Mated to My Bestfriend's Boyf...

By IceQueen1994

382K 7.5K 530

EMMA RUBY FOREST. You know the perfect girl, with blonde hair, blue eyes, who is desired by almost every guy... More

Copyright & Info.(dont ignore the bold parts its imp)
1. Meanie
2. His mate
3. Moving Away
5. Cold
6. Alone.
7.Forever her's.
8. But we didn't Kiss.
9. Surprise
10. Definitely 11
11. Jealous
12. Daydreams
ANNOUNCEMENT (not a chapter, don't skip)
13. My Ethan
14. The Bonfire
15. Only with Him.
16. Boss up.
17. Mr. Not So Innocent.
18. My Bestfriend.
19. I am the Alpha.
20. Give him some rest.
21. Confession
22. Heaven
23. Autumn
24. Rose pt.1
25. A Myth
26. Rose pt.2
27. Complete Me.
28. Together.
29. Remove your shirt
30. Soulmates
31. Euphoria
32. Red Velvet Cake
33. The Alisberg Lake
34. Donovan.
35. I got you
36. What if they think I'm different?
37. I am okay.
38. They're newly mated.
39. The Golden Wolf
40. Be my Luna?
42. Oops?
43. It's Time.
44. Luna And Alpha
45. Saviour
46. Looks like she won
47. The Sun & The Moon
48. New Normal
49. Roommate and Threats
50. Disagreementd
51. Lonely
52. Midnight
53. We're Pregnant
54. One Wrong Move
55. It's over.

41. Our Home

2.4K 71 0
By IceQueen1994

Song of the chapter:- Invisible String by Taylor Swift

The cold wind blew against my skin as I stood alone in the empty training ground waiting for Alister as I was a bit early. This morning Ethan didn't want me to go, one because he was worried after what happened last night and two he said and I quote 'I am too comfortable to let you go' but I managed to get out of bed after bribing him with some kisses and assuring him that I'd be alright and I needed to tell Alister about what happened anyway because right now he was the only expert we had about these magical things.

"Morning, my favourite wolf", Alister said as he entered the training ground making me roll my eyes.

"Oh please, I'm the only wolf you like", was my reply.

"I like rose", he said as he analysed some swords which did scare me because I never ever tried sword fighting or any other weapons cause usually we fought in our shifted forms, and even when we weren't shifted we used more brute force whereas the guards and warriors used the weapons.

"More like, you love her", I said and regretted it immediately as he froze.

"You haven't told her yet", I realised by his reaction, "you know your secret is safe with me, I won't tell her", I tried to assure him but he just shrugged it off.

"So let's get started", he said literally throwing a small dagger at me but I somehow managed to catch it without hurting myself.

"I, um I've never used any weapons before", I said.

"I know which is why I'm going to teach you", "but I thought you'll teach me how to use my powers", I argued.

"I'll, when you learn to protect yourself I know very well you can fight but you should learn to atleast use one weapon, because what's the point of having powers if you're not able to stay alive", he said before pulling me and putting a knife at my throat. "Now show me what you got", and then the training begun.

I thought I was in a very good shape then I used to be because I trained alot with Jake and the other boys and even here with Ethan, but let me tell you, training with Alister made me realise there was so much more to learn.

He taught me a few tricks with a small dagger, and at the end of the training he had a torn tshirt and I had a small cut on my left hand which wasn't healed because ofcourse the weapons were coated with wolfsbane.

Then I told Alister about last night's events and he decided that he'll have to teach me about my power's sooner than later. We went back to the pack house to find Ethan at the main room as he saw us he ran towards us, and took my left hand into his making me flinch and when he noticed the cut which was almost his he looked furiously at Alister, "what did you do?", He growled.

"Dude back off, I didn't hurt her it just happened mistakenly, I mean we we're training", Alister replied totally offended of being accused of hurting me.

"Hey its okay, it was a mistake now calm down", I saw his eyes soften as his wolf also calmed down, soon after that Alister left and I decided to shower as I was really sweaty.

