A Musician Reincarnated Into...

By Re_pecT

172K 6.9K 2.5K

A famous musician Transmitted into his favorite Novel. A pitiful villain but has a psychotic mental problem... More

☁️Chapter 0☁️
☁ Chapter 1 ☁
🌧 chapter 2 🌧
🌨 chapter 3 🌨
☁ Chapter 4 ☁
🌪 Chapter 6 🌪
🌫 Chapter 7 🌫
🌌 Chapter 8 🌌
Chapter 9
chapter 10
chapter 11
chapter 12
Chapter 13
> ? <
> ? 2 <
> DONT GO! <
> who..are you? <
Friendly Reminder

🌩 Chapter 5 🌩

11.1K 436 115
By Re_pecT


Another beautiful day, just like any other day, Soft clean breeze of wind coming inside the open window, The smell of the scent of a faint rose expressing his hello at the Sleeping Boy laying on the king's size bed.

the sun reflected brightly in the young handsome boy's Palestinian skin, which felt like his new alarm clock, his lashes trembled slightly as he was about to wake up, but he don't want too, because he want to rest more.

He turned around avoiding the Sunlight, Now his breathing was much softer that felt like he was about to go back from his dreamland.

But the young boy's luck was so small that His maid Suddenly burst the door open making him sit up quickly because of the rough noise that surprised him.

He touched his heart because it was beating rapidly, he looked at kate's new business smile, because she knew that her master new changes of personalities, can now make some new friends, she's so excited that she forgets about knocking.

" I'm sorry Your Royal Highness! "She quickly bows, She heard that her master said it was okay, She quickly stood up straight.

" Your Royal Highness, This maid will make you more handsome and even more beautiful! no, your royal highness is already gorgeous no matter what! " she keeps mumbling each word, And Eirwen who just calm down didn't get to listen to her squeaky noises

" It's fine, Kate' it's fine... There's no need. " He warmly smile at her, Even though he's tired eyes were still blinking in a state of half-sleep.

Kate looked much more Evil but in a good way.


The little young boy who is already pretty enough was much more Adorable and look like Sparkling beautifully Youth.

His white silver hair that was neatly brushed does look fluffier that makes you want to pat it all day long, his white lashes that covered his sparkling ruby eyes blinked, His clothing was both comfortable and attractive in the eyes.

He was wearing white long sleeves, Under his collar, it has a dark long Ribbon that was tied neatly, his black shorts that almost reach his knees exposed his pale white smooth leg, with a pair of Black high stockings and small black shoes that were perfectly fit his small feet.

He twirls around in front of the full-length mirror checking his appearance, He is indeed beautiful, Eirwen can't help but sadly smile while staring at his reflection, he wanted to meet the real Eirwen, but now he's living with his body and he already passed away..

He let out a soft sigh of sadness, and shout at his brain " HOW CAN YOU LEAVE ME!!"

Kate noticed her master's sad expression while looking at himself, Does he not like the outfit she ready for him? Or does he not like his newly scented Perfume?

He looks at Kate with a warm smile as he responded " I like this outfit very much Kate, thank you for your hard work"

She calms down, Slowly letting go of all the thoughts she minds a minute ago, As she responded with a smile. " ...Mhm Your welcome Your Royal Highness "


Leaving the room silently while his maid lead him toward the exit, He saw a lot of servants who were lining in the exit with a proud expression some are looking in awe admiring their young master that was walking out.

Before Eirwen takes his exit he waves them goodbye with a warm smile.

The door was then shut close behind him.
He was indeed both nervous and excited Because this would be his first time walking outside ever since he first transmitted into this novel.

He saw a beautiful well-designed carriage and a single butler that was standing beside it, waiting for him.

Eirwen Saw the butler as he remembered him quite well, His name is Richard he is around 26 years old, seeing his well new straightened black butler uniform, You can see his muscle judging from his bodybuild.

His skin was tan and His eyes are like golden like the sun.
Eirwen Past self is shouting, Richard, was his imagined ideal man, he never thought he would meet one in real life.

