No choice (discontinued)

By Anemome_

375 12 21

Izuku Midoriya is happy going to UA, learning to be a hero and making true frievds he's happier than he's eve... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11

Chapter 12

32 2 1
By Anemome_

After what happened at the prison Izuku didnt want to talk anymore.
He had nothing left to say.

He was ashamed.
He had unwillingly aided his his fathers attempt to escape, and he knew what would have happened if he got back on the street.
There was no way he was gonna stop.
He would find Shigaraki and the rest of the league and pick right where he left it, and this time izuku would probably be in danger as well.
He was his son but now he was a traitor...

All might and the other adults overseeing Izuku became more and more concerned as time passed.
Even if it wasn't an interrogation, just a simple talk, he would barely look anyone in the eyes, much less utter a word.
Was he afraid his voice would fail him?
Did he feel like everything he did and said would bring misfortune? Yeah, something like that.

While izuku was spiraling deeper and deeper into depression people begun to discuss Izuku's punishment.

He wouldn't go to prison, that was already decided due to one deciding factor. He was manipulated into doing everything he did.
He'd been alone, and unsafe. He hadnt been given a choice, so although he aided in something bad the blame could only partially be placed on his shoulders.
Izuku wouldn't agree.
But one thing was sure, and that was that izuku was banned from attending UA.
If he wanted to continue his eduction it couldnt be in hero studies, no other school would probably let him do that.

It wasn't a surprise to anyone, but it was still deeply saddening.       

Izuku had known it would be so from the beginning. He'd accepted it as well as he could, but that's as the very well.
It would hurt, probably for a very long time.

UA was the only place he'd belonged.
It had been his home to return to, but now he couldnt return.
Never again.
He'd never see the people that had begun to mean everything to him again. His found family.

He was wrong.
He thought they would hate him, that they'd never want to see his traitorous face again, but he was wrong.


Izuku's head snapped up.
He recognized that voice.

Looking towards the door to the room he'd been staying in, and looking through the glass window there, he saw them.
And then the door opened.

"Midoriya, are you well?"

"Deku, we've missed you! Are you okay?"

"What are-...what are you two doing here, Uraraka? Iida? I dont...understand" he finally spoke, not being able to contain his surprise.

His best friends were in their civilian clothes, standing tall, and smiling.

Smiling at him.

"Why? We wanted to see you" Uraraka pouted, as if she was saddened by him thinking they wouldn't be coming to visit.

They weren't acting right.
This weren't how you treated someone who put you in danger, this would be how you treated a friend that just moved schools and you hadnt seen for a while because of that.

Did they not realize what he had done? They had gotten hurt all because of him.
Because he was selfish.
Because he was a coward.

"Youre confused" iida stated.
He noticed his friends wide and flickering eyes, and the way he moved his mouth as if he wanted to say a thousand things, but couldnt.

"Of course I'm shouldn't be here...not to see me" the surprise in his voice had faded, replaced but sorrow and a burning regret.

He didnt look like the Izuku they remembered, the boy with a big smile and bright eyes.
This Izuku had his unwashed hair falling into his lifeless eyes, casting a shadow on his face set in a permanent frown, even his aura had changed, but they refused to believe that he izuku they had made friends with was a fake, he was just lost, and if they could, they would help him find his way back.

They took a seat in front of Izuku's bed where he was sitting.
"We're not angry at you"

"Why not?!" He yelled, shocking them.
"Why is nobody willing to see that I've become nothing but a villain! I- what i got hurt didn't you?..."

"O-only a little!"

"I wasn't injured at all Midoriya"

"But others were! I saw...i saw Shoji, Tokoyami and Todoroki injured, and i betrayed them instead of helping them" izuku said through clenched teeth as tears began to flow from his eyes.
"I'm no good"

"Thats not true! We've been told everything, everyone has. We know your father forced you to do this"

"He didnt put a knife to my throat, he didnt threaten me or others around me...he asked me to do something for him, and i just did it. Ive had years to run away... i even started attending UA knowing that he would use me as a spy...I wasn't ignorant to what was happening around me..."

Iida had had enough of his friend speaking to poorly of himself.
He abruptly stood up and grabbed izuku by the shoulders, shaking him once before yelling "you are a good person!".
Izuku looked up at him with wide eyes for a moment.
"You get into other people's business, putting yourself in harms way to safe others, we were told what you did for that boy, Kota. No villain does that! A villain would have let the boy die! A villain wouldn't take the blame! A villain doesn't apologize and cry over the crimes they commit! But a hero...a hero makes mistakes, and they cry and they apologize for what they did wrong. Youre saying you're a villain? What have you done to deserve such a title? All i see before me is one of my classmates that fought as hard as everyone else to become someone to save others, and you did, you did save someone..." iida put his hand in his back pocket.
"The wild wild pussy cats came to UA not long ago. They wanted to make sure we were all fine...Kota was there too, and he gave me this. Told me to give it to you when i saw you again"
Iida reached out his hand, holding a folded piece of paper.

Izuku took it and unfolded it, sending iida a questioning glance before he started reading.

'Hello Mr Midoriya, i want to thank you for saving my life even though you didn't even know me. I'm sorry you got hurt, but i hope you'll be fine soon. When you can, come see me so i can say a prober thank you in person. From, Kota'

He was 5 years old.
Izuku would like to say that he didnt know how severe his crimes were, but Kota was a child that did understand hero society. He knew what a villain was, he'd lost his parents to one, and had later been confronted by their murdere, and then...then Izuku had saved him.
Izuku had saved him from a villain.

Sobs wrecked through Izuku's body as tear splashed onto the paper, making the ink run.

Uraraka finally stood up too, and she and Iida embraced izuku in a hug.
He flinched as they did, but then he melte into the embrace and realized that he was severely touch starved, having only been given the touch of a hand on his shoulder since he was locked away.
It was warm and comforting, and for just a moment Izuku tried to allow himself to forget his wrongdoings, even if it was just a for a second.


I really don't know where this fic is going, but let's find out together.

Ps. I had a step by step plan but it went haywire around the time izuku was taken into custody.

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