The Archbishop of the Jura Te...

By filip1500

210K 6.1K 4.2K

After meeting your end, caused by an....."unfortunate accident" you reincarnate in one of your favorite anime... More

Meeting the Goblins
The Battle against the Direwolfs
The Armed Nation of Dwargon
Gazel Dwargo, Hero King of Dwargon
The Fire Spirit, Ifrit
Attack of the Ogres
Small Harmless Bunnies
Orc Lord
Demon Lord Geld
The Destroyer vs The Strongest Archbishop

Demon Lord Loli

7.5K 308 160
By filip1500

After the duel, Gazel had reunited with his old master Haruko, it was a short and sweet moment, but we had quickly gathered somewhere else to discuss the reason that Gazel came here in the first place.

Rimuru: I see, so you were investigating the assembly of monsters that defeated the Orc Lord.

Gazel: Yes, it was to determine whether or not you were friend or foe. In any case, I must ask this of you, Y/n. Rimuru.

Rimuru: Sure?

Y/n: Have you any interest in entering a treaty with me?

Gazel: Have you any interest in entering a tr- Huh?!

You smugly smiled to yourself as Gazel looked at you wide eyed. You felt kinda bad and slightly like a bit of a fraud. You did kinda already know what he's going to say after all.

Y/n: I assume that I guessed correctly based on your reaction?

Gazel cleared his throat as he responded with a clear yes.

Meanwhile Rimuru looked confused as ever at your future predicting "skills"

Gazel: If you were to gain control of everything in the forest, you could gather power and wealth surpassing that of even my own nation. It would serve you well to have another country supporting you at such a time.

Rimuru: That would be nice, but...

He looked around at everyone else around us.

Rimuru: Are you sure about this? That would be the same as acknowledging our gathering of monsters as its own nation.

Gazel: Of course. This deal stands to benefit both of us.

Rimuru: In that case we have no reason to refuse, right?

He looked at me, guess he wanted me to answer that then.

I just calmly waved my hand a bit in boredom as I sat on the floor.

Y/n: We'll gladly accept your deal.

Gazel: Good. What will be the name of your nation then?

Rimuru looked slightly surprised as he looked a bit at the air in thought, but I quickly responded.

Y/n: The Jura Tempest Federation.

Gazel: The Jura Tempest Feseration?

Y/n: Yes, and the capital will be called...Regulus.

Might as well call the capital that, it wouldn't be fair if both the name of the nation and the capital were named after Rimuru, after all.

Shion then stood up from the table she was sitting at with a smile on her face.

Shion: That's our Y/n-sama!

Rigurd: Then our nation shall be called the Jura Tempest Federation with out capital city Regulus!

While the others were celebrating, I noticed that Rimuru was poking my shoulder to get my attention.

Rimuru: Regulus? Like the star?

You looked away slightly as you didn't want to admit that was totally not your intention.

Y/n: Y-Yea! Of course...

Rimuru's eyes narrowed as he saw right through that lie, then again you didn't hide it really well anyway. Luckly our attention was snapped back to Gazel as he started speaking to us.

Gazel: It's settled then?

Y/n & Rimuru: Yeah.

The two of us shook hands with Gazel. From this day forward this nation shall be called the Jura Tenpest Federation with the Captial city Regulus.


It's been two days since the establishment of the alliance between the Armed Nation of Dwargon and the Jura Tempest Federation.

You watched as Gazel once again arrived on his...flying horse? What are they called again? Maybe like, pegasus? Well, you didn't care enough to ask.

But this time Gazel brought a gift with him, in the form of Vesta.


Isn't this kidnapping? Actually since he's a gift for us, in theory this could be considered human traficking. Actually, what if-.....Ah, the hell am I even thinking about? The king gets to do what he wants in his own country, obviously he isn't going to be charged for anything.

Actually, why do I even care about that? It's Vesta for fucks sake.

As he dropped him to the ground, the cloths that were covering his body fell off and everyone could see Vesta's face now.

Rimuru: Eh?

Kaijin: That's Vesta!

Gazel: It would be a waste having such a talented man doing nothing, but I cannot allow him back into my services. Use him as you wish.

Kaijin: My king...That would allow Vesta's knowledge to leave the dwarves!

Gazel didn't look the slightest bit amused as he simply responded by saying...

Gazel: Says the man who left the dwarves himself?

Kaijin goes silent as he couldn't possibly think of a counter-argument.

Gazel: This is what the alliance is for.

Gazel then turned to speak to Vesta.

Gazel: Vesta...

Vesta: Y-Yes..?

Gazel: Devote yourself to studying here.

Vesta quickly nodded his head as he said...

Vesta: I shall. My king, this time...This time I will live up to your expectations.

He then turned to look at me Rimuru and Kaijin.

Vesta: Y/n-dono, Rimuru-dono, Kaijin-dono...I am truly sorry for my actions...Would you allow me to work here?

Well, not like you would refuse him or anything like that. His knowledge is far more valuable than gold, after all.

Kaijin: Having another talented researcher would help alot.

Kaijin then turned to face you and Rimuru.

Kaijin: Y/n-dono, Rimuru-dono. If anything bad happens, I'll take responsibility. Please have faith in me and show him mercy.

I put my finger on my chin and tilt my head, to the people around me it might seem like I'm considering whether or not to allow Vesta to work here, but I really wasn't ever going to say no to him working here. In the anime nothing bad seemed to happen due to him working here, so why would I refuse him?

