NathMarc November 2021

By ArtzyChic

9.7K 173 60

It's that time again! More

Mythology AU
Pirate AU
Soulmate AU
Wizard AU
Future AU
Fairytale AU
Love Language


440 6 5
By ArtzyChic

"Alix Kudbel, this is the Miraculous of the Dragon, which will grant you the power of the Elements..."

Everything after that was just white noise. Alix just continued to stare at the black box Ladybug was presenting to her. This... This is huge. It is unexpected. It's a little overwhelming, because what about Bunnyx? What does this mean for the future?... But she shoved those feelings aside, knowing that this is something she needs to do. Plus, the Dragon Miraculous sounds pretty cool. She can already imagine what the Kwami will be like.

"... Can I trust you?" Ladybug asks, pulling Alix from her thoughts.

After a beat, Alix nodded. "... Of course, Ladybug. I-I'd do anything for those two, they're my best friends." And best friends save each other from their Akumatizations and Amokizations when they're offered the opportunity to wield a magical piece of jewelry that grants them powers.

The pinkette takes the box from the heroine's hand and opens it, revealing a black choker necklace with a small red charm. A bright lights emerges from the small piece of jewelry and flies around Alix before forming a small demon-bug-thing that almost looks like Fluff, only more... Spikier.

"Greetings," they said just a little too eloquently for Alix's tastes. She was expecting something more rambunctious, maybe punctuating each sentence with a small breath of fire. "I am Longg, the Kwami of Perfection."

Alix stared at Longg skeptically for a few seconds before glancing back at Ladybug. "No offense, but are you sure this is the right one for me?"

"Not to worry, Miss Kudbel-"

"Just call me Alix," she quickly interrupted.

Longg nodded understandingly. "Not to worry, Alix. I believe you will make great use of my power, which, if I may add, allows you to control the element of your choosing, water, lighting, or wind."

"Water, huh?" Alix mumbled to herself, already coming up with a way to utilize that power. "Alright. I'm in." She takes the choker necklace and fastens it around her neck, flinching just a bit when she feels a slight warmth coursing through her veins. "So, how do I transform?"

"All you must say is, 'Longg, bring the storm'," they instructed

Nodding, Alix handed Ladybug the box back before yelling, "Longg, Bring the Storm!"

"Such passi-aaaahh!" Longg screamed as they were pulled into the charm.

Alix swept her hands from the top of her head to her face, forming two crimson red horns and then a red mask with gold around the eyes to make it almost look like eyeliner. The transformation continued from her hands, forming red gloves that extended into a bomber nacket with golden cuffs and a collar, and the elements symbol attached to a golden zipper. A pair of black pants was next with a red and gold dragon tail design wrapped around the left leg, and finally, on Alix's feet appeared a pair of red sneakers with golden laces. She reached into the air when her sword materialized, grabbed it, and slashed the air with it a couple of times before swinging it over her shoulder.

Ladybug smiled as Alix got a look at her outfit, but felt just a twinge of jealousy since she had pockets and not her. "Now all you need is a name."

The pinkette looked up in thought for a moment. "How's this sound? Dragonix?"

The spotted heroine couldn't help but giggle. "Like Bunnyx?"

"What? It's my name," Dragonix smirked, only to jump in surprise when she heard an explosion not too far away. "That must be them."

Ladybug cringed. "Oh, I hope Chat Noir's okay. Come on!" While she departed using her yoyo, Dragonix used her newfound agility to super-jump away, almost getting the sensation that she was flying as she leaped from roof to roof.

It only took them two minutes to find the part of the city with the most damage done to it. Colorful paint was splattered everywhere, cars, homes, even people. Only, the people with paint on them were moving around strangely, almost like zombies.

"Looks like their sentimonster's been here," Dragonix remarked.

Ladybug nodded in agreement. "But what about them- Look out!" She and Dragonix barely had enough time to duck out of the way of three white birds that came hurdling towards them. Ladybug got back up and narrowed her eyes at the birds before using her YoYo to grab one, having a feeling those weren't actual birds.

"It's an origami bird," said Dragonix when she noticed the many folds. She unravels the string of Ladybug's YoYo from around the paper bird, figuring it couldn't do any harm and set it free. "Looks like Shadow Moth gave Marc some new powers."

"Then we'll need to be extra careful," warned Ladybug. "If he can create actual birds, then who knows what else? Come on, let's go find Chat Noir and then." As if summoned, the leather-clad hero called her on her YoYo. She switched it to the phone setting and answered. "Hey, Chat?"

"Hey, m'lady, so good news. I found Evillustrator, Reverser, and their sentimonster. They have Lila held hostage at the Arc de Triomph."

Dragonix frowned. "I'm assuming there's bad news?"

"Whoever's with you there is right."

"Hello, Ladybug," a new voice greeted.

"Reverser," Ladybug hissed. "What did you do to Chat Noir?"

"Rude," another voice spoke. "You're not even going to say 'hi' back?"