Hot shower after a tiring day is really refreshing, I felt all my muscles relax under the hot water. I always got dressed in my room because I didn't like getting my clothes getting wet so I after wrapping the towel around me I finally went into the room to find Ethan sitting on our bed with his laptop probably working, my steps flattered as I wasn't expecting him to be here but then we've seen eachother naked before so it wasn't a big deal.

But when he looked up at me, his eyes undressing me from head to toe as if I wasn't already half naked, as he slowly ran his hand through his already messy hair, licking his lower lip his eyes not leaving mine I felt like we we're just newly mated wolves, madly in love which we were but then I realised we were just staring at each other so to break the silence I said, "like what you see?"

"I actually love what I see", he said standing up and putting the laptop aside. This man was wearing sweats and still managed to look like a model, the light entering through the window making his eye look a beautiful honey brown, his messy hair falling over his eyes, his lips slightly parting as we stood there, I don't know if I leaned in or if it was him but when our lips touched I felt sparks fly all around us.

The feeling was indescribable, one of his hand tangling in my hair, while the other was wrapped around my waist pulling me closer if possible. My hand curling around his shirt, as I slightly tugged on his hair which earned me a sexy moan from him.

But then unfortunately he pulled away too soon, and if possible he now looked more dreamy specially when he looked at me with so much love, with such intensity making me weak on my knees.

"We have somewhere to be", he said and wrapped my towel, which almost fell if not for him, around me.

"Where?", I asked eyeing him curiously as his eyes shined with joy making me wonder where we were going.

"Its a surprise", he said and I knew he wasn't going to tell me what it was they way he proudly announced it.

"Anything specific you want me to wear?", I asked as I didn't know where we were going.

"Baby, you know I don't want you to wear anything but just wear something comfy?", He said still checking me out.

"Stop looking at me like you want to eat me or something", I said throwing a pen at him, which he catched, as I went to change.

"But I do wanna eat you", I heard him speak under his breath making me roll my eyes. For always acting like the big bad Alpha he can be pretty dorky sometimes.

When we finally got ready after having dinner, it was already dark as it was winter and days ended earlier, "Do you trust me?", He asked.

"Yes", I said looking at him and then all I saw was dark as he covered my eyes with a piece of cloth.

"We'll have to walk a bit cause the surprise isn't too far but not too close either", he said.

"I'm fine with walking I said", I felt everything around me and my senses were heightened as my eyes were covered plus I knew I was safe as long as Ethan was around.

"What I meant to say is, I'll have to walk a bit, you just gotta hang in there", he said and picked me up.

"I can walk you know", "yes I do know but I like this position better", he replied pulling me closer to his chest and my arms tightened around his neck as I felt his hot breath on my neck.

I felt like I was somehow familiar with my surroundings as he walked towards the surprise. It was a bit cold but not too much, everything around us was quite and peaceful when I heard the sound of water just then he carefully put me down and whispered in my ear, "Are you ready?"

As I nodded he removed uncovered my eyes and as I guessed we were at our place, the small clearing but something looked different.

When I turned around gone was the old, abandoned cabin and now there was a beautiful wooden cabin which looked cosy with some fairy lights around it. When I turned around I saw Ethan looking over at me, "you did this?", I asked.

"Well not all of it, I had alot of help, but yeah", he said nervously looking at me god knows why he was nervous.

"You're crazy", was what came out of my mouth and his eyes widened but then I took a leap of faith and kissed him and he recovered pretty quickly kissing me back deeply.

"So you like it, our home?", He asked when we pulled away and all I could do was nod early while smiling from ear to ear.

And that's when my eyes drifted towards the sky and I noticed a shooting start, and then another, and another and many more. I realised he had planned all of this, the whole thing just for me, and all I could feel was love for this incredible man who gave me much more than I could ever ask for.

"I love you", was my only way of showing him how I felt in that moment and he replied that he loved me more.

Published on:- 29 November, 2021.


I don't even know how to explain how happy i am and how grateful I am for each and everyone of my reader, your views, votes, saving my book in your list and comments means the world to me. So thank you soo much, especially those people who've been there from the start and are still reading and supporting me, I'll forever be grateful for your support.
Take care, spread love.

Love, IceQueen.

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