Mha Phantom Troupe Deku

By krlAlter

54.9K 827 86

Izuku Yagi born in the world with once a loving family until the age of four everyone he knew abandoned him... More

League of Villains
Not A chapter
Phantom Troupe Deku- Scarlet Eyes
Separate Ways


2.9K 49 8
By krlAlter

The Next day....

Izuku decided to leave early in the morning with Eri and Shalnark tagging along.

Izuku:(Curious) Shalnark if you don't mind me asking about the League of Villains I haven't heard from them for a while.

Shalnark: Well Chrollo said we're not fully fledged to them completely. we're are just using them just to get what we want.

Izuku was thinking for a split second before thinking back about the first meeting with the Lov.

Izuku: They have passes to I island right does everyone know about this in the troupe?

Shalnark: Not everyone knows about it. You see in a few months from now we're planning a heist to steal secret treasures and rare artifacts that are located there.

Izuku: I see well I can't wait to help as much as I can.

Eri looking around the area full of people still afraid she holds onto izuku hand gripping tightly. Izuku noticed her distress he gave her a calm smile.

Izuku: You be alright Eri. Don't worry ok?

Shalnark: Alright Izuku I'm going to do a little job that Chrollo assigned me today I see you back at the hideout see ya!

Izuku: Be careful Shalnark!!

Shalnark waves both to Izuku and Eri before leaving to his job.

Izuku:(calmly) Let's go Eri I have someone I like you to meet soon your going to love her.

Eri:(nods) Okay.


Shiki:(thoughts) Okay Im here... Now what should I do?

Mimi: Oh hello you must be new to our café. What do you like to drink?

Shiki: Um..  I like a hot cocoa with french toast please.

Mimi writing down her order.

Mimi: Anything else miss?

Shiki: No, but thanks for asking.

Mimi smile nicely before leaving to start her order as the moment she left Izuku and Eri enters and sees Shiki waiting for him.

Izuku: Oh hi Shiki!

Shiki:(surprised) Oh izuku I didn't know when you'll be here. Oh who's this little one?

Eri stands behind Izuku still shy for a moment before Izuku gave a small smile.

Izuku: It's okay Eri she's a good friend you can trust her.

Eri slowly nods as shiki smiles calmly.

Shiki: My name's is Shiki it's nice to meet you Eri.

Eri glanced at her before feeling a little better but, she still wary about meeting other people.

They all sat down in their respective table enjoying the morning with each others company.

Shiki: So what have you been doing?

Izuku: Well... Not much really besides helping with my family and watching over Eri. What about you any recent developments?

Shiki: Well I got a job outside of the city for awhile it's sort just happened out of nowhere somewhere after we left the shopping district yesterday.

Izuku:(surprised) That's great shiki what type of job is it?

Shiki stopped for a moment before saying anything to him that would affect their friendship.

Shiki: Well it's-

Mimi came by with Shiki's order placed on the table before realizing others Besides her.

Mimi: Here you go miss and what can I can get you sir--  I-i-izuku?

Izuku eye's widen and sees Mimi for the first time in a few months. Mimi looked at him with wide eyes as tears staring to form. He absentmindedly got up and hug her as her tears left her eyes as she grabs hold to him.

Mimi:(crying) Izuku where were you? I thought you.....I been looking for you...

Izuku:(tearful) I'm sorry Mimi for not saying Goodbye...I'm sorry.

Mimi tears flowing freely not caring people looking at her she was happy seeing izuku again. After calming down she decided to talk with them since she's now on her break.

Mimi: Where were you Izuku it's been months since you Disappeared. I wasn't too sure I would see you again...

Izuku was now guilty for not telling her his well being during the past months due to training and letting it slip his mind.

Mimi:(happy) But I'm happy to see you again Izu.

Izuku:(smile) Me too Mimi.

Eri looked at Mimi and Izuku smile at each other before sayings something in front of their faces.

Eri:(curious) Papa is that my new Mommy?

This shock the three of them all together for a moment causing Izuku and Mimi to blush forty shades of Red. Shiki looked like she's been hit with a Sharp arrow in her chest and a heavy imaginary boulder hit her head at the same time now looking at the two fully red.

Shiki:(thoughts) What's this feeling? Why do feel like peanut butter and jelly? But mainly Jelly?


At the Yagi's residents the principal of U.A. was now talking to the number one Hero All Might in his skinny form. The scary information about the number one Villain organization that even the government is afraid of knowing how extremely dangerous the Troupe were.

Nezu: Mr. Toshinori.

Toshinori: Yes sir.

Nezu: Let me explain the reason that I'm here is to inform you about a certain High class if Villains that have appeared in Japan recently.

Toshinori: May I ask who it is Mr Nezu Sir?

Nezu gave him a blank look before closing his eyes saying words that would even shake the pros to their souls.

Nezu: The Phantom Troupe.

This cause All might blood to stop instantly hearing that Name of the most dangerous criminals known in public. No one has never seen them face to face and survived the government tried sending some of their forces to stop them.... No one survived.

Toshinori:(scared) The phantom troupe why are they here in Japan?

Nezu:(sighs) Unfortunately Mr Yagi we don't have a single clue or reason why. If a word of them slipped out into the public everyone will start a panic. And with the Hero's association on edge trying to figure out to contain the Phantom Troupe and stop them. There's no easy way to solve this endeavor...

Toshinori: I see.... May I ask Mr nezu is there anything on my son? Anything at all?

Nezu:(serious) I'm afraid the trail went cold Mr Yagi there's hasn't been any sightings of Izuku. We'll continue with the search but in the meantime you should focus on your duties and be aware of the Phantom Troupe.

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