The Interview

By JoannHutchinson

127K 3.7K 547

Lisa Anderson has always been a local New York reporter, then she gets her big break and has the biggest inte... More

Meeting The Big Star Ch 1
The Big Interview Ch2
Chapter 3 A Hunk In My House
Chapter 4 Date Night
Chapter 5 Late night snack
Chapter 6 Boston Bound
Chapter 7 A Mother's Blessing
Chapter 8 Meet The Family
Chapter 9 The Big 40
Chapter 10 The Big Night
Chapter 11 The Morning After
Chapter 12 Back to life. Back to reality
Chapter 13 Countdown and A termination
Chapter 14 A firing and Some sexy phone time.
Chapter 15 Making up for lost time.
Chapter 16 Dirty Talk and a roommates POV of sexy-time
Chapter 17 Just Call Me Mistress
Chapter 18 Love on the set and a Hollywood Party
Chapter 19 The Bestie comes to the country and a Hollywood party
Chapter 20 The Hollywood/Country Party and a Hook Up
Chapter 21 Rain check CHECKED OFF!!!
Chapter 22 The truth comes out/Boston Bound again
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Chapter 61
Chapter 62
Chapter 63
Chapter 64
Chapter 65
Chapter 66
Chapter 67
Chapter 68
Chapter 69
Chapter 70
Chapter 71
Chapter 72
Chapter 73
Chapter 74
Chapter 75
Chapter 76
Chapter 77
Chapter 78
Chapter 79
Chapter 80
Chapter 81
Chapter 82
Chapter 83
Chapter 84
Chapter 85
Chapter 86
Chapter 87
Chapter 88
Chapter 89
Chapter 90
Chapter 91
Chapter 92
Chapter 93
Chapter 94
Chapter 95
Chapter 96
Chapter 97
Chapter 98
Chapter 99
Chapter 100
Chapter 101
Chapter 102
Chapter 103
Chapter 104
Chapter 105
Chapter 106
Chapter 107
Chapter 108
Chapter 109
Chapter 110
Chapter 111
Chapter 112
Chapter 113
Chapter 114
Chapter 115
Chapter 116
Chapter 117
Chapter 118
Chapter 119
Chapter 120
Chapter 121
Chapter 122 (The End)

Chapter 45

1.1K 19 3
By JoannHutchinson

(WOW so this is the longest chapter i think i have ever wrote. So it's 3 days before the wedding and it's everything leading up to it. Yes it's long but theres a treat for the ladies and the gents if any gents read my stories LoL so enjoy.)

3 days till the wedding.

3 days before the wedding things were started to get a little bit hectic.

I was sitting outside by the pool watching Scott talk on the phone, i looked up at him and he smiled at me.

I got up and walked over to the steps and headed down to the beach, I could hear children laughing.

"Uncle Chris toss me the ball."

"Ok Ethan you ready." Chris tossed the ball in the air and Ethan caught it.

"Woohoo, I did it uncle Chris i did it." Ethan said running to Chris who picked him up and tossed him over his shoulder.

"Good job buddy." Chris said.

Watching Chris with the kids just made me happy, I couldn't wait to have kids of our own.

I was sitting on the sand digging my feet in watching the waves break in the distance. I was so lost in thought that I didn't even feel Chris sit down behind me.


"Son of a bitch, hey babe." I said leaning back, kissing him.

"Hmm, 3 days." Chris said

"I know, i have my last dress and reception outfit fitting tomorrow morning, you and scott have your tux fitting later today, and then the rehearsal dinner."

"Stella can't wait to toss flowers on the beach, she said all her friends are gonna be so jealous." Chris said

"I know she was so happy when I asked her. She loves her little dress she's gonna wear. When she tried it on she twirled around and said look aunt Lisa i'm a pretty ballerina. I couldn't stop smiling."

"Yeah she's really excited." Chris said, hugging me tight.

"I love it out here. I could sit out here all day and just let my worries and my cares just float away on the waves."

