A Beautiful Demon (Demon Slay...

By resevoir315

147K 3.9K 853

In pursuit of their goals, Y/N heads out to become a Demon Slayer. However, after meeting a girl named Nezuko... More

The House In The Woods [1]
Nezuko [2]
A Perspective Change [3]
Goodbye | Thank You [4]
Tetsuo Nakatomi [5]
Final Selection [6]
Unforeseen Events [ 7]
Death | Hero [8]
Aftermath [9]
Ever Loved? [10]
Departure [11]
Beatdown [12]
Mitsuri Kanroji [13]
The Hashira [14]
The Butterfly Girls [15]
Total Concentration Constant [16]
Sayonara [17]
Demon In The Box [18]
Hashira Struggle [19]
My Sword [20]
Nezuko Reuinion [21]
I Love You, Nezuko [22]
Calm Before The Storm [23]
Sleeping Beauty [24]
Blind Rage [25]
Final Farewell [26]
Through Nezuko's Eyes [27]
10th Hashira [28]
What Was Missing [29]
Nightmarish Scenario [30]
Faker Battle [31]
Kissed Me [32]
New Hashira Summoning [33]
Walk With Shinobu [34]
Tsuguko Search [35]
Grief And Sorrow [37]
Christmas Short [Special]
Move Forward [38]
Tengen Uzui [39]
Until Next Time [40] (FINALE)
Book 2 Update:

Devastating Death [36]

1.7K 49 15
By resevoir315

**It'll be fine. I've got my own mission to worry about right now.**

I'd sat and talked with Mikio for a while before sending her off to go rest. Tanjiro, Zenitsu, and Inosuke were leaving on a mission early in the morning, and I assumed Nezuko would be going with them too, so I visited her room to say bye before she left. When I got there, I found Nezuko sleeping and decided not to wake her up so she could rest before they left.

Y/N: Have fun on your mission, I know you all will do well. You can tell me all about it when you get back.

I pet Nezuko's head as she slept and she started making noises in her sleep. I thought she woke up, so I stopped, but she didn't. After a moment, I left the room and headed downstairs to my room.

**They'll be gone in the morning. I need to start planning what I'm going to have Mikio do to train. Maybe Susanoo will come around by the morning too.**

I got to my room and went to sleep. I woke up the next day and took my blade before I went over to see Mikio. She was already up and doing stretches in the room as she prepared for the day. Susanoo and Hibiki were nowhere to be found.

Mikio: Lord Y/N! Good morning.

Y/N: Morning. Susanoo's not around?

Mikio: He went somewhere with Hibiki. They usually always leave in the morning, though. I never join them because it interferes with my morning routine.

Y/N: It's good you have structure. If you're up for it, we'll get to training later.

Mikio: Of course! I'm ready whenever.

She excitedly stopped stretching and grabbed her katana as she ran over to me waiting for instructions.

Y/N: Don't let me mess up your morning routine. It can wait until you're ready.

Mikio: For you, I will make time. I'm always ready.

**I like her determination.**

I smiled at her.

Y/N: Okay, let's go then if you're sure.

She followed me out of the room and we walked through the halls.

Mikio: Lord Y/N, is it alright if I call you master or sensei now? Or even senpai?

Y/N: How old are you, Mikio?

Mikio: [Your Age]

**She's the same age as me... I get that she's being respectful, but calling me those titles just sounds a little weird...**

Y/N: Call me whatever you want to.

Mikio: Okay master.

We walked outside and off into the woods.

Mikio: Senpai, where are we going?

Y/N: Well, we're starting with some practical training. If I'm going to teach you anything, I need to know what your current level is.

Mikio: How are we going to do that?

Y/N: I took a mission last night. We're on our way over there right now.

Mikio: Wow! A mission with you, I must be dreaming.

We walked and talked for a long time until we reached a village. Upon entering, it looked like a normal village with nothing going on. However, Ringo told me that there were woods outside of the village that people entered and never came back from. It was coined the 'suicide woods' as people have started entering there with the intentions of never returning.

Y/N: We're here. North-Northwest of where we're at now there are some woods. That's most likely where our target's at.

Mikio: Are we going now? The sun is setting.

Y/N: Let's head over in that direction first before we go in. Once the sun fully goes down, we go in.

Mikio: Understood!

We walked through the village and got strange stares from the locals. Between my bright haori and giant sword, I stuck out like a sore thumb in that village. Mikio wasn't much better... Her indigo-blue hair and silver haori didn't fit in.

Mikio: They're staring at us, master.

Y/N: They probably haven't seen anything like us come through here before. Just keep walking, we'll be fine.