Ladybug grimaced. "Alright, what do you two want?"

"You give us ten minutes to make Lila's lies go public for all of Paris to hear," Reverser demanded. "If not, then we see if cats are actually capable of landing on their feet!"

Evillustrator added, "When that's over, I might just consider not erasing Lie-la into nothingness or feeding her to Abstract if you hand over your Miraculous."

Deep in thought, Ladybug furrowed her brow, hoping she made the right choice picking Dragonix.

"While you think it over, you're going to listen to me shoving my black and white tongue down Evie's throat."

Hearing that, Ladybug quickly hung up. "Aw, come on," Dragonix groaned.

Ladybug ignored her and called out, "Lucky Charm!" And that object that would help her was... "A water balloon?"

"One. Single. Water balloon," Dragonix deadpanned. "That's our last hope?"

Ladybug looked around with her Lucky Vision. All was black and white except for Dragonix and the water balloon. Pretty soon, and idea came to mind. "Yes it is," she smiled.

As Reverser talked to a paint-covered Nadja Chamack and her cameraman, Evillustrator pet the massive wolf-looking sentimonster made entirely out of red, yellow, and blue paint. "Who's a good Sentimonster? You are!" He cooed. Abstract affectionately nuzzled against his face.

"Come on Evie," Reverser crooned sweetly. "You're not going to want to miss this."

Evillustrator gave Abstract one quick scratch under the chin before practically skipping towards his akumatized boyfriend, passing Chat Noir who was tied up by origami rope that he somehow couldn't break through no matter how much he struggled, and on his hands were white gloves with purple stripes, which would prevent him from using his Cataclysm to break free from the rope as the glove would be destroyed first.

The two Akumas met with a loving embrace as if they didn't just make out about a minute ago and shared a quick kiss before turning to their captor whose ankles are shackled to heavy weights. Their scowls were more hateful than her own, but there was just a glint of amusement.

"Last chance, Rossi," Reverser sneered. "Tell the truth on your own free will, or I'll reverse you and make you confess everything you've ever lied about."

The brunette snarled. "I keep telling you, I didn't do anything! It's not my Marinette is so jealous that she had to get you two Akumatized just to go after me!"

The two glanced at each other then back at the liar. "Wrong answer," Reverser said as he created a paper airplane. "Now you're compelled to tell only the truth! REVERSION!"

Lila screamed as the plane it her chest. Evillustrator motioned for Nadja and the cameraman to turn to Lila.

"Let's start from the beginning. Are you friends with Ladybug?" Reverser asked.

"Yyyee- NO!" Lila yelled, clearly against her will. "In fact, I hate her! I want that wannabe hero dead! She ruined my chances with Adrien, so she needs to pay!"

The citizens who weren't turned into mindless paint zombies watched the live feed with utter disgust from the comfort of their homes.

Once over his own shock, Evillustrator asked, "What do you mean 'pay'?"

"When that fencer chick got Akumatized, I made a deal with her! I told her I'd give up Adrien if she killed Ladybug, and it almost worked! She must be an idiot if she thinks I'll give up what's rightfully mine!"

Chat Noir felt himself about to throw up.

She continued. "Ever since that day, I've been working with Hawkmoth to finally get rid of that stupid bug!"

Not too far away, The Akuma class students were screaming into their pillows, angry at themselves for actually believing Lila was the good person she said she was.

"And what about the celebrities, royals, and socialites you've met?"

"I've ne-never met any of them! I never saved Jagged Stone's cat because he doesn't even own one! I can't dance to save my own ass so why would I be teaching Clair what's-her-face how to dance! And why would someone like Prince Ali work with sick children of all people?! Seems like a waste of his power, really."

If one were to listen closely, they'd hear the high-pitched scream of one Rose Lavillant.

It was a never-ending confession. Reverser and Evillustrator asked her more questions, and with each one, she was forced to give an honest answer. Her mom is not a diplomat but in fact the secretary to one; she's never given even a penny to charity but has instead asked for large amounts of money to give to charity when really, she's pocketing all of it for herself; the only reason she modeling is because it's her payment for spying on Adrien and reporting back to Gabriel Agreste, giving false information about his friends so the blonde will only have her in his life; and along with Marinette, she's bullied countless other kids at her old schools by making it seem like they were the ones bullying her which ruined their social lives and even caused a few to take their own lives when their classmates' ideas of vengeance became too much for them.

While the citizens were tempted to run out of their homes with whatever weapons they could find, they opted to wait until Ladybug cast her Miracle Cure and get rid of the paint zombies created by the sentimonster and then go after that wretched girl when it was safe.

"... Wow," Reverser said after a moment of silence when Lila finally finished confessing to every one of her crimes. "Well, in light of everything, it'd be much too dangerous to let Hawkmoth's accomplice run around, wouldn't in, Evie?"

