Animal Attraction 2

By thatkidbex

115K 4.6K 2.6K

In this sequel Niall and Harry have more to overcome in their blossoming relationship. Louis and Zayn are sti... More

Animal Attraction 2
Before We Start the Party...
1 - Another Breed of Cat
2 - Shades of Cool
3 - I Wanna Take You There
4 - R U Mine?
6 - High Voltage When We Kiss
7 - Like Real People Do
8 - Nobody Does it Like You Do

5 - I'll Be Your Thrill

10.3K 434 248
By thatkidbex

(Niall Breslin in the multimedia)

"Where are you going?" Niall asks sleepily, rubbing his tired eyes.

The blonde has just been woken from his afternoon nap by the sound of Harry getting dressed. The tall lad has already slipped on a pair of faded black jeans and plaid shirt. He's throwing on a cream colored knit sweater over the ensemble when he hears Niall.

"Hey there, lovey." Harry smiles, sitting on the edge of the bed.

Niall crawls over, sprawling over Harry's lap tiredly. The blonde is all cream skin and softness in nothing but loose black trackies. Harry licks his lips and smiles as he sneaks a hand into his love's hair and scratches gently at his scalp.

"Where are you going? Can I go too?" Niall asks, his eyes shut as Harry continues his actions.

Harry sighs, his long fingers running through the blue eyed boy's wild bed hair. "Sorry, 'm afraid not, kitten."

"Why?" Niall questions, bright eyes on Harry, waiting for an answer.

"I'm going on a job interview of sorts." Harry explains as Niall sits up.

Harry's eyes trail along the blonde's sleepy face, his cheeks pinked from sleep and eyes still a bit puffy. It's adorable the way the smaller boy rubs at his eye with the back of his hand. Just like a kitten, Harry thinks.

"Is a interview good?"

"It could be." Harry hums as he reaches under the bed for his boots and easily pulls them on.

Harry could hear rustling beside him as he adjusts the hem of his pants over his boots.

"I'll miss you." Niall says softly from under the white bedsheets behind Harry.

"Kitten, don't do that." The older boy groans. "I know this is usually our special day to spend time but this is important."

The blonde is still hidden underneath the sheet and Harry couldn't feel any more ridiculous talking to a blanket.

Harry tugs at the corner of the blanket and burrows his way underneath with Niall. It's then that Niall opens his eyes to see Harry above him, holding himself up with the sheet draping over him, sunlight seeping through the bedsheets beautifully. Harry's hair hangs down ridiculously and Niall wants so badly to stay beneath the sheets with Harry forever. Or at least until he gets hungry.

"You know I'd never leave you if it wasn't something important right? I love you too much. Now give me a kiss and wish me luck." Harry pleads, green eyes so sincere that Niall can only nod sadly.

The blonde obliges and gives Harry a little peck on the lips. "I wish for luck for you."

"I'll be back so fast you won't have time to miss me, yeah?" Harry promises, dipping down to run his nose along Niall's jaw.

"Okay. Don't take a long time." Niall squirms as goosebumps rise on his skin. He reaches his hand up to the necklace around his neck and takes his gold disc in his hand like he's taken to doing lately.

"I won't. I'll take my ring with me. I've got an idea." Harry grins.

The green eyed lad opens the bedside drawer, rifling through its contents until he finds what he's looking for beneath all the cat toys and rubbish. He fishes out his old paper plane necklace he hasn't seen in ages.

Harry picks the ring from off the night stand and slips it onto the chain of his paper plane necklace. The look on Niall's face when the ring slides next to the plane with a soft clink is so sweet, Harry tilts the boy's chin up to place one more full kiss on the lad's lips before he needs to leave.


Zayn is oddly quiet today, Niall notices. He's very solemn as they go about Niall's new lesson. They're reviewing tenses with verbs after they've discussed how far along Niall is with his first novel but Zayn isn't his usual self.

Normally Niall would get smiles and praise for doing so well but Zayn looks a bit put out.

Zayn's hair is flat and his stubble is taking over the bottom half of his face. Even Niall knows that Louis would've pestered Zayn to trim it.

"That's all for today." Zayn declares abruptly.

"No homework?" Niall asks as he closes the spiral notebook on his lap and tucks the pencil into the spiral part.

"Um, nah. Not today." Zayn shakes his head as he looks anywhere but Niall.

"Are you okay?" Niall scoots closer to Zayn on the couch.

