Truly Madly Deeply (One Direc...

By WishingOnStars99

23.2K 429 18

"We will see each other again." Louis told me. He was about to go on tour. He had just won the x-factor. "Whe... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Chapter 61
Chapter 62
Chapter 63
Chapter 64

Chapter 47

225 6 0
By WishingOnStars99

A week has passed since Niall moved into his new apartment, and after a lot of convincing, he made me move in with him. We did lots of things the past week, which I'll probably tell you later. The girls have constantly been sending me news, and their boyfriends' parents really like them. Well, almost all. But I'll tell you that later too, because now I'm wondering if Niall's dad will like me. 

Anyways, today is the day we're going to Mulingar. I enventually re-packed everything, and added some clothes Niall bought for me. I was also taking my iPad, which came a lot useful in the past 6 months or so. I was still wearing the Alice's necklace, and I never once took it off my neck. 

"Kenz, are you ready?" Niall asked, peeking his head on my door. 

"I guess." I smiled. 

"Great. Let me take your suitcase." he said, starting to walk in my suitcase's direction.

"Ok." I said happily. 

Niall walked over to my suitcase, and dragged it out of my room. I laid down on my bed, and got my phone out. I quickly texted the girls, saying I would be at the airport any minute now, and decided to call Lou. After a couple of rings, he finally picked up.

"Hello?" I heard his voice say in the other end of the line.

"Lou! Its me." I said happily.

"Oh, hey little sis! What's up?" he asked, sounding happy.

"I'm ok. What about you? How's it there with El and mum?" I asked him, curiously.

"Its fine. They really do get along. Its shocking." Lou laughed. I heard El laugh in the other end too.

"Tell El that I miss her." I said smiling, even though he couldnt see me.

"Dont you miss me?" he asked, shocked.

"Of course I do. You're my big brother. I'll always miss you." I cooed.

"Great." he said. I felt him put the phone away from his ear, and say something to El. I then heard some voices, and then the phone was being passing to someone.

"Mac?" I heard El's voice through the phone.

"El! How are you?" I asked cheerfully.

"I'm great!" she said excitedly.

"Didnt I tell you?" I asked, referring to parents approval.

"Yeah. She is so nice!" she exclaimed.

"Great!" I said happily. 

"Love, we've got to go to the airport." Niall said, pekking his head into my room.

"Ok. Bye El! I've got to go. Send kisses to everyone there!" I said.

"Good luck!" El said, and with that, we both hung up. 

I walked to the front door, and met Niall. We locked the door, and headed to the car. We quickly hopped in, and went to the airport. I was a silent ride, but not the awkward type. More like the comfy one. 


We just landed in Mullingar, and it was a peaceful ride. Some fans asked for Niall's autograph, and, shockingly, some asked for mine too. I didnt know what to do, so I just wrote 'MacKenzie Tommo' with a heart on top of the i. 

We got of the airplane and Niall took me to where we would get our bags. A while, two bags, and a couple of fans later, we were looking for Greg, and Niall's dad, Bobby. I had no idea about what his dad looked like, so I just looked for Greg.

Suddenly, Niall grabbed my hand, and pulled me with him strongly. I tried to get hold of my bag, but it eventually fell. I got away from Niall's grip, and got my bag again.

"Sorry." Niall said shyly.

"Niall!" someone screamed, before I could say anything. I looked around, and saw a middle-aged man, beside Greg, waving at us.

"Dad!" Niall said, and ran to the man.

Ok. This was it. Niall's dad first impression of me, and I was still giving my back to him. You can do this Mac. Just be yourself. I pep talked to myself. I felt someone tap my shoulder, and I turned around, forcing a smile into my face.

"Kenzie, this is my dad, Bobby." Niall said, introducing me to the middle-aged man. 

"Pleasure." I said, putting my hand up for him to shake it. I kept the smile in my face, trying to hide my nervousness. 

"Its all mine." Bobby said, shaking my hand. 

"And this is Greg. But you've already met him." Niall said, pointing at his brother. Before I could say anything, Greg came over to me, and gave me a hug. Greg was very tall, and strong, so he lifted me up, making my feet not touch the ground.

"Hey." I said, not knowing if it was the right thing to say though. 

"Its such a pleasure finally seeing you in person." he said happily, finally putting me down on the floor. I wasnt too small, but compared to him, I was so petite. 

"Same here." I said smiling. Niall came over to me, and wrapped an arm around my waist. 