Y/n: Well, if Kaijin says he'll take responsibility, then I suppose that I can't really refuse.

Vesta's nervous face quickly shaped into one of pure happiness as he kneeled infront of you.

Vesta: Thank you! I'm unworthy, but I will give my utmost efforts to both you and Rimuru-dono!

You then turned to look at Rimuru.

Y/n: You don't have any objections, do you?

It was a pointless question, but might as well ask. It's proper courtesy, after all.

Rimuru: Nope! None from me.

Gazel then bid us farewell as he flew away on his flying horse.

I turn around as I look straight towards the direction where Gabiru and his group of three other lizards stood.

Y/n: So, what are you even doing here?

I mean, I know why they're here, but can't really say it out loud for obvious reasons.

Gabiru: I, Gabiru! Have arrived in hopes that I may be of some help to the two of you!

Once again, his little bodyguards praised him as if he was actually cool or something. They're like robots that can't do anything other than that.

Shion: May I cut him up?

I shrugged.

Y/n: Yeah, fuck it. Why not?

Rimuru: Y/n!

Gabiru quickly panicked as he heard Shion's words.

Gabiru: Wait! Wait! Wait! We hoped you would permit us to join our ranks.

The four Lizardmen then kneel.

Gabiru: On my word, we will prove useful to you!

You scratched your chin, it was mainly to build up anticipation, you knew what you were going to say anyway.

Y/n: Yea, fuck it. Why no-

Rimuru: Is that your natural response now or something?

You looked away slightly.

Y/n: No....?

Rimuru looked at you with a deadpan expression, he clearly didn't believe your words.

And thus, Gabiru and his guards joined our nation to serve under us...Oh wait, because I said yes so quickly...Gabiru and his sister didn't have that funny conversation of theirs...Ah well, whatever. It won't have any bad butterfly consequences or anything.


For the next few days, I had Rimuru complete the task of granting jobs to our new residents.

He did protest about this, but I just kind of threw him out the window and hoped that he would do those things. Which luckly he did. Although he clearly wasn't pleased by it.

Whatever, it doesn't really matter anyway.

But I should probably think about what supposed to happen after the events of the Orc Lord...

Geez, I think that I've grown a bit too relaxed with my power that I keep forgetting to make sure that the timeline is in order.

Anyways, what was supposed to happen again? Uhh...I think someone is supposed to show u-

Great Sage: Warning, a person with a large amount of mana is currently heading over here.

Ooooh right, Milim...


Oh fuck, Milim!

Rimuru quickly ran up to me with slight panic on his face.

Rimuru: You sensed that too, right?

I nodded as the two of us ran in the direction of where Milim would be landing.

I picked Rimuru up while he was still in his human form and used Stillness of an Object's Time to run to the location where Milim would land in mere seconds.

After arriving there, I put Rimuru down and we waited a few seconds before the pink ball of mana came crashing down to the ground.

A large crater was formed as a large amount of smoke blocked our vision, eventually the smoke dissapeared to reveal...

Milim: Greetings! I am the one and only dragonoid, also known as the destroyer, the Demon Lord Milim Nava!

And there she was, the Demon Lord Milim Nava....

Also, does she really not feel embarrassed to only be wearing "that"?!

I mean seriously! It's a loooooot more embarrassing in person to even look at her! Anime characters are something else, huh...

Though I guess it's a lot easier to appreciate her cuteness in person, but that's not really the priority right now...

Milim: I heard you two were the strongest in town, so I came to introduce myself.

Suddenly, Milim walked over to me and she was mere inches away from my face as she seemed to examine me.

Milim: Hmm...Are you really the one who fought the Orc Lord thingy? You're painfully average, but your eyes are nice to look at.



The veins on my forehead bulged as I suddenly felt quite a bit angered at her comment.

Y/n: Well, that's not really nice now is it, you cute bitch? How about I throw you across the continent for that?

Rimuru face was honestly priceless as he listened to my words.

Even Milim seemed a bit surprised before she backed away from my face as she smirked slightly.

Milim: Oh? You want to play with me?

My anger went down slightly as I heard what she said.

Y/n:...You know, that could easily be taken out of context considering that-

Suddenly, we heard a voice behind us.

Shion: Prepare to die.

We were then dragged away by Ranga as Rimuru tried to protest, but the trio of Shion, Benimaru and Soei tried to fight Milim anyway and...Fail horribly.

Rimuru got the trio some healing potions as I started walking towards Milim.

Rimuru: Hold on Y/n! She's has a flat chest and is a pink haired Loli! There is no way you can win!

I completely ignore him as I think about the situation, she most likely can't hurt me, but a fight between us here would probably cause the destruction of our town. So If I'm going to do this, then I have to do this somewhere else.

Milim smiled as she watched me approach her.

Milim: Just so you know, no one gets away with calling me that. You might as well consider this town destroyed.

Red flag.

Massive red flag.

I shouldn't have called her that now, should I have?

Guess I'll have to use the power of words to hopefully convince her otherwise.

Y/n: Really? Then how about this? If you don't kill me within two minutes, then you let this town go, deal?

Milim: Hmm...And If I win?

You laugh slightly.

Y/n: You can have everyone in this town as your slave.


Rimuru: What the fu-

Milim: Deal!

You close your eyes and sigh. This might actually be a difficult battle for you, so it's best not to let your guard down.

You open your eyes as you see a fist right in front of you.

Y/n: Oh-

Within an instant, you were sent miles flying back.

About 2100 words.

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