We walked further until we reached the outskirts of the village. A trail lead off into a forest and there was a sign in the ground that read, "Enter with caution."

Y/N: That's definitely our place. We've got some time before the sun goes down, though.

I heard Mikio's stomach rumble as we stood there looking off down the path.

Y/N: You haven't eaten today, huh?

Mikio: No, but I can take it.

Y/N: Stay here and make sure nobody goes down this path. I'll be back in a minute.

I walked through the village in search of somewhere to get food for Mikio. I found a shop where I could get rice and tonkatsu for cheap. I purchased a bowl of rice, tonkatsu, and cabbage to go. I went back over to where I left Mikio and saw her on alert guarding the path.

**Good work, she's not slacking even for a moment. Her work ethic is probably better than mine.**

Y/N: Here you go.

I handed her the food and took on guard duty while she sat down on a bench.

Mikio: Senpai, aren't you going to eat too?

Y/N: No. I'm used to going days even weeks without proper food consumption. Enjoy that and get your energy up before dark.

She hesitated to eat and looked like she wanted to offer me some of the food. But, in following orders, she started to eat.

Mikio: Thank you very much sensei.

Y/N: Don't mention it. I forgot a drink, I'll be back again.

She grabbed ahold of my haori before I could walk off.

Mikio: No, it's okay. You're already doing enough for me.

Y/N: You sure? That shop isn't far.

Mikio: I'm sure.

I kept guard for a while as she ate. I fended off curious children who wanted to explore and turned back people who had lost their way. I wasn't letting anybody get into those woods until me and Mikio were done.

Mikio: Sensei Y/N?

Y/N: Yes?

Mikio: I didn't know what to expect from you at first, but you're so nice. I think you're my favorite.

Y/N: Favorite Hashira? You just haven't met Mitsuri or Rengoku yet then.

Mikio: Not Hashira. Person.

I looked down at her. She had her head down and she was kicking up dirt.

Mikio: Not a lot of people in this world are inherently kind. A lot of people I've come across in the past have done me wrong... But even still, I know I'm strong enough to take it, so I never retaliated no matter how much I wanted to.

Y/N: You have a good head on your shoulders.

Mikio: It's hard for me to trust people when I first meet them now. I kind of get stunned and lose the words I want to say. Like when your friends showed up in the dining room yesterday.

Y/N: Really? I didn't notice because when you first met me, you were so energetic and excited.

Mikio: I was happy because you're a Hashira. I have nothing short of admiration for you all. But when I found out that despite your position, you were so nice and genuine to small-fry like me, it made me feel all warm and ticklish inside.

**After my chat with Miho way back when I think I understand that feeling more or less.**

Mikio: And so that's why I thought to tell you that you're my favorite. I don't really have anybody else or anywhere to go.

Y/N: Then I'm glad I found you. You can travel with me as long as you want to.

She smiled.

Mikio: And that is a real blessing. Honestly, when I got hospitalized at Shinobu's home, I was hoping that I'd run into her and she would ask me to stay there with her and train. I know that it was wishful thinking.

**Maybe not as farfetched as you may think when it comes to Shinobu...**

Mikio: But then you came and said you were looking for Tsugukos. I knew that my prayers had been answered, just in a different way than I thought.

Mikio slid over on the bench closer to where I was standing and leaned against me.

Mikio: I'm glad you have faith in me. And since I was waiting for this, I won't disappoint you no matter how hard it gets.

**What a stroke of luck! The Hashira warned that it was difficult to find a determined Tsuguko, but I think I lucked out with Mikio.**

Y/N: You couldn't disappoint me. I mean, look where we're at right now. I only met you yesterday and here you are now, blindly following me out to the middle of nowhere for a mission you know nothing about. If that's not loyalty and drive then I don't know what is. Speaking of...

I looked up. We'd been talking for a bit and the sun was down now. I turned and looked down the path.

Y/N: Are you ready to go in?

She got up and put her hand on her sheathed blade.

Mikio: Yes, sensei!

Y/N: Let's go.

I ran down the path towards the woods and she chased behind. I wasn't completely healed yet, but I was recovered enough to fight.

Y/N: We have to make this quick. Now that nobody's guarding the path, civilians could wander in here.

Mikio: Right!

Y/N: Ringo, my Kasugai Crow, believes there's only one demon here. Crows are great, but sometimes they're wrong about things. Be on guard, okay?

We entered the woods and slowed down once we did. It was quiet, and not even the sound of wind blowing could be heard.

Y/N: Always look around. Don't focus your attention on one spot for too long.

As we went along, I heard a slight rustling sound in the distance. It was so noticeable because of how quiet everything else was.

Y/N: That way.