"Am I hm...? 'm just sleepy. Gonna nip off for a kip." Zayn mumbles as he ambles off to his bedroom, quietly closing the door after himself.

Niall is left a bit confused on the couch. Normally his lesson goes on for longer. More often than not, he's busy with something. At the moment, Niall has no idea what to do with himself.

He busies himself with cleaning up the mess of books and papers on the coffee table, stacking them up neatly. He then skips off to the kitchen to fix himself a chicken salad sandwich. When he's scarfed that down, Niall settles for watching a bit of telly.

It takes only five minutes for Niall to lose interest and find something else to occupy his time.

The blonde carefully makes his way onto the balcony, sitting on the loveseat swing. He remembers nights cuddled up with Harry in this spot. He was smaller, furrier, and it feels like another life altogether.

Niall's a simple creature, really. He doesn't often think of the past or worry about the future. What does plague him at times are the thoughts about whether he's meant to be here. Whether he's truly meant for this life.

He doesn't like such serious thoughts, rarely entertains them. He's happy. And Harry's happy. That's all that really concerns him.

At the moment, he just doesn't like that Harry's barely been gone an hour and Niall's bored out of his mind.

The blonde gets up from the swing and peers over the balcony's ledge. He recalls nearly falling over it once but that was a long time ago. He shudders and pushes the memory away.

From up here he can see the street. It's not a busy main street but there are plenty of shops littering the block. He watches people of all shapes and sizes, bundled up warmly, just strolling down the curb.

The sky is overcast and gray, yet you can sort of see the sun struggling to make itself known beyond the masking clouds.

He's thinking of a way of sneaking Zayn's MacBook out of his room and watching YouTube videos when suddenly he can hear the jangling of keys coming from the front door and Niall is sprinting to it immediately.

"Someone's excited to see me." Louis laughs as he shivers from the cold, stepping into the warm flat.

"Hi, Louis." Niall says, somewhat deflated.

"What's the matter? What's got your whiskers in a twist?" Louis questions as he ruffles through his satchel for an envelope.

"My whiskers are not twisted. I'm waiting for Harry." Niall tells him as he watches Louis curiously.

"Ah, of course. Is Zayn around? Wanted to drop something off for him since he buggered off last night last minute."

The puzzled look on Niall's face has Louis both amused and confused.

"Is he home?" Louis simplifies the question.

"Is sleeping."

"Then just give 'im this card for me. I gotta get back to school....walk me out? I wanna ask you something."

Niall nods as he follows Louis out the door.

"Has Zayn said anything lately? He's been kind of weird." Louis asks as they make their way down the hall and into the elevator.

"Zayn is being weird." Niall agrees.

"Does he say why?" Louis presses as he hits the button for the lobby.

"Says he is sleepy but I don't think so." Niall replies haughtily.

The elevator doors open smoothly and Louis can only sigh as they walk towards the glass doors.

"Me neither, bud. See you soon."

With that, Louis skips out of the front lobby and disappears down the block. Niall exhaled loudly, knowing he's bound to be bored in the flat once more and trudges back to the elevator.

He steps inside and lets the chrome doors shut. Seconds later the doors reopen to reveal the lobby once more. Niall confusedly pops his head out the elevator.

"You've got to choose a floor, son." Mr. Hadley, an elderly man who lives a floor above them, calls from the mailboxes.

"I-I know. I forget sometimes." Niall blushes furiously.

Just as he reaches for the button of his floor, a hulking figure steps inside beside him.

"Room for one more, I hope."

Niall peers at the person beside him. Of course it's the other Niall. He smiles politely and watches at the other Niall presses their floor button. The elevator doors slide shut and silence descends as Niall keeps his hands folded behind his back.

He's sort of waiting for it, waiting for his neighbor to initiate some sort of small talk. It's always easier when people make the first move to speak to him. If it were up to him he'd always bring up Harry or the fact that he's just mastered his times tables in conversation.

Before he knows it, the familiar elevator ding sounds and the doors are sliding open revealing their floor.

"After you." The other Niall gestures for Niall to step out first.

"After I what?" The blonde blinks.

The other Niall smiles and shakes his head.

Just as Niall begins to step out the elevator, the doors begin closing again. The blonde yelps anticipating getting smushed by the twin doors but he looks back to see the other Niall's hand holding the doors open, the man's bicep even bigger than Liam's.