"Well nothing beats Boston weather." Chris said.

"Ok Boston weather is sometimes crazy and sometimes amazing, but what i am looking forward to is lying in bed with a roaring fire going in the fireplace and looking out the window and watching the snow fall."

"Hmm now that sounds incredible. But honestly when the wedding craziness is over I can't wait to finally take you on the honeymoon." Chris said, kissing my neck.

"So do I have to wait until we leave for the honeymoon or are you gonna tell me before then?"

"You'll just have to wait and see." Chris said.

"For the record you suck."

"I'll give ya something to suck." Chris said

"Christopher." I said laughing at him.

"Hey Chris, come on man we gotta go." Scott said

Chris got up and then helped me to my feet.

We headed back to the house, Scott and Chris headed to their appointment. I headed up to the guest room to look at my dress.

"Your gonna look beautiful."

I turned around and saw Maci standing there. She walked over to me and put her arms around my waist.

"Do you think Chris will like it?"

"Honey he's gonna love it." Maci said

"I just want everything to be perfect, I've dreamed of this day since I was a little girl. When I was 7 years old my mom and I were pretending that I married my teddy bear. She took an old tablecloth and wrapped it around me and she made me a vale from a princess tiara, she was the minister and she married me and my teddy."

I felt the tears streaming down my face. Maci hugged me tighter.

"Oh maci i was she was here."

"She's always with you sweetie, you can't see her, or hear her but she's always with you." Maci said

I took a deep breath.

"Come on, we better get out of here before the boys get back." I said closing the door and locking it.

As I was walking down the stairs I got a text from Chris.

Hey baby, i won't be home for dinner tonight, i had to go into the studio to fix some voice over problems.

That's ok sweetie, how did the tux fitting go?

It went well. Scott's happy he lost weight so that's annoying.

Oh brother yeah that's gonna get annoying.

Amen, ok i gotta go. I love you.

I love you too, ill see ya when you get home.

"Ok i'm going over to sebastian's. Hey what's wrong." Maci said, grabbing her purse.

"Chris had to go into the studio to fix some voice over things."

"Well I'll call seb and postpone our date." Maci said

"No maci go i'll be fine, Chris said he shouldn't be long, besides i kinda want some peace and quiet right now cause in a couple days things are gonna get crazy."

"Are you sure?" Maci said

"Yes I'm sure, go have fun." I said giving maci a kiss on the check.

She smiled and headed to her car.

I went to the kitchen, grabbed a beer and headed into the den. I pulled out the wedding gift I had been working on for Chris. I planned on giving it to him at the rehearsal dinner.

I only needed to do some touch up work and put it in the gift wrap I got.

After I finished doing that, I headed out to the living room to watch some TV. I grabbed the blanket off the back of the couch and placed it on my legs. I looked and saw dodger sitting on the floor looking up at me.

"Come on boy." I said.

He jumped up and placed his head in my lap.

"Your ready to watch some TV bubba. Ok, what should we watch? Hmm seen it, seen it, hmm, oh how bout we watch one of dad's movies." I said

I settled in and started watching Red Sea Diving Resort on Netflix.

I guess I was tired because I didn't even last 15 minutes. I felt my eyelids get heavy and then I was out.

Chris's POV

After I left the studio I went and got some pizza to take home to Lisa. When I got home and headed into the house I saw the only light was the flixer of the TV.

I set the pizza on the kitchen counter. When I turned around I saw Lisa had fallen asleep on the couch and snuggled up beside her was dodger.

I smiled and walked over to the couch and kneeled down.

"Shh dodger your gonna wake up Lisa."

"Hmm too late." She said

"Hey baby. I brought home pizza."

"I know I smelled it when you came in." She said getting up and putting her arms around me and placed her lips on mine.

"Where's Maci?"

"Where do you think she is?" She said getting up and headed into the kitchen.

"Wow, so she's really trying to have a relationship with Sebastian. I never thought I would see that."