Richard opened the door of the Carriage and Helped his young master to get inside the carriage, Eirwen thanked him and he just responded with a handsome smile.

"You're always welcome Your Royal Highness," his voice is both attractive and Deep, Eirwen heart was beating rapidly because of him.

Richard gently closes the door and the carriage started moving away from the household.

This is bad, He is already a mature man, and I'm only a mature man in mind and soul, not in the outside appearance, his outer appearance is only eight years old, How cruel the reality was.

Eirwen was crying in his heart while his expression remained warm and comforting.


He was almost arriving at the Academy, thankfully kate was there so she can lead him to his respectful classroom.

He sighs out of relief, Jing was floating around at Eirwen as He enjoys his little company.

He looked outside the window as he saw a lot of people walking around the streets, houses that are made of wood but still look beautiful and warm.

In the past, he use to live in there. When he was an orphan. His friends that became blurry in his mind, he wondered how are they now. Are they well? Or do they have a job or a hobby.

Many houses and markets they passed by as all the civilians in the town, stared curiously at the young beautiful youth that was silently sitting in the carriage, his appearance can take a person to gasp.

They finally arrived to
The Fantasiá Libertine Academy...

Seeing the academy in his window, it was very huge and It's like it was made of crystals Because it shines very much...

The carriage stopped as Kate gently opened the carriage door revealing a white sparkling Youth that was sitting quietly.

Kids that were walking suddenly stopped on their way to see who it was, the carriage was very beautiful they thought that it was someone of outstanding status, But to their surprise, It was that rascal who likes making some troubles every single day...

The academy was peaceful without him, Because the last time, he cause some huge trouble that made him Grounded.

Now that he's back...

He is now different... And Everyone can see that.

But you can't just judge a person too quickly.
Maybe his just pretending to be quiet and gentle but deep inside his still a rascal.

He walks down at the carriage as he saw various Young schoolers, his long curl whites lashes blinked softly at them while he examined each one of them as under those lashes revealed a shining red Ruby, Everyone was stunned at his new changes.

And also confused too, in a month what did that rascal do to make those changes?

Kate who was proudly leading him inside the Academy, while Eirwen felt needles poking each side, because those students keep on gazing at him while he followed kate from behind, He heard them murmuring from each other while they looked at him.

Eirwen is confused but he doesn't want to make trouble or make more enemies, he just Ignored what their thought about him... he rather wants a very peaceful time without anyone distracting his rest or break.

Gazing the insides of the Academy it became more like a crystal, Everything was shining, everything was screaming rich at him.

He scratches his chin in confusion, Jing who was following him from beside, His blue glowing wings sparkle it leaves some glowing fairy-like dust.

Eirwen suddenly thought that it was like around a month that he hasn't played any instrumentals, which brought tickles on his fingertips and hunger for music and instruments.

He planned to play after the class ends.
And head somewhere very quiet so no one can distract him.

Speaking of which, his both big brother is in this Academy, their probably somewhere around the place but he can't be bothered since he has a lot of things to do, instead of worrying about them, He rather worried about himself having numerous haters and enemies.

And he doesn't like that because the more he has enemies, the less peaceful time he have.


They finally arrived in front of his class, Eirwen knew how bad his reputation was, and he wanted to change it by trying to be invisible as a ghost.

he was both annoyed and Uncomfortable because this is Class A, and why is he acting this way, you asked?

His parents pay for him so he can be put in the high class despite his low knowledge, and stupid he is in the past.

He just sighs out his annoyance, despite that he loves the villain, he just doesn't like his past.
But soon when he realizes his wrongdoing he tried to change it all until he met the heroine that began his Yandere Personality.

His knowledge became sharp and His Cold personality began to get warm but that doesn't change that he killed everyone who get close to the heroine and what she likes except the Crown prince. He did plan to kill him but he can't do it...

he pondered why The past Eirwen hesitated...