"Go on then. Unless you'd like another ride in the lift?" The other Niall nods to the hallway.

Niall scrambles out not knowing why he's suddenly lost his wits about him. He tries not to think about the tall figure in line with his steps behind him as he reaches the flat.

He makes to open the door but it doesn't budge. He shakes the handle once more but it doesn't give. The blonde huffs and tentatively knocks on the door. "Zayn, it's me, Niall. Can you open please?" He says through the door.

He knocks two more times in hopes Zayn will hear but nothing happens. Niall places his forehead against the door, slumping against it. Why won't Zayn let him in?

Niall doesn't even realize what he's doing when the frustration takes over and he's yowling and meowing loudly on the doorstep obnoxiously. "Mrooooow!"

"Forgot your key, then?"

Startled, Niall looks over his shoulder to the other Niall who's come out probably to tell him to the hell up, he assumes. It's without question that his face is beyond red. He'd unconsciously slipped into cat mode for a few seconds.

"Yes. And Zayn is sleeping and Harry is at the interview and Louis-" Niall begins, on the verge of tears from embarrassment alone.

"I'd offer to let you borrow me phone but I don't own one. Yer welcome 'ta wait inside though." The other Niall offers.

The blonde's eyes widen. He isn't very knowledgeable when it comes to the decorum of meeting new people or accepting invitations from said new people, but something tells Niall that he shouldn't enter someone else's home without one of the lads knowing.

The other Niall sighs. "Look I'll leave 'de door wide open."

The blonde looks over the tall man's shoulder into the flat. It looks innocent enough with sparse furniture and a nice sized television.

"Okay." The blonde relents, making sure the older man keeps his word and leaves the front door open.

Niall gingerly steps into the flat taking in his new surroundings. It's slightly smaller than his own home. There's one large gray couch, a beat up coffee table and a large flat screen hanging on the wall. He's got the window shades open letting natural light into the flat.
"You can sit 'yerself down if 'ya like." The other Niall chuckles.

Niall eases himself down on the couch, eyes wandering around the flat.

The other Niall sits on the opposite end, magically producing his guitar.

"Ya don't mind, do ya?" The other Niall questions, giving the guitar a steady thrum to test out the strings.

Niall's eyes dilate in fascination. He's seen a guitar before, seen someone play one but never in person. The other Niall easily slips into a song, one Niall doesn't recognize and it's so mesmerizing. The blonde watches the way the older man's fingers glide along the strings so confidently and easily as if his fingers were the ones that have written the notes of the song.

It's the next song that has Niall's nearly jumping off the couch in excitement.

"Harry likes that song!"

"Oh yeh? One which of them lads is Harry?"

"My boyfriend." Niall answers proudly.

"Which one was he?"

"He is tall and has green eyes and long hair-"

"Ah, the young Mick Jagger."

"What is that...?" Niall wonders as he tugs on the sleeve of his dark blue sweater.

"Shite! Are you jokin'? The Rolling Stones?"

"I'm not making jokes?" The blonde shakes his head.

"Ya got an Irish accent but I've yet to hear a single Irish thing from ya." The other Niall narrows his eyes suspiciously.

"Zayn says it is because he taught me and is from English."

" yeh mean England?"

"I said that."

"Can't quite put a finger on you, mate."

Niall frowns. He only wants Harry's fingers on him.

The blonde drifts his attention to the tv where The Avengers is playing. He's watching Loki making the humans kneel before him.

"Bit of a cunt that Loki, eh?"

"What's a cunt?"

"Niall how old are you?" The other Niall laughs as he tunes the guitar.

"I think 18." Niall shrugs.

"You are one the oddest lad I've eva' met."


"Just call me by me last name, yeh? Breslin. Think we might get confused if we both go by Niall."

"Breslin, how do you learn to play the guitar? Do you have to go to school?"

"There are many ways 'ta learn. Some folks teach themselves." Breslin shrugs. "You want 'ta learn?"

"I don't know."

"Ya like music?"

The blonde nods.

"Hm, so's 'm here between mornin' to noon if ya ever feel up to learning." Breslin offers as he begins a new melody on the guitar.

"That is if yer boyfriend doesn't mind." He adds.

Niall frowns. "Harry is nice."

"To you, maybe. Not sure if he's fond of me. The other one, the small one with the blue eyes-"


"He's a friendly lad."