"I know, Maci ever since I've known her has had I think one maybe 2 solid relationships in her life both of them crashed and burned but i think this one with Sebastian i think it's gonna be a long one." She said

"Well let's hope so."

We both just laughed.

After we finished the pizza we headed up to bed. I went into the bathroom to change into my pj's when i came back in the bedroom Lisa was already under the covers fast asleep.

All I could do was smile.

"3 days princess, 3 days and you'll finally be my wife."

I leaned down and gave her a kiss on the forehead.

"I love you." I whispered.

I got into bed myself, Lisa rolled over and placed her head on my chest and I fell into a blissful sleep with the woman I love safe in my arms.

2 days before the wedding

Lisa's POV

2 days.

In 2 days I'll be Mrs Chris Evans. I could hardly believe this was really happening.

It was too early. I looked at my phone and saw it was 5am. I rolled over and felt the other side of the bed was empty. I saw the bathroom light on. I was about to get out of bed when I saw Chris come out with his phone in his hand and a look on his face that I didn't like.

"Hey what's wrong." I said tiredly.

"Your gonna hate me." He said

"Try me."

"I have to fly out to New York." he said

"Chris the wedding is in 2 days. Our rehearsal dinner is tomorrow night, you can't miss that."

"I know, but Janice has assured me I'll be back in time for the rehearsal dinner." He said

I sighed. I didn't want him to go but this is the life i'm in now and well it comes with the job of being an actor's wife.

"And you have janice's word you'll be back for the rehearsal dinner."

"Yes. I head to the airfield to hop on the jet and make it to New York by this afternoon, film the late night show with Fallon and then I'm back to the airfield and back here tomorrow in time for the rehearsal dinner." He said.

As much as I didn't want him to go, I knew he had to.

All I could do was nod my head yes. Chris kissed me and got dressed, tossing some things in his bag, grabbing his phone and keys .

"Go back to sleep sweetie, i'll see you tomorrow. I love you." He said

"I love you too."

He softly kissed me and left.

Later that day I watched Scott, clipboard in hand show people where things were supposed to go for the wedding and what needed to be finished.

"Hey girlfriend."

I turned to see Maci.

"Lisa what's wrong." She said

"Chris had to go to New York this morning."

"What, the rehearsal dinner tomorrow night, how could he go to New York now?" Maci said

"It was something he couldn't get out of."

"Well I would have told him no." Maci said

"Maci, I can't do that, he's been doing this long before I came into the picture. Besides it's fine he's not taking an airline. Janice chartered a jet so he can come and go as he pleases. He promised he'd be back in time."

"Well I still don't like it." Maci said

I just shook my head. I was glad maci was there at least i know with her there the time should just fly by.

Later that night I was in bed with dodger flipping through the channels when my phone rang.


"Hey baby, did I wake you." Chris said

"No, I'm just lying in bed but I have to tell you it's with another man."

"Oh really, does this man have a ton of fur and four legs, likes to lick peoples faces and loves belly rubs." He said

"How did you guess?"

"Cause the second i leave the house dodger tries to steal my girl and my spot in bed." He said

"Yep, that's him. So where are you."

"I'm at the hotel, i have some media in the morning and then i'm on the jet back to you in time for the rehearsal dinner like i promised." He said

"Well you better mister otherwise Scott will have your head front and center. He wasn't too thrilled that you left."

"Yeah well Scott is never thrilled when i do anything." He said

"Now that's not true, he was extremely happy that you asked me to marry you."

"Well yeah cause now he has someone beside my mom and sister to gossip with." He said

I just laughed.

"So handsome, what have you been doing while in NYC?"

"Well i record Jimmy Fallon, than i went and had dinner with my jimmy and his wife and now i'm just sitting here thinking about being back home with you." he said

"Now that sounds amazing."

"Yeah it does. Hey baby i'm gonna get off here and have a shower and get some sleep i have to be up at 4am for 5am morning stuff." He said

"Ok baby."

"I love you babe and make sure you watch Fallon." He said

"I love you too. Fly safe tomorrow."