And that all remains a mystery and only the real Eirwen can answer that.

He shrugged off that thought Since he's not the real Eirwen, the new Eirwen wants to avoid new troubles and difficulties that give him hard time That includes the Heroine and The characters that involve in his death.

Kate stared at her young master with a worried expression on her face, his face has a slight frown and his anxious about something while thinking, But she knew her master can gain new friends, she hopes it very greatly.

" Your royal highness, there's no need to worry, This slave knows that you can gain new friends today! And You will not be lonely anymore " She smiled warmly at him as He gaze at his maid who keep encouraging him, to not worry about anything, he just let out a soft giggle that warm his maid's heart.

" ...thank you, Kate, you comfort me very much " he replied in a soft tune, the hallway was empty because the students already went to their respective classroom.

His curl white lashes flutter as his cherry lips spread with a soft smile.

But deep in those smile and beautiful sparkly eyes was like, " Why the hell would i gain friends, i dont need anyone "

But he can't tell that to Kate because he was afraid that she would become very sad.

His maid opened the door for him as he went inside the class, his teacher was still not in the room but his entire classmates were now sitting patiently in their chairs.

All of his classmates stared at the troublemaker in front of them, which made them quieter and observed him, but Eirwen could feel their Dark aura.

But some of the classmates observed Eirwen that he did changed a bit. By staring at him being quiet and like cold but not too cold.

He was like a lonely snow petal boy.

Eirwen remembered where he's about to sit because of the most detailed book he read.
; Eirwen's favorite spot was in the last row where no one was beside him, it was near the open window, so he can easily sneak peek outside. Until one kid suddenly showed up and saw how empty the sits in the back were, So he just silently sat beside the troublemaker Eirwen despite he has a bad reputation for having too many troubles. He still sits.

And damn... How can he forget that...
There would be someone would sit beside him today!

He just shakes off the feeling
Eirwen walked near the window while he walk past his classmates, ignoring the whispers and murmuring some stuff about him.

he just quietly sat down at his seat and place his arms on his desk as he rest on it.

He gaze at the window as he saw some calming view, the soft breeze brushing off his White silky smooth hair as his white lashes flickered. His ruby eyes just stared at the window nothing else nothing more.

Everyone was silent for a moment as they gaze at the person sitting quietly without any care about them talking horribly about him not like in the past that he would punch them in the face for speaking harshly about him, even just a slightest. They sneered and thought; maybe the De Lora's family finally disciplined their stupid child.

Then suddenly a loud bang in the door opening startled all the students except Eirwen who was just staring at the window.

His coal straight short hair, with a hint of shine on them, His black eyes that anxiously looking for someone. Now staring at the restless boy on the last row.

Him seeing the restless Eirwen, Soften his beating heart as he quickly goes beside him.

Walking passed all those students who was surprised at him running toward Eirwen and pulled the empty desk and chair beside Him.

Everyone who was confused at his sudden action was just too much shock for them. Who would sit beside a rascal?!
He's even more happy when he sees him?? Who would be happy to see the most troublemaker back again in the academy?

They shake off their feelings of annoyance maybe both of them will become a troublemaker and ignored them as all of them just think as if they were not there in the first place.

Meanwhile, the young black-haired boy who keeps peeking at Eirwen stared endlessly without even blinking.

Eirwen slowly sit back properly as he put his elbow on the desk and use his palm as resting, his ruby eyes then stared at the young boy beside him, who just quickly look away from his gaze.

As if he wasn't staring at him in the first place.

This young boy is Kurt Dan From the Bellingham Household despite his low status, he became a great knight in the future that saves the nation that was in crisis Not only that, the crown prince of the kingdom suddenly choose him as a partner of their war.

Thats when they became a very close colleague. And rise from the top.

'He does have a great future ahead of him' Eirwen thought to himself. Eirwen keeps staring at the young man the more uncomfortable Kurt became.

Why is he staring at me like that?
Did he see me gazing at him?
Or do i have something in my face?