I branched off the trail we were on and Mikio followed me. We ran towards where the sound was coming from and found a humanoid figure standing alone with leaves circling him.

Mikio: That's a demon, not a civilian.

Y/N: You could tell?

Mikio: Intuition.

Y/N: Well, you're right.

Demon: Are you searching for an end to your life, or did you wander in here by accident? I'll kill you both regardless, but depending on if I like your answer or not, I'll either torture you or make it quick.

The demon started laughing maniacally and I saw a bead of sweat form on Mikio's head.

Demon: I'm joking! I'll torture you no matter what you say!

Y/N: Practical training starts now, Mikio.

I walked away and leaned against a tree. Mikio watched me walk away and got confused.

Mikio: Master, what are you-

Y/N: Never take your eyes off your enemy.

She quickly turned and looked back towards the demon as she drew her sword.

Y/N: Show me what you've got.

Mikio: But-

Demon: Not smart to challenge me one-on-one! Many have entered these woods, none have left!

The demon looked over at me.

Demon: And don't you dare try to run!  I'll catch you if you do.

Mikio: Don't talk to them!

Mikio stood her ground and waited for the demon to do something. She was putting what I said to Hibiki into practice and letting her enemy make the first move so she could see their abilities.

Demon: I'll have fun killing you.

The demon started waving its arms as the leaves circling it got faster and faster. After a moment, they stopped circling the demon and flew towards Mikio at high speeds.

Demon: Shred!

Mikio quickly leaped through the air, swiftly dodging all of the flying leaves, and swung towards the demon. Her attack missed because a random gust of wind came and blew her away.

**Wind? So this demon controls air and uses it to control leaves and throw them around like knives... Is that air manipulation the reason why it's so quiet in these woods? Is that demon able to stop sound waves from traveling through the air somehow? Regardless, I won't intervene for now. Let's see if Mikio can figure it out.**

Mikio landed and looked over at me momentarily. She was trying to stay focused on the fight, but she was wondering if I really intended to just standby and watch. She arched her eyebrows and stood straight up.

Mikio: I won't disappoint...

She crouched down.

Mikio: Thunder Breathing... First Form... Thunderclap and Flash!

She dashed at the demon prepared to end the fight in one blow. Wind circled the demon and her direction was thrown off again when she got close.

Mikio: I see... At first, I thought you were controlling the leaves, but now I know it's the air.

**Good. Keep figuring it out.**

The demon twirled its arms again and a swarm of leaves flew at Mikio from different sides. She jumped in the air to dodge. Once she did, the demon made an uppercut motion with its arm, and Mikio was shot up into the air by a geyser of wind. She composed herself in the air and prepared to attack.

**She's not losing focus, but she knows just as well as I do that she won't be able to fall from that height and be unharmed... She's planning to defeat the demon at any cost even if she can't save herself.**

Mikio: Thunder Breathing Fourth Form... Distant Thunder!

Mikio swung her sword down at the demon. Her technique generated a shockwave with similar properties to lightning down at the demon. It was almost like she generated a condensed ball of electricity. The demon tried to block with a wall of air, but the attack went through it and struck the demon. It started bleeding and fell to the ground.

**So the air it controls can only block physical things? A shockwave like Mikio just used wouldn't be able to be blocked.**

I quickly got off of the tree I was leaning on and ran up another one. I jumped off a branch and caught Mikio out of the air.

Y/N: That was a noble attack you just did.

Mikio smiled. She was ecstatic to be saved by me.

Mikio: I thought you said you wouldn't help?

Y/N: Surely I wasn't going to let you fall.

I landed on the ground and put her down.

Y/N: Now it's all you again.

I stepped back and let Mikio handle the fight. She prepared to attack the demon with Thunderclap and Flash again while it was still down. As she dashed over and cut its head off, I couldn't help but think that it was a little bit anticlimactic. The demon started to burn up in ashes and Mikio ran over to me.

Mikio: Did I do good?

Y/N: You did great. I thought this demon might be a little tougher for you, though... I feel like I didn't get to fully see what you're capable of. But you handling that demon so quickly gave me a little bit of insight into where you're at right now. Let's go.

We left the woods and started heading out back towards the village.

Y/N: You can use Total Concentration Breathing, but can you use Constant?

Mikio: That's when you use Total Concentration Breathing nonstop isn't it? I know that because all of the Hashira can use it. You can too, can't you?

Y/N: Yeah. I want to see if I can teach you to use it. It sounds impossible, I know, but trust me it's very much so possible. We'll work on it some other time.

We headed through the village and back out the same way we entered to go back to Shinobu's home.