"I will. Sweet dreams." He said

We hung up. When I looked at the clock I saw that it was almost time for Jimmy Fallon. I tuned in to the channel and waited for Chris to appear on the show.

"Alright, welcome back our next guest. he's the star of such films as Captain America, the avengers and defending Jacob ladies and gents Chris Evans."

Chris's outfit for Fallon.

I watched Chris come out with a big smile on his face. And looking so incredibly sexy.

"Welcome back Chris."

"It's good to be here Jimmy."

"So Chris what's been going on with you lately."

"Ha well as you already know this Saturday i'm getting married."

"And I have seen a picture of your fiance, she is a beautiful woman."

"Yes she is."

"So i'm sure you've told everyone the story of how you met your beautiful fiance, so maybe you can tell us and your fans the story."

"Yeah I would be happy to. Well She was a reporter in New York, she interviewed me for a Hollywood highlight show and well i would smitten, i was hooked."

"Wow so what drew you to her. What made you completely and utterly fall for her.

"Wow umm everything,I love her eyes, the way she smiles at everything, but what really made me fall head over heels in love with her was how devoted she is to other people. She loves life and I love her so much that I can't wait to marry her."

"That's awesome now, how did your family take to her."

"Oh they welcomed her with open arms. My mom loves her, my sisters are so happy she's becoming a part of the family but she was already family when we first started dating."

"Now how did you propose? what did you do."

"Well we went to Disneyland for her birthday and we took in the fireworks at Cinderella's castle and my brother Scott and Lisa's best friend maci got her to do a mock photo shoot in front of the castle so while they had her occupied i got down on one knee and the rest is history."

"That's awesome my friend. Well, I personally can't wait to watch you and your gorgeous fiance tie the knot. Ladies and gentleman Chris Evans."

I smiled watching the whole interview. I missed him so much.

I just hope he makes it back in time for the rehearsal dinner.

1 day before the wedding.

The next morning I woke up to voices. When I got up I walked over to the window and saw Scott hard at work.

I decided to take a shower and then head down to see if he needed any help.

After my shower I put on some yoga pants and a matching shirt and a light hoodie.

I headed downstairs and out to the backyard and over to Scott.

"Good morning, gorgeous." He said

"Morning. Anything I can do to help."

"Nope all you need to do is relax and wait for the party to start. Leave all this to me." He said

"Ok. Well guess I'll take dodger for a walk."

"That sounds like a great idea." Scott said.

I was about to walk into the house when Scott stopped me.

"Hey, I know that look, don't worry he'll be here." Scott said

I just smiled and nodded my head and went to get dodger.

Walking along the beach, I kept thinking about the next day. I sat down on the beach with dodger next to me, his head on my lap.

"Welp bubba tomorrows the big day, I get to marry your dad and maybe a baby." I said

When I said baby dodger lifted his head up.

"Oh don't worry bubba, a baby is not coming anytime soon, your still gonna be the baby." I said, rubbing his head.

After sitting with dodger on the beach I decided to head back to the house. When I got back Scott was still working on the rehearsal dinner space so I went upstairs and packed for the honeymoon.

"Knock knock. What's up doll face."

"Hey maci."

"Umm honey why are you packing?" She asked.

"Well I'm packing for the honeymoon, but I don't know what to pack."

"He still hasn't told you." She said

"Nope, he told me to pack accordingly, whatever the hell that means. What's in the bag."

"Well I thought that we could get ready for the party together. I could do your hair, your makeup, you like I used to do. Cause once you get married you'll have pros doing it for you and you won't need me anymore." Maci said

"Maci, no matter who does my hair or my make up they'll never be able to do it as great as you. And besides, no one can master the famous Maci up-do. And i'll always need you, who am i gonna tell all the Hollywood gossip to, and who would i call when my husband does something so titanically stupid that my best friends gets in a car comes over to the house we watch bad rom-com's and eat piles and piles of junk food until we burst."