"Louis is funny and he knows all about sex and-"

It's mid-ramble that Niall hears a familiar voice call his name from the hallway. The blonde peers through the open door to see Liam and Norah standing there, perplexed to say the least.

"Hi Liam!" Niall calls from the couch.

"Oy, Niall? Wha're doing in there?" Liam asks, clearly bewildered by the situation.

"Zayn will not let me in!" Niall chokes out feeling as if he's done something wrong.

"He's been locked out for a good half hour now. Was out there meowing like a bloomin' cat." Breslin chimes in with a quick strum of his guitar.

Niall flushes a deep red.

"Hey, I've seen you before. You play down at the café on Ashwin street." Norah leans on the doorway, recognition dawning on her.

"Nialler, can we chat over here, mate?" Liam clears his throat.

"That's Liam. He's my best friend too." Niall tells Breslin earnestly.

Niall gets up and skips towards the hall with Liam while Norah and Breslin begin to small talk amongst themselves.

"Niall....what were you doing in there?" Liam asks lowly, concern on his features.

Niall lets out a huge sigh in exasperation and explains what happend all the way from his lesson with Zayn, to Breslin talking about music.

"What is rolling stone? Who is Mack Jigger?"

"The Rolling stones are a rock band. Mick Jagger is the lead singer. Why didn't you ring somebody? Don't you memorize Harry's number?" Liam pushes.

"Breslin doesn't have a phone."

"We need to have a talk about this. Let's go inside." Liam steps toward the opposite apartment.

Niall watches as Liam reaches a hand up over the door frame, feeling around for something specific.

"Here it is." Liam grins, pulling down a single brass key.

"Why did nobody tell me the key was there?" Niall wails in frustration.

"Because you live with barmy idiots." Liam mutters mostly to himself as he begins to open the door.

"Harry's not a barmy idiot." The blonde huffs.

"So Zayn is?" Liam smiles.

"Not Zayn, too." Niall sniffs.

Just as they're entering the flat, Norah trails after them, hiking her bookbag over her shoulder.

"I need to get going. I have a study group in twenty."

"Are we still on for tonight?" Liam asks, placing a hand tenderly on the side of her neck.

"Yes I'll ring you. Bye, love. Goodbye Niall!" Norah calls to them both.

Niall casts his eyes downwards and ignores the farewell.

Liam and Norah share a quick kiss just as she leaves then once again, his attention is reverted to Niall.

"What was that? Do you not like Norah?"

"We never see you, Liam! Louis says it's because of it...that...Norah." Niall sniffs.

"If you never see me, it's my own fault. It's bad etiquette being rude to someone being polite to you, Niall." Liam explains, firmly.

Niall all but wilts like a sad flower. He's disappointed Liam. He isn't sure what etiquette is or if he has any but he doesn't like Liam being upset with him.

"Zayn! Wake up, mate!" Liam bangs on Zayn's bedroom door none too gently.

"Shut up, would you?" Zayn pops his head out, eyes squinted from sleep.

"You left Niall locked out, you twat. I found him in the dodgy man's flat across the hall!" Liam snaps as he slips off his beanie and whacks Zayn in the face with it.

"Why didn't you knock, Nialler?" Zayn rasps, an irritated scowl on his face.

"I did! A lot of times! I said please!" Niall defends himself.

"Must've slept through it." Zayn shrugs and brushes past Liam and Niall, heading towards the kitchen.

"You idiot." Liam mumbles.

"I'm hungry." Niall announces as his tummy rumbles.

"Did I hear someone say they're hungry?" A musical voice sounds from the front door.

"Harry!" Niall cheers, leaping at the tall boy, winding his arms around his neck and hanging off him.

"Hi baby. Told you I'd be back before you missed me. Brought you some lunch too." Harry says motioning to the brown paper bag he's carrying.

It's quiet for a moment when Harry notices Zayn and Liam and the uneasy atmosphere.

"What? Why's everyone look so tense?" Harry asks, placing the food on the kitchen counter.

Zayn looks broody as he picks at a bowl of trail mix.

"I'm not telling him." Liam crosses his arms.

"Telling me what?" Harry frowns.

"Why don't you ask your neighbor across the hall?" Liam suggests.

"Hate that guy. What's he got to do with anything?" Harry hugs Niall tightly and sways him side to side sweetly.

"Have you heard anything from Louis?" Zayn asks Liam instead.

"Yeah, obviously. We live together?" Liam answers as he begins tapping away on his phone.