Mikio: Master, Y/N. I knew all along that you wouldn't just sit by while I fought that demon. It was just a test.

Y/N: I told you it'd be alright. You've got to believe in yourself, Mikio.

Mikio: But senpai, wouldn't you be worried too facing a demon like that?

Y/N: Maybe once upon a time. Not anymore, though. And that's why I'm pushing you so hard. I have faith that you can do great things.

She started to blush and rock back and forth.

Mikio: Sensei, you flatter me!

Y/N: Yeah I figured you'd realize. I was just hoping it wouldn't make you hold back.

Mikio: Never.

Y/N: The fatal weakness of demons is their unwillingness to work together. We as Slayers are constantly helping each other and I think teamwork is just as important as individual strength. That's why I helped you.

Mikio: When you saved me from falling and caught me out the air... It was like a hero saving a damsel in distress.

Y/N: Ok, don't make it weird.

Mikio: It's not weird, it's endearing!

We laughed and talked as we walked along. I was glad to find a Tsuguko, but I was also glad she was the same age as me. It made her much easier to talk with as opposed to someone either much younger or much older. We walked through the night before a crow started flying overhead.

**There's no apple, so it's not Ringo.**

Y/N: Your crow?

Mikio: No, that one's not mine. I wonder who it belongs to.

The crow flew down towards me and landed on my shoulder. I looked over and saw it was teary-eyed.

Y/N: It's crying..?

Mikio: They can cry? I've never seen them do that.

Crow: Y/N! I bring news from the Master!

**News from the Master himself? This must be important.**

Crow: Flame Hashira, Kyojuro Rengoku, has been slain in battle.

I stopped walking and felt my blood go cold as I stared at the crow. I tried to say, "what?" But no words would form.

**Now I understand the crow's tears.**

Mikio: No...

Crow: After an unexpected encounter with Upper Moon 3, Kyojuro Rengoku had succumbed to his injuries and passed away. As one of the Hashira, you have been informed of this information first.

Mikio grabbed my arm trying to snap me out of my trance. It took me a moment to process what I just heard.

Y/N: Kyojuro was what? Say that again... I dare you...

Crow: Slain in the line of duty, Rengoku carried out his mission and did not let a single passenger on the Mugen train die. Please refrain from sharing this information.

I clenched my teeth and felt my veins popping out in anger. I reached for the crow but stopped myself mid-action.

**The crow did nothing wrong... Don't shoot the messenger.**

It flew away and all I could do was stand there feeling defeated. I looked over at Mikio who was shaking and crying.

**She never even met Rengoku, but her sadness is a combination of hearing about the death of someone she idolized and seeing me so stressed. I need to stay strong for her sake.**

Y/N: It's going to be okay. We're almost back. Let's keep going.

**Tanjiro, Zenitsu, Inosuke, Nezuko... What happened on that mission? Please tell me you all are okay at least.**

I wrapped my arm around Mikio and hugged her as she cried and we kept walking. As my junior, I had to shield her. However, I was feeling terrible myself... angry, confused, and sad. I wished that I had someone to hug me and tell me it was going to be okay right now. We walked back the rest of the way in silence. It took us a long time to get back considering how slow we were moving after getting the news. I let go of Mikio and stared at the building.

**I need to go see Shinobu. I was told not to share the news, so who else could I go to about it?**

I slowly dragged myself along into the building without realizing I left Mikio behind outside. I was sure she could find her way to her room, I was just too depressed to worry about anything else right now. I came across Aoi.

**What's she doing awake at this time? Whatever...**

Aoi: Y/N, you're back-

She looked me up and down.

Aoi: You look terrible...

I didn't really feel like saying anything in response to that, so I just forced myself to smile. I knew that it probably looked crooked, and Aoi knew me too well to not see through the facade. She dropped what she was doing and ran over to me.

Aoi: What happened? Where's Mikio?

She was assuming the worst but was missing the target. She looked concerned when I didn't respond and hugged me. It wasn't out of the ordinary for Aoi to let me hug her, but it was out of the ordinary for her to hug somebody else.

Y/N: Is Shinobu home?

My voice cracked as I tried to speak. That sort of thing happened when I went too long without making any sound. Aoi let go of me and stepped back.

Aoi: She's been in her office all day. I'll walk with you.

Y/N: No, it's okay. I think I'll go alone.

She stared at me with a worried look on her face as I turned and walked away in search of Shinobu.

**I love you Aoi, I'm just out of it right now. Don't take it personally.**

I slowly made my way to the hallway Shinobu's office was at. I walked down towards the door with my head empty and free of any thoughts other than sadness. I stood outside Shinobu's office and hesitated to go in. The news about Rengoku made me feel sick, and I was worried about Shinobu. I raised my hand to knock on the door, but for some unexplainable reason, I was afraid.

