Falling for the Order

By RadioMitty2

934 12 0

You remember burning. Orange flames growing wild as it devours the temple. Your peers and friends laying lif... More

Quick lil Hello
The Map
The Masked
The Deal
The Assistant
The Captain
The Meeting
The Dispatcher
The Traced
The Crawler
The Lieutenant
The Stalker
The Staffs
The Supreme Leader
The Homocide
The Cruel
The Touch
The Moment
The Attempt
The Departure
The City
The Balosar

The General

64 1 0
By RadioMitty2

Another day the same.

Your back throbs from being in the same position for days now. Your arms and legs are still bound in the chair. They could of at least had the decency of giving you a cell.

You haven't seen Kylo since your fight in each other's head. The stormtroopers only come in twice a day. Of a morning they bring you half a cup of practically warm water, a piece of stale bread and some weird slimy green stuff.

Every. Single. Day.

Your stomach pulls and twitches in uncomfortable ways. Wanting to be filled with something other than bread and water.

You're tired. Not being able to sleep very well in the upright position with no room or capability to move your limbs. You could have sworn the restraints felt tighter on you yesterday.

The second time the stormtroopers come in is in the afternoons where they come and torture the living shit out of you.

The very chair beneath you possesses an electroshock conduit. You'd heard of these types of chairs back on Takodana. A method of torture used dating back to the Empire days. And of course, the First Order have one.

Daily, the stormtroopers come and stand around you. You plead to them every time you see their white armour. Begging for them to leave and not do it again. The chair vibrates beneath you. You can feel it. You sense the electricity before it hits you.

It tears your mind apart as they ask you questions. Questions about the map and the resistance's intentions with it. And of course, where it is now. You don't give it up.

By the end of the daily session, your body spasms in the chair. Tired and sore. Muscles aching from contracting due to the electricity.

Waiting twenty-four hours for it to all happen over again. You plead in your head everyday that Maz, Lera or even the Resistance will find you. But as each hour goes past, each day...you're beginning to loose hope.

This afternoon, you hear the heavy footsteps outside your door. Trailing through a corridor outside this room.

You begin to pull at the restraints, like you do every other time. Thinking that maybe today will be the day they will magically break open.

You start pleading before they even open the door. Please not again. How much longer will they need to do his?

You want to cry and scream out but you have no energy to do so. You're positioned, practically lifeless in the chair when the stormtroopers pile in the room.

You watch them enter through hooded eyes. Begging, pleading in your head. Wishing death upon all of them. You even try to call out to the force you once held so close. But it doesn't answer. You knew it wouldn't. You've been shut off from that ability for too long now.

You count three stormtroopers. Same as every other afternoon: But then another three come in. You still. Your brows knitting together. Confused as to why there are so many. Maybe you're just so delirious that you're seeing double.

But then, a blur of black robes enters the room. The mass passes through the stormtroopers and stands in front of them. You trail your eyes up to look into his eyes.

But their hidden. His mask present over his head again.

Not wanting to even think about why he's here, you shut your eyes. Maybe you'll open them again and you'll be back on Takodana. Sitting in the green grass with Lera beside you. Laughing continuously until your stomachs hurt.

You pull an amused smirk. "Come to mind dance with me again?"


"Unbound her."

Your eyes open as much as they can at his words. A groan of delight escapes you. You feel something different in him today. His mind is else where, preoccupied. He's annoyed about something.

Two storm troopers draw toward you, standing on either side of the chair. You watch as they unlock the restraints against your arms and legs. You feel a sense of relief.

Weak and helpless, you get pulled forward. Your body falls and lands heavy on the floor, your legs too strengthless to catch you. Your bones sting from the impact. Your elbows, knees and hip bones surely already bruised.

Beside your head you hear footsteps approach you.

Large, strong hands sweep you up from the floor. You stretch your legs out as much as they're able to keep you balanced.

Kylo holds you up, his hands at your underarms. Your eyes directed at his helmet.

"Can you walk?" He asks, more of a demand.

You huff out of annoyance. "What the hell do you think?" You snap at him.

He squeezes your arms before practically throwing you into his stormtroopers.

"Drag her."

Two sets of hands grip onto you and place a new set of restraints around your wrists tight. Pulling you forward as they walk, your shoes dragging on the ground as they stride out of the interrogation room.

The lights in the corridor take a while to get you'd to. You blink, letting your eyes adjust to the bright glow.