"What was he doing when he said he'd be at football practice on Valentine's day?"

Niall and Harry stare from Liam to Zayn. If Harry thought there was tension before, he wasn't mistaken. This right here feels like palpable tension. What happened in the hour and a half Harry'd been gone?

"What? I-okay, this is something you need to take up with your boyfriend. Not me." Liam finally replies awkwardly.

"Then you know, huh?" Zayn accuses, his steely gaze locked on Liam across the living room even though Zayn's in the kitchen.

"I want to know." Niall steps in.

"Kitty, shhh." Harry hushes.

"I'm gonna give 'em one chance to tell me himself what the fuck's going on." Zayn says lowly before moving past everyone towards his bedroom once more.

"What the fuck's going on?" Niall parrots.

"He curses now?" Liam's eyebrows shoot up.

"He was just repeating Zayn. What was that all about anyway?" Harry questions, pulling Niall to the couch while Liam sits on the arm of the couch.

"Oh, with Louis? He just-"

"No, about why everyone looked tense when I came in." Harry shakes his head scarf off and frees his hair.

"Niall can tell you. I'll leave you to it then." Liam chuckles, making a hasty exit.

Seconds later, Zayn is leaving his bedroom, dressed and looking to kill.

It's then that Niall remembers a certain card Louis had dropped off.

"Zayn! Louis told me to tell you that card is for you." Niall babbles as he grabs the pink envelope from the coffee table and hands it to a disinterested Zayn.

"Thanks. I'll be back later."

Harry raises his eyebrows and Niall shrugs.

"You look cute today." Harry hauls the smaller boy back into his lap.

Niall doesn't feel any cuter than usual. He's got a dark blue sweater on and black basketball shorts that Harry's seen him in countless times.

"You too."

If anything, Harry looks like a dream, Niall thinks. The others may not see it but Niall does. The softness of Harry's mossy green eyes, the impossible pink of his lips, and that come hither smile that breaks hearts and puts them together again.

Niall knows he's been been staring at his boyfriend's mouth too long when Harry slots his lips with his for a long kiss. It takes the blonde by surprise the way he's being snogged so fiercely but he isn't complaining one bit. Especially not when Harry has one hand on the back of his neck and the other wrapped around his waist, lowering him back on the couch.

Niall should really do something with his own arms, he thinks, instead of just letting them hang about uselessly.

"So beautiful, you are, love." Harry murmurs mid-kiss to let Niall breathe.

"I miss-....missing....missed you." Niall breathes as Harry kisses at his throat where his pulse his going wild.

"Not as much as I missed you. You hungry?"

In a few hours Niall and Harry have eaten, showered, and dressed. It's just after eight when Harry is sitting with Niall in the living room telling him what happend when he went out.

Harry is speaking too quickly and excitedly for Niall to follow but the gist of the ordeal is that Harry has an upcoming job interview that'll be the real deal.

"Like, I wouldn't be on the radio. I'd be an assistant of sorts I think? Pretty sure I'd be working for Nick-"

"Nick Jonas?" Niall's eyes widen comically.

Harry laughs and shakes his head, his grin shining brightly at the confused boy in his lap.

"No, babe, Nick Grimshaw. I'm gonna have to wear something really nice and it's gonna be in that tall building we always pass on the way to Nandos."

Niall begins toying with Harry's necklace as he speaks. He tries to pay attention to what Harry's saying but he's lost track of the conversation. Somehow the older boy is naming names of people Niall's never heard of before.

The blonde latches onto Harry's bottom lip and Harry slurs his words but keeps rambling nonetheless.


"Someone wants attention. Think I'll let you go so you can learn a thing or two about patience." Harry teases, making to push Niall away.

"No, Harry!' Niall clings onto his sweater, burying his face into the talk lad's neck.

"You silly little thing." Harry tuts but kisses him anyway.

Zayn hasn't come home and Louis is bursting through the door uninvited, a look of exasperation on his face as he plops down on the couch beside the snogging couple. He flings his backpack on the floor carelessly.

"You two are so rude." Louis murmurs as he picks up the remote from the coffee table and switches the channel.

"Zayn isn't here." Harry says matter of factly.

"I figured. You know why he's being tosser lately?"

"Zayn's being a tosser?"

"Won't answer the phone. If he's gonna fuck off like that, I'd appreciate some kind of memo." Louis sasses, picking at his nails.

