The Sun Falls , The Moon Rise...

By presnougat

60.7K 1.2K 1.9K

(end) my writing gets better in the newer chapters tbh. More

About Kezio.....
Filler episode time :) part 2
about kezio 2


2.5K 47 39
By presnougat


Kyojuro scrunched his eyes shut. He only opened his eyes when he felt the womman was caress his jaw. The room was now dimly lit . He looked away to see two pales of water and a towel . He hopes to be cleaned . She sees him eye the pales and shuffles towards them and brings it to him. He thought he would finally get cleaned. He thought. Before he could get his hopes high , she started to strip. And soon she was the one bathing. Kyojuro couldn't help but sob.

" Tell me kyo~ , what is it that you want?"

Kyojuro was shocked. Kyo? Only akaza uses that term. And it stays that way. He glared at her before closing his eyes once more. She must have gotten the hint of him disliking that name. So she changed it back to darling. Kyojuro still refuses to respond.

" If you dont tell me what you want , nothing will happen."

Damn right woman. But soon you'll be forced to so. Dont want the room smelling do ya? Rengoku thought. He then heard her leave. He looked around once more , the lights were left on. He felt like he was contained in a big room but with a good look around it seemed small. He could be in a house. Should i scream? Shout? Or will my cries fall on deaf ears. Am i even near and villages? He started to get dizzy. All this white is hurting his eyes. The only other colour he could focus on is his hair strands or the black pants drenched in white waste.

Please find me faster love

"Why would somone kidnap kyojuro?" Akaza asks

" Tourture? Revenge?" Kokoshibu responds

" Who would want revenge? He saves lives for a living!" Mitsuri Exclaims

" Lets all assume the worst and irrational reasons and then remove one reason out one by one until we are left with one most rational reason" Douma Suggests.

" Why are we talking about this again? Shouldn't we be Focused on finding him?" Tanjiro questioned.

" So we can find the target easier! Like if there doing it for revenge , we can target the males! " Douma responds.

" Why only males... Females could too.. Not saying woman dont want revenge but .. You know uh..." Senjuro stutters a retort.

"Wait Tanjiro , you once wrote to me on how you have a keen sense of smell? Could you perhaps .. Smell which gender or .. thing that took my brother?"

Tanjiro agress and starts... Sniffing the house to find any trails of an unfamiliar sent is found. The three demons tells them that they all have the same trait and was soon given permission to scavenge the house. The three didnt pick up anything. Tanjiro states that he had picked up a scent of a female. They all were delighted to get some information on the kidnapper.

" could you maybe.. follow the scent-"

" Senjuro! Im not a dog.. But even so its faint so it had Probably faded once im out of the house. The village is drowned in other smells."

" what if we look around to see if you could pick up the scent again?"

" Look around?"

" Go to other villages maybe , He could be held in the womans house for all we know!"

" But... We could run miles and never find him!"

" We split!"

" But how will we know if the other found Rengoku!"

" We have , BIRDS!!!!"

The demons looked confused but soon was drowned in the information of the crows used to send information to other people. They had a solid plan. A solid lead. A soild team.... But why does Akaza feel hopless all of a sudden? Wasn't he the one running around in search of kyojuro? The one to form a plan with 2 kizuki and people part of the demonslayer corps? A hashira. He felt uneasy. Was it because it was too easy? To the point he feel like it was a dream? Its been a week and everything has been smooth , they even have a running lead. Hes a step closer yet he feels hopless. Why do i suddently feel hopless?

I swear ill find you kyo.

Its been a day since that converstaion.
They all agreed to go split to find Rengoku. They decided that shinjuro should stay to keep an eye on the house and be on the look out for any other information. He also could serve as a stopping point for the crows when they are sent to give information to him and the other groups. Tanjiro and Senjuro head to the east , Mitsuri and Akaza head to the south. Douma head to the north and Kokoshibu was headed to the west. Mitsuri informed the corps that she and Tanjiro will be headed to a village in search if something and both took a leave until further notice. No one had any suspicion and no one asked why. They both are now free from disturbance from the corps. They decided that there whereabouts will be unknown and their entaglement with demons will be kept to them.

Demons are demons. They need to eat. So they agreed that when they go hungry , they would by food from a blood donation area. There path consists of many villages so they are able to Access blood easily. Douma and Kokoshibu were given money from Mitsuri . Alot of trust in this matter was held. Tanjiro stated that he is able to smell if they had eaten a person so they cannot escape from thier broken promises.

They all had parted ways. There journey has begun.

Day 1 has started-


Omg a truce!!!! Twitter / insta @Presnougat !!!!

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