Kurt's mind was in chaos, they almost had an eye contact, mostly this was also his first time being glanced by Eirwen.

He was both happy and Shy at the moment, He knew that Eirwen is a troubling child in the academy but he knew Eirwen would change and Would become a better person one day!

His ears were burning as his cheeks reddened, Eirwen notice it and think, is he having fever?

Eirwen just sighs and Looks away from him.
Ignoring his worried expression.

That continues until the teacher came in and Not bother to welcome Eirwen at the academy, it seems that the teacher was rather not pleased by his Presence and Continues his class until it was break time.


Kurt POV

I let out a soft sigh while placing my hands on my face, I notice something different.

Eirwen seems very Different nowadays...

"...he became even cuter than the last time I saw him last month " I whispered, i just can't help but look at him and think his becoming a bit brighter.

The way he sat quietly at his desk, the way he blinks, and each movement he makes is glittering when he looked at me his ruby eyes seem to shine even more, not like the last time, it was so empty and dead... But now when I look at it, It's like I'm staring at the stars.

It's now a student's break, and when I walked out, it seems like he wanted to spend his time in the class. And eat alone.

He seems very lonely, Even through I keep staring at him, he will throw tantrum and slap me or someone because he doesn't like anyone staring at him.

But... He didnt.

when it's already recess the student would leave the class and go to the cafeteria and eat there enjoying their time with the food they like, and with their close friends or siblings.

And I on the other side, Was sitting patiently at the empty table in the cafeteria hoping for him to come, but how dumb am I? His reputation is so bad he wouldn't absolutely want to come in a crowded places like this.

I stood up as I grabbed my sandwich and put it on my mouth, while chewing them as I went back to the class, expecting to meet him there.

But what would I say to him; hi I'm Kurt Dan! From the Bellingham Household, it's very nice to meet you, your royal highness!... No, it feels like I'm yelling, and he might think I'm very noisy or annoying etc.

As I entered the class expecting to see him but to my surprise there was no one inside, I was confused and begun to look at his desk, it was rather clean, he probably didn't eat his snacks.

Where would he be??...

I keep walking around the school hoping that I get to bump into him.

But to my surprise, I saw a white hair boy that just fell on the ground while holding his cheek, his ruby eyes just stared at the ground not looking at the person who punched him.

My chest was burning in anger as I clenched my palm, I quickly ran at the person and punch him in the face without even thinking, I don't care, I just want to punch him but I know Eirwen would hate or be happy that i suddenly came in to their argument like a third wheeler, but that doesn't matter.

I saw the person who hurt Eirwen fall to the ground with a shocked look on his face, I just shot a glare at him.

As I observed him. He has red flaming eyes and red short hair, with a neat uniform he wore, he was annoyed and he quickly returns to the normal state and quickly glares back at me.

He stood up. His eyes keeps on glaring. But that thing never affect me, Why the hell did he hurt Eirwen!

Eirwen didn't do anything wrong at all, why the hell would he punch him???

He said angrily " Who the hell are you to interfere with our Problems??! "

This is Richardo From the Zenith Household, he is famous because of his Fire Ability... And I heard that he is also one who hate Eirwen...

As I was about to respond, I heard a cold voice, a very familiar voice that quickly sends a chilling snow at my spines... It's Eirwen, and damn his angry!

" Don't interfere with our business, Bellingham... " I turned around to gaze at his eyes... Even though his voice is cold, His eyes say something different.

It seems that his eyes are telling me to go away and let him handle his problems.

But I don't want that, I'm your friend even through We sometimes communicate but that still counts as a friend!

I look at Eirwen's beautiful Palestinian face, which has now a red swollen because of the bas- I mean... young master Richardo who just punched him in the cheek

I was angry... And I hate to see him getting hurt...

But As Eirwen just said...I can't help but look down while clenching my fist tightly...

" Fine..."


The second son of the Bellingham household
Kurt dan Bellingham

The third son of the Zenith household
Richardo Zenith

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