"Did something happen with you guys?" Harry sits up a bit with Niall straddling him.

"I don't know. He blew me off on Valentine's day!" Louis whines, flipping through channel after channel on the telly.

"That's weird." Harry comments.

"I know. Avengers is on, sick." Louis grabs a pillow and hugs it as he settles into the couch.

The movie is at the exact same part it was when Niall had been at Bressie's flat, when Loki is making the humans bow down to him, and without meaning to he blurts out,"a bit of cunt, that Loki."

Louis cackles.

"Louis!" Harry scolds.

"What? You think that was me? God. I didn't teach him that but 'm sorta sad I didn't." Louis chuckles as his laughter dies down.

"Breslin said it." Niall admits.

"Breslin from across the hall? The Irish strike again!" Louis waves his fist in the air enthusiastically enough to annoy Harry.

"I get stuck outside and Zayn is sleeping and wouldn't open and I went to Breslin's and Liam opened the door."

Louis hides his smirk because Harry looks so pissed. Like you could fry an egg on his forehead.

"Niall, what the hell-" Harry begins but stops when Niall's baby blue eyes widen.

"You aren't supposed to-fuck. I mean, there's a bloody spare key above the door frame."

"Did you tell him that?" Louis narrows his eyes.

"No!" Niall copies Louis' accusing look at Harry.

"Well I didn't think the situation would come up." Harry says in frustration, grabbing Niall by the hips and lifting the boy off him easily.

"Who cares? Brez is a cool bloke." Louis defends, ruffling Niall's hair.

"Brez? Do you talk to him?" Harry stands up and paces the living room.

"Oh, we chit chat." Louis replies nonchalantly.

"Did he do anything to you?" Harry comes down to kneel of front of Niall.

"No? He leave the door open. That's how Liam found me."

"Well thank God for Liam." Harry grumbles. "Baby, why didn't you call me?"

"With his imaginary fucking telephone?" Louis snorts.

"I'm one second from throwing you arse-out through a damn window." Harry threatens.

"You don't have the balls." Louis teases.

"Yes he does! He has two!" Niall huffs.

Harry sighs and tries his best to not smile. He bites the inside of his lip and turns his head. He's annoyed by the situation and isn't going to let Niall's cuteness get the best of him.

"I'm sorry." Niall apologizes, tugging at Harry's sweater to get him to look at him.

"Aw, look you knob. You've got cat boy apologizing and he probably doesn't even know why!"

"You really need to-" Harry turns his irritation back to Louis when the he's getting shushed.

"Shhh, I've got a text from Liam that Zayn's at our flat looking for me. Time for me to go."

"Finally." Harry rolls his eyes.

"Contrary to popular belief, the world does not revolve around Niall."

"Yes it does." Niall blinks owlishly.

"You see what you teach him?" Louis shakes his pointed finger at Harry.

"Didn't you say something about leaving?"

"Niall don't apologize when you've done nothing wrong. And please, please, please ask Harry what a cunt is." Louis says as he grabs his loaded backpack off the floor.

"Are you mad with me?" Niall asks.

"How could I possibly be upset with a kitten like you?" Harry answers, placing his chin on Niall's knee.

"You are mad a little bit." Niall accuses.

"Okay, a little bit. You can't trust other people. I know you said that guy didn't do anything to you but someone else might'nt have been as nice." Harry explains.

"But Breslin is nice?"

"No more 'Breslin', Niall." Harry pleads.

The blonde is confused. He doesn't mind Harry telling him what to do but this feels different. Breslin had been very nice and accommodating. He didn't even think Niall was crazy for meowing like cat on his doorstep. That's a good sign in a person, isn't it? Besides Perrie, he hasn't met anyone outside his friend group that he's comfortable enough to speak to. Breslin, although he's an adult, seems like a friend.

Niall decides he needs to talk to Louis about this.

Speaking of Louis, "so...what's a cunt?"

"Nothing you'd care for." Harry answers simply.

Niall nods in understanding. "I don't care for Loki so yes he is a cunt."

A/N: I'm still here folks. I hope by now that everyone is in that stage of acceptance that Zayn isn't going to continue with 1D. The most important thing is that Niall, Harry, Liam and Louis are still here. They don't deserve fans abandoning them when they need our support the most.

With that said, Zayn will always be in my fanfics, the ones I'm currently writing, as well as future ones.

Stay golden. xx

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