Life's Return

By AquaFlare101

38.5K 856 840

After four years of being back in the human realm, Luz Noceda finds herself able to return back to the Boilin... More

Back in The Isles
Late Night Hangout
Sleeping Over
Out at The Market
Back to Hexside
Music Nerds
To Forget Is To Let Go
Magic Training
Like No Otter
Sleep Walking
Undead Lullaby
A New Place to Visit
About Time!

Special Grom Night

1.8K 39 79
By AquaFlare101

WOO! Back for another chapter! I can finally destress myself now, so I'll be able to post more frequently! Also this chapter I'd the longest I've ever written so far- r.i.p. my thumbs. ;-;

ALSO, there is a scene in here that I reccomend listening to the song above with cause it makes it more spicy~
I'll put some sort of marker there for yall to let ya know when, so don't worry about having to guess lol.

Anyways, hope yall enjoy!
Luz's Pov:

It was early morning and I was happily making breakfast before school. I was always a morning person, though back on earth I never was because I never really looked forward to the day. But here? I enjoyed every second of it, especially with my friends and odd little family. Sure, I missed my mom, but I could always visit her whenever I wanted to. Life on the Boiling Isles was much better in my opinion.

As I hummed along to a tune in my head, making eggs and waffles for the morning, I heard little pitter patter of feet and turned to see King walk in and climb up on his seat. It was amusing watching him struggle to get up things still, with his little gremlin 'weh's' of his. I had to stifle a giggle as he greeted me with his big eager eyes and smacked his front paws on the table. "Breakfast!!"

"Hehe, comin right up, ya cutie pie~" I hummed, then handed him a plate of my homemade waffles and eggs. He always enjoyed my cooking, especially when it comes to breakfast. That little gremlin could gobble down a whole horse if he wanted to, if he even knew what a horse was.

Eda came along downstairs soon enough, letting out a long yawn while walking to the fridge to get her morning apple blood. Sometimes I worry on how much she drinks of that stuff, could she even get alcohol poisoning from that? Since you know- it's like hard cider back home.

"Mornin, Kid. You're up early... too early for me to process things yet.." She grumbled, then sat at the table before her eyes lit up at the sight on her plate I made for her.

"It's always too early for you when you first wake up." I chuckled, then took off the apron after I was done cooking. She merely grunted in response while having a mouthful of her food, it was a funny sight really. I rolled my eyes and sat to eat as well. That's when King hopped off the table once he was done.

"Ahh, you always make the best breakfast, Luz. Now it is time to take back my thrown from those kids' grubby hands!" He declared before running out the kitchen door and headed to the playground.

"Be careful out there today!!" I yelled at him before he went to far. I heard Eda snort and looked back to her.

"Kid, you know he's always been reckless. Now then, we should get you to school before your late." She huffed as stood and bent back to pop her back, then grabbed her staff. I nodded and finished my plate before heading out with her and hopping on.

"Hoot hoot! Have a wonderful day at school, Luz!" I gave hooty a wave and a smile before we flew off. Hooty can be annoying and weird sometimes, yet he always seems to find a way back into our hearts. He's such a weird owl.

Once we got to school, I hopped off and thanked Eda for the ride, then headed inside the school building. However, I was pleasantly surprised by all the decorations that were put up inside on the walls. Golden streamers hung overhead with blue accent streamers, along with gold and blue balloons floating all around. What was this? It seemed like something that had happened before. It felt so familiar.

That was when it all hit me.


A tradition of Hexside that chose one of its students to be Grom king or queen to slay the beast beneath the school. My mind flashed back to the first time I had heard about Grom, and that special night that me and Amity danced together to defeat the monster. So why was it still a thing if she and I had gotten rid of it for good?

"Luz!" I was snapped out of my thoughts when I heard someone call my name, and turned to see Gus and Willow coming up to me.

"Oh hey guys! So I see Grom is still a thing then, yes?"

"Oh yea- except Principle Bump just made it a dance now since there's no monster to wreak havoc on the Isles anymore. Now we can just dance and have fun! Plus, whoever gets chosen this time will get the honor of choosing a partner to dance alone with on the dance floor. " Willow grinned in excitement, I could see she was thinking of something, or someone.