We went to the car and drove to Niall's house. I couldnt help but get shy suddenly. I got out my phone and texted the girls, telling them that I had arrived in Mullingar. They were happy for me, and wished my luck. I started to get nervous, and my palms started to get sweaty.

"Are you ok love?" Niall whispered in my ear.

"Yeah. I'm ok." I nodded at him, but was mostly trying to convince myself. Not him. 

A couple of minutes later we arrived at a house. It had two floors, with two balconies on each side. In the middle, there was a big door, with a couple (not much) steps to get there. I took a deep breath, as the car stopped in front of the house. 

Niall opened the door for me, and I slid out of the car. We went to the front door, and his dad opened ir for us. As soon as I walked in, I started to analyse everything. There was a stair right in front, and to the side there were some couches to my left. . Guess that's the living room. Niall instantly left, and ran towards a door which was on my right, and it flung open. Without thinking twice, I followed him, assuming it was the kitchen.

When I entered the kitchen, showing my guess correct, it was all white and black. The frigde door was open, and Niall's head was in it. There was a little island/ table in the middle, with a couple of stools. 

"Want something?" Niall asked me, peeking his head from the fridge.

"No, thanks." I said, shaking my head slightly. I was just looking around, when I remembered Izzy wanted me to call her when I arrived here. I also had to make sure that she was ok, after what happened between her and Harry's mother. "Um... Niall? Could you show me my room, please. I need to call Izzy." 

"Yeah sure, come with me," he said, biting an apple. 

He walked me up the stairs, and opened the second door to the left, which I guessed was the guest room. It was mainly white in there, with a white bed, which had some lacey details on the headboard. There was also a little desk with a chair in the corner, and a normal closet.

"Call whoever you need to call. I'll just go downstairs, and I'll be back quickly." Niall said smiling. He left, and closed the door.

I got my phone out, and looked for Izzy's number. After spotting it, I instantly called her to make sure she was ok. The phone rang for a while, before finally being picked up.

"Hello?" someone said into the phone. I recognised Izzy's voice anywhere, and that voice was definitively not hers.

"Excuse me, can I talk to Izzy?" I asked. 

"Mac?" The voice asked.

"Who is this?" I asked, felling kind of uncomfertable.

"Its me! Harry!" Harry exclaimed into the phone.

"Oh. Sorry Harry. I just wasnt expecting you to pick up the phone." I said honestly. "Where's Izzy?"

"She went to the grocery store, and forgot her phone here." he explained.

"And how are things going on there?" I asked him, curious.

"Terrible. My mom asked Izzy to paint her beautiful light brown hair, blonde." Harry said, and I could feel that he was kind of angry. 

"Why?" I asked him, totally confused.

"Because my mum like blonde girls. Have you never seen them? Taylor and Caroline?" He asked, and I knew he was kind of impressed.

"Well, Taylor I knew she was blonde, but I didnt know you dated a girl called Caroline before." I shrugged. 

"Anyways, my mum just points the flaws in Izzy. She said that I should break up with her." he said, and I sensed some sadness in his voice.

"Then tell your mum that you want to stay with Izzy, because you like her very much, right?" I asked, as if it was obvious.

"Yeah. But here's the deal, I dont know if I want to be Izzy's boyfriend anymore." Harry said. 

"What? You just took her to meet your mum and your step dad, and now you're telling me you want to break up with her?" I exclaimed, suddenly angry. 

"I know. I just dont know what got into me." he said, and I detected sadness in his voice. I calmed down before I talked.

"Look Harry, maybe its just your mum's pressure that is making you think all these things. Just calm down, and talk things out with your mum. Tell her you dont like it when she insults Izzy." I said, much calmer. 

"Thanks." He said.

"So go do it now!" I demanded.

"Fine." He said. 

"Good luck!" I said, before hanging up. I just hope everything gets better between them.

I went back downstairs, suddenly in a mood to go out. I know its weird, because I literally just came back from the airport, but I just felt like it. I looked around for Niall, and suprisingly he was in the kitchen. Note sarcasm. 

"Hey babe. Everything ok?" Niall asked, while eating a sandwich.

"Yeah. I was wondering if we could go out." I asked, sitting on the stool next to him.

"Where do you wanna go?" he asked. I thought about it for a while. I wanted to see where Niall grew up mostly.

"Why dont you take me to your favorite place here?" I asked him. I saw a glint in his eyes, which read Nandos. "But not Nandos." I said laughing.

"Why not?" he asked, suddenly seeming sad.

"Because you already took me to Nandos. I want it to be somewhere you'd always go before you became the famous Niall Horan." I said smiling.