You want to be able to focus on where they're taking you. How many turns left and right. Count how any doors or open rooms you pass. But you simply can't. Your eyes would much prefer to be shut than working information into your brain.

The stormtroopers drag you past rooms upon rooms, doors upon doors. It's only then that you realise you must be located on a ship. Since all you can see out of the few windows you've passed, is noting but the blackness of space. Maybe the Finalizer?

Your 'carriers' come to a halt outside an all black glossy door. You eye the back of Kylo as he steps forward in front of it.

It slides open within seconds. Four of the stormtroopers wait back outside in the corridor. The two troopers on your arms and Kylo the only people entering the room.

The room's large. Shiny black floors and walls to complement the door. To the right of the room, a window is present. Showing off the abyss of a sky.

You're dragged further into room and hurled out of the stormtroopers arms, landing hard on the floor. Your restrained hands barely catch you this time.

In front of you, a man stands in all black behind a large desk. His brows crease. Shock written over his face, caught off guard. His porcelain skin glows in the starlight. His ginger hair combed back out of his face.

He snaps his gaze to Kylo. He's angry.

"Commander Ren," he rounds the desk. "What is this?"

"A prisoner from the Jakku tussle," Kylo's modified voice is monotone.

The man in black shifts on the spot, continuously looking between Kylo and you. He's getting agitated.

"Under who's authority?" He questions.

"My own." Kylo doesn't skip a beat. There's no fighting him on this one. "She possessed the map to Luke Skywalker."


"Yes," You watch as Kylo's mask faces you, slowly. "She no longer has it. We'll soon find out where it is."

You look toward him. Like hell you will.

The redhead casts his gaze to Ren. His cheeks deepening in colour as he holds his hands behind his back. Trying and failing to bury his anger. You're guessing these two don't get along very well.

"Commander, must I remind you of your place." He sneers at Kylo. "Supreme Leader Snoke would dislike your current actions of going behind his back with this."

He points at you, trailing his gaze upon you from ground up.

"Might I suggest informing the Supreme Leader with your newest find, and proceed to going back to taking orders from myself the way it should be."

"You may not." Kylo is deadpan.


"You may not suggest, General."

Oh so this is General Hux. Different to what you thought he would look like.

Kylo stalks towards Hux, broadening his shoulders and widening his stance. We towers over him with all his might. Looking all intimidating.

"I brought her here to notify you that I had taken a prisoner from Jakku. Since you had been asking so frequently why your stormtroopers have been so preoccupied," He pauses, tilting his head to the side. "And now that you know, I will proceed to keep her my prisoner until I see fit."

You feel the heat of anger radiate from Ren from where he stands. He tilts his head to the other side, not breaking his stare away from Hux.

"What do you plan to do with it?" Hux asks, beginning to ease off a little. At least he's smart enough to notice Ren's frustration.

You huff out an annoyed sigh from where you're positioned on the floor. "This 'it' is a 'person'." You snarl throwing daggers Hux's way.

His green eyes find yours. His boots draw towards you until he stands only seconds away. You cast your gaze up to meet his.

He narrows his eyes at you and squats down in front of you. The sly smirk that crawls into his face makes your fucking skin crawl. He ever so slowly reaches out and holds a stand of your hair between his fingers. You pull yourself away from his touch.

"And how will you punish your prisoner for using such an attitude and speaking to me that way?" He asks Kylo while his gaze is on you.

You look over to Kylo, waiting for his answer.

Hux continues. "May I request something that will hurt." He's enjoying too much. Kylo holds his hands behind his back.

"I'll return her to Interrogation Chamber 07 and brutalise her until that attitude of hers disappears or until she gives up the location of the map."

Ren clenches his fist. "Sound fair?"

Hux smirks in front of you. "Sounds perfectly fair Commander."

You hear footsteps draw towards you from behind. Grabbing either side of your arms the stormtroopers drag you back out of the room, Kylo trailing behind.

You pull at their hold, kicking your feet on the ground and screaming in their faces. Fear hesitantly seeps into you. You don't want to go back to the chair, you don't want to be here on this ship.

You hate yourself for being caught. But nothing can change that now.

Your arms and legs being bound back into the chair makes you feel like you never left. Anger pours from you, cursing Kylo and Hux and every fucking white armoured soldier on this fucking ship.

Your cheeks feel hot with rage. You stare at Kylo's mask as he stands before you adjusting his stance.

You hear him breathe.

"Let's begin."

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