**Why am I so scared? I'm not afraid of Shinobu, I'm just scared in general...**

After looking up to and admiring Kyojuro, hearing the news of his death terrified me. It could've been me. It could've been Shinobu. It could be Tanjiro, Inosuke, Zenitsu, or even Nezuko.

**Not hearing from any of them is making me worried.**

As I stood frozen outside of Shinobu's office, I was faced with my own mortality.

**Shinobu might need someone right now. I need to go in there. Stop freezing up!**

I knocked on the door and waited a moment. There was no response, so I knocked again. Again, nothing. My fear heightened at the lack of response. I worried that Shinobu might've been in trouble. Kyojuro's death had me on edge and paranoid now. I was assuming the worst. I knocked one last time and waited for a while. I hesitated, but eventually, I brought myself to just open the door and go inside.

Y/N: Lady Shinobu?

I looked around the room and saw Shinobu sitting in a chair. Her head was down on her desk and I realized she was sleeping. I walked over to the desk and saw that she was researching potent poisons.

**She must be trying to get stronger to get rid of powerful demons... I'm glad she hasn't given up hope.**

I looked at her face and saw a few dry spots. She had been crying. I fought back my own tears as I thought about how much harder this news must've been for her to hear than it was for me.


She was probably too tired and stressed to move herself to her room, but I knew she couldn't sleep like that. Her body was hunched over on her desk and if she kept sleeping like that then she'd have to go to Rehabilitation Training herself. I slowly and gently picked her up out of her chair and carried her over to a couch that she had in her office.

**She must've been really tired because there's no way she wouldn't have woken up from me moving her.**

I laid her down on the couch and placed a pillow under her head. She didn't have a blanket in her office, so I took off my haori and laid it over her. I was feeling super overprotective of her right now and couldn't stop wondering how I would've reacted if I found out she had died on a mission. Rengoku's devastating news had taken control of all of my thoughts.

**Please don't leave me Shinobu. Am I selfish for saying that I want to die before any of you all? Tanjiro, Nezuko, Zenitsu, Inosuke, Mitsuri, Mikio, Tetsuo, Aoi, everybody... I don't think I could handle seeing any of you go. Why, Kyojuro? Why'd it happen like this?**

I sat in a chair across from the couch Shinobu was sleeping on.

**Why did Rengoku have to go and run into an Upper Moon? Was it seriously his time, destiny?**

I stared at Shinobu as I got lost in my thoughts.

**Is there a god? What's the reason? Why are you letting the demons win? When will this end?**

I was overcome with a wave of grief as my eyes got watery.

**That's right...**

I looked over at the door which was closed. I waited for a moment to see if anybody would come in.

**It's just me and Shinobu here. I don't have to stay strong for anybody in here...**

I held the sides of my head as it felt like somebody was smashing a log against it. I was engulfed by emotions and started to cry.

Y/N: Why? Why? I should've been there... I could've been there.

For some reason, I started to blame myself for what happened.

**If I hadn't been in a rush to get a Tsuguko, I would've still had free time! I am the Hashira tasked with helping other Hashiras... Why wasn't I there for Rengoku?**

I slumped over in the chair and cried myself to sleep. I woke up an hour later. The chair wasn't comfortable enough to sleep on, so it was no surprise that I woke up so fast. My face felt crackly because my tears had dried it up. Shinobu was still asleep on the couch.

**Get your rest, Lady Shinobu. You've clearly been overworking yourself.**

I slowly got up from the chair and upon further inspection realized I had a blanket covering me.

**Where did this blanket come from? Shinobu didn't wake up yet... Did Aoi bring me this? Maybe Kanao or one of the girls. No matter...**

I got up and left her office. I headed outside and started walking around the area. I wasn't thinking about anything, in particular, I just needed to get some air. I stopped walking around and sat down on the ground.

**It's chilly out here...**

I realized I never took my haori back and it was still with Shinobu.

**Who cares... I'll get it later. What was it like Rengoku? Was death meant for you? Did Tanjiro and the others see it happen? How did it all unfold? Where was I?**

I looked up in the sky. The early morning sky was pretty, but I wasn't feeling appreciative of it at all.

**Where was I?**

I felt like crying again, but that feeling quickly turned into rage. Thanks to Nezuko, I was able to change my outlook on demons. However, this news was challenging my new set of morals and how I saw demons.

**Where was I?!**

I pounded the ground and dug up dirt as I tried to express my anger without alerting anybody inside the mansion. Despite my best efforts, I was sure that I could be heard.

**Where was I?**

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