"I never took you to the one they have here." Niall argued. I gave him a 'be careful' look. "Fine. What about the mall?" 

"Yay!" I sang happily.

We went to the car, and Niall drove off. I looked around, and saw a Nandos restaurant right next to his house. Less than 5 minutes away driving. I smiled at it, before Niall made a turn. There were lots of teens there, huddled and talking. Behind them was a huge mall with mirrors all around it. I opened my mouth in shock. 

"Lets go?" Niall asked me. I looked at him and noticed he was wearing a hat, and sark sunglasses.

"Disguises huh? I want one!" I whined.

"I'll buy you one today." he said, and I could feel he was rolling his eyes. 

We got off the car and headed to the mall. Niall kept his face down and took my hand. We entered the mall, and it was really pretty. 


An hour later, Niall and I were at the food court. We didnt do much shopping, I've got to admit. I just bought myself I disguise, which was basically a beanie and shades, and some other things. Niall also bought some things for himself. 

We were now eating, and talking about totally random stuff. I still didnt tell him about my phone call with Harry, but it wasnt a big deal for him, I guess. 

"MAC?" I heard someone call me. I looked around, and scanned the food court, until my eyes landed on Tom. What was he doing here?

"Tom?" I asked, kind of to myself. Tom walked over to me, and embraced me in a hug.

"How are you?" he asked me.

"I'm fine, what about you?" I asked him, still utterly confused.

"I'm good too! What are you doing here?" he asked, seeming to notice were in Mullingar, not London.

"I'm here with my boyfriend, meeting his dad." I said happily pointing at Niall. Niall gave Tom a little wave, which Tom replied with a smile. "What about you?"

"I'm here with my brother." Tom said simply, making me even more confused.

"Since when do you have a brother?" I asked.

"Since I was born. You dont know him because he's always on tour with his band." Tom said smiling.

"Which band is he in?" I asked, becoming curious.

"The Wanted." He said. "Wanna meet them?" 

"Yeah sure. Can Niall come too?" I asked happily. 

"Sure." Tom said. 

"C'mon Nialler." I said smiling. Niall stood up, and took my hand in his. 

We walked over to The Wanted, and Tom presented me to everyone. I smiled, at everyone, and we had a nice chat. Jay was actually Tom's brother, and I have to admit that they do look alike; same curly hair, grey/blue eyes, etc. I sat beside Nathan with Niall, with Niall's arm around my waist. Sometimes Nathan would move over next to me, making me sit closer to Niall, until I was pratically sitting on Niall's lap. 

When we were done, we all exchanged numbers.

Niall and I went back to his car, hand in hand. We slipped in, and he drove off.

"Arent they nice?" I asked Niall. Niall just shrugged. "Although it was kind of uncomfertable being close to Nick. He kept coming closer to me, and I went closer to you."

"I know," Niall said simply.

"Are you ok babe?" I asked worried.

"Yeah, why?" he asked, eyes still on the road. 

"You seem a little tense." I said. 

"Sorry." he sighed.

"Its ok. But what happened?" I asked him.

"I dont like it when boys flirt with my girlfriend, even worse when they try to make a move on her." he said, smiling quickly at me before his eyes went back at the road. 

"I know. Isnt that why you asked John, Chris, and Ian to keep an eye out for me?" I asked, remembering what the boys told me the other day. He just chuckled. 

"I was worried someone would make a move on you." he chuckled.

"Dont you trust me?" I asked trying to sound innocent.

"Of course I do. Its them I dont trust." he said, with that voice you use while talking to babies. I rolled my eyes at him. 

We got back to his house, and the sun had just dissapeared through the horizon, leaving the moon's beam of light on us. Niall took my hand, and we went to the front door. He quickly opened the door and we came in. 

He took me to my room, and gave me a kiss before he went to his room. I sighed when he left. I'd like to spend more time with him. I watched him close his door, leaving me there looking at his door. I went back to my room, and put on my pjs. I layed down on my bed and closed my eyes.

My thoughts always drifted back to Izzy and Harry. I really hope Harry has the guts to talk to his mother. If only he knew how much its hurting Izzy. Every day, she would call me, telling that his mother wanted to change who she was completely. Dont get me wrong, she is a lovely person, she just seems to be a bit bitter with Izzy. Ok, not a bit. A lot. Izzy said she wanted her to become blonde, and that she called Izzy fat, which is a total lie. Izzy seemed to be a bit down on the phone, as if she didnt want to be there. 


Hey Guys!

So, I know it took me a while to update and all, and I'm really sorry. I hope you liked this chapter. 


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