Lila paled as Evillustrator nodded in agreement. "Terrorism, charity fraud, frameup, playing a part in poor innocent teenagers' suicides all just to keep her lies in the dark," he listed. "You're right, love. Besides, I think Abstract could use a little chew toy." Hearing that, the Sentimonster scampered over to them like a domestic dog. "Abstract." He smirked. "Go play."

Abstract's eyes locked on Lila. They snarled, multicolored teeth bared as red paint dripped from their mouth. Lila gulped and tried to move, but she didn't exactly have a lot of places to go, and she was still chained up. So she did the only thing she could do when Abstract ran towards her... She screamed.

The Akumas savored this moment until they heard a familiar sound. Before their eyes, Abstract's legs were tied up by Ladybug's YoYo so they couldn't move.

"Abstract!" Evillustrator cried and ran to the sentimonster's aid.

Reverser scowled. "Show yourself, Ladybug!" He demanded.

"What happened to our deal?" She questioned, startling Reverser a bit as she appeared right behind her.

The monochrome villain scoffed. "Please. Like you'd give up your Miraculous to help someone like Rossi."

"... Hm. Smart," she commended. "But, I've got a new deal for you two. Specifically you, Reverser.

"And what might that be?"

"Oh, to just... Think fast!" From behind her back, whe shipped out the lucky charm water balloon and chucked it at Reverser, prompting him to quickly move out of the way do the water wouldn't touch his paper body.

Reverser took a few breaths to calm himself down before turning to Ladybug with a scowl. "That was your deal?! Well, it didn't work!"

"Didn't it?!"

Evillustrator looked around, confused. "Who said that?"

The small puddle of water next to Reverser began to bubble and move around a bit, much to his alarm. "What's going- Aah!" He fell to the floor, no longer able to stand as one of his feet have been disintegrated. He looked back and saw a single arm made of the water from the balloon about to swipe at his other foot.

"Don't even think about it!" Yelled Evillustrator as he was about to draw something on his tablet, only for his pen to be smacked out of his hand. To his alarm, Dragonix's one-armed form made entirely out of water stood before him. She tossed the pen over to Ladybug before snatching a button pinned to Evillustrator's beret and throwing it to the ground, breaking it and releasing the Amok.

"No more evil-doing for you two. Time to de-evilize!" Ladybug swung her YoYo and captured the Akuma and Amok in it. "Gotcha!" Then she released them.

Dragonix reverted back to her physical form and handed Ladybug the Lucky Charm. "You're gonna need this, Ladybug."

"Thanks," she said before tossing it into the air. "MIRACULOUS LADYBUG!" The balloon burst into thousands of magic ladybugs and flew across Paris. The paint zombies reverted back to normal civilians, Reverser's origami creations and Evillustrator's drawing disappeared, and everything destroyed during the battle was fixed like nothing bad happened. Finally, Abstract disappeared in a flurry of black and blue smoke and the Akumatized forms of Evillustrator and Reverser washed away to reveal Nathaniel and Marc.

Free from her restraints, Lila stormed over to Ladybug, intending to slap her for not getting here sooner. But before she could get close, Dragonix grabbed her wrist and twisted it until she heard a loud crack.

"Jesus!" Chat Noir cringed.

Dragonix merely shrugged and released Lila, letting her fall to the ground and cry out in pain. "Hey, no one's gonna care since she's working with Hawkmoth. And this is mercy compared to what everyone's going to do to her when we get her back down."

"Speaking of," Chat Noir piped up, turning to Marc and Nathaniel. "What did she do to you guys?"

"Oh, she only assaulted Marc in the locker room, tore up my sketchbook when I caught her in the act, and threatened to lie and tell everyone that we were the ones who attacked her just because we knew she was lying!" Nathaniel vented.

Ladybug looked aghast, and she was now just noticing the scratches on Marc's face. "I guess we can add assault and destruction of property to her list of charges, too."

"WHAT?!" Lila screeched as she held her broken wrist. "YOU CAN'T CHARGE ME!"

"Don't think you're getting of scot-free, Lila," Ladybug smirked. "Reverser and Evillustrator had Nadja Chamack and her cameraman film your confession live for everyone in Paris to see."

Lila glanced over and saw that Nadja Chamack and a cameraman were in fact there and still recording. For once, Lila had no words. There were no lies she could say to get herself out of this mess. She was done.

"Nath! Marc!" Alix screamed as she barreled into Marc and Nathaniel, tackling them into a bone crushing hug when she met them at the bottom of the famous landmark. "God, I thought you two were goners!"

Nathaniel chuckled as he wrapped his arms around the shorter girl. "Hey, Alix. We're fine."

"I'm not yet," Marc muttered.

Alix frowned. "What's wrong?"

Not too far away, a police siren was heard. The three of them looked to see Roger Raincomprix driving away with Lila in the back seat. The brunette was kicking and screaming to the top of her lungs, almost like a banshee if not worse.

Marc smiled. "Now I'm fine."

"I still can't believe we got saved by a new hero!" Nathaniel exclaimed excitedly. "She looked so cool!" As he and Marc gushed over Dragonix, Alix couldn't help but blush.

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