly rubbed her hands together. "Yes, the chalk sock."

"No! No chalk sock," Marientte said sternly.

Alya furrowed her brow. "What's a chalk sock?"

"My own personal weapon," he said smugly. "See, I take a few pieces of chalk that have been overused so many times they're a nub, put 'em in a gym sock, and just use it to swing at people."

"... Go on."

"No chalk sock!" Marinette yelled, exasperated.

[Transphobia warning. Read at your own risk]

The next day, DuPont was on edge. Allegra Quantic was, fortunately, able to keep her job after the parents of the children she taught confirmed that those were in fact study sessions at her house. What made it more believable was when a very overprotective parent revealed they chipped their son's glasses with a mini camera. She was off the hook.


The teachers decided not to go into the lounge whenever she was there.

Everyone had their phones in hand, waiting for the notification from Take-A-Look, but nothing came, not even during lunch like yesterday... But then...

"CUT IT OUT!" Kim pushed a boy off of him for the fifth time. Tears were threatening to spill from his eyes. "I-I'M NOT!"

"Come on, Marinette," one girl, Wendy Thomas said in a taunting voice as the pigtailed girl looked close to having a panic attack. "Whip it out."

Nino shoved her away. "STOP IT, WILL YA?!"

Marinette's head was spinning, she felt her throat closing up. This was worse than being discovered as Ladybug! She fell to her knees and silently cried.

Kim was in no good shape, either. He felt like throwing up right after collapsing on the floor.

It was study hall at the time, and the moment students dreaded came. Another post from Take-A-Look. This one was targeted towards Marinette, Kim, and Nino, and hit just a little too close to home... Okay, way too close.

Marinette, Kim, and Nino, best friends to the end. Everyone thinks they know all there is to know about the three of them, but let me enlighten you all.

Out of respect, people quickly looked away when they saw the pictures of birth certificates for two girls and one boy and some old pictures. But some just couldn't help but be little assholes.

Alya reached for Nino as he tried to help Marinette up. "Babe, what's going on?" She asked out of concern.

"... N-not now," he said, choking back a sob. "I just need to get Mari and Kim home, alright?" Without waiting for a reply, he took the pigtailed girl into his arms then went to get Kim. "C'mon, bud. It's alright." After a moment, Kim slowly got up and walked with Nino out of the doors.

The auburn-haired girl stared after her boyfriend and best friend with tears in her eyes. "How could that asshole do this to them?!" She yelled before storming off in a huff, slapping the phones out of the hands of anyone who was still looking at the post, especially those damn pictures.

"Babe, I will always love you," Alya said over the phone. "Take all of the time you need, alright? And tell Mari and Kim I hope they're alright... Okay." She smiled. "I love you, too." After hanging up, she turns to the expectant class. "Alright, Mari, Nino, and Kim are doing fine. They're just taking some time away from school." Everyone let out breaths of relief, especially Adrien.

"Well that's good," Mme. Bustier sighed. She buried her face into her hands. "I worked so hard making sure the three of them didn't get deadnamed or misgendered in front of other students during school hours. I-I lectured the other teachers, made sure their names on any forms were right. How did-"

"It wasn't your fault Mme. Bustier," Max reassured her. "Take-A-Look has dirt on everyone."

Alix groaned. "I swear if their next post is as bad as yesterday's I'm gonna-" Everyone's phones rang with another notification. "... They're early."

"That's concerning," Ivan mumbled as he and everyone else pulled out their phones. "Okay, let's see- Oh boy."

Mylene's eyes widened as she read the latest post. "Oh dear Lord."

"Death wish," Juleka sang in a hushed tone.

A cold chill ran down everyone's spines. In unison, they turned their heads towards where Nathaniel sat. He stared at his phone with a blank, unreadable expression. With some hesitance, Alix got up and approached her friend, shaking a bit as she did. "... N-Nath?" When she didn't get an answer, she tapped his shoulder before quickly recoiling when he whipped his head towards her. "... I know you're upset, that was fucked up, but-"

"I'm gonna kill them," he whispered. "I'm gonna kill them."

Marc Anciel is one of DuPont's resident sweethearts, an excellent writer, and the loving boyfriend of Nathaniel Kurtzberg, his first boyfriend as he's told others. Let's hope @NathxComics doesn't see this post.

With the post came some photos of Marc and some other boy, a brunette with silky hair and the body of an athlete. There were photos of them hugging, kissing, one of them at what looks like a school dance.

The grip Nathaniel had on his phone was so tight that the screen might break. All he felt was fury until he remembered, "Marc!" He shot out of his chair and ran out the door. Nathaniel ran all the way downstairs and into the science classroom. When he got there, he struggled to catch his breath. "Where," he panted. "Where's Marc?"

Denise folded their arms. "Crying in the locker room, probably. But Kurtzberg, if you're upset that he dated some other boy and didn't tell you, then that's fu-"

"That's not why I'm upset!" Nathaniel blurted angrily, then bolted. He ran into the locker room and in seconds, he was right by his crying boyfriend's side.

"Don't cry, Rainbow, please don't cry," he whispered, trying to coax his boyfriend to calm down before an Akuma shows up.

"H-how did th-they find out?" Marc stuttered, his voice cracking a bit. "I never told anyone except for M-Marinette and you. Wh-what if sees the pictures a-and figures out I'm-" Unable to finish his sentence, he buried his face into the crook of Nathaniel's neck. "I don't want to go through that again, Nath. I-I hated being with him."