"True, I'm that person." Maci said

"And who is the one person I want standing with me when I marry the man of my dreams tomorrow."

"Me, I'm that person right." Maci said

"Yes, you're that person. And who knows maybe one day I'll be that person for you."

We both just smiled.

Later that day it was time to start getting ready for the party, as for me i was starting to worry, i hadn't heard from Chris since last night and well the panic was starting to form.

I was pacing around the bedroom just willing my phone to ring. It was already 4 and the party was starting at 7.

"Ring, come on ring phone ring."

"You know talking to your phone and willing it to ring isn't gonna make it ring."

I turned and saw Scott standing at the door with my rehearsal dinner dress bag.

"Scott, have you heard from Chris."

"Nope, not since yesterday." Scott said

I sighed and flopped down on the bed.

"I knew it, I knew this would happen. He's not gonna make it."

I sighed.

"Hey come on now give my brother a little bit of credit, he's not gonna miss this party, he'll move heaven and earth to get here." Scott said

"I wanna believe you but I'm finding it hard to."

"Finding it hard to do what."

"Maci, will you please convince her that Chris isn't gonna miss this party." Scott said

"When was the last time you heard from him?" maci asked

"Last night before he went to sleep."

"Hmm well you wanna know what i think, i think he's on the plane and by the time the party starts he'll be here. So I wouldn't worry, he gave you his word he wouldn't miss it." Maci said

"Yeah he did."

"And has he ever lied to you?" Maci said


"Well then I wouldn't worry. He'll be here." Maci said

She was right. I was worrying over nothing, Chris wouldn't let me down.

A couple hours later Maci finished my hair and make-up and slipped into my dress for the party.

"Well how does it look?"

Lisa's rehearsal dinner dress.

"Woo girl, you look amazing. When Chris sees you he won't be able to keep his hands off you." Maci said

"Same goes to you, Sebastian is gonna be drooling when he sees you."

Maci's rehearsal dinner dress

"I know, so what do ya say? We go get a drink and get this party rolling." Maci said

"You go on ahead, I just wanna call Chris real quick."

Maci nodded and headed downstairs.

When I dialed it went straight to voicemail.

"Damn voicemail."

Sorry I can't talk right now, leave me a message and I'll get back to ASAP.

"Hey it's me, I guess your still in the air. The parties about to start so I'm gonna go mingle and wait for you to get here. Please hurry. I miss you Evans. I'll see you when you get here. Love you." I said hanging up.

I took a deep breath trying not to cry. I pulled it together and headed downstairs and out to the party.

Pretty much everyone was here. I saw Maci and Seb who of course were joined at the hip, Hemsworth minus the Mrs, Robert and Susan, Chris's sister, his mom, Scott and other co-workers and friends of Chris.

I walked over to Scott and mom.

"Sweetheart you look beautiful."

"Thanks mom."

"Hey, don't worry he'll be here." Mom said

I just smiled, I was afraid to open my mouth for the fear of tears streaming down my face. Plus maci did a great job on my makeup. I didn't have the heart to mess that up.

As I made my way around the party I looked at my watch. It was already 8:30 and now the fear of him missing it was setting in. So I excused myself and went over to the deck and looked out on the beach and watched the waves.

Chris's POV

Driving around LA when you need to be somewhere is rough, but there was no way in hell I was gonna let Lisa down.

Before i could get to my place i needed to stop by scott's cause that's where my party clothes are at. I decided to call Scott and let him know what's going on.


"Scott it's me."

"Chris where the hell are you the parties already started." he said

"I know I'm pulling into your driveway now, how is she?"

"She's worried your not gonna make it so get your ass dressed and get over here fast." He said

"I'm working on it."

"Good. Your suit and shoes are in the guest room." He said

"Awesome, ok i'm here i'll see ya soon."

I hung up with Scott and raced into the house and into the guest room, before I got dressed I grabbed a quick shower, got dressed in what seemed like record time, grabbed the flowers I had Scott pick me up from the counter and headed the short drive to my place.