I smirked and leaned towards her a bit. "Someone has a date then I see~?" I snickered as I watched her ears go down while turning a shade of red.


"Well of course she does, her and Boscha are inseparable.~" Gus laughed before getting hit playfully by the plant girl. These two I swear, I'll never get tired of them.

"Yea well, what about you and Matt, hm~?" Her words made him go stiff and flush with embarrassment, his ears pinning down some.

"I-I dunno what you're talking about!" He scoffed, folding his arms before looking over to me. "What about you, Luz? Do you have someone in mind to ask~?"

Oh no. Why do they have to single me out this time? I could feel my face burning as my eyes widened while thinking of a certain witch, glancing away with a nervous grin. "E-Eheh- weeeeell now that you mention it-"

Before I could even explain, I felt someone bump into me from behind and nearly took me out with them as they fell back with a grunt. I regained my balance and turned to see who it was, only to see the girl I had in mind on the ground with her books spread around her.

"Oh my gosh! Amity, are you ok?!" I watched her head snap up to me at my words, her golden honey eyes widening as she stared up into my soul. My heart clenched at the sight. Gah, why does she have to be so adorable?! Her face was a blushing mess now as she realized who it was, her ears pinning down with embarrassment. I held out a hand to her, which she hesitantly took before I helped her up.

"S-Sorry- I wasn't paying attention-" She stammered out, then leaned down to pick up her stuff. I helped her out with some of it, then noticed a familiar pink note. Was she gonna ask someone to Grom?? If so then... why do I feel jealous about it? I went to grab for it, but she quickly snatched it before I could get a hold of it. We both stared before she cleared her throat.

"S-Sorry- reflex-"

"No no, it's fine! Also, who ya asking out then~?" I gave my signature smirk, trying to play dumb from my stupid jealousy. Seriously, why does my heart feel tight like this?

Amity let out a squeak at my question, her ears pinning down as she hid half her reddening face behind her books. Cute.

"I-I um-" She looked like she was about to combust before she slammed the note onto the locker near me, my locker to be exact, then ran off without another word around the corner. My heart stopped for a second while I looked over at the note.

Right there in ink, were those same words I read on the other note from before. Except-

This one had my name at the top.

She wanted to go with me? Me??

"Ay Dios mio, calma mi corazon latiente-" I muttered out, clenching a hand over my chest. I must be dreaming. Wait. Was that what was on her last note? Was the note for me all along?

"Gus, you owe me 10 snails~" I heard Willow interrupt my thoughts from behind, turning to see a grumbling Gus handing over her money.

"Wh- you guys bet on us?!" They gave me a sheepish grin, making me huff.

"Eheh, sorry Luz, we couldn't resist." Gus explained with a shy shrug of his shoulders. I let out a huff before looking back to the note. That's when I realized something else. I told her I would go with her as a friend last time! UGH! Luz, you fool!

I hesitantly gripped the note between my fingers and rubbed my thumb along it before placing it into my pocket. That's when the bell screamed, signaling it was time for class, which nearly made me jump from surprise. I bid farewell to the others before eagerly making my way to homeroom, where Amity was.

Or so I thought.

When I arrived in the room, Amity was no where to be seen. I sat in my seat where I usually sit next to her and watched as other students started to file in.
Everyone except for her. I started to worry when the professor started teaching. Was she ok? Did she get sick all of a sudden? Or...

Was she afraid to face me?

With each class I had with her, she never showed to a single one of them. Which only made me more concerned for her and start to feel guilty about not running after her. When school let out, I met up with Gus, Willow, and Boscha outside.

"Hey guys, have you seen Amity around? I haven't seen her all day.."

"No, we haven't seen her either, which is odd for her to skip school like this..." Willow mumbled out the last part, which I barely caught. Boscha and Gus both shrugged at me as well, making me sigh.