Nathaniel combed his fingers through Marc's hair, trying to calm him down while also trying to keep calm. Because if he gets Akumatized, then Take-A-Look is going to regret ever messing with DuPont.

"Pomefiore, I am Hawkmoth."

Nathaniel looked down at his phone and saw that it was pitch black. "Shit," he whispered.

"It seems trouble has plagued your school, and all of you are powerless to stop it. I believe I can be of assistance. With your new powers, you can reveal the wretched person you seek. When the task is complete, I ask that you do something for me in return."

"Let's end this once and for all."

"Nath?" Marc gasped when he saw his boyfriend being engulfed by the familiar purple fog and backed away. When the fog began to fade, there was Nathaniel, standing there in an outfit akin to Vil Schoenheit from Twisted Wonderland, indigo robe and all. In his hand is the Akumatized object, a silver hand mirror.

Pomefiore turned to Marc, his blood-red lips curled into a smile. "I'll be right back, dear." Giving the noirette a kiss, he walked- glided, really- out of the locker room and stood in the middle of the courtyard.

He was quiet for a moment until he yelled, "LISTEN UP, SHITHEADS!" Pomefiore snapped his fingers and one by one, the doors to each classroom opened, alarming the students and teachers. "We are going to track down Take-A-Look, and we'll be doing it my way! When my mirror shows the face of the little coward terrorizing everyone here, I will bash your skull open!"

While his back was turned towards him, Adrien crept away to go transform.

"Mirror, mirror, in my hand, show me where Take-A-Look stands!" The glass' surface became foggy for a moment until it finally cleared up. When Pomefiore saw the image of the person terrorizing their school, he gaped. "No way," he whispered.

"Who is it?!" Yelled Aurore.

Without a word, Pomefiore swiped his hand across the glass, and before the students' and teachers' eyes, a holographic image of Lila Rossi at her computer appeared.

"What the hell?!"

"Her again?!"

"Even before coming here, she's been terrorizing the school!"

"How is she doing this?!"

Pomefiore grimaced. "I'll find out."

"Thanks again, Antonio," the brunette crooned as she set down the latest file and prepared her next article. "'Rose Lavillant is nothing but sugar, spice, and everything nice. She's the most positive, upbeat girl and DuPont. Well just wait until you see the kind of home she comes from-"

"Not. Another. Key."

Lila whipped her head around to where she heard the voice. "... Who's in here? I-I'm warning you, I took three years of Jujutsu when I went to Japan!"

"Oh yeah? Then explain the black eye Alix Kudbel on the day of your expulsion."

Lila's hand shakily made its way toward her left eye, still healing after that day. It was utterly humiliating. "Wh-what are you talking about?"

"Lila, Lila, pants on fire," the voice sang. Lila began to panic and looked all around her room, trying to see who was in here with her. "In the mirror, Rossi!" She took shaky steps towards her vanity mirror. She saw her reflection for a few seconds before a new image appeared. "Miss me?!"

Lila screamed and fell back to the floor. "YOU!"

Pomefiore walked directly out of the mirror, much to Lila's horror. "Yes, it's me," he proclaimed proudly. "And let me just say, many people are very angry with you, Lila." He scowled. "Especially me. Now start talking before I trap you in the mirror realm for the rest of your natural-born life! Why did you start Take-A-Look?!"

She scoffed. "Why else? Those idiots at your school are just one of the many perfect targets whose lives I've completely destroyed!"

The Akuma looked at her in disgust. "You've done this before?"

"I have different accounts for different schools," she taunted. "Thanks to an old friend of mine, a real computer genius, by the way, I've outed students, revealed their dirty little secrets, or just made up a rumor or two. When my mom told me I'd be going to DuPont, I figured, why not cause a little trouble in person? So I took a break from posting." Remembering that she was in the presence of the Akuma when he raised his mirror, she backed away. "B-but when you and those other art club brats exposed me, I went to finish what I started!"

Pomefiore hit his mirror against the palm of his hand. "That's all we needed to hear." Lila furrowed her brow. "Yes, 'we.'" He holds up his mirror for Lila to see, and the brunette pales when she sees the hundreds, thousands, millions of angry faces flashing on the glass. "So not only are you known as a super liar but also one of the most hated people in Europe." The looked of dread on her face only made him smile. Enjoy the mirror real, Lie-la." Before he could trap her in the mirror, Ladybug's yoyo wrapped around the handle and yanked it out of his hands. "NO!"

Ladybug threw the mirror on the floor, making it shatter, and release the Akuma. She traps the Akuma in her yoyo and releases the purified bitterly.

Pomefiore is engulfed by a thick, purple fog, and when it disappears, Nathaniel stands in his place. "Wh-where am I?"

"YOU RUINED MY LIFE!" Lila screeched. She made an attempt to attack the redhead, but Ladybug was quick and tied her up with her yoyo. "LET ME GO, YOU SORRY EXCUSE FOR A SUPERHERO!"

Ladybug took a menacing step towards the brunette. "Not a chance, Rossi. I've been waiting for this day. And while your lies getting exposed did amuse me a bit, I'd like to see you in cuffs, now."

"Okay, check now."

Max types '@Take-A-Look' into the Twitter search bar. No results come up. "It's gone, guys!" Everyone began to clap, cheer, and hug each other.

"It's over!" Kim cheered. "The nightmare is over!"

Alix gave Nathaniel a playful punch in his arm. "This guy! Taking an Akuma for us, exposing Lila for the she-demon she is!"

"Being an amazing boyfriend," Marc added, giving the redhead a kiss on the cheek. "Love you."

"Love you, too, Rainbow."

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