"Don't worry baby, I'm gonna make it."

I drove as fast as I could without getting a speeding ticket. I parked the car on the other side of the house and headed in.

But first I called Scott letting him know I was here.

Lisa's POV

I stood at the railing of the deck and watched the sun setting over the ocean.


"He's gonna miss this Scott."

"No he's not and you wanna know how i know." he said


"Cause he's right behind you." Scott said

I looked at Scott then turned around and saw Chris standing behind me with a bouquet of roses. I walked over to him.

Chris's Rehearsal Dinner Suit.

"Your late Evans."

"I know I'm sorry traffic was a bitch." He said

"And you think those roses are gonna make up for it."

"That was kind of the plan. Forgive me." He said, opening his arms.

I smiled, cupped his face and brought his lips to mine. When we broke the kiss we both smiled.

"Your lucky I love you."

"Yes i am lucky, and by the way you stunning in that dress." he said

"And you look devilishly handsome."

"Hmm devilishly, I might have to show you how much of a devil I can be." He said

"Umm still right here guys." Scott said

"Sorry scotty." I said

"Forgiven, now come on, let's go party." He said

Chris put his arm around my waist and we headed to the party.

I was so happy he was home, now the party can really start.

The party was in full effect. The music was playing, the drinks were flowing and the laughter was loud.

Before dinner was over I disappeared into the den to get the gift I had stashed there for Chris.

Thankfully Maci distracted him so I could bring it down and show him.

"Hey everyone if i can get your attention, I just wanna thank everyone for coming tonight, tomorrow i get married to the man of my dreams, i know that sounds sappy, but if anyone here knows me i'm as sappy as they come." I said looking at Chris and seeing him smile at me.

"So before i get all mushy i have a gift for you honey, when i was a kid i loved to draw, i would doodle in books or on napkins i was really good, but when my mom died i lost my passion for it, than our wedding got leaked to the press and i started having really bad panic attacks and bad nightmares but one day i sat outside and just started drawing again and it helped me, so to make a long story short, Chris you've brought so much joy and happiness into my life, i made you something, maci can you bring it over."

Chris stood up and unwrapped the gift.

"Wow baby this is amazing." He said

"Yeah I just drew a bunch of different things."

"I see me and the kids on the beach, I'm tossing a ball to dodger, and I love this one. Me and Dodger sleeping on the couch, it doesn't even look like a drawing, it looks like you took it with a camera." He said turning it around and showing it to everyone.

While everyone was admiring the picture Chris pulled me off to the side, pulled me into his arms and kissed me.

"So I'll take it you like it."

"Like its baby, I love it." He said

"I was so worried you wouldn't like it."

"I love you." he said

"I love you too."

"You think anyone would notice that we disappeared." He said

"Hmmm so you wanna ditch the rest of the party, go up to the bedroom and spend the rest of the night."

"Screwing each other's brains out." He said

"Really, well we can't leave, we still have guests."

"Most of them are gone, the only ones here are maci, Sebastian, and Scott." He said, kissing my neck.

"Ok, no one's looking, let's go." I said following him up the back steps to the bedroom.

But before I got upstairs Maci called my name and I let go of Chris's hand and watched him run to the bedroom.

"Hey Lisa, where are you going?" Maci asked.

"Umm well i was umm, i'm going up to the bathroom i'll be just a minute."

I turned around to head up the steps.

"A minute I do hope Chris can go longer than that." Maci said

I turned and saw her smirk.

"Go on, have your fun, but 7am tomorrow morning your mine." Maci said heading outside to go sit with Sebastian and Scott.

I smiled and headed up to the bedroom. When I got in the bedroom I saw Chris sitting on the bed. His shirt opened, I closed the door and locked it so we didn't get interrupted.

When he looked at me his eyes traveled up and down my body before coming back up to my eyes, he got off the bed and took a few steps to me, backing me up against the wall and he crashed his lips onto mine.