"Well, thanks guys, but I've got date to find.-" With that, I did a one-eighty and went off towards the library first to check if she was in her hideout. Surprisingly though, she wasn't there. I huffed out in frustration then went to her house. I know it was a bad choice, in case I faced her mother again, but I needed to find her. I took a breath and knocked, my hands sweating. Luckily though, it wasn't one of her parents, or the abomination butler. No, I was met with twin faces grinning at me.

"Hey, Luz~" They said in unison. Honestly it kind of freaked me out how they did that. Twins in general were unexplainable.

"Hey Ed, Em, is Amity around?" I watched as their identical smirks grew wider.

"Oh? Why you wanna know, cutie~?" Emira teased before her brother cut in.

"Here to finally ask Mittens out~?"

My face grew red while I glanced away with a shy grin. Of course they would know. "Eheh- actually.. she's the one who asked me first, by slamming a note on my locker then running off. Now, I'm trying to find her-"

"HA! She would be the one to do that!" Edric snickered, leaning on the door for support before being hit upside the head by Em, causing him to yelp out.

"Quit being an idiot, Ed. Anyways, we haven't seen or heard her come home. Did you check the library?"

"Yea- she wasn't there, though. Thanks anyways, guys." I waved before starting back down the path from the mansion. If she wasn't here, then could she be at the tree? It was worth a shot.

I made my way past the school towards the cliff where the grom tree stood tall and proud. When I got there though, she wasn't there either. Where the heck was she?? I glanced up to the mighty tree with it's lard trunk and wide branches of gorgeous pink leaves. I sighed as my mind wandered back to that dance we had. The way Amity and I pulled each other close under the bright moon and danced to an unheard rhythm. Her eyes were wistful and full of life. It made me yearn for another night like that, and I was going to have it damn it.

That's when it hit me. The place where it started all! I ran off towards the woods to that specific spot near the owl house. The place where I declared to be her "champion". I slowed to a walk as I caught a glimpse of pink hair, hiding behind a tree. Found you.

Amity was pacing in the little pit with the stump, seemingly talking to herself. She seemed stressed. Anxious, more so.

"Gah, Amity, you idiot! Now she's gonna think you're super weird!" She sighed and sat on the stump, rubbing her face. "Oh who am I kidding, I'm just a coward..."

"Well, you're braver than me, that's for sure-" I snickered slightly as she yelped with a jump, slipping off the stump and landing on her rump in the mud.

"L-Luz! W-What are you doing here?!" Her ears were pinned down and her face was beet red. I smiled softly, helping her up.

"Heh, I could say the same to you."

"I- um-" She glanced away, biting her lip which made my eyes glance down to the movement. God, how I wanted to kiss her right then and there. Be patient, Noceda. You'll get your chance.
I snapped back when she sighed and sat down on the stump once more.

"I-Im sorry for running away earlier today. I was just-"


She paused and blinked at me. "...What?"

I merely chuckled and pulled out a plant glyph from my pocket, summoning a yellow flower and reaching over with a warm smile to place it behind her tinged ear.
"Yes, I'll go to grom with you, mi corazón~"

Amity took a moment to process everything, then she turned a beautiful shade of red from the tips of her ears down to her shoulders. Her ears did that cute little fwip fwap that I oh so loved. "R-Really??"

"Heh, how could I say no to the prettiest witch around~?" If it was even possible, she somehow turned redder than before, seeming to nearly pass out. I had to hold her up by her shoulders. "Hey now, don't faint on me!"

"I-Im alright! Fine! Great! Fan-wonderful-tastic!"

"That's not a word-"

"Oh shush." She huffed, then got up to hug me tightly, nuzzling into my chest with an eager grin. It made my heart do a hop, skip and a jump all in one. I knew I had a dopey grin on my face while hugging her back, I felt like a lovesick idiot, which I was. Wait does this count as confessing? Damn it, I had wanted to do something more for her. But, well... does it really need to be perfect?

After a bit, we separated with dopey grins, letting out excited giggles. Gosh, I felt like a little school girl again. We stood there for a long moment like the lovesick idiots we were before glancing away with red faces.

"S-So um- guess we better get ready for tonight then, huh?" I stuttered out. Dang it Luz, stop being obvious!

"Eheh, yea, see ya tonight then, Noceda~" She grinned, then headed off back to her mansion with a spring in her step. She looked so happy, which made me happy. It felt like my heart was gonna explode!

I turned and rushed back towards the owl house, skipping on Hooty's hello and rushing upstairs eagerly. I passed Eda's room where she and King were getting ready as well. Looks like she's gonna be their again with King tonight as well. I remember the last Grom where King was so scared to be on stage in front of everyone. Poor little guy, hopefully he's gotten over that after he came over his fear from last time.

While I was rummaging through my clothes I realized something again. I have nothing to wear now since I grew out of my old outfit from that year. Shit. What was I gonna do??

"Need help getting ready I see?" I heard Eda say from behind me, turning to see her standing at the door in her snazzy red dress and black blazer. Still as foxy for her age as ever. I gave her a shy grin.

"Eheh- maybe? I have nothing to wear since I grew out of it."

"We figured something like this would happen. Which is why King and I made ya a little something. Stand up straight for me."

I did as she told me with a confused look before she drew out a spell circle. I felt a clothing placed on me with a puff of smoke, then once it clears I look down at myself and let out a tiny gasp. I wore a white, long sleeve dress shirt under a snazzy looking purple vest, along with a blazer over it and black dress pants and shoes. I went to look in the mirror and gawked at myself. "Wow...-"

"Dang, Luz! You lookin snazzy there!" King exclaimed from on top of Eda's shoulders.

"I have to agree, Kid. That's some of my best handiwork right there. Where it with pride." Eda patted my shoulder as I grinned and turned to hug her.

"Thank you guys so much! I owe you two!" With that, I rushed to the bathroom to spruce up my hair a bit, putting in gel in the front so it wouldn't be all over the place, then tying up the back of my hair into a low ponytail since it grew out a bit, though I left the front pieces out. I gotta say, Eda and King really did do a good job. They out did themselves. Amity's gonna love this look.

AMITY! Oh cramity! I have to get go the school before it's too late! I ran passed Eda and King, saying goodbye to them before running out the door towards Hexside.

When I arrived at the gym's entrance, my gaze wandered around the inside in awe. It was much more extravagant than the last time it was decorated, which I'm not complaining. There were other students either dancing on the dance floor, or gathered around each other in a group while they shouted to talk over the loud music. Surprisingly, there was a dj in replace of the literal live band that had played last time, so apparently you're able to request songs now. Although, I didn't know many songs from the Isles, but maybe I could try asking to hook my phone up to it to see if it would play songs from my playlist?

I gazed around while walking inside, looking for any signs of Amity or the others. I found Boscha and Willow first, they were leaned up against the far wall talking with each other, and by the looks of it they were probably flirting. Again.

I snickered and slowly made my way over while having my hands in my pants pockets. As I approached, the two looked up and gawked at my look.

"Well damn. Willow, sweetie, you know I love you but if I wasn't dating you, I'd try to hit this stud muffin~" My cheeks burned as my eyes grew wide, letting out a bashful chuckle while rubbing the back of my neck in embarrassment. "I'm not that charming-"

"Oh no, Boscha's right. Sorry Luz, but you outdid yourself this time. No more tutus for you, hm?" She smirked, causing me to turn redder than before. That's when I got a good look at the two. They were sort of matching. Boscha wore a red tux with black fingerless gloves, and Willow wore a cute red dress with a rose in her hair. They were really a cute couple.

"A-Anyways- Have you guys seen Amity around?"

"Not yet, no. We thought she'd be with you coming insi- Oh gosh-" Willow interrupted her sentence with a slight gasp, her eyes widening while she looked passed me and so did Boscha. I rose a brow in confusion. The heck was going through their minds? I slowly turned around to see a few others staring at- Holy mother of Titan.

There, standing as elegant as ever, was none other than Amity Blight herself. And fuck was she hot as all hell. She had her hair down with a braided strand of where her side cut was. She wore piercings in her ears and wore makeup with dark orange eye shadow and a dark, almost black, navy lipstick. Oh and that wasn't even the best part, she also wore a stunning maroon dress with black heels and latex stockings that said 'step on me'. I couldn't even process words as I stared at the hottest witch here.