He started biting at my lower lip as I opened my mouth just wanting to taste him, our tongues moving together, I ran my hands down his chiseled chest, his hand cupping my face, slightly tilting my head to the side for a better angle, a small moan came from me.

Chris pulled away from me, his eyes filled with desire, my head was swirling with passion for his short kisses, his hips pushed into me and I could feel just how much he desired me.

"Do you feel how much I want you, what just watching you come through the bedroom door has done to me." He said

My eyes fluttered shut when i felt his lips softly kissing my neck, his hand left my face and trailed down my body, he kneeled down and took off my heels, standing back up to face me he gripped my hips and with so much ease he picked me up, my legs wrapping around his waist, his lips devouring mine as he walked over to the bed.

He sat down on the bed and kneel down in front of me.

"Chris." I said

A chuckle emerged from him.

"What baby, tell me what you need." he said

It never ceases to amaze me how much his voice would turn me on, whether he called me baby or babe or honey, when his voice would get rough and gravely i would melt.

"You, I want you."

He smiled, taking my hands in his and standing me up. He unzipped the back of my dress letting it fall and pool around my feet leaving me standing in the matching strapless bra and panties, I then helped him take off his dress shirt and then his pants.

He placed his hands on my shoulder and gently pushed me down onto the bed. I slowly laid back as he kneeled down between my legs, he then took off my panties, his fingers sliding along my soaking wet clit, he wasted no time sliding his rock hard cock into me.

He started out slow, making me feel all of him, then his pace began to get faster, my hands gripping the bed sheets, the more he thrusted into me the louder my moans became.

Making love to Chris was like a drug, and I just couldn't get enough of him, I wanted him more and more with each passing day.

I could feel myself getting close to a climax, my legs wrapping around his waist pulling him closer to me.

"Fuck, oh god yes." I said

Chris's thrust began getting faster and faster, he wrapped his arms around my waist pulling me up to his chest, he sat on the edge of the bed as I straddled him.

I could feel my toes curling, I rocked my hips as fast I could, the more I did that the more Chris thrusted up into me. There was no way I was going to last much longer and from the animalistic groans I was hearing from Chris neither was he.

Our breathing became ragged, my head flung back as I could feel that oh so familiar sensation build and begin to bubble.

The way his hands would grip and rub my body sent shivers to places I didn't even know I had. His animalistic nature was something I had never felt before.

Before I knew it he flipped me over to where I was on my back looking up into his blue lust filled eyes.

"Oh god, yes right their baby."

"Fuck." he said

"Chris oh god." I said

I could feel every inch of me tighten around him.

"Yes oh god baby make me cum."

"Cum for me baby." He said.

My walls along with his thrusting sent us both over the edge, Chris rolled over to his side and pulled me close to him.

Once our breathing become normal again, I could feel him rubbing his thumb on my arm.

I closed my eyes and sighed.


"Penny for your thoughts." He said, kissing my neck.

I turned to face him.

"Tomorrow afternoon I'll be Mrs Chris Evans." I said.

"I love how that sounds." He said

I just smiled and felt my eyelids begin getting heavy. I placed my head on his chest and felt my body relax into a blissful sleep, excited for what's to come.

Chris's POV

I look at this beautiful woman lying in my arms and I can't help but think to myself how did i really get so lucky to meet her, to fall in love with her.

My love life was one that I wasn't really happy with but now I don't think I could ever be this happy.

A couple hours later it was 2am. I couldn't sleep so I decided to get dressed and head over to Scott and patiently wait for the time to come and marry this woman.

I got her something special for the day. I took it out of the night table drawer and placed it on the pillow next to her with a note that I had written.

I placed a kiss on her forehead.

"I love you Mrs Evans. I'll see you later." I said

I opened the bedroom door and looked back and smiled. I went downstairs and got dodger and headed over to scott's.

I couldn't wait for the wedding but the one thing I was most excited about was the honeymoon. I think Lisa is gonna be very surprised at what will be doing.

I smiled thinking about Lisa, I can't wait to marry her. The afternoon couldn't get here fast enough.

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