It took me a moment to regain my thoughts before realizing she was probably looking for me. A slow smirk formed on my face, then I slowly sauntered over to her.

"Darling, you give a new meaning to the definition of 'edible'.~" My comment made her jump and turn towards me, then froze on the spot as she looked me up and down. I leaned against the wall and tilted my head at her with a charming smirk, then watched as she turned beet red and turned away while putting a hand over her mouth.

"I-I should be saying that to you, Noceda-! Look at you!" Her comment made my face heat up and my heart do a flip. Damn it, how does she have this affect on me?

She looked back to me with a huff, crossing her arms and tilting her head up to me. Seeing her like that, in that outfit.


"Anyways- did they chose who would be Grom queen or king yet?"

I shook my head. "I thought they announced who would be that at school?"

"Well, since there's no monster to slay anymore, Principle Bump decided to announce it at the actual dance. Whoever is chosen now will get the honors of choosing a partner to dance with alone on the dance floor."

"Oh yea, Willow was telling me about that at school. Whoever gets chosen is a lucky guy, or gal." I chuckled, then offered an elbow out for her. "Well then, shall we get a drink, m'lady~?"

Her ears started to flap slightly, though she stopped them before taking hold of my arm with a dopey grin. "We shall."

As we made our way over to the punch table, we were met by Gus, Matt, Boscha, and Willow. Boscha let out a low whistle, at the sight of Amity.

"Dang girl, didn't know you could dress this fancy. Aren't you a sight for sore eyes?" Boscha winced as Willow smacked her upside the head. The plant witch gave Amity a smile before giving a questioning smirk to her. Amity flushed a deep red, her golden eyes widening some in some sort of recognition before slightly shaking her head as if to say 'not yet'. To what, I didn't know. It just made me more confused.

"Um- am I missing something-?" I asked, making both the witches j jump slightly from their non-verbal conversation.

"Huh? O-Oh no, don't worry about it! Amity, you look amazing, by the way-" Willow said innocently. What the hell was she up to?

"Yea! And you too, Luz! You clean up nicely." Gus cut in while Matt rolled his eyes with a snort. The two wore similar suits. Gus wearing a light blue suit jacket and pants with a blue tie and white dress shirt, while Matt wore a dark green suit. Oh I see what's going on here.

I smirked at the two, making them flush in the face slightly. "So, you two a thing then?"

"U-Um- oh would you look at the time?! Bump's about to announce the Grom queen/king!" He gestured to the stage as the dj abruptly stopped, causing everyone to turn towards him as he tapped the microphone.

"Hello Hexside students! It is now time for me to introduce you all to your Grom queen!" So it was a girl then? Interesting. "Please give a round of applause to Luz, this years Grom Queen!"

I froze as the the spotlight gazed down upon me, my eyes widening while I stood stiff. The others grinned and started to cheer along with the other students in the gym. Amity on the other hand, looked like an anxious wreck as she slowly backed away closer to the punch table and got herself a drink. What was up with her? Was she sick or disappointed? Oh please don't be disappointed.

I gave a nervous grin and waved slightly to everyone as I made my way up to the stage to accept the crown Bump held in his hands.

Amity's Pov:


I watched as Bump placed the crown on top of Luz's head delicately, then turned back to the drink I had poured. Except it wasn't punch. It was a potion that Willow had given me earlier while she helped me get ready at my house.

"Willow, this is ridiculous! She isn't even gonna pick me to dance with her!" I huffed, staring at the little vial in my hands she gave me. Willow had somehow figured out it was Luz who was to be Grom Queen, which made this whole ordeal even worse.

"Oh trust me, she will. If she said yes to go to Grom with you, then she will. Plus, with this potion, you'll have the confidence boost to win her over." The potion was some sort of confidence booster or whatever. It was suppose to help me "catch her attention" if you catch my drift. Thinking about it made me hot in the face.

Present time
I gripped my cup while staring at the liquid inside. If I do this, it could either go smoothly or horribly wrong. I looked back over to hear Bump speaking to Luz.

"Now, you may choose a partner to dance with, along with any song you request." Luz looked like she was anxious about something, but I couldn't figure out why. She turned and her chocolate eyes that I loved so much instantly locked with my own, making my heart stop.

Oh shit-

She hesitantly made her way down the stage, sauntering through the crowd over towards me.

Shit fuck shit SHIT-

Luz stopped in front of me, of course she'd choose me. I was her 'date' after all. Did this count as an actual date? She offered a hand with a warm smile. "Care to dance, Blight?"

Everyone stared at us with either envy or excitement. My mouth felt dry as I stared for a moment, then glanced over to the drink in my hand. Fuck it. I gulped down all I could before placing the cup on the table next to me, instantly feeling the effects coursing through my veins.

I got this.~

I gave a sensual smirk, watching her expression change from calm to flusteredment. It was amusing to see her worked up. "Why of course, darling~"

Luz's Pov:

What the hell-?

One moment she looked so nervous and excited, the next she's making me flustered mess! This woman is gonna be the death of me! I swallowed roughly as she took my hand, then made our way over to the dj to request a song for us. All the while, the others were smirking at us from afar, Willow seemed like she was trying hard not to laugh at something, which made me suspicious of what was going on, but I didn't question it.

"So what can I play for you two ladies, then?" The dj asked us with a grin. I went to say something, but Amity cut me off.

"Actually, I got something in mind for us." She hummed, leaning over to whisper in his ear and making his eyes light up.

"Oh wow- alright then!" I looked to Amity with a puzzled expression, only making her wink and drag me to the middle of the dance floor. Oh titan, help me-

*Cue music here*

Once we got in position, the music began to play. Wait- I recognize this song. How did she know so many earth songs? I gazed down to her as she put up a hand for me place my own on, raising a brow while gazing up to me through half lidded eyes. Those golden eyes seem to glow under the light, which were mesmerizing. I could feel a bit of sweat forming on my reddening face. How could she be so cute, yet hot at the same time? It was kind of terrifying if I was being honest. I needed to up my game if I wanted to stay cool.

I placed my hand against hers and we began to circle each other. All the while, she kept her seductive gaze on me, and I knew I was lost to her. I was Amity's in every way possible, and she was mine. Our hearts were one as we danced to the beat, letting ourselves flow to the music. We were graceful, elegant even, while we danced. I could feel the stares from all the other students in the room, along with our friends, watching us in awe as we moved together. At one point we had pulled each other close, and I gazed into those glowing golden eyes that enticed me. I could feel a lump in my throat forming from the sight, but we kept the pace effortlessly. By the end of the song, I dipped her gracefully and we stayed there for a long moment staring at each other with longing and lust, panting ever so slightly.

I nearly jumped when everyone whistled and cheered for us after we had finished, slowly straightening us out to stand next to each other. We looked around before back at each other.

"Not bad, Noceda. I look forward to more~" Amity smirked, trailing a finger under my chin and up my jawline as she walked back to get her drink. I left goose bumps on my tan skin and made me shudder with a flustered face.

"Mierda, ella podría dominarme cuando quiera y no me arrepentiría ni un segundo de eso.~" I muttered out, a stupid grin plastering on my face. I yelped slightly as a hand slapped me on the back.

"Holy shit, dude! That was hot as hell!" Boscha exclaimed with a shit eating grin on her face, the others close behind her with the same expressions.

"H-Heh- I guess it was huh? I'm gonna go get a drink-" I huffed out, straightening out my suit before going over to my cup I had left at a table nearby.

"Did you do it?" A gruff yet calm voice sternly asked from inside a hidden building in the forest.

"Yes, my lord. She should be easy to control once it's in her system."

"Very good, Kiki. We will teach them a lesson on how a witch should behave." A dark chuckle left him as sat in his thrown like chair.

"Oh what fun, we're going to have~"

Hope yall enjoyed this chapter! It was a lot of fun to write this one I'm not gonna lie. Along with a picture of the down below I drew~

Let me just say, I'd let Amity step on me.

Edit: I put a little background for them. Made it better. :3

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